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Spyware Injector Downloader

Threat Names

SmokeLoader RedNet Mal/HTMLGen-A C2/Generic-A +6

Dynamic Analysis Report

Created on 2021-11-09T22:13:00


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Remarks (2/2)

(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "15 minutes, 18 seconds" to "3 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.

(0x0200003A): A task was rescheduled ahead of time to reveal dormant functionality.


(0x0200004A): 11 dumps were skipped because they exceeded the maximum dump size of 16 MB. The largest one was 39 MB.

File Name Category Type Verdict Actions
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\Desktop\433cf9125a44e304eca2c5cf3bfe2af0b1deafd1c5e8d13d559e1bac9de711b3.exe Sample File Binary
Also Known As C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\AppData\Roaming\bcatcih (Dropped File)
MIME Type application/
File Size 286.00 KB
MD5 db2ef30e8f821c8f00456941f5944849 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 01a08a69f1e8e6d822ece577a9ebe84a0c7f5f60 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 433cf9125a44e304eca2c5cf3bfe2af0b1deafd1c5e8d13d559e1bac9de711b3 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3072:6zyig02ASl6xXrDXa23CiVfcC5DBoLtJaIC4CrraxIsgUUirwX0m5Sl5nTk5DItT:6xxXoiVfcGB0vaIC4CrrqR3rC0z5+k Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash a5effb4de201aefae267d5eef9a314ac Copy to Clipboard
Parser Error Remark Static engine was unable to completely parse the analyzed file
File Reputation Information
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x418260
Size Of Code 0x31400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x270a600
File Type FileType.executable
Subsystem Subsystem.windows_gui
Machine Type MachineType.i386
Compile Timestamp 2020-12-14 13:10:37+00:00
Sections (4)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x312a8 0x31400 0x400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 7.03
.data 0x433000 0x26f642c 0x1200 0x31800 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 2.16
.rsrc 0x2b2a000 0x4210 0x4400 0x32a00 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.22
Imports (3)
KERNEL32.dll (116)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SetDllDirectoryW - 0x401008 0x31744 0x30b44 0x451
_lwrite - 0x40100c 0x31748 0x30b48 0x53c
InterlockedDecrement - 0x401010 0x3174c 0x30b4c 0x2eb
GetNamedPipeHandleStateA - 0x401014 0x31750 0x30b50 0x220
SetHandleInformation - 0x401018 0x31754 0x30b54 0x470
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize - 0x40101c 0x31758 0x30b58 0x445
CancelWaitableTimer - 0x401020 0x3175c 0x30b5c 0x47
SetVolumeMountPointW - 0x401024 0x31760 0x30b60 0x4ab
FindFirstFileExW - 0x401028 0x31764 0x30b64 0x134
FreeEnvironmentStringsA - 0x40102c 0x31768 0x30b68 0x160
GetModuleHandleW - 0x401030 0x3176c 0x30b6c 0x218
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime - 0x401034 0x31770 0x30b70 0x279
