Spyware Injector
XBinder XLoader Mal/Generic-S Mal/HTMLGen-A
Created on 2022-01-18T16:38:00
Remarks (2/2)
(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "20 hours, 21 minutes, 21 seconds" to "23 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.
(0x0200004A): 2 dumps were skipped because they exceeded the maximum dump size of 7 MB. The largest one was 27 MB.
This list contains only the embedded files, downloaded files, and dropped files
Filters: |
There are no files for this filter
There are no files in this analysis
File Name | Category | Type | Verdict | Actions |
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\Desktop\sample.jar | Sample File | Java Archive |
Rule Name | Rule Description | Classification | Score | Actions |
XBinder | Packer used to distribute malware | - |
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\gIkAOpZB.exe | Dropped File | Binary |
Verdict |
Names | Mal/Generic-S |
Image Base | 0x400000 |
Entry Point | 0x4367cb |
Size Of Code | 0x50000 |
Size Of Initialized Data | 0x48000 |
File Type | FileType.executable |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2016-12-06 11:32:08+00:00 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x401000 | 0x50000 | 0x50000 | 0x1000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.36 |
.rdata | 0x451000 | 0x17000 | 0x17000 | 0x51000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 6.61 |
.data | 0x468000 | 0xb848 | 0x8000 | 0x68000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 6.93 |
.zrjfv | 0x474000 | 0x28ee9 | 0x29000 | 0x70000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE | 7.98 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
glGenTextures | - | 0x4512e8 | 0x65a0c | 0x65a0c | 0x6a |
glBindTexture | - | 0x4512ec | 0x65a10 | 0x65a10 | 0xc |
glTexParameteri | - | 0x4512f0 | 0x65a14 | 0x65a14 | 0x138 |
glTexImage2D | - | 0x4512f4 | 0x65a18 | 0x65a18 | 0x135 |
glBegin | - | 0x4512f8 | 0x65a1c | 0x65a1c | 0xb |
glArrayElement | - | 0x4512fc | 0x65a20 | 0x65a20 | 0xa |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
RtlUnwind | - | 0x4510cc | 0x657f0 | 0x657f0 | 0x22f |
HeapAlloc | - | 0x4510d0 | 0x657f4 | 0x657f4 | 0x199 |
HeapFree | - | 0x4510d4 | 0x657f8 | 0x657f8 | 0x19f |
HeapReAlloc | - | 0x4510d8 | 0x657fc | 0x657fc | 0x1a2 |
GetTimeZoneInformation | - | 0x4510dc | 0x65800 | 0x65800 | 0x170 |
GetSystemTime | - | 0x4510e0 | 0x65804 | 0x65804 | 0x15d |
GetLocalTime | - | 0x4510e4 | 0x65808 | 0x65808 | 0x11b |
GetStartupInfoA | - | 0x4510e8 | 0x6580c | 0x6580c | 0x150 |
GetCommandLineA | - | 0x4510ec | 0x65810 | 0x65810 | 0xca |
ExitProcess | - | 0x4510f0 | 0x65814 | 0x65814 | 0x7d |
RaiseException | - | 0x4510f4 | 0x65818 | 0x65818 | 0x20b |
TerminateProcess | - | 0x4510f8 | 0x6581c | 0x6581c | 0x29e |
HeapSize | - | 0x4510fc | 0x65820 | 0x65820 | 0x1a3 |
GetACP | - | 0x451100 | 0x65824 | 0x65824 | 0xb9 |
HeapDestroy | - | 0x451104 | 0x65828 | 0x65828 | 0x19d |
HeapCreate | - | 0x451108 | 0x6582c | 0x6582c | 0x19b |
VirtualFree | - | 0x45110c | 0x65830 | 0x65830 | 0x2bf |
VirtualAlloc | - | 0x451110 | 0x65834 | 0x65834 | 0x2bb |
IsBadWritePtr | - | 0x451114 | 0x65838 | 0x65838 | 0x1b8 |
UnhandledExceptionFilter | - | 0x451118 | 0x6583c | 0x6583c | 0x2ad |
FreeEnvironmentStringsA | - | 0x45111c | 0x65840 | 0x65840 | 0xb2 |
FreeEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x451120 | 0x65844 | 0x65844 | 0xb3 |
GetEnvironmentStrings | - | 0x451124 | 0x65848 | 0x65848 | 0x106 |
GetEnvironmentStringsW | - | 0x451128 | 0x6584c | 0x6584c | 0x108 |
SetHandleCount | - | 0x45112c | 0x65850 | 0x65850 | 0x26d |
GetStdHandle | - | 0x451130 | 0x65854 | 0x65854 | 0x152 |
GetFileType | - | 0x451134 | 0x65858 | 0x65858 | 0x115 |
