Try VMRay Platform

Injector Downloader

Threat Names

SmokeLoader Mal/HTMLGen-A

Dynamic Analysis Report

Created on 2021-12-31T18:54:00


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Remarks (2/2)

(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "1 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds" to "6 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.

(0x0200003A): A task was rescheduled ahead of time to reveal dormant functionality.

File Name Category Type Verdict Actions
C:\Users\kEecfMwgj\Desktop\eb24b3b9375f0b3272fac6eecc9329f79eab274d802b2ad37037cc83a46fa3f1.exe Sample File Binary
Also Known As C:\Users\kEecfMwgj\AppData\Roaming\cdieedr (Dropped File)
MIME Type application/
File Size 339.00 KB
MD5 720b195655e0a571c4d511088b51202b Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 f171845fe7b3ae9576ea0f698edd8d65d6bf6ead Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 eb24b3b9375f0b3272fac6eecc9329f79eab274d802b2ad37037cc83a46fa3f1 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 6144:gnjd+ZnJMz+HPYYys+J7huIPCUrM/YbKwj4Fy9FVUHc1FEu:gnjdZz2Qmm7huIPCUQ/YbKwjRFVUwFEu Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash c613013e8ec93eae360257b5231d0949 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x424a10
Size Of Code 0x41200
Size Of Initialized Data 0x33d600
File Type FileType.executable
Subsystem Subsystem.windows_gui
Machine Type MachineType.i386
Compile Timestamp 2020-09-07 16:03:50+00:00
Sections (5)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x411f6 0x41200 0x400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.87
.data 0x443000 0x332a0c 0x8c00 0x41600 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 0.7
.rsrc 0x777000 0x4e90 0x5000 0x4a400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 5.54
Imports (1)
KERNEL32.dll (171)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CallNamedPipeA - 0x401000 0x411ec 0x405ec 0x3e
TerminateProcess - 0x401004 0x411f0 0x405f0 0x4c0
GetExitCodeProcess - 0x401008 0x411f4 0x405f4 0x1df
GetVersionExW - 0x40100c 0x411f8 0x405f8 0x2a4
VerifyVersionInfoW - 0x401010 0x411fc 0x405fc 0x4e8
GetConsoleCP - 0x401014 0x41200 0x40600 0x19a
GetConsoleAliasesLengthA - 0x401018 0x41204 0x40604 0x197
VerLanguageNameA - 0x40101c 0x41208 0x40608 0x4e2
VerifyVersionInfoA - 0x401020 0x4120c 0x4060c 0x4e7
FreeEnvironmentStringsW - 0x401024 0x41210 0x40610 0x161
GetProcessPriorityBoost - 0x401028 0x41214 0x40614 0x250
SetVolumeMountPointA - 0x40102c 0x41218 0x40618 0x4aa
GetLongPathNameW - 0x401030 0x4121c 0x4061c 0x20f
CopyFileA - 0x401034 0x41220 0x40620 0x70
TlsSetValue - 0x401038 0x41224 0x40624 0x4c8
GetConsoleCursorInfo - 0x40103c 0x41228 0x40628 0x1a0
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime - 0x401040 0x4122c 0x4062c 0x4be
FindAtomW - 0x401044 0x41230 0x40630 0x12d
ReleaseMutex - 0x401048 0x41234 0x40634 0x3fa
GetNamedPipeHandleStateA - 0x40104c 0x41238 0x40638 0x220
