Try VMRay Platform


Threat Names

CryptOne Gen:Heur.Mint.Jamg.1 Generic.Mint.Zamg.3.3897D085 Trojan.Ransom.Shade.E +1

Dynamic Analysis Report

Created on 2021-09-28T10:52:00


Windows Exe (x86-32)
File Name Category Type Verdict Actions
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\Desktop\d158534622b057b387a617ebe2931fef6d5c7d386b6dfbeb652c4781846f87c1.exe Sample File Binary
Also Known As C:\ProgramData\Windows\csrss.exe (Dropped File)
MIME Type application/
File Size 1.19 MB
MD5 1d46afb839b846ede01cb925470f0488 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 8cffc99cda16d5d6b5192c62fefae6c0ac89b33d Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 d158534622b057b387a617ebe2931fef6d5c7d386b6dfbeb652c4781846f87c1 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 24576:XHtrdKYVVSrqGDohJ3STZG8vIn/sCBGnWsY0Dy0:XHtV7GwBSTc8An/4YF0 Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash b90027f65707ca9644c551e337fa02ad Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
AV Matches (1)
Threat Name Verdict
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x513860
Size Of Code 0x113200
Size Of Initialized Data 0x1bc00
File Type FileType.executable
Subsystem Subsystem.windows_gui
Machine Type MachineType.i386
Compile Timestamp 2019-02-27 09:39:43+00:00
Version Information (8)
CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
FileDescription Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor
FileVersion 8.00.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255)
InternalName Wextract
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
OriginalFilename WEXTRACT.EXE
ProductName Windows® Internet Explorer
ProductVersion 8.00.7600.16385
Sections (4)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x11313c 0x113200 0x400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 7.12
.rdata 0x515000 0x2b2e 0x2c00 0x113600 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 5.57
.rsrc 0x519000 0xeead8 0x18c00 0x116400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 7.14
Imports (5)
KERNEL32.dll (155)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetStringTypeW - 0x5150e4 0x115d30 0x114330 0x240
GetSystemDefaultLCID - 0x5150e8 0x115d34 0x114334 0x241
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime - 0x5150ec 0x115d38 0x114338 0x24f
GetThreadLocale - 0x5150f0 0x115d3c 0x11433c 0x25f
GetThreadPriority - 0x5150f4 0x115d40 0x114340 0x261
GetTickCount - 0x5150f8 0x115d44 0x114344 0x266
GetUserDefaultUILanguage - 0x5150fc 0x115d48 0x114348 0x270
GetVersionExA - 0x515100 0x115d4c 0x11434c 0x275
GetVersionExW - 0x515104 0x115d50 0x114350 0x276
GlobalAddAtomW - 0x515108 0x115d54 0x114354 0x284
GlobalAlloc - 0x51510c 0x115d58 0x114358 0x285
GlobalDeleteAtom - 0x515110 0x115d5c 0x11435c 0x287
GlobalFindAtomW - 0x515114 0x115d60 0x114360 0x289