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | - | 0x451138 | 0x6585c | 0x6585c | 0x28b |
LCMapStringA | - | 0x45113c | 0x65860 | 0x65860 | 0x1bf |
LCMapStringW | - | 0x451140 | 0x65864 | 0x65864 | 0x1c0 |
GetStringTypeA | - | 0x451144 | 0x65868 | 0x65868 | 0x153 |
GetStringTypeW | - | 0x451148 | 0x6586c | 0x6586c | 0x156 |
IsBadReadPtr | - | 0x45114c | 0x65870 | 0x65870 | 0x1b5 |
IsBadCodePtr | - | 0x451150 | 0x65874 | 0x65874 | 0x1b2 |
SetStdHandle | - | 0x451154 | 0x65878 | 0x65878 | 0x27c |
CompareStringA | - | 0x451158 | 0x6587c | 0x6587c | 0x21 |
CompareStringW | - | 0x45115c | 0x65880 | 0x65880 | 0x22 |
SetEnvironmentVariableA | - | 0x451160 | 0x65884 | 0x65884 | 0x262 |
SetFileTime | - | 0x451164 | 0x65888 | 0x65888 | 0x26c |
SystemTimeToFileTime | - | 0x451168 | 0x6588c | 0x6588c | 0x29b |
LocalFileTimeToFileTime | - | 0x45116c | 0x65890 | 0x65890 | 0x1ca |
GetProfileStringA | - | 0x451170 | 0x65894 | 0x65894 | 0x14b |
GetDiskFreeSpaceExA | - | 0x451174 | 0x65898 | 0x65898 | 0x101 |
GetVolumeInformationA | - | 0x451178 | 0x6589c | 0x6589c | 0x177 |
GetDriveTypeA | - | 0x45117c | 0x658a0 | 0x658a0 | 0x104 |
VirtualProtect | - | 0x451180 | 0x658a4 | 0x658a4 | 0x2c3 |
GetProcAddress | - | 0x451184 | 0x658a8 | 0x658a8 | 0x13e |
GetModuleHandleA | - | 0x451188 | 0x658ac | 0x658ac | 0x126 |
lstrcpyA | - | 0x45118c | 0x658b0 | 0x658b0 | 0x302 |
GlobalDeleteAtom | - | 0x451190 | 0x658b4 | 0x658b4 | 0x183 |
GlobalFindAtomA | - | 0x451194 | 0x658b8 | 0x658b8 | 0x184 |
GlobalAddAtomA | - | 0x451198 | 0x658bc | 0x658bc | 0x17f |
lstrcmpiA | - | 0x45119c | 0x658c0 | 0x658c0 | 0x2ff |
GlobalGetAtomNameA | - | 0x4511a0 | 0x658c4 | 0x658c4 | 0x189 |
GetCurrentThreadId | - | 0x4511a4 | 0x658c8 | 0x658c8 | 0xfa |
lstrcatA | - | 0x4511a8 | 0x658cc | 0x658cc | 0x2f9 |
GetVersion | - | 0x4511ac | 0x658d0 | 0x658d0 | 0x174 |
LockResource | - | 0x4511b0 | 0x658d4 | 0x658d4 | 0x1d5 |
LoadResource | - | 0x4511b4 | 0x658d8 | 0x658d8 | 0x1c7 |
FindResourceA | - | 0x4511b8 | 0x658dc | 0x658dc | 0xa3 |
FreeLibrary | - | 0x4511bc | 0x658e0 | 0x658e0 | 0xb4 |
LoadLibraryA | - | 0x4511c0 | 0x658e4 | 0x658e4 | 0x1c2 |
InterlockedIncrement | - | 0x4511c4 | 0x658e8 | 0x658e8 | 0x1b0 |
InterlockedDecrement | - | 0x4511c8 | 0x658ec | 0x658ec | 0x1ad |
lstrlenA | - | 0x4511cc | 0x658f0 | 0x658f0 | 0x308 |
WideCharToMultiByte | - | 0x4511d0 | 0x658f4 | 0x658f4 | 0x2d2 |
MultiByteToWideChar | - | 0x4511d4 | 0x658f8 | 0x658f8 | 0x1e4 |
SetLastError | - | 0x4511d8 | 0x658fc | 0x658fc | 0x271 |
MulDiv | - | 0x4511dc | 0x65900 | 0x65900 | 0x1e3 |
GlobalUnlock | - | 0x4511e0 | 0x65904 | 0x65904 | 0x193 |
GlobalLock | - | 0x4511e4 | 0x65908 | 0x65908 | 0x18c |
lstrcpynA | - | 0x4511e8 | 0x6590c | 0x6590c | 0x305 |
GetLastError | - | 0x4511ec | 0x65910 | 0x65910 | 0x11a |
LocalFree | - | 0x4511f0 | 0x65914 | 0x65914 | 0x1cc |
FormatMessageA | - | 0x4511f4 | 0x65918 | 0x65918 | 0xaf |
GlobalFree | - | 0x4511f8 | 0x6591c | 0x6591c | 0x188 |
GetCurrentThread | - | 0x4511fc | 0x65920 | 0x65920 | 0xf9 |
lstrcmpA | - | 0x451200 | 0x65924 | 0x65924 | 0x2fc |
GlobalAlloc | - | 0x451204 | 0x65928 | 0x65928 | 0x181 |
GetModuleFileNameA | - | 0x451208 | 0x6592c | 0x6592c | 0x124 |
GetFileTime | - | 0x45120c | 0x65930 | 0x65930 | 0x114 |
GetFileSize | - | 0x451210 | 0x65934 | 0x65934 | 0x112 |
GetFileAttributesA | - | 0x451214 | 0x65938 | 0x65938 | 0x10d |
GetTickCount | - | 0x451218 | 0x6593c | 0x6593c | 0x16d |
FileTimeToLocalFileTime | - | 0x45121c | 0x65940 | 0x65940 | 0x89 |
FileTimeToSystemTime | - | 0x451220 | 0x65944 | 0x65944 | 0x8a |
GetFullPathNameA | - | 0x451224 | 0x65948 | 0x65948 | 0x116 |
FindFirstFileA | - | 0x451228 | 0x6594c | 0x6594c | 0x94 |
FindClose | - | 0x45122c | 0x65950 | 0x65950 | 0x90 |