GetPrivateProfileStringW - 0x401038 0x31774 0x30b74 0x242
ReadConsoleW - 0x40103c 0x31778 0x30b78 0x3be
GetSystemWow64DirectoryA - 0x401040 0x3177c 0x30b7c 0x27d
QueryActCtxW - 0x401044 0x31780 0x30b80 0x39d
CreateActCtxW - 0x401048 0x31784 0x30b84 0x78
ActivateActCtx - 0x40104c 0x31788 0x30b88 0x2
GlobalAlloc - 0x401050 0x3178c 0x30b8c 0x2b3
GlobalFindAtomA - 0x401054 0x31790 0x30b90 0x2b6
LoadLibraryW - 0x401058 0x31794 0x30b94 0x33f
GetConsoleMode - 0x40105c 0x31798 0x30b98 0x1ac
ReadConsoleInputA - 0x401060 0x3179c 0x30b9c 0x3b5
SizeofResource - 0x401064 0x317a0 0x30ba0 0x4b1
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA - 0x401068 0x317a4 0x30ba4 0x27b
SetConsoleMode - 0x40106c 0x317a8 0x30ba8 0x43d
HeapValidate - 0x401070 0x317ac 0x30bac 0x2d7
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW - 0x401074 0x317b0 0x30bb0 0x2ad
IsDBCSLeadByte - 0x401078 0x317b4 0x30bb4 0x2fe
GetModuleFileNameW - 0x40107c 0x317b8 0x30bb8 0x214
GetSystemDirectoryA - 0x401080 0x317bc 0x30bbc 0x26f
CompareStringW - 0x401084 0x317c0 0x30bc0 0x64
GetStartupInfoW - 0x401088 0x317c4 0x30bc4 0x263
TlsGetValue - 0x40108c 0x317c8 0x30bc8 0x4c7
GetLastError - 0x401090 0x317cc 0x30bcc 0x202
SetLastError - 0x401094 0x317d0 0x30bd0 0x473
GetProcAddress - 0x401098 0x317d4 0x30bd4 0x245
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW - 0x40109c 0x317d8 0x30bd8 0x46d
CreateNamedPipeA - 0x4010a0 0x317dc 0x30bdc 0x9f
IsValidCodePage - 0x4010a4 0x317e0 0x30be0 0x30a
CopyFileA - 0x4010a8 0x317e4 0x30be4 0x70
GlobalGetAtomNameA - 0x4010ac 0x317e8 0x30be8 0x2bb
SearchPathA - 0x4010b0 0x317ec 0x30bec 0x41c
GetPrivateProfileStringA - 0x4010b4 0x317f0 0x30bf0 0x241
OpenWaitableTimerA - 0x4010b8 0x317f4 0x30bf4 0x387
WritePrivateProfileStringA - 0x4010bc 0x317f8 0x30bf8 0x52a
WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId - 0x4010c0 0x317fc 0x30bfc 0x4f4
SetConsoleCursorInfo - 0x4010c4 0x31800 0x30c00 0x42f
GetProcessShutdownParameters - 0x4010c8 0x31804 0x30c04 0x251
BuildCommDCBA - 0x4010cc 0x31808 0x30c08 0x3a
GetCurrentDirectoryA - 0x4010d0 0x3180c 0x30c0c 0x1be
GetFileTime - 0x4010d4 0x31810 0x30c10 0x1f2
GetVersionExA - 0x4010d8 0x31814 0x30c14 0x2a3
GetWindowsDirectoryW - 0x4010dc 0x31818 0x30c18 0x2af
FileTimeToLocalFileTime - 0x4010e0 0x3181c 0x30c1c 0x124
TlsFree - 0x4010e4 0x31820 0x30c20 0x4c6
GetProfileSectionW - 0x4010e8 0x31824 0x30c24 0x25b
CommConfigDialogW - 0x4010ec 0x31828 0x30c28 0x5e
LocalFileTimeToFileTime - 0x4010f0 0x3182c 0x30c2c 0x346
GetConsoleAliasesLengthW - 0x4010f4 0x31830 0x30c30 0x198
VerifyVersionInfoW - 0x4010f8 0x31834 0x30c34 0x4e8
DeleteFileA - 0x4010fc 0x31838 0x30c38 0xd3
GetCommandLineA - 0x401100 0x3183c 0x30c3c 0x186
HeapSetInformation - 0x401104 0x31840 0x30c40 0x2d3
EnterCriticalSection - 0x401108 0x31844 0x30c44 0xee
LeaveCriticalSection - 0x40110c 0x31848 0x30c48 0x339
DecodePointer - 0x401110 0x3184c 0x30c4c 0xca
TerminateProcess - 0x401114 0x31850 0x30c50 0x4c0
