Try VMRay Platform

Downloader Injector

Threat Names

SmokeLoader Mal/Generic-S Mal/HTMLGen-A

Remarks (2/2)

(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "56 minutes, 40 seconds" to "12 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.

(0x0200003A): A task was rescheduled ahead of time to reveal dormant functionality.

File Name Category Type Verdict Actions
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\Desktop\b45bf93a4b27690392433619c5006e8b.virus.exe Sample File Binary
Also Known As C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\AppData\Roaming\bcatcih (Dropped File)
MIME Type application/
File Size 312.50 KB
MD5 b45bf93a4b27690392433619c5006e8b Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 9ec3ad4b028ab127e71fd755263dd0aa8a17260e Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 e997341ab2422f5471f4c9f1df84f7a52e16fa38d64e6e0f4f94859cc234e2f8 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 6144:f4QIFL5D8E3weiB+aHjHvEaTvpwr9UopI2wPgnPHPYU:wQQp8yweXUvEkSJUaI2vnP Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 1edccb2e6808b6fbc3aa19660b738ec5 Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
Names Mal/Generic-S
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x41b6a0
Size Of Code 0x3e800
Size Of Initialized Data 0x12a800
File Type FileType.executable
Subsystem Subsystem.windows_gui
Machine Type MachineType.i386
Compile Timestamp 2021-05-18 22:41:38+00:00
Sections (7)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x3e732 0x3e800 0x400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.96
.data 0x440000 0x11c988 0x1800 0x3ec00 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 3.47
.rsrc 0x560000 0x83b8 0x8400 0x41600 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 5.83
Imports (1)
KERNEL32.dll (207)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CallNamedPipeW - 0x401000 0x3e3fc 0x3d7fc 0x30
TerminateProcess - 0x401004 0x3e400 0x3d800 0x42d
GetExitCodeProcess - 0x401008 0x3e404 0x3d804 0x1c5
GetVersionExW - 0x40100c 0x3e408 0x3d808 0x276
SetConsoleCP - 0x401010 0x3e40c 0x3d80c 0x3a6
GetConsoleAliasesLengthW - 0x401014 0x3e410 0x3d810 0x181
GetDefaultCommConfigW - 0x401018 0x3e414 0x3d814 0x1b2
FindFirstFileExW - 0x40101c 0x3e418 0x3d818 0x11f
GetDriveTypeW - 0x401020 0x3e41c 0x3d81c 0x1bb
FreeEnvironmentStringsA - 0x401024 0x3e420 0x3d820 0x14a
SetProcessPriorityBoost - 0x401028 0x3e424 0x3d824 0x3f8
SetVolumeMountPointW - 0x40102c 0x3e428 0x3d828 0x41b
GetLongPathNameA - 0x401030 0x3e42c 0x3d82c 0x1ef
CopyFileA - 0x401034 0x3e430 0x3d830 0x60
TlsGetValue - 0x401038 0x3e434 0x3d834 0x434
SetConsoleCursorInfo - 0x40103c 0x3e438 0x3d838 0x3a9
SetComputerNameExA - 0x401040 0x3e43c 0x3d83c 0x3a2
