Try VMRay Platform

Downloader Injector

Threat Names

SmokeLoader Mal/Generic-S Mal/HTMLGen-A Generic.Andromeda.79093CCD +1

Remarks (2/2)

(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "40 minutes, 53 seconds" to "9 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.

(0x0200003A): A task was rescheduled ahead of time to reveal dormant functionality.

File Name Category Type Verdict Actions
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\Desktop\toolspab3.exe Sample File Binary
Also Known As C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\AppData\Roaming\bcatcih (Dropped File)
MIME Type application/
File Size 329.00 KB
MD5 1a430b2cbf785427c87c48d29a1a8c0f Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 e9b392c34c1bf0e42599bb561f111e3bcea7b3d9 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 1d1fc9d23aa14b4f484fb86c173c94084bc14a9f551747b6e06366649a229af5 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 6144:MaXePnFllS35U3jiXtHAt7ewOljc4hDxElcyG+V5:MaqllS35U3jiXtHAt7XOlw4jElcyG Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash eddec1d3c2023ed0e1e37ce0535d3b62 Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
Names Mal/Generic-S
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x4194d0
Size Of Code 0x3c400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x94000
File Type FileType.executable
Subsystem Subsystem.windows_gui
Machine Type MachineType.i386
Compile Timestamp 2020-10-06 17:58:36+00:00
Sections (4)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x3c24e 0x3c400 0x400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.93
.data 0x43e000 0x8cc40 0xde00 0x3c800 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 0.44
.rsrc 0x4cb000 0x4170 0x4200 0x4a600 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.31
Imports (1)
KERNEL32.dll (218)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
ExitProcess - 0x401000 0x3bdcc 0x3b1cc 0x119
GetComputerNameA - 0x401004 0x3bdd0 0x3b1d0 0x18c
GetFullPathNameA - 0x401008 0x3bdd4 0x3b1d4 0x1f8
LocalUnlock - 0x40100c 0x3bdd8 0x3b1d8 0x34e
EnumResourceNamesW - 0x401010 0x3bddc 0x3b1dc 0x102
SetCriticalSectionSpinCount - 0x401014 0x3bde0 0x3b1e0 0x44a
GlobalMemoryStatus - 0x401018 0x3bde4 0x3b1e4 0x2bf
FindResourceA - 0x40101c 0x3bde8 0x3b1e8 0x14b
FindFirstFileW - 0x401020 0x3bdec 0x3b1ec 0x139
SetThreadContext - 0x401024 0x3bdf0 0x3b1f0 0x491
FindFirstChangeNotificationW - 0x401028 0x3bdf4 0x3b1f4 0x131
WriteConsoleInputW - 0x40102c 0x3bdf8 0x3b1f8 0x51e
SetFilePointer - 0x401030 0x3bdfc 0x3b1fc 0x466
EnumDateFormatsExW - 0x401034 0x3be00 0x3b200 0xf7
CopyFileExW - 0x401038 0x3be04 0x3b204 0x72
GetNumaProcessorNode - 0x40103c 0x3be08 0x3b208 0x22d
TlsGetValue - 0x401040 0x3be0c 0x3b20c 0x4c7