GetCurrentProcess - 0x401118 0x31854 0x30c54 0x1c0
UnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x40111c 0x31858 0x30c58 0x4d3
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x401120 0x3185c 0x30c5c 0x4a5
IsDebuggerPresent - 0x401124 0x31860 0x30c60 0x300
EncodePointer - 0x401128 0x31864 0x30c64 0xea
SetHandleCount - 0x40112c 0x31868 0x30c68 0x46f
GetStdHandle - 0x401130 0x3186c 0x30c6c 0x264
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount - 0x401134 0x31870 0x30c70 0x2e3
GetFileType - 0x401138 0x31874 0x30c74 0x1f3
DeleteCriticalSection - 0x40113c 0x31878 0x30c78 0xd1
QueryPerformanceCounter - 0x401140 0x3187c 0x30c7c 0x3a7
GetTickCount - 0x401144 0x31880 0x30c80 0x293
GetCurrentThreadId - 0x401148 0x31884 0x30c84 0x1c5
GetCurrentProcessId - 0x40114c 0x31888 0x30c88 0x1c1
InterlockedIncrement - 0x401150 0x3188c 0x30c8c 0x2ef
ExitProcess - 0x401154 0x31890 0x30c90 0x119
GetModuleFileNameA - 0x401158 0x31894 0x30c94 0x213
FreeEnvironmentStringsW - 0x40115c 0x31898 0x30c98 0x161
WideCharToMultiByte - 0x401160 0x3189c 0x30c9c 0x511
GetEnvironmentStringsW - 0x401164 0x318a0 0x30ca0 0x1da
IsBadReadPtr - 0x401168 0x318a4 0x30ca4 0x2f7
TlsAlloc - 0x40116c 0x318a8 0x30ca8 0x4c5
TlsSetValue - 0x401170 0x318ac 0x30cac 0x4c8
HeapCreate - 0x401174 0x318b0 0x30cb0 0x2cd
WriteFile - 0x401178 0x318b4 0x30cb4 0x525
GetACP - 0x40117c 0x318b8 0x30cb8 0x168
GetOEMCP - 0x401180 0x318bc 0x30cbc 0x237
GetCPInfo - 0x401184 0x318c0 0x30cc0 0x172
OutputDebugStringA - 0x401188 0x318c4 0x30cc4 0x389
WriteConsoleW - 0x40118c 0x318c8 0x30cc8 0x524
OutputDebugStringW - 0x401190 0x318cc 0x30ccc 0x38a
RtlUnwind - 0x401194 0x318d0 0x30cd0 0x418
SetFilePointer - 0x401198 0x318d4 0x30cd4 0x466
GetConsoleCP - 0x40119c 0x318d8 0x30cd8 0x19a
HeapAlloc - 0x4011a0 0x318dc 0x30cdc 0x2cb
HeapReAlloc - 0x4011a4 0x318e0 0x30ce0 0x2d2
HeapSize - 0x4011a8 0x318e4 0x30ce4 0x2d4
HeapQueryInformation - 0x4011ac 0x318e8 0x30ce8 0x2d1
HeapFree - 0x4011b0 0x318ec 0x30cec 0x2cf
FlushFileBuffers - 0x4011b4 0x318f0 0x30cf0 0x157
GetStringTypeW - 0x4011b8 0x318f4 0x30cf4 0x269
LCMapStringW - 0x4011bc 0x318f8 0x30cf8 0x32d
MultiByteToWideChar - 0x4011c0 0x318fc 0x30cfc 0x367
IsProcessorFeaturePresent - 0x4011c4 0x31900 0x30d00 0x304
SetStdHandle - 0x4011c8 0x31904 0x30d04 0x487
CloseHandle - 0x4011cc 0x31908 0x30d08 0x52
CreateFileW - 0x4011d0 0x3190c 0x30d0c 0x8f
RaiseException - 0x4011d4 0x31910 0x30d10 0x3b1
USER32.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetMenuInfo - 0x4011dc 0x31918 0x30d18 0x150
GetMessageTime - 0x4011e0 0x3191c 0x30d1c 0x15c
GetListBoxInfo - 0x4011e4 0x31920 0x30d20 0x147
GDI32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetBitmapBits - 0x401000 0x3173c 0x30b3c 0x1a7
Memory Dumps (3)
Name Process ID Start VA End VA Dump Reason PE Rebuild Bitness Entry Point AV YARA Actions
buffer 1 0x02ED1EC8 0x02EE1697 First Execution False 32-bit 0x02ED5BA0 False False