GlobalFlags - 0x515118 0x115d64 0x114364 0x28b
GlobalFree - 0x51511c 0x115d68 0x114368 0x28c
GlobalHandle - 0x515120 0x115d6c 0x11436c 0x28f
GlobalLock - 0x515124 0x115d70 0x114370 0x290
GlobalReAlloc - 0x515128 0x115d74 0x114374 0x293
GlobalUnlock - 0x51512c 0x115d78 0x114378 0x297
Heap32ListNext - 0x515130 0x115d7c 0x11437c 0x29b
HeapAlloc - 0x515134 0x115d80 0x114380 0x29d
HeapCreate - 0x515138 0x115d84 0x114384 0x29f
HeapFree - 0x51513c 0x115d88 0x114388 0x2a1
HeapReAlloc - 0x515140 0x115d8c 0x11438c 0x2a4
HeapSize - 0x515144 0x115d90 0x114390 0x2a6
HeapValidate - 0x515148 0x115d94 0x114394 0x2a9
InitializeCriticalSection - 0x51514c 0x115d98 0x114398 0x2b4
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount - 0x515150 0x115d9c 0x11439c 0x2b5
InterlockedDecrement - 0x515154 0x115da0 0x1143a0 0x2bc
InterlockedExchange - 0x515158 0x115da4 0x1143a4 0x2bd
InterlockedIncrement - 0x51515c 0x115da8 0x1143a8 0x2c0
IsDebuggerPresent - 0x515160 0x115dac 0x1143ac 0x2d1
IsValidCodePage - 0x515164 0x115db0 0x1143b0 0x2db
LCMapStringA - 0x515168 0x115db4 0x1143b4 0x2e1
LCMapStringW - 0x51516c 0x115db8 0x1143b8 0x2e3
LeaveCriticalSection - 0x515170 0x115dbc 0x1143bc 0x2ef
LoadLibraryA - 0x515174 0x115dc0 0x1143c0 0x2f1
LoadLibraryW - 0x515178 0x115dc4 0x1143c4 0x2f4
LoadResource - 0x51517c 0x115dc8 0x1143c8 0x2f6
LocalAlloc - 0x515180 0x115dcc 0x1143cc 0x2f9
LocalFree - 0x515184 0x115dd0 0x1143d0 0x2fd
LocalReAlloc - 0x515188 0x115dd4 0x1143d4 0x300
LocalSize - 0x51518c 0x115dd8 0x1143d8 0x302
LockResource - 0x515190 0x115ddc 0x1143dc 0x307
MapViewOfFile - 0x515194 0x115de0 0x1143e0 0x30a
MultiByteToWideChar - 0x515198 0x115de4 0x1143e4 0x31a
OpenEventW - 0x51519c 0x115de8 0x1143e8 0x328
OpenMutexW - 0x5151a0 0x115dec 0x1143ec 0x330
OpenSemaphoreA - 0x5151a4 0x115df0 0x1143f0 0x335
GetStringTypeExW - 0x5151a8 0x115df4 0x1143f4 0x23f
OutputDebugStringA - 0x5151ac 0x115df8 0x1143f8 0x33a
QueryPerformanceCounter - 0x5151b0 0x115dfc 0x1143fc 0x354
RaiseException - 0x5151b4 0x115e00 0x114400 0x35a
ReadConsoleW - 0x5151b8 0x115e04 0x114404 0x366
ReadFile - 0x5151bc 0x115e08 0x114408 0x368
ReleaseMutex - 0x5151c0 0x115e0c 0x11440c 0x377
ReplaceFileA - 0x5151c4 0x115e10 0x114410 0x386
RtlUnwind - 0x5151c8 0x115e14 0x114414 0x392
SetComputerNameExA - 0x5151cc 0x115e18 0x114418 0x3a2
SetConsoleCtrlHandler - 0x5151d0 0x115e1c 0x11441c 0x3a7
SetConsoleMode - 0x5151d4 0x115e20 0x114420 0x3b7
SetConsoleOutputCP - 0x5151d8 0x115e24 0x114424 0x3bc
SetConsoleTextAttribute - 0x5151dc 0x115e28 0x114428 0x3c0
SetErrorMode - 0x5151e0 0x115e2c 0x11442c 0x3d2
SetEvent - 0x5151e4 0x115e30 0x114430 0x3d3
SetFilePointer - 0x5151e8 0x115e34 0x114434 0x3df
SetHandleCount - 0x5151ec 0x115e38 0x114438 0x3e8
SetLastError - 0x5151f0 0x115e3c 0x11443c 0x3ec
SetStdHandle - 0x5151f4 0x115e40 0x114440 0x3fc
SetThreadLocale - 0x5151f8 0x115e44 0x114444 0x409