DeleteFileA | - | 0x451230 | 0x65954 | 0x65954 | 0x57 |
SetEndOfFile | - | 0x451234 | 0x65958 | 0x65958 | 0x261 |
UnlockFile | - | 0x451238 | 0x6595c | 0x6595c | 0x2ae |
LockFile | - | 0x45123c | 0x65960 | 0x65960 | 0x1d3 |
FlushFileBuffers | - | 0x451240 | 0x65964 | 0x65964 | 0xaa |
SetFilePointer | - | 0x451244 | 0x65968 | 0x65968 | 0x26a |
WriteFile | - | 0x451248 | 0x6596c | 0x6596c | 0x2df |
ReadFile | - | 0x45124c | 0x65970 | 0x65970 | 0x218 |
CreateFileA | - | 0x451250 | 0x65974 | 0x65974 | 0x34 |
GetCurrentProcess | - | 0x451254 | 0x65978 | 0x65978 | 0xf7 |
DuplicateHandle | - | 0x451258 | 0x6597c | 0x6597c | 0x63 |
SetErrorMode | - | 0x45125c | 0x65980 | 0x65980 | 0x264 |
GetThreadLocale | - | 0x451260 | 0x65984 | 0x65984 | 0x168 |
GetCurrentDirectoryA | - | 0x451264 | 0x65988 | 0x65988 | 0xf5 |
WritePrivateProfileStringA | - | 0x451268 | 0x6598c | 0x6598c | 0x2e5 |
SizeofResource | - | 0x45126c | 0x65990 | 0x65990 | 0x295 |
GetOEMCP | - | 0x451270 | 0x65994 | 0x65994 | 0x131 |
GetCPInfo | - | 0x451274 | 0x65998 | 0x65998 | 0xbf |
GetProcessVersion | - | 0x451278 | 0x6599c | 0x6599c | 0x145 |
GlobalFlags | - | 0x45127c | 0x659a0 | 0x659a0 | 0x187 |
TlsGetValue | - | 0x451280 | 0x659a4 | 0x659a4 | 0x2a4 |
LocalReAlloc | - | 0x451284 | 0x659a8 | 0x659a8 | 0x1cf |
TlsSetValue | - | 0x451288 | 0x659ac | 0x659ac | 0x2a5 |
EnterCriticalSection | - | 0x45128c | 0x659b0 | 0x659b0 | 0x66 |
GlobalReAlloc | - | 0x451290 | 0x659b4 | 0x659b4 | 0x18f |
LeaveCriticalSection | - | 0x451294 | 0x659b8 | 0x659b8 | 0x1c1 |
TlsFree | - | 0x451298 | 0x659bc | 0x659bc | 0x2a3 |
GlobalHandle | - | 0x45129c | 0x659c0 | 0x659c0 | 0x18b |
DeleteCriticalSection | - | 0x4512a0 | 0x659c4 | 0x659c4 | 0x55 |
TlsAlloc | - | 0x4512a4 | 0x659c8 | 0x659c8 | 0x2a2 |
InitializeCriticalSection | - | 0x4512a8 | 0x659cc | 0x659cc | 0x1aa |
LocalAlloc | - | 0x4512ac | 0x659d0 | 0x659d0 | 0x1c8 |
CloseHandle | - | 0x4512b0 | 0x659d4 | 0x659d4 | 0x1b |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
MessageBeep | - | 0x451304 | 0x65a28 | 0x65a28 | 0x1bd |
CharUpperA | - | 0x451308 | 0x65a2c | 0x65a2c | 0x2f |
RegisterClipboardFormatA | - | 0x45130c | 0x65a30 | 0x65a30 | 0x1f6 |
PostThreadMessageA | - | 0x451310 | 0x65a34 | 0x65a34 | 0x1e1 |
LoadStringA | - | 0x451314 | 0x65a38 | 0x65a38 | 0x1ab |
DestroyMenu | - | 0x451318 | 0x65a3c | 0x65a3c | 0x8d |
GetSysColorBrush | - | 0x45131c | 0x65a40 | 0x65a40 | 0x144 |
LoadCursorA | - | 0x451320 | 0x65a44 | 0x65a44 | 0x19a |
GetDesktopWindow | - | 0x451324 | 0x65a48 | 0x65a48 | 0xff |
PtInRect | - | 0x451328 | 0x65a4c | 0x65a4c | 0x1ea |
GetClassNameA | - | 0x45132c | 0x65a50 | 0x65a50 | 0xed |
MapDialogRect | - | 0x451330 | 0x65a54 | 0x65a54 | 0x1b4 |
SetWindowContextHelpId | - | 0x451334 | 0x65a58 | 0x65a58 | 0x257 |
GetMessageA | - | 0x451338 | 0x65a5c | 0x65a5c | 0x12a |
TranslateMessage | - | 0x45133c | 0x65a60 | 0x65a60 | 0x282 |
ValidateRect | - | 0x451340 | 0x65a64 | 0x65a64 | 0x29a |
GetCursorPos | - | 0x451344 | 0x65a68 | 0x65a68 | 0xfc |
SetCursor | - | 0x451348 | 0x65a6c | 0x65a6c | 0x226 |
PostQuitMessage | - | 0x45134c | 0x65a70 | 0x65a70 | 0x1e0 |
EndDialog | - | 0x451350 | 0x65a74 | 0x65a74 | 0xb9 |
GetActiveWindow | - | 0x451354 | 0x65a78 | 0x65a78 | 0xdd |
CreateDialogIndirectParamA | - | 0x451358 | 0x65a7c | 0x65a7c | 0x4c |
GrayStringA | - | 0x45135c | 0x65a80 | 0x65a80 | 0x164 |
DrawTextA | - | 0x451360 | 0x65a84 | 0x65a84 | 0xaf |
TabbedTextOutA | - | 0x451364 | 0x65a88 | 0x65a88 | 0x273 |
EndPaint | - | 0x451368 | 0x65a8c | 0x65a8c | 0xbb |
BeginPaint | - | 0x45136c | 0x65a90 | 0x65a90 | 0xc |
GetWindowDC | - | 0x451370 | 0x65a94 | 0x65a94 | 0x154 |
ReleaseDC | - | 0x451374 | 0x65a98 | 0x65a98 | 0x203 |