buffer 1 0x02C10000 0x02C18FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x02C10000 True False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00407FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00402DC6 True False
C:\Users\RDHJ0C~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2E7B.exe Downloaded File Binary
MIME Type application/
File Size 140.50 KB
MD5 df90b2e12b0377db82d6a1cdcf3b8ad8 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 84c9316a004ec33e5a049583091c1ec1c31b76fb Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 f071bb54ef89464b10aec76d59532d8eb0087b32508a584fbf7a9e3f78cff9d0 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3072:DokUrHT0ex88T3EujO/UXQ5HDwu6i/tKAz/IO4hblzvuPL1zJ:DokUDT0rg3EcO/UX0suTIO0zvuPL1z Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash -
PE Information
Image Base 0x140000000
Size Of Code 0x22a00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x600
File Type FileType.executable
Subsystem Subsystem.windows_gui
Machine Type MachineType.amd64
Compile Timestamp 2021-11-09 10:30:38+00:00
Version Information (10)
Comments desc
CompanyName comp
InternalName QBtYsSH.exe
OriginalFilename QBtYsSH.exe
ProductName Prod
Assembly Version
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x140002000 0x2285c 0x22a00 0x200 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 7.67
.rsrc 0x140026000 0x54a 0x600 0x22c00 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 3.98
Memory Dumps (1)
Name Process ID Start VA End VA Dump Reason PE Rebuild Bitness Entry Point AV YARA Actions
2e7b.exe 5 0x140000000 0x140027FFF Relevant Image False 64-bit - False False
C:\Users\RDHJ0C~1\AppData\Local\Temp\64BE.exe Downloaded File Binary
MIME Type application/
File Size 554.00 KB
MD5 5bade93f97c6a1c400773eb05a653ec1 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 1eaddbeb895ff8480c4197cba7172e220e7fe76f Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 52f0387abaa5763ce2d9fd13388660c3c7bb256c7715c37b434abab63dda3717 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 12288:4diWJ9Ql3IqOcSB/FoMqbxOE4SYwiV2lD8FAxCgZ4:vIw+/WtNnYwF/4 Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash f34d5f2d4577ed6d9ceec516c1f5a744 Copy to Clipboard
AV Matches (1)
Threat Name Verdict
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x48bc4e
Size Of Code 0x89e00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x800
File Type FileType.executable
Subsystem Subsystem.windows_gui
Machine Type MachineType.i386
Compile Timestamp 2021-11-09 17:09:35+00:00
Version Information (7)
InternalName New Project 1.exe
OriginalFilename New Project 1.exe
Assembly Version
Sections (3)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.null 0x402000 0x89c54 0x89e00 0x200 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.25
.fear 0x48c000 0x5c0 0x600 0x8a000 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 4.51
Imports (1)
mscoree.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
_CorExeMain - 0x402000 0x8bc28 0x89e28 0x0