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x5151fc 0x115e48 0x114448 0x415
SetVolumeMountPointW - 0x515200 0x115e4c 0x11444c 0x41b
SizeofResource - 0x515204 0x115e50 0x114450 0x420
Sleep - 0x515208 0x115e54 0x114454 0x421
SystemTimeToFileTime - 0x51520c 0x115e58 0x114458 0x42a
TerminateProcess - 0x515210 0x115e5c 0x11445c 0x42d
TerminateThread - 0x515214 0x115e60 0x114460 0x42e
TlsAlloc - 0x515218 0x115e64 0x114464 0x432
TlsFree - 0x51521c 0x115e68 0x114468 0x433
TlsGetValue - 0x515220 0x115e6c 0x11446c 0x434
TlsSetValue - 0x515224 0x115e70 0x114470 0x435
UnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x515228 0x115e74 0x114474 0x43e
UnmapViewOfFile - 0x51522c 0x115e78 0x114478 0x441
VerLanguageNameA - 0x515230 0x115e7c 0x11447c 0x44d
VirtualAlloc - 0x515234 0x115e80 0x114480 0x454
VirtualFree - 0x515238 0x115e84 0x114484 0x457
WaitForMultipleObjects - 0x51523c 0x115e88 0x114488 0x462
WaitForSingleObject - 0x515240 0x115e8c 0x11448c 0x464
WideCharToMultiByte - 0x515244 0x115e90 0x114490 0x47a
WriteConsoleA - 0x515248 0x115e94 0x114494 0x482
WriteConsoleW - 0x51524c 0x115e98 0x114498 0x48c
WriteFile - 0x515250 0x115e9c 0x11449c 0x48d
WritePrivateProfileStringW - 0x515254 0x115ea0 0x1144a0 0x493
_lwrite - 0x515258 0x115ea4 0x1144a4 0x4a4
lstrcmpA - 0x51525c 0x115ea8 0x1144a8 0x4a9
lstrcmpW - 0x515260 0x115eac 0x1144ac 0x4aa
lstrlenA - 0x515264 0x115eb0 0x1144b0 0x4b5
lstrlenW - 0x515268 0x115eb4 0x1144b4 0x4b6
GetStringTypeA - 0x51526c 0x115eb8 0x1144b8 0x23d
GetStdHandle - 0x515270 0x115ebc 0x1144bc 0x23b
GetStartupInfoW - 0x515274 0x115ec0 0x1144c0 0x23a
GetStartupInfoA - 0x515278 0x115ec4 0x1144c4 0x239
GetShortPathNameW - 0x51527c 0x115ec8 0x1144c8 0x238
GetProcessHeaps - 0x515280 0x115ecc 0x1144cc 0x224
GetProcessHeap - 0x515284 0x115ed0 0x1144d0 0x223
GetProcAddress - 0x515288 0x115ed4 0x1144d4 0x220
GetOEMCP - 0x51528c 0x115ed8 0x1144d8 0x213
GetModuleHandleW - 0x515290 0x115edc 0x1144dc 0x1f9
GetModuleHandleA - 0x515294 0x115ee0 0x1144e0 0x1f6
GetModuleFileNameW - 0x515298 0x115ee4 0x1144e4 0x1f5
GetModuleFileNameA - 0x51529c 0x115ee8 0x1144e8 0x1f4
GetLocaleInfoW - 0x5152a0 0x115eec 0x1144ec 0x1ea
GetLocaleInfoA - 0x5152a4 0x115ef0 0x1144f0 0x1e8
GetLocalTime - 0x5152a8 0x115ef4 0x1144f4 0x1e7
GetLastError - 0x5152ac 0x115ef8 0x1144f8 0x1e6
GetFileType - 0x5152b0 0x115efc 0x1144fc 0x1d7
GetExitCodeThread - 0x5152b4 0x115f00 0x114500 0x1c6
GetEnvironmentStringsW - 0x5152b8 0x115f04 0x114504 0x1c1
GetCurrentThreadId - 0x5152bc 0x115f08 0x114508 0x1ad
GetCurrentThread - 0x5152c0 0x115f0c 0x11450c 0x1ac
GetCurrentProcessId - 0x5152c4 0x115f10 0x114510 0x1aa
GetCurrentProcess - 0x5152c8 0x115f14 0x114514 0x1a9
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo - 0x5152cc 0x115f18 0x114518 0x19b
GetConsoleOutputCP - 0x5152d0 0x115f1c 0x11451c 0x199
