Category: Product Features

Introduction With this article, we are ready to share a new series of posts that will reveal the latest signature and detection changes. Constant research in threat landscape is vital to VMRay products – DeepResponse, FinalVerdict and TotalInsight – as it allows us to react to the latest malware developments

Introduction With this article, we are ready to share a new series of posts that will reveal the latest signature and detection changes. Constant research in threat landscape is vital to VMRay products – DeepResponse, FinalVerdict and TotalInsight – as it allows us to react to the latest malware developments

Introduction Finally, spring has come to our headquarters, bringing a fresh and new start. The freshness came around to VMRay’s products, too, as we are proud to introduce our new product portfolio that aims to boost the productivity of security operations. You will find more information on our products further

Introduction We know malware doesn’t take a day off, but we hope you will enjoy the winter holiday season. Welcome back, and let’s start the new year with another awesome release of VMRay Analyzer. The first news is improving our release versioning convention. The release name now reflects a chronological

Introduction The major focus of the VMRay Platform v4.7 release is its enhanced support for security automation. We’ve also made some improvements to the platform’s core capabilities. Here are some of the highlights: New dashboard to ease customers’ journey towards full security automation with VMRay. Enhancements to the IR Mailbox

The VMRay Platform v4.6.0 release incorporates several new features and enhancements to help CERT and incident response teams enhance the efficiency of their operations. Here are some of the highlights: Improved overviews of manual searches conducted by enterprise SOC teams and managed security services providers (MSSPs). Support for macOS Big

Introduction VMRay Analyzer version 4.5 adds the capability to extract malware configurations. In this blog post we take a deep dive into malware configurations: what are they, how can they be used, and how VMRay Analyzer extracts and presents them. How Do I Use an Extracted Malware Configuration? The configuration

Introduction Artificial intelligence, and more precisely machine learning (ML), has become an almost omnipresent topic in the tech industry over the last decade. ML is applied to all kinds of problems, from image and speech recognition, online fraud detection, up to stock market predictions. It seems just natural to also

Writing this introduction for the Platform 4.5.0 release has been a thrill, considering its incredible content. Yet, it wasn’t an easy task. How can you find a common theme for a release that includes two new, yet different, major capabilities? One, a breakthrough in phishing detection using Machine Learning. Two,

Editor’s Note: This post was updated on February 6, 2018. Editor’s Note: This post was updated on October 16, 2019. VM Detection – Passing the Pafish Test Paranoid Fish (pafish) is a tool for detecting malware analysis environments, replicating what malware will do in the wild to detect if it

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