Try VMRay Platform

Injector Downloader

Threat Names

SmokeLoader Mal/HTMLGen-A Gen:Variant.Babar.29261 Generic.Andromeda.79093CCD +1

Dynamic Analysis Report

Created on 2021-11-18T10:30:00


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Remarks (2/2)

(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "39 minutes, 49 seconds" to "3 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.

(0x0200003A): A task was rescheduled ahead of time to reveal dormant functionality.


(0x0200004A): 10 dumps were skipped because they exceeded the maximum dump size of 16 MB. The largest one was 27 MB.

File Name Category Type Verdict Actions
C:\Users\kEecfMwgj\Desktop\c9f18cc71c7a1fa61d43a32dfb858f9aa247324a188f8182981b853266d3b1c7.exe Sample File Binary
Also Known As C:\Users\kEecfMwgj\AppData\Roaming\cdieedr (Dropped File)
MIME Type application/
File Size 334.50 KB
MD5 743f8fec87ebf7c5d6b392261ec3988f Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 1bc862eecde55f2c1de69bc9e3fdd7468de373d0 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 c9f18cc71c7a1fa61d43a32dfb858f9aa247324a188f8182981b853266d3b1c7 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 6144:B9LMytcasE/LEUZ/TPrMXiT1B18x93KX:ztcasE/L1jrMmH18x96X Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash b2e29795cf26e2405a95e142d139ea34 Copy to Clipboard
Parser Error Remark Static engine was unable to completely parse the analyzed file
File Reputation Information
AV Matches (1)
Threat Name Verdict
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x41c180
Size Of Code 0x3a600
Size Of Initialized Data 0x1b9bc00
File Type FileType.executable
Subsystem Subsystem.windows_gui
Machine Type MachineType.i386
Compile Timestamp 2020-09-23 19:34:29+00:00
Sections (4)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x3a4e4 0x3a600 0x400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 7.0
.data 0x43c000 0x1b850a4 0x1a00 0x3aa00 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 3.15
.rsrc 0x1fc2000 0x48d0 0x4a00 0x3c400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.12
Imports (5)
KERNEL32.dll (114)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SetDllDirectoryW - 0x401008 0x3a8f0 0x39cf0 0x451
InterlockedIncrement - 0x40100c 0x3a8f4 0x39cf4 0x2ef
_lwrite - 0x401010 0x3a8f8 0x39cf8 0x53c
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA - 0x401014 0x3a8fc 0x39cfc 0x46c
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW - 0x401018 0x3a900 0x39d00 0x27c
GetNamedPipeHandleStateA - 0x40101c 0x3a904 0x39d04 0x220
SetHandleInformation - 0x401020 0x3a908 0x39d08 0x470
GetComputerNameW - 0x401024 0x3a90c 0x39d0c 0x18f
GetModuleHandleW - 0x401028 0x3a910 0x39d10 0x218
GetTickCount - 0x40102c 0x3a914 0x39d14 0x293
GetProcessHeap - 0x401030 0x3a918 0x39d18 0x24a
GetConsoleAliasesLengthA - 0x401034 0x3a91c 0x39d1c 0x197
ConvertFiberToThread - 0x401038 0x3a920 0x39d20 0x6a
ReadConsoleW - 0x40103c 0x3a924 0x39d24 0x3be
GetCompressedFileSizeW - 0x401040 0x3a928 0x39d28 0x18b
GetSystemWow64DirectoryA - 0x401044 0x3a92c 0x39d2c 0x27d
TlsSetValue - 0x401048 0x3a930 0x39d30 0x4c8
LoadLibraryW - 0x40104c 0x3a934 0x39d34 0x33f
GetConsoleMode - 0x401050 0x3a938 0x39d38 0x1ac