GetStringTypeA - 0x401044 0x3be10 0x3b210 0x266
SetLocalTime - 0x401048 0x3be14 0x3b214 0x476
UnmapViewOfFile - 0x40104c 0x3be18 0x3b218 0x4d6
MoveFileExA - 0x401050 0x3be1c 0x3b21c 0x35f
CommConfigDialogA - 0x401054 0x3be20 0x3b220 0x5d
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA - 0x401058 0x3be24 0x3b224 0x3b
DeleteVolumeMountPointA - 0x40105c 0x3be28 0x3b228 0xdb
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x401060 0x3be2c 0x3b22c 0x4a5
MoveFileExW - 0x401064 0x3be30 0x3b230 0x360
InterlockedDecrement - 0x401068 0x3be34 0x3b234 0x2eb
GetCurrentProcess - 0x40106c 0x3be38 0x3b238 0x1c0
WritePrivateProfileSectionA - 0x401070 0x3be3c 0x3b23c 0x528
SetDefaultCommConfigW - 0x401074 0x3be40 0x3b240 0x44f
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA - 0x401078 0x3be44 0x3b244 0x46c
QueryDosDeviceA - 0x40107c 0x3be48 0x3b248 0x39f
GlobalLock - 0x401080 0x3be4c 0x3b24c 0x2be
SetVolumeMountPointW - 0x401084 0x3be50 0x3b250 0x4ab
SetEvent - 0x401088 0x3be54 0x3b254 0x459
SetThreadExecutionState - 0x40108c 0x3be58 0x3b258 0x493
OpenSemaphoreA - 0x401090 0x3be5c 0x3b25c 0x383
SleepEx - 0x401094 0x3be60 0x3b260 0x4b5
FreeEnvironmentStringsA - 0x401098 0x3be64 0x3b264 0x160
_lclose - 0x40109c 0x3be68 0x3b268 0x537
GetCommConfig - 0x4010a0 0x3be6c 0x3b26c 0x180
GetProcessHeap - 0x4010a4 0x3be70 0x3b270 0x24a
GetNumberFormatA - 0x4010a8 0x3be74 0x3b274 0x231
GetPrivateProfileStringW - 0x4010ac 0x3be78 0x3b278 0x242
CreateRemoteThread - 0x4010b0 0x3be7c 0x3b27c 0xa9
GetCompressedFileSizeW - 0x4010b4 0x3be80 0x3b280 0x18b
WaitNamedPipeW - 0x4010b8 0x3be84 0x3b284 0x500
EnumTimeFormatsA - 0x4010bc 0x3be88 0x3b288 0x110
SetCommState - 0x4010c0 0x3be8c 0x3b28c 0x425
GetSystemWow64DirectoryA - 0x4010c4 0x3be90 0x3b290 0x27d
WriteFileGather - 0x4010c8 0x3be94 0x3b294 0x527
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime - 0x4010cc 0x3be98 0x3b298 0x4d0
TlsSetValue - 0x4010d0 0x3be9c 0x3b29c 0x4c8
AllocateUserPhysicalPages - 0x4010d4 0x3bea0 0x3b2a0 0x11
FindResourceExA - 0x4010d8 0x3bea4 0x3b2a4 0x14c
GetConsoleCP - 0x4010dc 0x3bea8 0x3b2a8 0x19a
GetPrivateProfileIntA - 0x4010e0 0x3beac 0x3b2ac 0x23b
LoadLibraryW - 0x4010e4 0x3beb0 0x3b2b0 0x33f
GetConsoleMode - 0x4010e8 0x3beb4 0x3b2b4 0x1ac
FatalAppExitW - 0x4010ec 0x3beb8 0x3b2b8 0x121
GetThreadSelectorEntry - 0x4010f0 0x3bebc 0x3b2bc 0x290
CopyFileW - 0x4010f4 0x3bec0 0x3b2c0 0x75
GetPrivateProfileStructW - 0x4010f8 0x3bec4 0x3b2c4 0x244
GetCalendarInfoA - 0x4010fc 0x3bec8 0x3b2c8 0x179
SetSystemTimeAdjustment - 0x401100 0x3becc 0x3b2cc 0x48c
GetProcessHandleCount - 0x401104 0x3bed0 0x3b2d0 0x249
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA - 0x401108 0x3bed4 0x3b2d4 0x27b
ReadConsoleOutputW - 0x40110c 0x3bed8 0x3b2d8 0x3bd