GetConsoleMode - 0x5152d4 0x115f20 0x114520 0x195
GetConsoleFontSize - 0x5152d8 0x115f24 0x114524 0x18d
GetConsoleCP - 0x5152dc 0x115f28 0x114528 0x183
GetComputerNameW - 0x5152e0 0x115f2c 0x11452c 0x178
GetCommandLineW - 0x5152e4 0x115f30 0x114530 0x170
GetCPInfo - 0x5152e8 0x115f34 0x114534 0x15b
GetACP - 0x5152ec 0x115f38 0x114538 0x152
FreeLibrary - 0x5152f0 0x115f3c 0x11453c 0x14c
FreeEnvironmentStringsW - 0x5152f4 0x115f40 0x114540 0x14b
FormatMessageW - 0x5152f8 0x115f44 0x114544 0x148
FlushFileBuffers - 0x5152fc 0x115f48 0x114548 0x141
FindResourceW - 0x515300 0x115f4c 0x11454c 0x139
FindNextFileW - 0x515304 0x115f50 0x114550 0x130
FindFirstFileW - 0x515308 0x115f54 0x114554 0x124
FindClose - 0x51530c 0x115f58 0x114558 0x119
FileTimeToLocalFileTime - 0x515310 0x115f5c 0x11455c 0x10f
FileTimeToDosDateTime - 0x515314 0x115f60 0x114560 0x10e
ExitProcess - 0x515318 0x115f64 0x114564 0x104
EnumResourceLanguagesW - 0x51531c 0x115f68 0x114568 0xe9
EnterCriticalSection - 0x515320 0x115f6c 0x11456c 0xd9
DeleteCriticalSection - 0x515324 0x115f70 0x114570 0xbe
CreateThread - 0x515328 0x115f74 0x114574 0xa3
CreateMutexW - 0x51532c 0x115f78 0x114578 0x8e
CreateMutexA - 0x515330 0x115f7c 0x11457c 0x8b
CreateFileW - 0x515334 0x115f80 0x114580 0x7f
CreateFileMappingW - 0x515338 0x115f84 0x114584 0x7c
CreateFileA - 0x51533c 0x115f88 0x114588 0x78
CreateEventW - 0x515340 0x115f8c 0x11458c 0x75
ConvertDefaultLocale - 0x515344 0x115f90 0x114590 0x5a
OpenThread - 0x515348 0x115f94 0x114594 0x337
CloseHandle - 0x51534c 0x115f98 0x114598 0x43
USER32.dll (150)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GrayStringW - 0x515360 0x115fac 0x1145ac 0x194
IsIconic - 0x515364 0x115fb0 0x1145b0 0x1bd
IsWindow - 0x515368 0x115fb4 0x1145b4 0x1c5
IsWindowEnabled - 0x51536c 0x115fb8 0x1145b8 0x1c6
IsWindowVisible - 0x515370 0x115fbc 0x1145bc 0x1ca
LoadBitmapW - 0x515374 0x115fc0 0x1145c0 0x1d1
LoadCursorW - 0x515378 0x115fc4 0x1145c4 0x1d5
LoadIconW - 0x51537c 0x115fc8 0x1145c8 0x1d7
LoadMenuW - 0x515380 0x115fcc 0x1145cc 0x1e1
LoadStringW - 0x515384 0x115fd0 0x1145d0 0x1e4
MapWindowPoints - 0x515388 0x115fd4 0x1145d4 0x1f3
MessageBoxA - 0x51538c 0x115fd8 0x1145d8 0x1f8
MessageBoxW - 0x515390 0x115fdc 0x1145dc 0x1ff
ModifyMenuW - 0x515394 0x115fe0 0x1145e0 0x201
MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx - 0x515398 0x115fe4 0x1145e4 0x207
NotifyWinEvent - 0x51539c 0x115fe8 0x1145e8 0x208
PeekMessageW - 0x5153a0 0x115fec 0x1145ec 0x21c
PostMessageW - 0x5153a4 0x115ff0 0x1145f0 0x21f
PostQuitMessage - 0x5153a8 0x115ff4 0x1145f4 0x220
PostThreadMessageA - 0x5153ac 0x115ff8 0x1145f8 0x221
PostThreadMessageW - 0x5153b0 0x115ffc 0x1145fc 0x222
PtInRect - 0x5153b4 0x116000 0x114600 0x229
RegisterClassW - 0x5153b8 0x116004 0x114604 0x236
RegisterWindowMessageW - 0x5153bc 0x116008 0x114608 0x24a
ReleaseDC - 0x5153c0 0x11600c 0x11460c 0x24c