CopyFileW - 0x401054 0x3a93c 0x39d3c 0x75
SetVolumeMountPointA - 0x401058 0x3a940 0x39d40 0x4aa
GetVersionExW - 0x40105c 0x3a944 0x39d44 0x2a4
HeapCreate - 0x401060 0x3a948 0x39d48 0x2cd
HeapValidate - 0x401064 0x3a94c 0x39d4c 0x2d7
GetModuleFileNameW - 0x401068 0x3a950 0x39d50 0x214
CreateActCtxA - 0x40106c 0x3a954 0x39d54 0x77
GetACP - 0x401070 0x3a958 0x39d58 0x168
GetStartupInfoW - 0x401074 0x3a95c 0x39d5c 0x263
WritePrivateProfileStringW - 0x401078 0x3a960 0x39d60 0x52b
VerifyVersionInfoW - 0x40107c 0x3a964 0x39d64 0x4e8
FindFirstFileExA - 0x401080 0x3a968 0x39d68 0x133
GetLastError - 0x401084 0x3a96c 0x39d6c 0x202
IsDBCSLeadByteEx - 0x401088 0x3a970 0x39d70 0x2ff
SetLastError - 0x40108c 0x3a974 0x39d74 0x473
SetWaitableTimer - 0x401090 0x3a978 0x39d78 0x4ac
CreateNamedPipeA - 0x401094 0x3a97c 0x39d7c 0x9f
CopyFileA - 0x401098 0x3a980 0x39d80 0x70
FindClose - 0x40109c 0x3a984 0x39d84 0x12e
GetPrivateProfileStringA - 0x4010a0 0x3a988 0x39d88 0x241
ProcessIdToSessionId - 0x4010a4 0x3a98c 0x39d8c 0x399
LocalAlloc - 0x4010a8 0x3a990 0x39d90 0x344
IsWow64Process - 0x4010ac 0x3a994 0x39d94 0x30e
SetCurrentDirectoryW - 0x4010b0 0x3a998 0x39d98 0x44d
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA - 0x4010b4 0x3a99c 0x39d9c 0x2ac
GetModuleFileNameA - 0x4010b8 0x3a9a0 0x39da0 0x213
SetConsoleCursorInfo - 0x4010bc 0x3a9a4 0x39da4 0x42f
GetProcessShutdownParameters - 0x4010c0 0x3a9a8 0x39da8 0x251
FreeEnvironmentStringsW - 0x4010c4 0x3a9ac 0x39dac 0x161
WriteProfileStringW - 0x4010c8 0x3a9b0 0x39db0 0x532
BuildCommDCBA - 0x4010cc 0x3a9b4 0x39db4 0x3a
VirtualProtect - 0x4010d0 0x3a9b8 0x39db8 0x4ef
CompareStringA - 0x4010d4 0x3a9bc 0x39dbc 0x61
GetSystemRegistryQuota - 0x4010d8 0x3a9c0 0x39dc0 0x276
ReadConsoleInputW - 0x4010dc 0x3a9c4 0x39dc4 0x3b8
FileTimeToLocalFileTime - 0x4010e0 0x3a9c8 0x39dc8 0x124
CreateWaitableTimerA - 0x4010e4 0x3a9cc 0x39dcc 0xbf
GetSystemTime - 0x4010e8 0x3a9d0 0x39dd0 0x277
TlsFree - 0x4010ec 0x3a9d4 0x39dd4 0x4c6
CommConfigDialogW - 0x4010f0 0x3a9d8 0x39dd8 0x5e
CloseHandle - 0x4010f4 0x3a9dc 0x39ddc 0x52
CreateFileW - 0x4010f8 0x3a9e0 0x39de0 0x8f
SetStdHandle - 0x4010fc 0x3a9e4 0x39de4 0x487
GetConsoleCP - 0x401100 0x3a9e8 0x39de8 0x19a
SetFilePointer - 0x401104 0x3a9ec 0x39dec 0x466
LCMapStringW - 0x401108 0x3a9f0 0x39df0 0x32d
OutputDebugStringW - 0x40110c 0x3a9f4 0x39df4 0x38a
WriteConsoleW - 0x401110 0x3a9f8 0x39df8 0x524
FlushFileBuffers - 0x401114 0x3a9fc 0x39dfc 0x157
GetLongPathNameA - 0x401118 0x3aa00 0x39e00 0x20c
WriteConsoleInputW - 0x40111c 0x3aa04 0x39e04 0x51e
OutputDebugStringA - 0x401120 0x3aa08 0x39e08 0x389
InterlockedDecrement - 0x401124 0x3aa0c 0x39e0c 0x2eb
InitializeCriticalSection - 0x401128 0x3aa10 0x39e10 0x2e2
DeleteCriticalSection - 0x40112c 0x3aa14 0x39e14 0xd1
EnterCriticalSection - 0x401130 0x3aa18 0x39e18 0xee
LeaveCriticalSection - 0x401134 0x3aa1c 0x39e1c 0x339
EncodePointer - 0x401138 0x3aa20 0x39e20 0xea
DecodePointer - 0x40113c 0x3aa24 0x39e24 0xca
GetCommandLineA - 0x401140 0x3aa28 0x39e28 0x186
HeapSetInformation - 0x401144 0x3aa2c 0x39e2c 0x2d3
IsBadReadPtr - 0x401148 0x3aa30 0x39e30 0x2f7
RaiseException - 0x40114c 0x3aa34 0x39e34 0x3b1
RtlUnwind - 0x401150 0x3aa38 0x39e38 0x418