Memory Dumps (2)
Name Process ID Start VA End VA Dump Reason PE Rebuild Bitness Entry Point AV YARA Actions
64be.exe 7 0x00400000 0x0048FFFF Relevant Image False 32-bit - False True
64be.exe 7 0x00400000 0x0048FFFF Content Changed False 32-bit - False True
YARA Matches (3)
Rule Name Rule Description Classification Score Actions
MultipleNetObfuscatorAttributes .NET file contains multiple obfuscator attributes -
BabelObfuscatorAttributes Babel Obfuscator Attributes -
YanoObfuscatorAttributes Yano Obfuscator Attributes -
C:\Users\RDHJ0C~1\AppData\Local\Temp\892F.exe Downloaded File Binary
MIME Type application/
File Size 393.50 KB
MD5 ff5f9201e8bca81a126ea15a536e5eed Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 9c009acb34a16c0a185df24d362da1b690003978 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 efa0c9fc855126fffc9e80bf8de21fa10ab736e14d1956d025b450969a38450c Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 12288:kIwlYT0hcOMX2DL9ZCQQysz5ok+WwRVk+4Yl/PZqtM+gA2:kIqYTocOMG/nCdZB5 Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash a5effb4de201aefae267d5eef9a314ac Copy to Clipboard
Parser Error Remark Static engine was unable to completely parse the analyzed file
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x4331a0
Size Of Code 0x4c200
Size Of Initialized Data 0x270a600
File Type FileType.executable
Subsystem Subsystem.windows_gui
Machine Type MachineType.i386
Compile Timestamp 2020-06-17 16:32:53+00:00
Sections (4)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x4c1e8 0x4c200 0x400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 7.51
.data 0x44e000 0x26f642c 0x1200 0x4c600 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 2.17
.rsrc 0x2b45000 0x4210 0x4400 0x4d800 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.22
Imports (3)
KERNEL32.dll (116)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SetDllDirectoryW - 0x401008 0x4c684 0x4ba84 0x451
_lwrite - 0x40100c 0x4c688 0x4ba88 0x53c
InterlockedDecrement - 0x401010 0x4c68c 0x4ba8c 0x2eb
GetNamedPipeHandleStateA - 0x401014 0x4c690 0x4ba90 0x220
SetHandleInformation - 0x401018 0x4c694 0x4ba94 0x470
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize - 0x40101c 0x4c698 0x4ba98 0x445
CancelWaitableTimer - 0x401020 0x4c69c 0x4ba9c 0x47
SetVolumeMountPointW - 0x401024 0x4c6a0 0x4baa0 0x4ab
FindFirstFileExW - 0x401028 0x4c6a4 0x4baa4 0x134
FreeEnvironmentStringsA - 0x40102c 0x4c6a8 0x4baa8 0x160
GetModuleHandleW - 0x401030 0x4c6ac 0x4baac 0x218
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime - 0x401034 0x4c6b0 0x4bab0 0x279
GetPrivateProfileStringW - 0x401038 0x4c6b4 0x4bab4 0x242
ReadConsoleW - 0x40103c 0x4c6b8 0x4bab8 0x3be
GetSystemWow64DirectoryA - 0x401040 0x4c6bc 0x4babc 0x27d
QueryActCtxW - 0x401044 0x4c6c0 0x4bac0 0x39d
CreateActCtxW - 0x401048 0x4c6c4 0x4bac4 0x78
ActivateActCtx - 0x40104c 0x4c6c8 0x4bac8 0x2
GlobalAlloc - 0x401050 0x4c6cc 0x4bacc 0x2b3
GlobalFindAtomA - 0x401054 0x4c6d0 0x4bad0 0x2b6