RemovePropW - 0x5153c4 0x116010 0x114610 0x250
SendMessageA - 0x5153c8 0x116014 0x114614 0x25e
SendMessageW - 0x5153cc 0x116018 0x114618 0x263
SetCursor - 0x5153d0 0x11601c 0x11461c 0x270
SetForegroundWindow - 0x5153d4 0x116020 0x114620 0x27a
SetMenu - 0x5153d8 0x116024 0x114624 0x27f
SetMenuItemBitmaps - 0x5153dc 0x116028 0x114628 0x283
SetMessageQueue - 0x5153e0 0x11602c 0x11462c 0x287
SetPropW - 0x5153e4 0x116030 0x114630 0x290
SetWindowLongW - 0x5153e8 0x116034 0x114634 0x2a5
SetWindowPos - 0x5153ec 0x116038 0x114638 0x2a7
SetWindowTextW - 0x5153f0 0x11603c 0x11463c 0x2ac
SetWindowsHookExW - 0x5153f4 0x116040 0x114640 0x2b0
ShowWindow - 0x5153f8 0x116044 0x114644 0x2b8
SystemParametersInfoA - 0x5153fc 0x116048 0x114648 0x2c4
TabbedTextOutW - 0x515400 0x11604c 0x11464c 0x2c7
TranslateMessage - 0x515404 0x116050 0x114650 0x2d5
UnhookWinEvent - 0x515408 0x116054 0x114654 0x2d7
UnhookWindowsHookEx - 0x51540c 0x116058 0x114658 0x2d9
UnregisterClassW - 0x515410 0x11605c 0x11465c 0x2df
UnregisterDeviceNotification - 0x515414 0x116060 0x114660 0x2e0
ValidateRect - 0x515418 0x116064 0x114664 0x2f2
WinHelpW - 0x51541c 0x116068 0x114668 0x300
WindowFromDC - 0x515420 0x11606c 0x11466c 0x301
LoadCursorFromFileA - 0x515424 0x116070 0x114670 0x1d3
GetClipboardData - 0x515428 0x116074 0x114674 0x10f
InSendMessage - 0x51542c 0x116078 0x114678 0x19f
IsMenu - 0x515430 0x11607c 0x11467c 0x1be
DestroyIcon - 0x515434 0x116080 0x114680 0x9d
CharLowerW - 0x515438 0x116084 0x114684 0x2c
GetMenuContextHelpId - 0x51543c 0x116088 0x114688 0x13f
VkKeyScanA - 0x515440 0x11608c 0x11468c 0x2f4
CountClipboardFormats - 0x515444 0x116090 0x114690 0x50
IsCharAlphaA - 0x515448 0x116094 0x114694 0x1ad
IsCharAlphaNumericA - 0x51544c 0x116098 0x114698 0x1ae
GetProcessWindowStation - 0x515450 0x11609c 0x11469c 0x159
IsWindowUnicode - 0x515454 0x1160a0 0x1146a0 0x1c9
GetKeyboardLayout - 0x515458 0x1160a4 0x1146a4 0x132
VkKeyScanW - 0x51545c 0x1160a8 0x1146a8 0x2f7
GetKBCodePage - 0x515460 0x1160ac 0x1146ac 0x12e
GetClipboardOwner - 0x515464 0x1160b0 0x1146b0 0x112
GetAsyncKeyState - 0x515468 0x1160b4 0x1146b4 0x100
DestroyCursor - 0x51546c 0x1160b8 0x1146b8 0x9c
CloseClipboard - 0x515470 0x1160bc 0x1146bc 0x47
PaintDesktop - 0x515474 0x1160c0 0x1146c0 0x218
GetInputState - 0x515478 0x1160c4 0x1146c4 0x12c
GetCursor - 0x51547c 0x1160c8 0x1146c8 0x116
CloseDesktop - 0x515480 0x1160cc 0x1146cc 0x48
ReleaseCapture - 0x515484 0x1160d0 0x1146d0 0x24b
EnumClipboardFormats - 0x515488 0x1160d4 0x1146d4 0xd9
GetWindowContextHelpId - 0x51548c 0x1160d8 0x1146d8 0x17e
GetWindowTextLengthA - 0x515490 0x1160dc 0x1146dc 0x18d
GetClipboardViewer - 0x515494 0x1160e0 0x1146e0 0x114
GetThreadDesktop - 0x515498 0x1160e4 0x1146e4 0x173
IsCharAlphaW - 0x51549c 0x1160e8 0x1146e8 0x1b0
AnyPopup - 0x5154a0 0x1160ec 0x1146ec 0x8
CharUpperW - 0x5154a4 0x1160f0 0x1146f0 0x3a