GetDC | - | 0x451378 | 0x65a9c | 0x65a9c | 0xfd |
ClientToScreen | - | 0x45137c | 0x65aa0 | 0x65aa0 | 0x3a |
GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions | - | 0x451380 | 0x65aa4 | 0x65aa4 | 0x11e |
GetMenuState | - | 0x451384 | 0x65aa8 | 0x65aa8 | 0x127 |
ModifyMenuA | - | 0x451388 | 0x65aac | 0x65aac | 0x1c4 |
SetMenuItemBitmaps | - | 0x45138c | 0x65ab0 | 0x65ab0 | 0x239 |
CheckMenuItem | - | 0x451390 | 0x65ab4 | 0x65ab4 | 0x34 |
EnableMenuItem | - | 0x451394 | 0x65ab8 | 0x65ab8 | 0xb5 |
GetNextDlgGroupItem | - | 0x451398 | 0x65abc | 0x65abc | 0x132 |
IsWindowEnabled | - | 0x45139c | 0x65ac0 | 0x65ac0 | 0x190 |
ShowWindow | - | 0x4513a0 | 0x65ac4 | 0x65ac4 | 0x26a |
MoveWindow | - | 0x4513a4 | 0x65ac8 | 0x65ac8 | 0x1c9 |
SetWindowTextA | - | 0x4513a8 | 0x65acc | 0x65acc | 0x25e |
IsDialogMessageA | - | 0x4513ac | 0x65ad0 | 0x65ad0 | 0x188 |
PostMessageA | - | 0x4513b0 | 0x65ad4 | 0x65ad4 | 0x1de |
UpdateWindow | - | 0x4513b4 | 0x65ad8 | 0x65ad8 | 0x291 |
SendDlgItemMessageA | - | 0x4513b8 | 0x65adc | 0x65adc | 0x20f |
MapWindowPoints | - | 0x4513bc | 0x65ae0 | 0x65ae0 | 0x1b9 |
GetSysColor | - | 0x4513c0 | 0x65ae4 | 0x65ae4 | 0x143 |
PeekMessageA | - | 0x4513c4 | 0x65ae8 | 0x65ae8 | 0x1dc |
DispatchMessageA | - | 0x4513c8 | 0x65aec | 0x65aec | 0x95 |
GetFocus | - | 0x4513cc | 0x65af0 | 0x65af0 | 0x107 |
SetActiveWindow | - | 0x4513d0 | 0x65af4 | 0x65af4 | 0x21c |
IsWindow | - | 0x4513d4 | 0x65af8 | 0x65af8 | 0x18f |
SetFocus | - | 0x4513d8 | 0x65afc | 0x65afc | 0x22f |
AdjustWindowRectEx | - | 0x4513dc | 0x65b00 | 0x65b00 | 0x2 |
ScreenToClient | - | 0x4513e0 | 0x65b04 | 0x65b04 | 0x20a |
CopyRect | - | 0x4513e4 | 0x65b08 | 0x65b08 | 0x44 |
IsWindowVisible | - | 0x4513e8 | 0x65b0c | 0x65b0c | 0x192 |
InflateRect | - | 0x4513ec | 0x65b10 | 0x65b10 | 0x171 |
FillRect | - | 0x4513f0 | 0x65b14 | 0x65b14 | 0xd4 |
GetClientRect | - | 0x4513f4 | 0x65b18 | 0x65b18 | 0xf0 |
UnregisterClassA | - | 0x4513f8 | 0x65b1c | 0x65b1c | 0x28b |
LoadBitmapA | - | 0x4513fc | 0x65b20 | 0x65b20 | 0x198 |
HideCaret | - | 0x451400 | 0x65b24 | 0x65b24 | 0x166 |
ShowCaret | - | 0x451404 | 0x65b28 | 0x65b28 | 0x265 |
ExcludeUpdateRgn | - | 0x451408 | 0x65b2c | 0x65b2c | 0xd2 |
GetTopWindow | - | 0x45140c | 0x65b30 | 0x65b30 | 0x14c |
MessageBoxA | - | 0x451410 | 0x65b34 | 0x65b34 | 0x1be |
IsChild | - | 0x451414 | 0x65b38 | 0x65b38 | 0x185 |
GetParent | - | 0x451418 | 0x65b3c | 0x65b3c | 0x135 |
GetCapture | - | 0x45141c | 0x65b40 | 0x65b40 | 0xe4 |
WinHelpA | - | 0x451420 | 0x65b44 | 0x65b44 | 0x2a6 |
wsprintfA | - | 0x451424 | 0x65b48 | 0x65b48 | 0x2ac |
GetClassInfoA | - | 0x451428 | 0x65b4c | 0x65b4c | 0xe7 |
RegisterClassA | - | 0x45142c | 0x65b50 | 0x65b50 | 0x1f2 |
GetMenu | - | 0x451430 | 0x65b54 | 0x65b54 | 0x11c |
GetMenuItemCount | - | 0x451434 | 0x65b58 | 0x65b58 | 0x122 |
GetSubMenu | - | 0x451438 | 0x65b5c | 0x65b5c | 0x142 |
SetRect | - | 0x45143c | 0x65b60 | 0x65b60 | 0x244 |
CopyAcceleratorTableA | - | 0x451440 | 0x65b64 | 0x65b64 | 0x40 |
CharNextA | - | 0x451444 | 0x65b68 | 0x65b68 | 0x25 |
GetNextDlgTabItem | - | 0x451448 | 0x65b6c | 0x65b6c | 0x133 |
GetMenuItemID | - | 0x45144c | 0x65b70 | 0x65b70 | 0x123 |
DrawFocusRect | - | 0x451450 | 0x65b74 | 0x65b74 | 0xa6 |
DefDlgProcA | - | 0x451454 | 0x65b78 | 0x65b78 | 0x7e |
IsWindowUnicode | - | 0x451458 | 0x65b7c | 0x65b7c | 0x191 |
InvalidateRect | - | 0x45145c | 0x65b80 | 0x65b80 | 0x17a |
EnableWindow | - | 0x451460 | 0x65b84 | 0x65b84 | 0xb7 |
GetSystemMetrics | - | 0x451464 | 0x65b88 | 0x65b88 | 0x146 |
DrawIcon | - | 0x451468 | 0x65b8c | 0x65b8c | 0xa9 |
SendMessageA | - | 0x45146c | 0x65b90 | 0x65b90 | 0x214 |
IsIconic | - | 0x451470 | 0x65b94 | 0x65b94 | 0x18c |
LoadIconA | - | 0x451474 | 0x65b98 | 0x65b98 | 0x19e |