LoadLibraryW - 0x401058 0x4c6d4 0x4bad4 0x33f
GetConsoleMode - 0x40105c 0x4c6d8 0x4bad8 0x1ac
ReadConsoleInputA - 0x401060 0x4c6dc 0x4badc 0x3b5
SizeofResource - 0x401064 0x4c6e0 0x4bae0 0x4b1
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA - 0x401068 0x4c6e4 0x4bae4 0x27b
SetConsoleMode - 0x40106c 0x4c6e8 0x4bae8 0x43d
HeapValidate - 0x401070 0x4c6ec 0x4baec 0x2d7
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW - 0x401074 0x4c6f0 0x4baf0 0x2ad
IsDBCSLeadByte - 0x401078 0x4c6f4 0x4baf4 0x2fe
GetModuleFileNameW - 0x40107c 0x4c6f8 0x4baf8 0x214
GetSystemDirectoryA - 0x401080 0x4c6fc 0x4bafc 0x26f
CompareStringW - 0x401084 0x4c700 0x4bb00 0x64
GetStartupInfoW - 0x401088 0x4c704 0x4bb04 0x263
TlsGetValue - 0x40108c 0x4c708 0x4bb08 0x4c7
GetLastError - 0x401090 0x4c70c 0x4bb0c 0x202
SetLastError - 0x401094 0x4c710 0x4bb10 0x473
GetProcAddress - 0x401098 0x4c714 0x4bb14 0x245
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW - 0x40109c 0x4c718 0x4bb18 0x46d
CreateNamedPipeA - 0x4010a0 0x4c71c 0x4bb1c 0x9f
IsValidCodePage - 0x4010a4 0x4c720 0x4bb20 0x30a
CopyFileA - 0x4010a8 0x4c724 0x4bb24 0x70
GlobalGetAtomNameA - 0x4010ac 0x4c728 0x4bb28 0x2bb
SearchPathA - 0x4010b0 0x4c72c 0x4bb2c 0x41c
GetPrivateProfileStringA - 0x4010b4 0x4c730 0x4bb30 0x241
OpenWaitableTimerA - 0x4010b8 0x4c734 0x4bb34 0x387
WritePrivateProfileStringA - 0x4010bc 0x4c738 0x4bb38 0x52a
WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId - 0x4010c0 0x4c73c 0x4bb3c 0x4f4
SetConsoleCursorInfo - 0x4010c4 0x4c740 0x4bb40 0x42f
GetProcessShutdownParameters - 0x4010c8 0x4c744 0x4bb44 0x251
BuildCommDCBA - 0x4010cc 0x4c748 0x4bb48 0x3a
GetCurrentDirectoryA - 0x4010d0 0x4c74c 0x4bb4c 0x1be
GetFileTime - 0x4010d4 0x4c750 0x4bb50 0x1f2
GetVersionExA - 0x4010d8 0x4c754 0x4bb54 0x2a3
GetWindowsDirectoryW - 0x4010dc 0x4c758 0x4bb58 0x2af
FileTimeToLocalFileTime - 0x4010e0 0x4c75c 0x4bb5c 0x124
TlsFree - 0x4010e4 0x4c760 0x4bb60 0x4c6
GetProfileSectionW - 0x4010e8 0x4c764 0x4bb64 0x25b
CommConfigDialogW - 0x4010ec 0x4c768 0x4bb68 0x5e
LocalFileTimeToFileTime - 0x4010f0 0x4c76c 0x4bb6c 0x346
GetConsoleAliasesLengthW - 0x4010f4 0x4c770 0x4bb70 0x198
VerifyVersionInfoW - 0x4010f8 0x4c774 0x4bb74 0x4e8
DeleteFileA - 0x4010fc 0x4c778 0x4bb78 0xd3
GetCommandLineA - 0x401100 0x4c77c 0x4bb7c 0x186
HeapSetInformation - 0x401104 0x4c780 0x4bb80 0x2d3
EnterCriticalSection - 0x401108 0x4c784 0x4bb84 0xee
LeaveCriticalSection - 0x40110c 0x4c788 0x4bb88 0x339
DecodePointer - 0x401110 0x4c78c 0x4bb8c 0xca
TerminateProcess - 0x401114 0x4c790 0x4bb90 0x4c0
GetCurrentProcess - 0x401118 0x4c794 0x4bb94 0x1c0
UnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x40111c 0x4c798 0x4bb98 0x4d3
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x401120 0x4c79c 0x4bb9c 0x4a5
IsDebuggerPresent - 0x401124 0x4c7a0 0x4bba0 0x300
EncodePointer - 0x401128 0x4c7a4 0x4bba4 0xea
SetHandleCount - 0x40112c 0x4c7a8 0x4bba8 0x46f
GetStdHandle - 0x401130 0x4c7ac 0x4bbac 0x264