IsCharLowerW - 0x5154a8 0x1160f4 0x1146f4 0x1b2
IsClipboardFormatAvailable - 0x5154ac 0x1160f8 0x1146f8 0x1b6
GetQueueStatus - 0x5154b0 0x1160fc 0x1146fc 0x15d
CloseWindow - 0x5154b4 0x116100 0x114700 0x49
GetDialogBaseUnits - 0x5154b8 0x116104 0x114704 0x11d
OemKeyScan - 0x5154bc 0x116108 0x114708 0x209
CharNextA - 0x5154c0 0x11610c 0x11470c 0x2d
LoadIconA - 0x5154c4 0x116110 0x114710 0x1d6
GetWindowThreadProcessId - 0x5154c8 0x116114 0x114714 0x190
GetWindowTextW - 0x5154cc 0x116118 0x114718 0x18f
GetWindowRect - 0x5154d0 0x11611c 0x11471c 0x188
GetWindowPlacement - 0x5154d4 0x116120 0x114720 0x187
GetWindowLongW - 0x5154d8 0x116124 0x114724 0x182
GetWindow - 0x5154dc 0x116128 0x114728 0x17d
GetTopWindow - 0x5154e0 0x11612c 0x11472c 0x175
GetSystemMetrics - 0x5154e4 0x116130 0x114730 0x16f
GetSysColorBrush - 0x5154e8 0x116134 0x114734 0x16d
GetSysColor - 0x5154ec 0x116138 0x114738 0x16c
GetSubMenu - 0x5154f0 0x11613c 0x11473c 0x16b
GetScrollPos - 0x5154f4 0x116140 0x114740 0x167
GetPropW - 0x5154f8 0x116144 0x114744 0x15c
GetParent - 0x5154fc 0x116148 0x114748 0x155
GetMessageW - 0x515500 0x11614c 0x11474c 0x14e
GetMessageTime - 0x515504 0x116150 0x114750 0x14d
GetMessagePos - 0x515508 0x116154 0x114754 0x14c
GetMessageExtraInfo - 0x51550c 0x116158 0x114758 0x14b
GetMenuState - 0x515510 0x11615c 0x11475c 0x147
GetMenuItemID - 0x515514 0x116160 0x114760 0x143
GetMenuItemCount - 0x515518 0x116164 0x114764 0x142
GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions - 0x51551c 0x116168 0x114768 0x13e
GetMenu - 0x515520 0x11616c 0x11476c 0x13c
GetLastActivePopup - 0x515524 0x116170 0x114770 0x138
GetKeyState - 0x515528 0x116174 0x114774 0x131
GetForegroundWindow - 0x51552c 0x116178 0x114778 0x125
GetFocus - 0x515530 0x11617c 0x11477c 0x124
GetDlgItem - 0x515534 0x116180 0x114780 0x11f
GetDlgCtrlID - 0x515538 0x116184 0x114784 0x11e
GetDC - 0x51553c 0x116188 0x114788 0x11a
GetCursorPos - 0x515540 0x11618c 0x11478c 0x119
GetClientRect - 0x515544 0x116190 0x114790 0x10d
GetClassLongW - 0x515548 0x116194 0x114794 0x109
GetClassInfoW - 0x51554c 0x116198 0x114798 0x107
GetClassInfoExW - 0x515550 0x11619c 0x11479c 0x106
GetCapture - 0x515554 0x1161a0 0x1147a0 0x101
GetActiveWindow - 0x515558 0x1161a4 0x1147a4 0xf9
EnableWindow - 0x51555c 0x1161a8 0x1147a8 0xd1
EnableMenuItem - 0x515560 0x1161ac 0x1147ac 0xcf
EmptyClipboard - 0x515564 0x1161b0 0x1147b0 0xce
DrawTextW - 0x515568 0x1161b4 0x1147b4 0xc8
DrawTextExW - 0x51556c 0x1161b8 0x1147b8 0xc7
DispatchMessageW - 0x515570 0x1161bc 0x1147bc 0xa9
DestroyWindow - 0x515574 0x1161c0 0x1147c0 0xa0
DestroyMenu - 0x515578 0x1161c4 0x1147c4 0x9e
DefWindowProcW - 0x51557c 0x1161c8 0x1147c8 0x96
DefWindowProcA - 0x515580 0x1161cc 0x1147cc 0x95
DdeQueryConvInfo - 0x515584 0x1161d0 0x1147d0 0x85
CreateWindowExW - 0x515588 0x1161d4 0x1147d4 0x68