GetConsoleAliasExesLengthW - 0x401110 0x3bedc 0x3b2dc 0x193
GetSystemTimeAdjustment - 0x401114 0x3bee0 0x3b2e0 0x278
GetVersionExW - 0x401118 0x3bee4 0x3b2e4 0x2a4
SetConsoleCP - 0x40111c 0x3bee8 0x3b2e8 0x42c
LeaveCriticalSection - 0x401120 0x3beec 0x3b2ec 0x339
GetFileAttributesA - 0x401124 0x3bef0 0x3b2f0 0x1e5
lstrcpynW - 0x401128 0x3bef4 0x3b2f4 0x54b
SetDllDirectoryA - 0x40112c 0x3bef8 0x3b2f8 0x450
SetConsoleMode - 0x401130 0x3befc 0x3b2fc 0x43d
HeapValidate - 0x401134 0x3bf00 0x3b300 0x2d7
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW - 0x401138 0x3bf04 0x3b304 0x2ad
SetConsoleCursorPosition - 0x40113c 0x3bf08 0x3b308 0x431
GetBinaryTypeA - 0x401140 0x3bf0c 0x3b30c 0x170
IsBadWritePtr - 0x401144 0x3bf10 0x3b310 0x2fa
TerminateProcess - 0x401148 0x3bf14 0x3b314 0x4c0
GetModuleFileNameW - 0x40114c 0x3bf18 0x3b318 0x214
CreateActCtxA - 0x401150 0x3bf1c 0x3b31c 0x77
GetBinaryTypeW - 0x401154 0x3bf20 0x3b320 0x171
lstrcmpW - 0x401158 0x3bf24 0x3b324 0x542
lstrlenW - 0x40115c 0x3bf28 0x3b328 0x54e
IsBadStringPtrA - 0x401160 0x3bf2c 0x3b32c 0x2f8
GetTempPathW - 0x401164 0x3bf30 0x3b330 0x285
CreateJobObjectA - 0x401168 0x3bf34 0x3b334 0x95
GetNamedPipeHandleStateW - 0x40116c 0x3bf38 0x3b338 0x221
EnumSystemLocalesA - 0x401170 0x3bf3c 0x3b33c 0x10d
VerifyVersionInfoW - 0x401174 0x3bf40 0x3b340 0x4e8
SetCurrentDirectoryA - 0x401178 0x3bf44 0x3b344 0x44c
GetCPInfoExW - 0x40117c 0x3bf48 0x3b348 0x174
OpenMutexW - 0x401180 0x3bf4c 0x3b34c 0x37d
GetLastError - 0x401184 0x3bf50 0x3b350 0x202
ChangeTimerQueueTimer - 0x401188 0x3bf54 0x3b354 0x48
GetLongPathNameW - 0x40118c 0x3bf58 0x3b358 0x20f
SetLastError - 0x401190 0x3bf5c 0x3b35c 0x473
GetProcAddress - 0x401194 0x3bf60 0x3b360 0x245
VirtualAlloc - 0x401198 0x3bf64 0x3b364 0x4e9
HeapSize - 0x40119c 0x3bf68 0x3b368 0x2d4
PeekConsoleInputW - 0x4011a0 0x3bf6c 0x3b36c 0x38c
BackupWrite - 0x4011a4 0x3bf70 0x3b370 0x1a
CreateNamedPipeA - 0x4011a8 0x3bf74 0x3b374 0x9f
EnumDateFormatsExA - 0x4011ac 0x3bf78 0x3b378 0xf5
CreateJobSet - 0x4011b0 0x3bf7c 0x3b37c 0x97
LocalLock - 0x4011b4 0x3bf80 0x3b380 0x34a
SetStdHandle - 0x4011b8 0x3bf84 0x3b384 0x487
EnterCriticalSection - 0x4011bc 0x3bf88 0x3b388 0xee
VerLanguageNameW - 0x4011c0 0x3bf8c 0x3b38c 0x4e3
SearchPathA - 0x4011c4 0x3bf90 0x3b390 0x41c
BuildCommDCBW - 0x4011c8 0x3bf94 0x3b394 0x3d
DefineDosDeviceA - 0x4011cc 0x3bf98 0x3b398 0xcc
GetPrivateProfileStringA - 0x4011d0 0x3bf9c 0x3b39c 0x241
GetAtomNameA - 0x4011d4 0x3bfa0 0x3b3a0 0x16d
OpenMutexA - 0x4011d8 0x3bfa4 0x3b3a4 0x37c
CreateSemaphoreW - 0x4011dc 0x3bfa8 0x3b3a8 0xae
LocalAlloc - 0x4011e0 0x3bfac 0x3b3ac 0x344
WritePrivateProfileStringA - 0x4011e4 0x3bfb0 0x3b3b0 0x52a
CreateHardLinkW - 0x4011e8 0x3bfb4 0x3b3b4 0x93
IsSystemResumeAutomatic - 0x4011ec 0x3bfb8 0x3b3b8 0x305