CommConfigDialogA - 0x401050 0x4123c 0x4063c 0x5d
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW - 0x401054 0x41240 0x40640 0x3c
GetProcAddress - 0x401058 0x41244 0x40644 0x245
LoadLibraryA - 0x40105c 0x41248 0x40648 0x33c
GlobalAlloc - 0x401060 0x4124c 0x4064c 0x2b3
LocalReAlloc - 0x401064 0x41250 0x40650 0x34b
GetCommandLineA - 0x401068 0x41254 0x40654 0x186
InterlockedExchange - 0x40106c 0x41258 0x40658 0x2ec
GetCalendarInfoW - 0x401070 0x4125c 0x4065c 0x17b
DeleteFileA - 0x401074 0x41260 0x40660 0xd3
CreateActCtxA - 0x401078 0x41264 0x40664 0x77
SetPriorityClass - 0x40107c 0x41268 0x40668 0x47d
GetPrivateProfileIntA - 0x401080 0x4126c 0x4066c 0x23b
GetProcessHeap - 0x401084 0x41270 0x40670 0x24a
GlobalMemoryStatus - 0x401088 0x41274 0x40674 0x2bf
ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA - 0x40108c 0x41278 0x40678 0x3bb
GetStartupInfoA - 0x401090 0x4127c 0x4067c 0x262
GetDiskFreeSpaceExW - 0x401094 0x41280 0x40680 0x1ce
GetCPInfoExW - 0x401098 0x41284 0x40684 0x174
GetWindowsDirectoryW - 0x40109c 0x41288 0x40688 0x2af
GetSystemWow64DirectoryA - 0x4010a0 0x4128c 0x4068c 0x27d
SetLastError - 0x4010a4 0x41290 0x40690 0x473
GetProfileStringA - 0x4010a8 0x41294 0x40694 0x25c
GetCalendarInfoA - 0x4010ac 0x41298 0x40698 0x179
FreeUserPhysicalPages - 0x4010b0 0x4129c 0x4069c 0x166
GetTickCount - 0x4010b4 0x412a0 0x406a0 0x293
GetStringTypeExA - 0x4010b8 0x412a4 0x406a4 0x267
DebugBreak - 0x4010bc 0x412a8 0x406a8 0xc7
lstrcmpA - 0x4010c0 0x412ac 0x406ac 0x541
WriteFile - 0x4010c4 0x412b0 0x406b0 0x525
SetConsoleMode - 0x4010c8 0x412b4 0x406b4 0x43d
GetCurrentThreadId - 0x4010cc 0x412b8 0x406b8 0x1c5
lstrcatW - 0x4010d0 0x412bc 0x406bc 0x53f
SetMailslotInfo - 0x4010d4 0x412c0 0x406c0 0x479
LocalFileTimeToFileTime - 0x4010d8 0x412c4 0x406c4 0x346
DefineDosDeviceA - 0x4010dc 0x412c8 0x406c8 0xcc
EndUpdateResourceA - 0x4010e0 0x412cc 0x406cc 0xec
WriteConsoleW - 0x4010e4 0x412d0 0x406d0 0x524
SetSystemTimeAdjustment - 0x4010e8 0x412d4 0x406d4 0x48c
GetPrivateProfileSectionW - 0x4010ec 0x412d8 0x406d8 0x240
WritePrivateProfileSectionW - 0x4010f0 0x412dc 0x406dc 0x529
TryEnterCriticalSection - 0x4010f4 0x412e0 0x406e0 0x4ce
GetPrivateProfileStructW - 0x4010f8 0x412e4 0x406e4 0x244
GetFileAttributesExA - 0x4010fc 0x412e8 0x406e8 0x1e6
HeapUnlock - 0x401100 0x412ec 0x406ec 0x2d6
PeekConsoleInputA - 0x401104 0x412f0 0x406f0 0x38b
SetTapeParameters - 0x401108 0x412f4 0x406f4 0x48d
FindResourceExW - 0x40110c 0x412f8 0x406f8 0x14d
GetLocalTime - 0x401110 0x412fc 0x406fc 0x203
CreateIoCompletionPort - 0x401114 0x41300 0x40700 0x94
CreateSemaphoreA - 0x401118 0x41304 0x40704 0xab
GetThreadLocale - 0x40111c 0x41308 0x40708 0x28c
SetFileShortNameW - 0x401120 0x4130c 0x4070c 0x469
lstrcpyA - 0x401124 0x41310 0x40710 0x547
LockFileEx - 0x401128 0x41314 0x40714 0x353
GetConsoleAliasA - 0x40112c 0x41318 0x40718 0x190