CreateDialogParamW - 0x51558c 0x1161d8 0x1147d8 0x5d
CopyRect - 0x515590 0x1161dc 0x1147dc 0x4f
ClientToScreen - 0x515594 0x1161e0 0x1147e0 0x45
CheckMenuItem - 0x515598 0x1161e4 0x1147e4 0x3d
CharToOemW - 0x51559c 0x1161e8 0x1147e8 0x36
CharNextW - 0x5155a0 0x1161ec 0x1147ec 0x2f
CharLowerA - 0x5155a4 0x1161f0 0x1147f0 0x29
CallWindowProcW - 0x5155a8 0x1161f4 0x1147f4 0x1d
CallNextHookEx - 0x5155ac 0x1161f8 0x1147f8 0x1b
AdjustWindowRectEx - 0x5155b0 0x1161fc 0x1147fc 0x3
GetClassNameW - 0x5155b4 0x116200 0x114800 0x10b
GDI32.dll (42)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CreateSolidBrush - 0x515038 0x115c84 0x114284 0x52
SaveDC - 0x51503c 0x115c88 0x114288 0x257
FlattenPath - 0x515040 0x115c8c 0x11428c 0x12f
GdiGetBatchLimit - 0x515044 0x115c90 0x114290 0x162
AbortDoc - 0x515048 0x115c94 0x114294 0x0
GetStockObject - 0x51504c 0x115c98 0x114298 0x1f4
GetLayout - 0x515050 0x115c9c 0x11429c 0x1d4
GetBkColor - 0x515054 0x115ca0 0x1142a0 0x193
GdiFlush - 0x515058 0x115ca4 0x1142a4 0x160
CreateHalftonePalette - 0x51505c 0x115ca8 0x1142a8 0x40
GetSystemPaletteUse - 0x515060 0x115cac 0x1142ac 0x1fa
GetObjectType - 0x515064 0x115cb0 0x1142b0 0x1e3
DeleteObject - 0x515068 0x115cb4 0x1142b4 0xd0
AddFontResourceW - 0x51506c 0x115cb8 0x1142b8 0x7
EngQueryLocalTime - 0x515070 0x115cbc 0x1142bc 0x102
GetPolyFillMode - 0x515074 0x115cc0 0x1142c0 0x1ed
GetGraphicsMode - 0x515078 0x115cc4 0x1142c4 0x1cd
AbortPath - 0x51507c 0x115cc8 0x1142c8 0x1
DeleteColorSpace - 0x515080 0x115ccc 0x1142cc 0xcc
CreateCompatibleDC - 0x515084 0x115cd0 0x1142d0 0x2e
UnrealizeObject - 0x515088 0x115cd4 0x1142d4 0x2a3
GetDCPenColor - 0x51508c 0x115cd8 0x1142d8 0x1b2
UpdateColors - 0x515090 0x115cdc 0x1142dc 0x2a4
CreatePatternBrush - 0x515094 0x115ce0 0x1142e0 0x48
StrokePath - 0x515098 0x115ce4 0x1142e4 0x29d
SwapBuffers - 0x51509c 0x115ce8 0x1142e8 0x29e
GetTextCharset - 0x5150a0 0x115cec 0x1142ec 0x1fd
XLATEOBJ_cGetPalette - 0x5150a4 0x115cf0 0x1142f0 0x2aa
XFORMOBJ_iGetXform - 0x5150a8 0x115cf4 0x1142f4 0x2a9
StartDocW - 0x5150ac 0x115cf8 0x1142f8 0x297
SetWindowExtEx - 0x5150b0 0x115cfc 0x1142fc 0x293
SetTextColor - 0x5150b4 0x115d00 0x114300 0x28d
GetTextColor - 0x5150b8 0x115d04 0x114304 0x1ff
GetICMProfileW - 0x5150bc 0x115d08 0x114308 0x1d0
GetCharABCWidthsA - 0x5150c0 0x115d0c 0x11430c 0x19b
GdiStartDocEMF - 0x5150c4 0x115d10 0x114310 0x189
GdiDllInitialize - 0x5150c8 0x115d14 0x114314 0x14b
GetColorSpace - 0x5150cc 0x115d18 0x114318 0x1ad
CopyMetaFileW - 0x5150d0 0x115d1c 0x11431c 0x27
EngLoadModule - 0x5150d4 0x115d20 0x114320 0xfa
DPtoLP - 0x5150d8 0x115d24 0x114324 0x92
EngReleaseSemaphore - 0x5150dc 0x115d28 0x114328 0x103
ADVAPI32.dll (13)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RegSetValueExA - 0x515000 0x115c4c 0x11424c 0x277
RegQueryValueW - 0x515004 0x115c50 0x114250 0x269