GetWindowRect | - | 0x451478 | 0x65b9c | 0x65b9c | 0x15c |
GetWindowPlacement | - | 0x45147c | 0x65ba0 | 0x65ba0 | 0x15b |
SystemParametersInfoA | - | 0x451480 | 0x65ba4 | 0x65ba4 | 0x271 |
IntersectRect | - | 0x451484 | 0x65ba8 | 0x65ba8 | 0x179 |
OffsetRect | - | 0x451488 | 0x65bac | 0x65bac | 0x1d2 |
RegisterWindowMessageA | - | 0x45148c | 0x65bb0 | 0x65bb0 | 0x200 |
SetWindowPos | - | 0x451490 | 0x65bb4 | 0x65bb4 | 0x25b |
SetWindowLongA | - | 0x451494 | 0x65bb8 | 0x65bb8 | 0x258 |
GetWindowLongA | - | 0x451498 | 0x65bbc | 0x65bbc | 0x156 |
GetWindow | - | 0x45149c | 0x65bc0 | 0x65bc0 | 0x152 |
SetForegroundWindow | - | 0x4514a0 | 0x65bc4 | 0x65bc4 | 0x230 |
GetForegroundWindow | - | 0x4514a4 | 0x65bc8 | 0x65bc8 | 0x108 |
GetLastActivePopup | - | 0x4514a8 | 0x65bcc | 0x65bcc | 0x119 |
GetMessagePos | - | 0x4514ac | 0x65bd0 | 0x65bd0 | 0x12c |
GetMessageTime | - | 0x4514b0 | 0x65bd4 | 0x65bd4 | 0x12d |
RemovePropA | - | 0x4514b4 | 0x65bd8 | 0x65bd8 | 0x205 |
CallWindowProcA | - | 0x4514b8 | 0x65bdc | 0x65bdc | 0x16 |
GetPropA | - | 0x4514bc | 0x65be0 | 0x65be0 | 0x13a |
UnhookWindowsHookEx | - | 0x4514c0 | 0x65be4 | 0x65be4 | 0x286 |
SetPropA | - | 0x4514c4 | 0x65be8 | 0x65be8 | 0x242 |
GetClassLongA | - | 0x4514c8 | 0x65bec | 0x65bec | 0xeb |
CallNextHookEx | - | 0x4514cc | 0x65bf0 | 0x65bf0 | 0x15 |
SetWindowsHookExA | - | 0x4514d0 | 0x65bf4 | 0x65bf4 | 0x262 |
CreateWindowExA | - | 0x4514d4 | 0x65bf8 | 0x65bf8 | 0x59 |
DestroyWindow | - | 0x4514d8 | 0x65bfc | 0x65bfc | 0x8e |
GetDlgItem | - | 0x4514dc | 0x65c00 | 0x65c00 | 0x102 |
GetWindowTextLengthA | - | 0x4514e0 | 0x65c04 | 0x65c04 | 0x15f |
GetWindowTextA | - | 0x4514e4 | 0x65c08 | 0x65c08 | 0x15e |
GetDlgCtrlID | - | 0x4514e8 | 0x65c0c | 0x65c0c | 0x101 |
GetKeyState | - | 0x4514ec | 0x65c10 | 0x65c10 | 0x112 |
DefWindowProcA | - | 0x4514f0 | 0x65c14 | 0x65c14 | 0x84 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetStockObject | - | 0x45101c | 0x65740 | 0x65740 | 0x15f |
SetBkMode | - | 0x451020 | 0x65744 | 0x65744 | 0x1ce |
SetMapMode | - | 0x451024 | 0x65748 | 0x65748 | 0x1e2 |
SetViewportOrgEx | - | 0x451028 | 0x6574c | 0x6574c | 0x1f6 |
OffsetViewportOrgEx | - | 0x45102c | 0x65750 | 0x65750 | 0x18c |
SetViewportExtEx | - | 0x451030 | 0x65754 | 0x65754 | 0x1f5 |
ScaleViewportExtEx | - | 0x451034 | 0x65758 | 0x65758 | 0x1c1 |
SetWindowExtEx | - | 0x451038 | 0x6575c | 0x6575c | 0x1f9 |
ScaleWindowExtEx | - | 0x45103c | 0x65760 | 0x65760 | 0x1c2 |
IntersectClipRect | - | 0x451040 | 0x65764 | 0x65764 | 0x180 |
DeleteObject | - | 0x451044 | 0x65768 | 0x65768 | 0x53 |
SelectObject | - | 0x451048 | 0x6576c | 0x6576c | 0x1c7 |
GetDeviceCaps | - | 0x45104c | 0x65770 | 0x65770 | 0x125 |
GetViewportExtEx | - | 0x451050 | 0x65774 | 0x65774 | 0x178 |
GetWindowExtEx | - | 0x451054 | 0x65778 | 0x65778 | 0x17b |
CreatePen | - | 0x451058 | 0x6577c | 0x6577c | 0x44 |
PtVisible | - | 0x45105c | 0x65780 | 0x65780 | 0x1aa |
RectVisible | - | 0x451060 | 0x65784 | 0x65784 | 0x1ae |
TextOutA | - | 0x451064 | 0x65788 | 0x65788 | 0x205 |
ExtTextOutA | - | 0x451068 | 0x6578c | 0x6578c | 0x9e |
Escape | - | 0x45106c | 0x65790 | 0x65790 | 0x95 |
GetMapMode | - | 0x451070 | 0x65794 | 0x65794 | 0x147 |
PatBlt | - | 0x451074 | 0x65798 | 0x65798 | 0x194 |
DPtoLP | - | 0x451078 | 0x6579c | 0x6579c | 0x4e |
GetTextColor | - | 0x45107c | 0x657a0 | 0x657a0 | 0x169 |
GetBkColor | - | 0x451080 | 0x657a4 | 0x657a4 | 0x107 |
LPtoDP | - | 0x451084 | 0x657a8 | 0x657a8 | 0x182 |
RestoreDC | - | 0x451088 | 0x657ac | 0x657ac | 0x1b9 |
SaveDC | - | 0x45108c | 0x657b0 | 0x657b0 | 0x1c0 |
DeleteDC | - | 0x451090 | 0x657b4 | 0x657b4 | 0x50 |
CreateBitmap | - | 0x451094 | 0x657b8 | 0x657b8 | 0x24 |