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount - 0x401134 0x4c7b0 0x4bbb0 0x2e3
GetFileType - 0x401138 0x4c7b4 0x4bbb4 0x1f3
DeleteCriticalSection - 0x40113c 0x4c7b8 0x4bbb8 0xd1
QueryPerformanceCounter - 0x401140 0x4c7bc 0x4bbbc 0x3a7
GetTickCount - 0x401144 0x4c7c0 0x4bbc0 0x293
GetCurrentThreadId - 0x401148 0x4c7c4 0x4bbc4 0x1c5
GetCurrentProcessId - 0x40114c 0x4c7c8 0x4bbc8 0x1c1
InterlockedIncrement - 0x401150 0x4c7cc 0x4bbcc 0x2ef
ExitProcess - 0x401154 0x4c7d0 0x4bbd0 0x119
GetModuleFileNameA - 0x401158 0x4c7d4 0x4bbd4 0x213
FreeEnvironmentStringsW - 0x40115c 0x4c7d8 0x4bbd8 0x161
WideCharToMultiByte - 0x401160 0x4c7dc 0x4bbdc 0x511
GetEnvironmentStringsW - 0x401164 0x4c7e0 0x4bbe0 0x1da
IsBadReadPtr - 0x401168 0x4c7e4 0x4bbe4 0x2f7
TlsAlloc - 0x40116c 0x4c7e8 0x4bbe8 0x4c5
TlsSetValue - 0x401170 0x4c7ec 0x4bbec 0x4c8
HeapCreate - 0x401174 0x4c7f0 0x4bbf0 0x2cd
WriteFile - 0x401178 0x4c7f4 0x4bbf4 0x525
GetACP - 0x40117c 0x4c7f8 0x4bbf8 0x168
GetOEMCP - 0x401180 0x4c7fc 0x4bbfc 0x237
GetCPInfo - 0x401184 0x4c800 0x4bc00 0x172
OutputDebugStringA - 0x401188 0x4c804 0x4bc04 0x389
WriteConsoleW - 0x40118c 0x4c808 0x4bc08 0x524
OutputDebugStringW - 0x401190 0x4c80c 0x4bc0c 0x38a
RtlUnwind - 0x401194 0x4c810 0x4bc10 0x418
SetFilePointer - 0x401198 0x4c814 0x4bc14 0x466
GetConsoleCP - 0x40119c 0x4c818 0x4bc18 0x19a
HeapAlloc - 0x4011a0 0x4c81c 0x4bc1c 0x2cb
HeapReAlloc - 0x4011a4 0x4c820 0x4bc20 0x2d2
HeapSize - 0x4011a8 0x4c824 0x4bc24 0x2d4
HeapQueryInformation - 0x4011ac 0x4c828 0x4bc28 0x2d1
HeapFree - 0x4011b0 0x4c82c 0x4bc2c 0x2cf
FlushFileBuffers - 0x4011b4 0x4c830 0x4bc30 0x157
GetStringTypeW - 0x4011b8 0x4c834 0x4bc34 0x269
LCMapStringW - 0x4011bc 0x4c838 0x4bc38 0x32d
MultiByteToWideChar - 0x4011c0 0x4c83c 0x4bc3c 0x367
IsProcessorFeaturePresent - 0x4011c4 0x4c840 0x4bc40 0x304
SetStdHandle - 0x4011c8 0x4c844 0x4bc44 0x487
CloseHandle - 0x4011cc 0x4c848 0x4bc48 0x52
CreateFileW - 0x4011d0 0x4c84c 0x4bc4c 0x8f
RaiseException - 0x4011d4 0x4c850 0x4bc50 0x3b1
USER32.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetMenuInfo - 0x4011dc 0x4c858 0x4bc58 0x150
GetMessageTime - 0x4011e0 0x4c85c 0x4bc5c 0x15c
GetListBoxInfo - 0x4011e4 0x4c860 0x4bc60 0x147
GDI32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetBitmapBits - 0x401000 0x4c67c 0x4ba7c 0x1a7
Memory Dumps (3)
Name Process ID Start VA End VA Dump Reason PE Rebuild Bitness Entry Point AV YARA Actions
buffer 8 0x02C71C28 0x02C9C33F First Execution False 32-bit 0x02C71C28 True False
buffer 8 0x04580000 0x045B8FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x04580000 False True
buffer 8 0x047C5190 0x047F219D Image In Buffer False 32-bit - True False
C:\Users\RDHJ0C~1\AppData\Local\Temp\892F.tmp Dropped File Unknown
MIME Type -
File Size 0 Bytes
MD5 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3:: Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash -
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
