Category: malware

Delve into the tools and strategies to enhance your capabilities, with the synergy of EDR tools and advanced sandboxing techniques.

As we delve deeper into the cybercriminal landscape, infostealer malware remains a pervasive threat, continuing to evolve and adapt to net attackers a wealth of sensitive data. These malicious tools, deftly infiltrating systems, swipe everything from login credentials to credit card details, fueling a thriving black market on the dark

Introduction VMRay Analyzer version 4.5 adds the capability to extract malware configurations. In this blog post we take a deep dive into malware configurations: what are they, how can they be used, and how VMRay Analyzer extracts and presents them. How Do I Use an Extracted Malware Configuration? The configuration

Living off the Land Binaries – aka LOLBins – represent one of the more creative and insidious malware threats today. Attackers use LOLBins to evade detection by manipulating legitimate systems and processes for malicious purposes. In this post—condensed from a SANS webcast featuring SANS Analyst Jake Williams and VMRay Sr.

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