GetObjectA | - | 0x451098 | 0x657bc | 0x657bc | 0x14f |
SetBkColor | - | 0x45109c | 0x657c0 | 0x657c0 | 0x1cd |
SetTextColor | - | 0x4510a0 | 0x657c4 | 0x657c4 | 0x1f3 |
GetClipBox | - | 0x4510a4 | 0x657c8 | 0x657c8 | 0x11a |
LineDDA | - | 0x4510a8 | 0x657cc | 0x657cc | 0x183 |
Pie | - | 0x4510ac | 0x657d0 | 0x657d0 | 0x196 |
CreateFontA | - | 0x4510b0 | 0x657d4 | 0x657d4 | 0x36 |
CreateDIBitmap | - | 0x4510b4 | 0x657d8 | 0x657d8 | 0x30 |
GetTextExtentPointA | - | 0x4510b8 | 0x657dc | 0x657dc | 0x170 |
BitBlt | - | 0x4510bc | 0x657e0 | 0x657e0 | 0x11 |
CreateCompatibleDC | - | 0x4510c0 | 0x657e4 | 0x657e4 | 0x2a |
CreateSolidBrush | - | 0x4510c4 | 0x657e8 | 0x657e8 | 0x4d |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
GetFileTitleA | - | 0x451508 | 0x65c2c | 0x65c2c | 0x7 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
DocumentPropertiesA | - | 0x4514f8 | 0x65c1c | 0x65c1c | 0x47 |
OpenPrinterA | - | 0x4514fc | 0x65c20 | 0x65c20 | 0x7c |
ClosePrinter | - | 0x451500 | 0x65c24 | 0x65c24 | 0x1c |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
RegCloseKey | - | 0x451000 | 0x65724 | 0x65724 | 0x15b |
RegSetValueExA | - | 0x451004 | 0x65728 | 0x65728 | 0x186 |
RegOpenKeyExA | - | 0x451008 | 0x6572c | 0x6572c | 0x172 |
RegCreateKeyExA | - | 0x45100c | 0x65730 | 0x65730 | 0x15f |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
(by ordinal) | 0x11 | 0x451014 | 0x65738 | 0x65738 | - |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
(by ordinal) | 0x8 | 0x451550 | 0x65c74 | 0x65c74 | - |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
CoFreeUnusedLibraries | - | 0x451510 | 0x65c34 | 0x65c34 | 0x16 |
CoRegisterMessageFilter | - | 0x451514 | 0x65c38 | 0x65c38 | 0x40 |
OleInitialize | - | 0x451518 | 0x65c3c | 0x65c3c | 0xc9 |
CoTaskMemAlloc | - | 0x45151c | 0x65c40 | 0x65c40 | 0x4e |
CoTaskMemFree | - | 0x451520 | 0x65c44 | 0x65c44 | 0x4f |
CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal | - | 0x451524 | 0x65c48 | 0x65c48 | 0x60 |
StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes | - | 0x451528 | 0x65c4c | 0x65c4c | 0xfe |
StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes | - | 0x45152c | 0x65c50 | 0x65c50 | 0x10a |
CoGetClassObject | - | 0x451530 | 0x65c54 | 0x65c54 | 0x1c |
CLSIDFromString | - | 0x451534 | 0x65c58 | 0x65c58 | 0x6 |
CLSIDFromProgID | - | 0x451538 | 0x65c5c | 0x65c5c | 0x5 |
CoRevokeClassObject | - | 0x45153c | 0x65c60 | 0x65c60 | 0x47 |
OleFlushClipboard | - | 0x451540 | 0x65c64 | 0x65c64 | 0xc4 |
OleIsCurrentClipboard | - | 0x451544 | 0x65c68 | 0x65c68 | 0xcb |
OleUninitialize | - | 0x451548 | 0x65c6c | 0x65c6c | 0xe0 |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
(by ordinal) | 0xfd | 0x4512e0 | 0x65a04 | 0x65a04 | - |
API Name | Ordinal | IAT Address | Thunk RVA | Thunk Offset | Hint |
SysFreeString | 0x6 | 0x4512b8 | 0x659dc | 0x659dc | - |
SysAllocStringLen | 0x4 | 0x4512bc | 0x659e0 | 0x659e0 | - |
VariantClear | 0x9 | 0x4512c0 | 0x659e4 | 0x659e4 | - |
VariantTimeToSystemTime | 0xb9 | 0x4512c4 | 0x659e8 | 0x659e8 | - |
VariantCopy | 0xa | 0x4512c8 | 0x659ec | 0x659ec | - |
VariantChangeType | 0xc | 0x4512cc | 0x659f0 | 0x659f0 | - |
SysAllocString | 0x2 | 0x4512d0 | 0x659f4 | 0x659f4 | - |
SysAllocStringByteLen | 0x96 | 0x4512d4 | 0x659f8 | 0x659f8 | - |
SysStringLen | 0x7 | 0x4512d8 | 0x659fc | 0x659fc | - |
Name | Process ID | Start VA | End VA | Dump Reason | PE Rebuild | Bitness | Entry Point | YARA | Actions |
gikaopzb.exe | 3 | 0x00400000 | 0x0049CFFF | Relevant Image |
![]() |
32-bit | 0x0043900C |
![]() |
gikaopzb.exe | 3 | 0x00400000 | 0x0049CFFF | Content Changed |
![]() |
32-bit | 0x00412000 |
![]() |