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime - 0x401044 0x3e440 0x3d840 0x42b
FindAtomA - 0x401048 0x3e444 0x3d844 0x117
ReleaseSemaphore - 0x40104c 0x3e448 0x3d848 0x37b
GetNamedPipeHandleStateA - 0x401050 0x3e44c 0x3d84c 0x201
CreateMailslotA - 0x401054 0x3e450 0x3d850 0x88
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW - 0x401058 0x3e454 0x3d854 0x2d
VirtualProtect - 0x40105c 0x3e458 0x3d858 0x45a
LoadLibraryA - 0x401060 0x3e45c 0x3d85c 0x2f1
LocalAlloc - 0x401064 0x3e460 0x3d860 0x2f9
TryEnterCriticalSection - 0x401068 0x3e464 0x3d864 0x439
GetCommandLineW - 0x40106c 0x3e468 0x3d868 0x170
InterlockedDecrement - 0x401070 0x3e46c 0x3d86c 0x2bc
GetCalendarInfoA - 0x401074 0x3e470 0x3d870 0x162
DeleteFileA - 0x401078 0x3e474 0x3d874 0xc0
CreateActCtxW - 0x40107c 0x3e478 0x3d878 0x68
CreateRemoteThread - 0x401080 0x3e47c 0x3d87c 0x98
SetSystemTimeAdjustment - 0x401084 0x3e480 0x3d880 0x401
GetPriorityClass - 0x401088 0x3e484 0x3d884 0x215
WritePrivateProfileStringA - 0x40108c 0x3e488 0x3d888 0x492
GetProcessHeaps - 0x401090 0x3e48c 0x3d88c 0x224
GetProcessHeap - 0x401094 0x3e490 0x3d890 0x223
GlobalUnWire - 0x401098 0x3e494 0x3d894 0x295
ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW - 0x40109c 0x3e498 0x3d898 0x364
GetStartupInfoW - 0x4010a0 0x3e49c 0x3d89c 0x23a
GetDiskFreeSpaceExA - 0x4010a4 0x3e4a0 0x3d8a0 0x1b5
GetCPInfoExA - 0x4010a8 0x3e4a4 0x3d8a4 0x15c
GetWindowsDirectoryA - 0x4010ac 0x3e4a8 0x3d8a8 0x280
GetSystemWow64DirectoryW - 0x4010b0 0x3e4ac 0x3d8ac 0x254
GetLastError - 0x4010b4 0x3e4b0 0x3d8b0 0x1e6
WriteProfileSectionW - 0x4010b8 0x3e4b4 0x3d8b4 0x498
GetProfileStringA - 0x4010bc 0x3e4b8 0x3d8b8 0x233
SetLastError - 0x4010c0 0x3e4bc 0x3d8bc 0x3ec
DeleteVolumeMountPointA - 0x4010c4 0x3e4c0 0x3d8c0 0xc8
DebugBreak - 0x4010c8 0x3e4c4 0x3d8c4 0xb4
lstrcmpA - 0x4010cc 0x3e4c8 0x3d8c8 0x4a9
WriteFile - 0x4010d0 0x3e4cc 0x3d8cc 0x48d
SetConsoleMode - 0x4010d4 0x3e4d0 0x3d8d0 0x3b7
GetVersion - 0x4010d8 0x3e4d4 0x3d8d4 0x274
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW - 0x4010dc 0x3e4d8 0x3d8d8 0x252
GlobalFindAtomA - 0x4010e0 0x3e4dc 0x3d8dc 0x288
FindCloseChangeNotification - 0x4010e4 0x3e4e0 0x3d8e0 0x11a
GetTapeParameters - 0x4010e8 0x3e4e4 0x3d8e4 0x255
SetMailslotInfo - 0x4010ec 0x3e4e8 0x3d8e8 0x3f2
InterlockedExchange - 0x4010f0 0x3e4ec 0x3d8ec 0x2bd
DefineDosDeviceW - 0x4010f4 0x3e4f0 0x3d8f0 0xba
FindVolumeMountPointClose - 0x4010f8 0x3e4f4 0x3d8f4 0x13b
EndUpdateResourceW - 0x4010fc 0x3e4f8 0x3d8f8 0xd8
WriteConsoleW - 0x401100 0x3e4fc 0x3d8fc 0x48c
GetSystemTimeAdjustment - 0x401104 0x3e500 0x3d900 0x24e
WritePrivateProfileSectionA - 0x401108 0x3e504 0x3d904 0x490