GetExitCodeThread - 0x4011f0 0x3bfbc 0x3b3bc 0x1e0
SetCurrentDirectoryW - 0x4011f4 0x3bfc0 0x3b3c0 0x44d
SetFileApisToANSI - 0x4011f8 0x3bfc4 0x3b3c4 0x45c
VirtualLock - 0x4011fc 0x3bfc8 0x3b3c8 0x4ee
GetCurrentConsoleFont - 0x401200 0x3bfcc 0x3b3cc 0x1bc
HeapWalk - 0x401204 0x3bfd0 0x3b3d0 0x2d8
GetPrivateProfileStructA - 0x401208 0x3bfd4 0x3b3d4 0x243
SetNamedPipeHandleState - 0x40120c 0x3bfd8 0x3b3d8 0x47c
SetSystemTime - 0x401210 0x3bfdc 0x3b3dc 0x48b
SetEnvironmentVariableA - 0x401214 0x3bfe0 0x3b3e0 0x456
GetModuleFileNameA - 0x401218 0x3bfe4 0x3b3e4 0x213
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA - 0x40121c 0x3bfe8 0x3b3e8 0x23e
GetDefaultCommConfigA - 0x401220 0x3bfec 0x3b3ec 0x1c9
FindNextFileA - 0x401224 0x3bff0 0x3b3f0 0x143
WriteProfileStringA - 0x401228 0x3bff4 0x3b3f4 0x531
WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId - 0x40122c 0x3bff8 0x3b3f8 0x4f4
EnumDateFormatsA - 0x401230 0x3bffc 0x3b3fc 0xf4
CreateIoCompletionPort - 0x401234 0x3c000 0x3b400 0x94
SetConsoleTitleW - 0x401238 0x3c004 0x3b404 0x448
GetModuleHandleA - 0x40123c 0x3c008 0x3b408 0x215
QueueUserWorkItem - 0x401240 0x3c00c 0x3b40c 0x3b0
ContinueDebugEvent - 0x401244 0x3c010 0x3b410 0x67
lstrcatW - 0x401248 0x3c014 0x3b414 0x53f
HeapSetInformation - 0x40124c 0x3c018 0x3b418 0x2d3
FreeEnvironmentStringsW - 0x401250 0x3c01c 0x3b41c 0x161
GetConsoleTitleW - 0x401254 0x3c020 0x3b420 0x1b6
WriteProfileStringW - 0x401258 0x3c024 0x3b424 0x532
EnumDateFormatsW - 0x40125c 0x3c028 0x3b428 0xf8
CompareStringA - 0x401260 0x3c02c 0x3b42c 0x61
GetFileAttributesExW - 0x401264 0x3c030 0x3b430 0x1e7
GetConsoleCursorInfo - 0x401268 0x3c034 0x3b434 0x1a0
FatalAppExitA - 0x40126c 0x3c038 0x3b438 0x120
WriteConsoleOutputAttribute - 0x401270 0x3c03c 0x3b43c 0x520
OutputDebugStringA - 0x401274 0x3c040 0x3b440 0x389
SetProcessShutdownParameters - 0x401278 0x3c044 0x3b444 0x483
FindFirstVolumeA - 0x40127c 0x3c048 0x3b448 0x13c
TerminateJobObject - 0x401280 0x3c04c 0x3b44c 0x4bf
CloseHandle - 0x401284 0x3c050 0x3b450 0x52
DeleteTimerQueueTimer - 0x401288 0x3c054 0x3b454 0xda
DeleteFileW - 0x40128c 0x3c058 0x3b458 0xd6
GlobalAddAtomW - 0x401290 0x3c05c 0x3b45c 0x2b2
SetFileValidData - 0x401294 0x3c060 0x3b460 0x46b
FindActCtxSectionStringW - 0x401298 0x3c064 0x3b464 0x12b
ResetWriteWatch - 0x40129c 0x3c068 0x3b468 0x410
UnregisterWaitEx - 0x4012a0 0x3c06c 0x3b46c 0x4db
InterlockedPushEntrySList - 0x4012a4 0x3c070 0x3b470 0x2f1
CopyFileExA - 0x4012a8 0x3c074 0x3b474 0x71
lstrcpyA - 0x4012ac 0x3c078 0x3b478 0x547
MoveFileA - 0x4012b0 0x3c07c 0x3b47c 0x35e
DeleteFileA - 0x4012b4 0x3c080 0x3b480 0xd3
EncodePointer - 0x4012b8 0x3c084 0x3b484 0xea
DecodePointer - 0x4012bc 0x3c088 0x3b488 0xca
GetCommandLineW - 0x4012c0 0x3c08c 0x3b48c 0x187