buffer | 3 | 0x007CE760 | 0x007F7648 | Dump Rule: FormBookConfig |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 3 | 0x007731D0 | 0x007732E7 | Process Termination |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 3 | 0x007A2880 | 0x007A38F3 | Process Termination |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 3 | 0x007A5958 | 0x007CE757 | Process Termination |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 3 | 0x00960004 | 0x00960103 | Process Termination |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 3 | 0x009E4D48 | 0x009E5547 | Process Termination |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 3 | 0x02230000 | 0x0232FFFF | Process Termination |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 5 | 0x009C0000 | 0x00CB9FFF | First Execution |
![]() |
32-bit | 0x00A37000 |
![]() |
buffer | 5 | 0x006A0000 | 0x006B0FFF | First Execution |
![]() |
32-bit | 0x006A0000 |
![]() |
buffer | 5 | 0x00CC0000 | 0x00DDAFFF | Marked Executable |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 5 | 0x004F0000 | 0x00518FFF | Dump Rule: FormBookConfig |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 5 | 0x00580000 | 0x0067FFFF | Process Termination |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 5 | 0x00680000 | 0x00690FFF | Process Termination |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
buffer | 5 | 0x00520000 | 0x00531FFF | Image In Buffer |
![]() |
32-bit | - |
![]() |
c:\users\rdhj0cnfevzx\appdata\local\temp\cielert.tmp | Dropped File | Binary |
Verdict |
Image Base | 0x400000 |
Entry Point | 0x41d470 |
Size Of Code | 0x27c00 |
File Type | FileType.executable |
Subsystem | Subsystem.windows_gui |
Machine Type | MachineType.i386 |
Compile Timestamp | 2007-12-16 02:52:03+00:00 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Data Size | Raw Data Offset | Flags | Entropy |
.text | 0x401000 | 0x27b8c | 0x27c00 | 0x1000 | IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ | 7.33 |
Rule Name | Rule Description | Classification | Score | Actions |
XLoader_Win32 | XLoader Win32 | Spyware |
C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\.oracle_jre_usage\17dfc292991c7ca0.timestamp | Modified File | Text |
c:\users\rdhj0cnfevzx\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\inetcache\counters.dat | Modified File | Stream |
c:\users\rdhj0cnfevzx\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\recent\automaticdestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticdestinations-ms | Modified File | OLE Compound |
Name | ID | Size | Actions |
Root\ | 1 | 729 Bytes |
Root\2 | 2 | 456 Bytes |
Root\3 | 3 | 456 Bytes |
Root\4 | 4 | 455 Bytes |
Root\DestList | 5 | 10.48 KB |
Root\ | 6 | 452 Bytes |
Root\6 | 7 | 453 Bytes |
Root\7 | 8 | 686 Bytes |
Root\8 | 9 | 722 Bytes |
Root\9 | 10 | 241 Bytes |
Root\c | 11 | 772 Bytes |
Root\d | 12 | 856 Bytes |
Root\e | 13 | 345 Bytes |
Root\f | 14 | 1.05 KB |
Root\ | 15 | 1002 Bytes |
Root\ | 16 | 1.32 KB |
Root\2 | 17 | 1.08 KB |
Root\3 | 18 | 1.11 KB |
Root\4 | 19 | 1.09 KB |
Root\ | 20 | 975 Bytes |
Root\6 | 21 | 875 Bytes |
Root\7 | 22 | 1.11 KB |
Root\8 | 23 | 1.07 KB |
Root\9 | 24 | 1.10 KB |
Root\a | 25 | 1.46 KB |
Root\b | 26 | 881 Bytes |
Root\c | 27 | 897 Bytes |
Root\d | 28 | 864 Bytes |
Root\e | 29 | 1.33 KB |
Root\f | 30 | 1017 Bytes |
Root\20 | 31 | 866 Bytes |
Root\21 | 32 | 989 Bytes |
Root\22 | 33 | 800 Bytes |
Root\23 | 34 | 659 Bytes |
Root\24 | 35 | 1.08 KB |
Root\25 | 36 | 1.23 KB |
Root\26 | 37 | 772 Bytes |
Root\27 | 38 | 1002 Bytes |
Root\28 | 39 | 872 Bytes |
Root\29 | 40 | 1021 Bytes |
Root\2a | 41 | 1.58 KB |
Root\2b | 42 | 984 Bytes |
Root\2c | 43 | 566 Bytes |
Root\2d | 44 | 657 Bytes |
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\m2rKEl2wJZ.txt | Dropped File | Text |
Known to be clean.