IsProcessorFeaturePresent - 0x401154 0x3aa3c 0x39e3c 0x304
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount - 0x401158 0x3aa40 0x39e40 0x2e3
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x40115c 0x3aa44 0x39e44 0x4a5
QueryPerformanceCounter - 0x401160 0x3aa48 0x39e48 0x3a7
GetCurrentThreadId - 0x401164 0x3aa4c 0x39e4c 0x1c5
GetCurrentProcessId - 0x401168 0x3aa50 0x39e50 0x1c1
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime - 0x40116c 0x3aa54 0x39e54 0x279
GetProcAddress - 0x401170 0x3aa58 0x39e58 0x245
ExitProcess - 0x401174 0x3aa5c 0x39e5c 0x119
WideCharToMultiByte - 0x401178 0x3aa60 0x39e60 0x511
GetEnvironmentStringsW - 0x40117c 0x3aa64 0x39e64 0x1da
SetHandleCount - 0x401180 0x3aa68 0x39e68 0x46f
GetStdHandle - 0x401184 0x3aa6c 0x39e6c 0x264
GetFileType - 0x401188 0x3aa70 0x39e70 0x1f3
TlsAlloc - 0x40118c 0x3aa74 0x39e74 0x4c5
TlsGetValue - 0x401190 0x3aa78 0x39e78 0x4c7
WriteFile - 0x401194 0x3aa7c 0x39e7c 0x525
HeapAlloc - 0x401198 0x3aa80 0x39e80 0x2cb
HeapReAlloc - 0x40119c 0x3aa84 0x39e84 0x2d2
HeapSize - 0x4011a0 0x3aa88 0x39e88 0x2d4
HeapQueryInformation - 0x4011a4 0x3aa8c 0x39e8c 0x2d1
TerminateProcess - 0x4011a8 0x3aa90 0x39e90 0x4c0
GetCurrentProcess - 0x4011ac 0x3aa94 0x39e94 0x1c0
UnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x4011b0 0x3aa98 0x39e98 0x4d3
IsDebuggerPresent - 0x4011b4 0x3aa9c 0x39e9c 0x300
HeapFree - 0x4011b8 0x3aaa0 0x39ea0 0x2cf
GetOEMCP - 0x4011bc 0x3aaa4 0x39ea4 0x237
GetCPInfo - 0x4011c0 0x3aaa8 0x39ea8 0x172
IsValidCodePage - 0x4011c4 0x3aaac 0x39eac 0x30a
GetStringTypeW - 0x4011c8 0x3aab0 0x39eb0 0x269
MultiByteToWideChar - 0x4011cc 0x3aab4 0x39eb4 0x367
USER32.dll (9)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetMessageTime - 0x4011dc 0x3aac4 0x39ec4 0x15c
GetCaretBlinkTime - 0x4011e0 0x3aac8 0x39ec8 0x109
GetMenuItemID - 0x4011e4 0x3aacc 0x39ecc 0x152
GetMenuBarInfo - 0x4011e8 0x3aad0 0x39ed0 0x14c
GetMonitorInfoA - 0x4011ec 0x3aad4 0x39ed4 0x15e
GetCursorInfo - 0x4011f0 0x3aad8 0x39ed8 0x11f
GetListBoxInfo - 0x4011f4 0x3aadc 0x39edc 0x147
GetMenuInfo - 0x4011f8 0x3aae0 0x39ee0 0x150
GetComboBoxInfo - 0x4011fc 0x3aae4 0x39ee4 0x11c
GDI32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetBitmapBits - 0x401000 0x3a8e8 0x39ce8 0x1a7
WINHTTP.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
WinHttpWriteData - 0x401204 0x3aaec 0x39eec 0x1f
MSIMG32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GradientFill - 0x4011d4 0x3aabc 0x39ebc 0x2
Memory Dumps (6)
Name Process ID Start VA End VA Dump Reason PE Rebuild Bitness Entry Point AV YARA Actions
buffer 1 0x02194430 0x021A38FF First Execution False 32-bit 0x02197E89 False False
buffer 1 0x00210000 0x00218FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00210000 True False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00402DD8 True False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Content Changed False 32-bit 0x004026DE True False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Content Changed False 32-bit 0x00401849 True False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Content Changed False 32-bit 0x00402B9F True False
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