GetStartupInfoW - 0x4012c4 0x3c090 0x3b490 0x263
InterlockedIncrement - 0x4012c8 0x3c094 0x3b494 0x2ef
GetModuleHandleW - 0x4012cc 0x3c098 0x3b498 0x218
UnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x4012d0 0x3c09c 0x3b49c 0x4d3
IsDebuggerPresent - 0x4012d4 0x3c0a0 0x3b4a0 0x300
WriteFile - 0x4012d8 0x3c0a4 0x3b4a4 0x525
GetStdHandle - 0x4012dc 0x3c0a8 0x3b4a8 0x264
IsBadReadPtr - 0x4012e0 0x3c0ac 0x3b4ac 0x2f7
TlsAlloc - 0x4012e4 0x3c0b0 0x3b4b0 0x4c5
GetCurrentThreadId - 0x4012e8 0x3c0b4 0x3b4b4 0x1c5
TlsFree - 0x4012ec 0x3c0b8 0x3b4b8 0x4c6
SetHandleCount - 0x4012f0 0x3c0bc 0x3b4bc 0x46f
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount - 0x4012f4 0x3c0c0 0x3b4c0 0x2e3
GetFileType - 0x4012f8 0x3c0c4 0x3b4c4 0x1f3
DeleteCriticalSection - 0x4012fc 0x3c0c8 0x3b4c8 0xd1
QueryPerformanceCounter - 0x401300 0x3c0cc 0x3b4cc 0x3a7
GetTickCount - 0x401304 0x3c0d0 0x3b4d0 0x293
GetCurrentProcessId - 0x401308 0x3c0d4 0x3b4d4 0x1c1
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime - 0x40130c 0x3c0d8 0x3b4d8 0x279
GetEnvironmentStringsW - 0x401310 0x3c0dc 0x3b4dc 0x1da
HeapCreate - 0x401314 0x3c0e0 0x3b4e0 0x2cd
GetACP - 0x401318 0x3c0e4 0x3b4e4 0x168
GetOEMCP - 0x40131c 0x3c0e8 0x3b4e8 0x237
GetCPInfo - 0x401320 0x3c0ec 0x3b4ec 0x172
IsValidCodePage - 0x401324 0x3c0f0 0x3b4f0 0x30a
WriteConsoleW - 0x401328 0x3c0f4 0x3b4f4 0x524
OutputDebugStringW - 0x40132c 0x3c0f8 0x3b4f8 0x38a
RtlUnwind - 0x401330 0x3c0fc 0x3b4fc 0x418
MultiByteToWideChar - 0x401334 0x3c100 0x3b500 0x367
HeapAlloc - 0x401338 0x3c104 0x3b504 0x2cb
HeapReAlloc - 0x40133c 0x3c108 0x3b508 0x2d2
HeapQueryInformation - 0x401340 0x3c10c 0x3b50c 0x2d1
HeapFree - 0x401344 0x3c110 0x3b510 0x2cf
WideCharToMultiByte - 0x401348 0x3c114 0x3b514 0x511
LCMapStringW - 0x40134c 0x3c118 0x3b518 0x32d
GetStringTypeW - 0x401350 0x3c11c 0x3b51c 0x269
IsProcessorFeaturePresent - 0x401354 0x3c120 0x3b520 0x304
FlushFileBuffers - 0x401358 0x3c124 0x3b524 0x157
ReadFile - 0x40135c 0x3c128 0x3b528 0x3c0
RaiseException - 0x401360 0x3c12c 0x3b52c 0x3b1
CreateFileW - 0x401364 0x3c130 0x3b530 0x8f
Memory Dumps (6)
Name Process ID Start VA End VA Dump Reason PE Rebuild Bitness Entry Point AV YARA Actions
toolspab3.exe 1 0x00400000 0x004D3FFF Relevant Image False 32-bit 0x00421270 False False
buffer 1 0x006D1E00 0x006E1227 First Execution False 32-bit 0x006D5831 False False
buffer 1 0x00030000 0x00038FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00030000 True False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00402F47 True False
toolspab3.exe 1 0x00400000 0x004D3FFF Process Termination False 32-bit - False False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Content Changed False 32-bit 0x0040283D True False
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