c:\users\rdhj0cnfevzx\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\webcache\webcachev01.dat | Dropped File | Unknown |
C:\Users\RDHJ0C~1\AppData\Local\Temp\DB1 | Dropped File | Sqlite |
c:\users\rdhj0cnfevzx\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\recent\automaticdestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticdestinations-ms | Dropped File | OLE Compound |
Name | ID | Size | Actions |
Root\ | 1 | 729 Bytes |
Root\2 | 2 | 456 Bytes |
Root\3 | 3 | 456 Bytes |
Root\4 | 4 | 455 Bytes |
Root\DestList | 5 | 10.30 KB |
Root\ | 6 | 452 Bytes |
Root\6 | 7 | 453 Bytes |
Root\7 | 8 | 686 Bytes |
Root\8 | 9 | 722 Bytes |
Root\9 | 10 | 241 Bytes |
Root\c | 11 | 772 Bytes |
Root\d | 12 | 856 Bytes |
Root\e | 13 | 345 Bytes |
Root\f | 14 | 1.05 KB |
Root\ | 15 | 1002 Bytes |
Root\ | 16 | 1.32 KB |
Root\2 | 17 | 1.08 KB |
Root\3 | 18 | 1.11 KB |
Root\4 | 19 | 1.09 KB |
Root\ | 20 | 975 Bytes |
Root\6 | 21 | 875 Bytes |
Root\7 | 22 | 1.11 KB |
Root\8 | 23 | 1.07 KB |
Root\9 | 24 | 1.10 KB |
Root\a | 25 | 1.46 KB |
Root\b | 26 | 881 Bytes |
Root\c | 27 | 897 Bytes |
Root\d | 28 | 864 Bytes |
Root\e | 29 | 1.33 KB |
Root\f | 30 | 1017 Bytes |
Root\20 | 31 | 866 Bytes |
Root\21 | 32 | 989 Bytes |
Root\22 | 33 | 800 Bytes |
Root\23 | 34 | 659 Bytes |
Root\24 | 35 | 1.08 KB |
Root\25 | 36 | 1.23 KB |
Root\26 | 37 | 772 Bytes |
Root\27 | 38 | 1002 Bytes |
Root\28 | 39 | 872 Bytes |
Root\29 | 40 | 1021 Bytes |
Root\2a | 41 | 1.58 KB |
Root\2b | 42 | 984 Bytes |
Root\2c | 43 | 566 Bytes |
c:\users\rdhj0cnfevzx\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\recent\automaticdestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticdestinations-ms | Dropped File | OLE Compound |
Name | ID | Size | Actions |
Root\ | 1 | 729 Bytes |
Root\2 | 2 | 456 Bytes |
Root\3 | 3 | 456 Bytes |
Root\4 | 4 | 455 Bytes |
Root\DestList | 5 | 10.48 KB |
Root\ | 6 | 452 Bytes |
Root\6 | 7 | 453 Bytes |
Root\7 | 8 | 686 Bytes |
Root\8 | 9 | 722 Bytes |
Root\9 | 10 | 241 Bytes |
Root\c | 11 | 772 Bytes |
Root\d | 12 | 856 Bytes |
Root\e | 13 | 345 Bytes |
Root\f | 14 | 1.05 KB |
Root\ | 15 | 1002 Bytes |
Root\ | 16 | 1.32 KB |
Root\2 | 17 | 1.08 KB |
Root\3 | 18 | 1.11 KB |
Root\4 | 19 | 1.09 KB |
Root\ | 20 | 975 Bytes |
Root\6 | 21 | 875 Bytes |
Root\7 | 22 | 1.11 KB |
Root\8 | 23 | 1.07 KB |
Root\9 | 24 | 1.10 KB |
Root\a | 25 | 1.46 KB |
Root\b | 26 | 881 Bytes |
Root\c | 27 | 897 Bytes |
Root\d | 28 | 864 Bytes |
Root\e | 29 | 1.33 KB |
Root\f | 30 | 1017 Bytes |
Root\20 | 31 | 866 Bytes |
Root\21 | 32 | 989 Bytes |
Root\22 | 33 | 800 Bytes |
Root\23 | 34 | 659 Bytes |
Root\24 | 35 | 1.08 KB |
Root\25 | 36 | 1.23 KB |
Root\26 | 37 | 772 Bytes |
Root\27 | 38 | 1002 Bytes |
Root\28 | 39 | 872 Bytes |
Root\29 | 40 | 1021 Bytes |
Root\2a | 41 | 1.58 KB |
Root\2b | 42 | 984 Bytes |
Root\2c | 43 | 566 Bytes |
Root\2d | 44 | 657 Bytes |
c:\users\rdhj0cnfevzx\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\recent\automaticdestinations\f01b4d95cf55d32a.automaticdestinations-ms | Dropped File | OLE Compound |
Name | ID | Size | Actions |
Root\ | 1 | 729 Bytes |
Root\2 | 2 | 456 Bytes |
Root\3 | 3 | 456 Bytes |
Root\4 | 4 | 455 Bytes |
Root\DestList | 5 | 10.48 KB |
Root\ | 6 | 452 Bytes |
Root\6 | 7 | 453 Bytes |
Root\7 | 8 | 686 Bytes |
Root\8 | 9 | 722 Bytes |
Root\9 | 10 | 241 Bytes |
Root\c | 11 | 772 Bytes |
Root\d | 12 | 856 Bytes |
Root\e | 13 | 345 Bytes |
Root\f | 14 | 1.05 KB |
Root\ | 15 | 1002 Bytes |
Root\ | 16 | 1.32 KB |
Root\2 | 17 | 1.08 KB |
Root\3 | 18 | 1.11 KB |
Root\4 | 19 | 1.09 KB |
Root\ | 20 | 975 Bytes |
Root\6 | 21 | 875 Bytes |
Root\7 | 22 | 1.11 KB |
Root\8 | 23 | 1.07 KB |
Root\9 | 24 | 1.10 KB |
Root\a | 25 | 1.46 KB |
Root\b | 26 | 881 Bytes |
Root\c | 27 | 897 Bytes |
Root\d | 28 | 864 Bytes |
Root\e | 29 | 1.33 KB |
Root\f | 30 | 1017 Bytes |
Root\20 | 31 | 866 Bytes |
Root\21 | 32 | 989 Bytes |
Root\22 | 33 | 800 Bytes |
Root\23 | 34 | 659 Bytes |
Root\24 | 35 | 1.08 KB |
Root\25 | 36 | 1.23 KB |
Root\26 | 37 | 772 Bytes |
Root\27 | 38 | 1002 Bytes |
Root\28 | 39 | 872 Bytes |
Root\29 | 40 | 1021 Bytes |
Root\2a | 41 | 1.58 KB |
Root\2b | 42 | 984 Bytes |
Root\2c | 43 | 566 Bytes |
Root\2d | 44 | 657 Bytes |