GetPrivateProfileStructW - 0x40110c 0x3e508 0x3d908 0x21f
GetDriveTypeA - 0x401110 0x3e50c 0x3d90c 0x1ba
GetFileAttributesExA - 0x401114 0x3e510 0x3d910 0x1ca
MoveFileW - 0x401118 0x3e514 0x3d914 0x316
GetVolumePathNameA - 0x40111c 0x3e518 0x3d918 0x27c
GetConsoleMode - 0x401120 0x3e51c 0x3d91c 0x195
HeapUnlock - 0x401124 0x3e520 0x3d920 0x2a8
lstrcmpW - 0x401128 0x3e524 0x3d924 0x4aa
SetDefaultCommConfigW - 0x40112c 0x3e528 0x3d928 0x3c9
FindActCtxSectionStringA - 0x401130 0x3e52c 0x3d92c 0x115
ResetEvent - 0x401134 0x3e530 0x3d930 0x38a
GetThreadContext - 0x401138 0x3e534 0x3d934 0x25c
MoveFileExW - 0x40113c 0x3e538 0x3d938 0x313
GetProcAddress - 0x401140 0x3e53c 0x3d93c 0x220
GlobalLock - 0x401144 0x3e540 0x3d940 0x290
UnregisterWaitEx - 0x401148 0x3e544 0x3d944 0x446
BuildCommDCBA - 0x40114c 0x3e548 0x3d948 0x2b
PeekConsoleInputA - 0x401150 0x3e54c 0x3d94c 0x33c
GetBinaryTypeW - 0x401154 0x3e550 0x3d950 0x159
CreateSemaphoreW - 0x401158 0x3e554 0x3d954 0x9c
TransmitCommChar - 0x40115c 0x3e558 0x3d958 0x438
WaitNamedPipeA - 0x401160 0x3e55c 0x3d95c 0x46a
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW - 0x401164 0x3e560 0x3d960 0x21a
FindResourceExW - 0x401168 0x3e564 0x3d964 0x138
EnumTimeFormatsW - 0x40116c 0x3e568 0x3d968 0xfd
GetLocalTime - 0x401170 0x3e56c 0x3d96c 0x1e7
CreateSemaphoreA - 0x401174 0x3e570 0x3d970 0x99
FreeEnvironmentStringsW - 0x401178 0x3e574 0x3d974 0x14b
GetPrivateProfileSectionW - 0x40117c 0x3e578 0x3d978 0x21b
GetOverlappedResult - 0x401180 0x3e57c 0x3d97c 0x214
SetFileShortNameW - 0x401184 0x3e580 0x3d980 0x3e2
lstrcpyA - 0x401188 0x3e584 0x3d984 0x4af
VerLanguageNameW - 0x40118c 0x3e588 0x3d988 0x44e
SetThreadExecutionState - 0x401190 0x3e58c 0x3d98c 0x407
SetSystemTime - 0x401194 0x3e590 0x3d990 0x400
LockFile - 0x401198 0x3e594 0x3d994 0x305
VerSetConditionMask - 0x40119c 0x3e598 0x3d998 0x44f
GetConsoleAliasA - 0x4011a0 0x3e59c 0x3d99c 0x179
FlushConsoleInputBuffer - 0x4011a4 0x3e5a0 0x3d9a0 0x140
FreeConsole - 0x4011a8 0x3e5a4 0x3d9a4 0x149
GetAtomNameW - 0x4011ac 0x3e5a8 0x3d9a8 0x156
GetConsoleAliasExesLengthA - 0x4011b0 0x3e5ac 0x3d9ac 0x17b
WriteConsoleInputW - 0x4011b4 0x3e5b0 0x3d9b0 0x486
TransactNamedPipe - 0x4011b8 0x3e5b4 0x3d9b4 0x437
EnumDateFormatsA - 0x4011bc 0x3e5b8 0x3d9b8 0xdf
SetCommState - 0x4011c0 0x3e5bc 0x3d9bc 0x39f
FileTimeToLocalFileTime - 0x4011c4 0x3e5c0 0x3d9c0 0x10f
_lopen - 0x4011c8 0x3e5c4 0x3d9c4 0x4a2
GetConsoleAliasExesLengthW - 0x4011cc 0x3e5c8 0x3d9c8 0x17c
GetWriteWatch - 0x4011d0 0x3e5cc 0x3d9cc 0x282
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents - 0x4011d4 0x3e5d0 0x3d9d0 0x211
GetModuleHandleW - 0x4011d8 0x3e5d4 0x3d9d4 0x1f9
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA - 0x4011dc 0x3e5d8 0x3d9d8 0x489