GetConsoleAliasExesLengthA - 0x401130 0x4131c 0x4071c 0x192
TransactNamedPipe - 0x401134 0x41320 0x40720 0x4ca
GetDevicePowerState - 0x401138 0x41324 0x40724 0x1cb
GetWriteWatch - 0x40113c 0x41328 0x40728 0x2b0
FreeEnvironmentStringsA - 0x401140 0x4132c 0x4072c 0x160
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo - 0x401144 0x41330 0x40730 0x1b2
LoadLibraryW - 0x401148 0x41334 0x40734 0x33f
TlsAlloc - 0x40114c 0x41338 0x40738 0x4c5
GetComputerNameW - 0x401150 0x4133c 0x4073c 0x18f
HeapFree - 0x401154 0x41340 0x40740 0x2cf
GetLastError - 0x401158 0x41344 0x40744 0x202
GlobalReAlloc - 0x40115c 0x41348 0x40748 0x2c1
SignalObjectAndWait - 0x401160 0x4134c 0x4074c 0x4b0
CancelDeviceWakeupRequest - 0x401164 0x41350 0x40750 0x41
FindClose - 0x401168 0x41354 0x40754 0x12e
SetWaitableTimer - 0x40116c 0x41358 0x40758 0x4ac
ChangeTimerQueueTimer - 0x401170 0x4135c 0x4075c 0x48
GetProcessTimes - 0x401174 0x41360 0x40760 0x252
FatalAppExitW - 0x401178 0x41364 0x40764 0x121
lstrcpynA - 0x40117c 0x41368 0x40768 0x54a
SetNamedPipeHandleState - 0x401180 0x4136c 0x4076c 0x47c
FillConsoleOutputCharacterA - 0x401184 0x41370 0x40770 0x127
GetCompressedFileSizeA - 0x401188 0x41374 0x40774 0x188
FindNextVolumeMountPointA - 0x40118c 0x41378 0x40778 0x148
GetFullPathNameA - 0x401190 0x4137c 0x4077c 0x1f8
FreeResource - 0x401194 0x41380 0x40780 0x165
UnlockFile - 0x401198 0x41384 0x40784 0x4d4
GlobalAddAtomA - 0x40119c 0x41388 0x40788 0x2b1
TerminateJobObject - 0x4011a0 0x4138c 0x4078c 0x4bf
QueryDosDeviceA - 0x4011a4 0x41390 0x40790 0x39f
EnterCriticalSection - 0x4011a8 0x41394 0x40794 0xee
Process32FirstW - 0x4011ac 0x41398 0x40798 0x396
SetCurrentDirectoryW - 0x4011b0 0x4139c 0x4079c 0x44d
GetBinaryTypeA - 0x4011b4 0x413a0 0x407a0 0x170
OpenMutexA - 0x4011b8 0x413a4 0x407a4 0x37c
WideCharToMultiByte - 0x4011bc 0x413a8 0x407a8 0x511
InterlockedIncrement - 0x4011c0 0x413ac 0x407ac 0x2ef
InterlockedDecrement - 0x4011c4 0x413b0 0x407b0 0x2eb
GetStringTypeW - 0x4011c8 0x413b4 0x407b4 0x269
MultiByteToWideChar - 0x4011cc 0x413b8 0x407b8 0x367
InterlockedCompareExchange - 0x4011d0 0x413bc 0x407bc 0x2e9
InitializeCriticalSection - 0x4011d4 0x413c0 0x407c0 0x2e2
DeleteCriticalSection - 0x4011d8 0x413c4 0x407c4 0xd1
LeaveCriticalSection - 0x4011dc 0x413c8 0x407c8 0x339
EncodePointer - 0x4011e0 0x413cc 0x407cc 0xea
DecodePointer - 0x4011e4 0x413d0 0x407d0 0xca
HeapValidate - 0x4011e8 0x413d4 0x407d4 0x2d7
IsBadReadPtr - 0x4011ec 0x413d8 0x407d8 0x2f7
RtlUnwind - 0x4011f0 0x413dc 0x407dc 0x418
RaiseException - 0x4011f4 0x413e0 0x407e0 0x3b1
GetCommandLineW - 0x4011f8 0x413e4 0x407e4 0x187
HeapSetInformation - 0x4011fc 0x413e8 0x407e8 0x2d3
GetStartupInfoW - 0x401200 0x413ec 0x407ec 0x263
LCMapStringW - 0x401204 0x413f0 0x407f0 0x32d
GetCPInfo - 0x401208 0x413f4 0x407f4 0x172
GetModuleFileNameW - 0x40120c 0x413f8 0x407f8 0x214
GetCurrentProcess - 0x401210 0x413fc 0x407fc 0x1c0
UnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x401214 0x41400 0x40800 0x4d3
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x401218 0x41404 0x40804 0x4a5
IsDebuggerPresent - 0x40121c 0x41408 0x40808 0x300
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount - 0x401220 0x4140c 0x4080c 0x2e3
IsProcessorFeaturePresent - 0x401224 0x41410 0x40810 0x304
HeapAlloc - 0x401228 0x41414 0x40814 0x2cb
GetModuleFileNameA - 0x40122c 0x41418 0x40818 0x213
HeapReAlloc - 0x401230 0x4141c 0x4081c 0x2d2
HeapSize - 0x401234 0x41420 0x40820 0x2d4
HeapQueryInformation - 0x401238 0x41424 0x40824 0x2d1
HeapCreate - 0x40123c 0x41428 0x40828 0x2cd
GetACP - 0x401240 0x4142c 0x4082c 0x168
GetOEMCP - 0x401244 0x41430 0x40830 0x237
IsValidCodePage - 0x401248 0x41434 0x40834 0x30a
TlsGetValue - 0x40124c 0x41438 0x40838 0x4c7
TlsFree - 0x401250 0x4143c 0x4083c 0x4c6
GetModuleHandleW - 0x401254 0x41440 0x40840 0x218
ExitProcess - 0x401258 0x41444 0x40844 0x119
SetHandleCount - 0x40125c 0x41448 0x40848 0x46f
GetStdHandle - 0x401260 0x4144c 0x4084c 0x264
GetFileType - 0x401264 0x41450 0x40850 0x1f3
QueryPerformanceCounter - 0x401268 0x41454 0x40854 0x3a7
GetCurrentProcessId - 0x40126c 0x41458 0x40858 0x1c1
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime - 0x401270 0x4145c 0x4085c 0x279
GetEnvironmentStringsW - 0x401274 0x41460 0x40860 0x1da
GetLocaleInfoW - 0x401278 0x41464 0x40864 0x206
GetLocaleInfoA - 0x40127c 0x41468 0x40868 0x204
IsValidLocale - 0x401280 0x4146c 0x4086c 0x30c
EnumSystemLocalesA - 0x401284 0x41470 0x40870 0x10d
GetUserDefaultLCID - 0x401288 0x41474 0x40874 0x29b
OutputDebugStringA - 0x40128c 0x41478 0x40878 0x389
OutputDebugStringW - 0x401290 0x4147c 0x4087c 0x38a
SetFilePointer - 0x401294 0x41480 0x40880 0x466
GetConsoleMode - 0x401298 0x41484 0x40884 0x1ac
SetStdHandle - 0x40129c 0x41488 0x40888 0x487
FlushFileBuffers - 0x4012a0 0x4148c 0x4088c 0x157
CreateFileW - 0x4012a4 0x41490 0x40890 0x8f
CloseHandle - 0x4012a8 0x41494 0x40894 0x52
Memory Dumps (8)
Name Process ID Start VA End VA Dump Reason PE Rebuild Bitness Entry Point YARA Actions
eb24b3b9375f0b3272fac6eecc9329f79eab274d802b2ad37037cc83a46fa3f1.exe 1 0x00400000 0x00781FFF Relevant Image False 32-bit 0x0042C0C0 False
buffer 1 0x0091F3D0 0x0092E8EF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00922E8C False
buffer 1 0x00020000 0x00028FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00020000 False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00402F47 False
eb24b3b9375f0b3272fac6eecc9329f79eab274d802b2ad37037cc83a46fa3f1.exe 1 0x00400000 0x00781FFF Process Termination False 32-bit - False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Content Changed False 32-bit 0x0040283D False
buffer 2 0x00290000 0x00295FFF Process Termination False 32-bit - True
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Process Termination False 32-bit - False
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