RegQueryValueExW - 0x515008 0x115c54 0x114254 0x268
RegQueryValueExA - 0x51500c 0x115c58 0x114258 0x267
RegOpenKeyW - 0x515010 0x115c5c 0x11425c 0x25e
RegOpenKeyExW - 0x515014 0x115c60 0x114260 0x25b
RegOpenKeyExA - 0x515018 0x115c64 0x114264 0x25a
RegEnumKeyW - 0x51501c 0x115c68 0x114268 0x24a
RegDeleteKeyW - 0x515020 0x115c6c 0x11426c 0x23e
RegCreateKeyExW - 0x515024 0x115c70 0x114270 0x233
RegCreateKeyExA - 0x515028 0x115c74 0x114274 0x232
RegCloseKey - 0x51502c 0x115c78 0x114278 0x22a
RegSetValueExW - 0x515030 0x115c7c 0x11427c 0x278
SHLWAPI.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PathFindFileNameW - 0x515354 0x115fa0 0x1145a0 0x49
PathFindExtensionW - 0x515358 0x115fa4 0x1145a4 0x47
Digital Signature Information
Verification Status Failed
Verification Error The signature hash does not match the file contents
Certificate: OCVZWWJW
Issued by OCVZWWJW
Country Name -
Valid From 2019-02-26 12:42 (UTC+1)
Valid Until 2040-01-01 00:59 (UTC+1)
Algorithm sha1_rsa
Serial Number B2 0E 94 03 A2 1C 6D 95 46 63 33 3C 1B 5C BF D0
Thumbprint 22 64 5D A2 30 23 46 3F A0 3C 4F D9 E8 26 12 B3 D3 54 09 56
Memory Dumps (7)
Name Process ID Start VA End VA Dump Reason PE Rebuild Bitness Entry Point AV YARA Actions
d158534622b057b387a617ebe2931fef6d5c7d386b6dfbeb652c4781846f87c1.exe 1 0x00400000 0x00607FFF Relevant Image False 32-bit 0x00513903 False False
buffer 1 0x00810000 0x008E4FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x008E40E0 True True
buffer 1 0x00134000 0x00206FFF Marked Executable False 32-bit - False False
d158534622b057b387a617ebe2931fef6d5c7d386b6dfbeb652c4781846f87c1.exe 1 0x00400000 0x00607FFF Content Changed False 32-bit 0x00566990 True False
buffer 1 0x02180000 0x02253FFF Image In Buffer False 32-bit - True False
buffer 1 0x02260000 0x02467FFF Image In Buffer False 32-bit - False False
d158534622b057b387a617ebe2931fef6d5c7d386b6dfbeb652c4781846f87c1.exe 1 0x00400000 0x00607FFF Final Dump False 32-bit 0x005223F9 True False
C:\Users\RDHJ0C~1\AppData\Local\Temp\6893A5~1\lock Dropped File Unknown
Not Available because the file was not extracted successfully.
MIME Type -
File Size -
MD5 -
SHA1 -
SHA256 -
SSDeep -
ImpHash -
C:\Users\RDHJ0C~1\AppData\Local\Temp\6893A5~1\state.tmp Dropped File Text
Also Known As C:\Users\RDHJ0C~1\AppData\Local\Temp\6893A5~1\state (Dropped File)
MIME Type text/plain
File Size 199 Bytes
MD5 5b5c6c32f5c1a4855d6fa4919ef54400 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 27a5a6dc794d6e6b78506ed490004bdc6149ed9b Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 08254868a618fce4061ba6803e228bd9ecd53d37e4e0ba586184667db6db5cdb Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 6:SbdWwxXN57EonXr87+QVe2vwR/EtbWCd8D5Z5mn:bwxXn7EoXr87HVBvwNi2ZEn Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash -
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