HeapFree - 0x4011e0 0x3e5dc 0x3d9dc 0x2a1
OpenMutexW - 0x4011e4 0x3e5e0 0x3d9e0 0x330
LocalLock - 0x4011e8 0x3e5e4 0x3d9e4 0x2ff
GetCommMask - 0x4011ec 0x3e5e8 0x3d9e8 0x16a
SetEndOfFile - 0x4011f0 0x3e5ec 0x3d9ec 0x3cd
FindClose - 0x4011f4 0x3e5f0 0x3d9f0 0x119
CreateIoCompletionPort - 0x4011f8 0x3e5f4 0x3d9f4 0x84
SetFileApisToANSI - 0x4011fc 0x3e5f8 0x3d9f8 0x3d5
CancelWaitableTimer - 0x401200 0x3e5fc 0x3d9fc 0x38
GetProcessHandleCount - 0x401204 0x3e600 0x3da00 0x222
UnregisterWait - 0x401208 0x3e604 0x3da04 0x445
GetProcessVersion - 0x40120c 0x3e608 0x3da08 0x22b
lstrcpynA - 0x401210 0x3e60c 0x3da0c 0x4b2
GetNamedPipeInfo - 0x401214 0x3e610 0x3da10 0x203
GetCompressedFileSizeA - 0x401218 0x3e614 0x3da14 0x171
FindNextVolumeMountPointW - 0x40121c 0x3e618 0x3da18 0x134
GetFullPathNameA - 0x401220 0x3e61c 0x3da1c 0x1dc
WriteProfileStringA - 0x401224 0x3e620 0x3da20 0x499
DeleteAtom - 0x401228 0x3e624 0x3da24 0xbc
GlobalAddAtomW - 0x40122c 0x3e628 0x3da28 0x284
TerminateJobObject - 0x401230 0x3e62c 0x3da2c 0x42c
QueryDosDeviceW - 0x401234 0x3e630 0x3da30 0x34e
InitializeCriticalSection - 0x401238 0x3e634 0x3da34 0x2b4
Process32NextW - 0x40123c 0x3e638 0x3da38 0x346
SetCurrentDirectoryA - 0x401240 0x3e63c 0x3da3c 0x3c6
GetBinaryTypeA - 0x401244 0x3e640 0x3da40 0x158
MoveFileA - 0x401248 0x3e644 0x3da44 0x311
RaiseException - 0x40124c 0x3e648 0x3da48 0x35a
HeapValidate - 0x401250 0x3e64c 0x3da4c 0x2a9
IsBadReadPtr - 0x401254 0x3e650 0x3da50 0x2c8
DeleteCriticalSection - 0x401258 0x3e654 0x3da54 0xbe
EnterCriticalSection - 0x40125c 0x3e658 0x3da58 0xd9
LeaveCriticalSection - 0x401260 0x3e65c 0x3da5c 0x2ef
GetModuleFileNameW - 0x401264 0x3e660 0x3da60 0x1f5
GetModuleHandleA - 0x401268 0x3e664 0x3da64 0x1f6
GetCurrentProcess - 0x40126c 0x3e668 0x3da68 0x1a9
UnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x401270 0x3e66c 0x3da6c 0x43e
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x401274 0x3e670 0x3da70 0x415
IsDebuggerPresent - 0x401278 0x3e674 0x3da74 0x2d1
InterlockedIncrement - 0x40127c 0x3e678 0x3da78 0x2c0
GetACP - 0x401280 0x3e67c 0x3da7c 0x152
GetOEMCP - 0x401284 0x3e680 0x3da80 0x213
GetCPInfo - 0x401288 0x3e684 0x3da84 0x15b
IsValidCodePage - 0x40128c 0x3e688 0x3da88 0x2db
TlsAlloc - 0x401290 0x3e68c 0x3da8c 0x432
TlsSetValue - 0x401294 0x3e690 0x3da90 0x435
GetCurrentThreadId - 0x401298 0x3e694 0x3da94 0x1ad
TlsFree - 0x40129c 0x3e698 0x3da98 0x433
Sleep - 0x4012a0 0x3e69c 0x3da9c 0x421
ExitProcess - 0x4012a4 0x3e6a0 0x3daa0 0x104
SetHandleCount - 0x4012a8 0x3e6a4 0x3daa4 0x3e8
GetStdHandle - 0x4012ac 0x3e6a8 0x3daa8 0x23b
GetFileType - 0x4012b0 0x3e6ac 0x3daac 0x1d7
GetStartupInfoA - 0x4012b4 0x3e6b0 0x3dab0 0x239
QueryPerformanceCounter - 0x4012b8 0x3e6b4 0x3dab4 0x354
GetTickCount - 0x4012bc 0x3e6b8 0x3dab8 0x266
GetCurrentProcessId - 0x4012c0 0x3e6bc 0x3dabc 0x1aa
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime - 0x4012c4 0x3e6c0 0x3dac0 0x24f
GetEnvironmentStringsW - 0x4012c8 0x3e6c4 0x3dac4 0x1c1
HeapDestroy - 0x4012cc 0x3e6c8 0x3dac8 0x2a0
HeapCreate - 0x4012d0 0x3e6cc 0x3dacc 0x29f
VirtualFree - 0x4012d4 0x3e6d0 0x3dad0 0x457
GetModuleFileNameA - 0x4012d8 0x3e6d4 0x3dad4 0x1f4
HeapAlloc - 0x4012dc 0x3e6d8 0x3dad8 0x29d
HeapSize - 0x4012e0 0x3e6dc 0x3dadc 0x2a6
HeapReAlloc - 0x4012e4 0x3e6e0 0x3dae0 0x2a4
VirtualAlloc - 0x4012e8 0x3e6e4 0x3dae4 0x454
RtlUnwind - 0x4012ec 0x3e6e8 0x3dae8 0x392
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount - 0x4012f0 0x3e6ec 0x3daec 0x2b5
OutputDebugStringA - 0x4012f4 0x3e6f0 0x3daf0 0x33a
OutputDebugStringW - 0x4012f8 0x3e6f4 0x3daf4 0x33b
LoadLibraryW - 0x4012fc 0x3e6f8 0x3daf8 0x2f4
MultiByteToWideChar - 0x401300 0x3e6fc 0x3dafc 0x31a
GetStringTypeA - 0x401304 0x3e700 0x3db00 0x23d
GetStringTypeW - 0x401308 0x3e704 0x3db04 0x240
WideCharToMultiByte - 0x40130c 0x3e708 0x3db08 0x47a
LCMapStringA - 0x401310 0x3e70c 0x3db0c 0x2e1
LCMapStringW - 0x401314 0x3e710 0x3db10 0x2e3
GetLocaleInfoA - 0x401318 0x3e714 0x3db14 0x1e8
SetFilePointer - 0x40131c 0x3e718 0x3db18 0x3df
GetConsoleCP - 0x401320 0x3e71c 0x3db1c 0x183
FlushFileBuffers - 0x401324 0x3e720 0x3db20 0x141
SetStdHandle - 0x401328 0x3e724 0x3db24 0x3fc
WriteConsoleA - 0x40132c 0x3e728 0x3db28 0x482
GetConsoleOutputCP - 0x401330 0x3e72c 0x3db2c 0x199
CloseHandle - 0x401334 0x3e730 0x3db30 0x43
CreateFileA - 0x401338 0x3e734 0x3db34 0x78
Memory Dumps (10)
Name Process ID Start VA End VA Dump Reason PE Rebuild Bitness Entry Point YARA Actions
b45bf93a4b27690392433619c5006e8b.virus.exe 1 0x00400000 0x0056DFFF Relevant Image False 32-bit 0x00429060 False
buffer 1 0x005E1FC8 0x005F1637 First Execution False 32-bit 0x005E591B False
buffer 1 0x00030000 0x00038FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00030000 False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00402F47 False
b45bf93a4b27690392433619c5006e8b.virus.exe 1 0x00400000 0x0056DFFF Process Termination False 32-bit - False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Content Changed False 32-bit 0x004019A4 False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Content Changed False 32-bit 0x00402D03 False
buffer 2 0x00460000 0x00475FFF Marked Executable False 32-bit - True
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Process Termination False 32-bit - False
buffer 2 0x00420000 0x00425FFF Process Termination False 32-bit - True
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
