Unpacked Pony | Files
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 100/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Trojan, Spyware

c71c3662a7ebba5fdd0d804fe9ff864789fa08e8286352c21b339b9db2c3db81 (SHA256)


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Created at 2018-09-11 15:34:00

Filename Category Type Severity Actions
C:\Users\Nd9E1FYi\Desktop\p.exe Sample File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 81.50 KB
MD5 ba9f2b64df4bd9cb44c6be4f03c780fc Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 918322331409a83f3c4df4698ac194813001cdd3 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 c71c3662a7ebba5fdd0d804fe9ff864789fa08e8286352c21b339b9db2c3db81 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 1536:w6/W/jqTJldK7DjWN5YvAbnoD72egkjOp/EFCkzmPA:JYkgWN5YHzOp/EFaPA Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 9b4192c1bb37e89f7af1e420b76961bb Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2018-07-29 21:43 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-08-25 04:14 (UTC+2)
Names Win32.Trojan.Fareit
Families Fareit
Classification Trojan
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x40fe0e
Size Of Code 0xfc00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x4e00
File Type executable
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-07-29 03:18:07+00:00
Sections (2)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0xfbab 0xfc00 0x200 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 5.99
.data 0x411000 0x4cc8 0x4800 0xfe00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 5.39
Imports (8)
kernel32.dll (51)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CreateFileA 0x0 0x414fa8 0x14e24 0x13c24 0x3d
ReadFile 0x0 0x414fac 0x14e28 0x13c28 0x241
CloseHandle 0x0 0x414fb0 0x14e2c 0x13c2c 0x23
WriteFile 0x0 0x414fb4 0x14e30 0x13c30 0x2fb
lstrlenA 0x0 0x414fb8 0x14e34 0x13c34 0x31d
GlobalLock 0x0 0x414fbc 0x14e38 0x13c38 0x1b0
GlobalUnlock 0x0 0x414fc0 0x14e3c 0x13c3c 0x1b7
LocalFree 0x0 0x414fc4 0x14e40 0x13c40 0x1f4
LocalAlloc 0x0 0x414fc8 0x14e44 0x13c44 0x1f0
GetTickCount 0x0 0x414fcc 0x14e48 0x13c48 0x18d
lstrcpyA 0x0 0x414fd0 0x14e4c 0x13c4c 0x319
lstrcatA 0x0 0x414fd4 0x14e50 0x13c50 0x313
GetFileAttributesA 0x0 0x414fd8 0x14e54 0x13c54 0x117
ExpandEnvironmentStringsA 0x0 0x414fdc 0x14e58 0x13c58 0x9d
GetFileSize 0x0 0x414fe0 0x14e5c 0x13c5c 0x11c
CreateFileMappingA 0x0 0x414fe4 0x14e60 0x13c60 0x3e
MapViewOfFile 0x0 0x414fe8 0x14e64 0x13c64 0x200
UnmapViewOfFile 0x0 0x414fec 0x14e68 0x13c68 0x2d3
LoadLibraryA 0x0 0x414ff0 0x14e6c 0x13c6c 0x1ea
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x414ff4 0x14e70 0x13c70 0x153
GetTempPathA 0x0 0x414ff8 0x14e74 0x13c74 0x184
CreateDirectoryA 0x0 0x414ffc 0x14e78 0x13c78 0x35
DeleteFileA 0x0 0x415000 0x14e7c 0x13c7c 0x69
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x415004 0x14e80 0x13c80 0x100
WideCharToMultiByte 0x0 0x415008 0x14e84 0x13c84 0x2f0
GetLastError 0x0 0x41500c 0x14e88 0x13c88 0x128
lstrcmpA 0x0 0x415010 0x14e8c 0x13c8c 0x315
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot 0x0 0x415014 0x14e90 0x13c90 0x59
Process32First 0x0 0x415018 0x14e94 0x13c94 0x225
OpenProcess 0x0 0x41501c 0x14e98 0x13c98 0x218
Process32Next 0x0 0x415020 0x14e9c 0x13c9c 0x227
FindFirstFileA 0x0 0x415024 0x14ea0 0x13ca0 0xb1
lstrcmpiA 0x0 0x415028 0x14ea4 0x13ca4 0x317
FindNextFileA 0x0 0x41502c 0x14ea8 0x13ca8 0xba
FindClose 0x0 0x415030 0x14eac 0x13cac 0xad
GetModuleHandleA 0x0 0x415034 0x14eb0 0x13cb0 0x134
GetVersionExA 0x0 0x415038 0x14eb4 0x13cb4 0x196
GetLocaleInfoA 0x0 0x41503c 0x14eb8 0x13cb8 0x12a
GetSystemInfo 0x0 0x415040 0x14ebc 0x13cbc 0x174
GetWindowsDirectoryA 0x0 0x415044 0x14ec0 0x13cc0 0x1a0
GetPrivateProfileStringA 0x0 0x415048 0x14ec4 0x13cc4 0x14f
SetCurrentDirectoryA 0x0 0x41504c 0x14ec8 0x13cc8 0x27a
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA 0x0 0x415050 0x14ecc 0x13ccc 0x14c
GetPrivateProfileIntA 0x0 0x415054 0x14ed0 0x13cd0 0x149
GetCurrentDirectoryA 0x0 0x415058 0x14ed4 0x13cd4 0xfe
lstrlenW 0x0 0x41505c 0x14ed8 0x13cd8 0x31e
MultiByteToWideChar 0x0 0x415060 0x14edc 0x13cdc 0x20d
Sleep 0x0 0x415064 0x14ee0 0x13ce0 0x2bb
LCMapStringA 0x0 0x415068 0x14ee4 0x13ce4 0x1e7
ExitProcess 0x0 0x41506c 0x14ee8 0x13ce8 0x9b
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x415070 0x14eec 0x13cec 0x2b1
ole32.dll (6)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CreateStreamOnHGlobal 0x0 0x415078 0x14ef4 0x13cf4 0x8b
GetHGlobalFromStream 0x0 0x41507c 0x14ef8 0x13cf8 0x97
CoCreateGuid 0x0 0x415080 0x14efc 0x13cfc 0xe
CoTaskMemFree 0x0 0x415084 0x14f00 0x13d00 0x60
CoCreateInstance 0x0 0x415088 0x14f04 0x13d04 0xf
OleInitialize 0x0 0x41508c 0x14f08 0x13d08 0xf3
user32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
wsprintfA 0x0 0x415094 0x14f10 0x13d10 0x27d
advapi32.dll (11)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RegOpenKeyExA 0x0 0x41509c 0x14f18 0x13d18 0x1d0
RegQueryValueExA 0x0 0x4150a0 0x14f1c 0x13d1c 0x1da
RegCloseKey 0x0 0x4150a4 0x14f20 0x13d20 0x1b7
RegOpenKeyA 0x0 0x4150a8 0x14f24 0x13d24 0x1cf
RegEnumKeyExA 0x0 0x4150ac 0x14f28 0x13d28 0x1c4
RegCreateKeyA 0x0 0x4150b0 0x14f2c 0x13d2c 0x1ba
RegSetValueExA 0x0 0x4150b4 0x14f30 0x13d30 0x1e7
IsTextUnicode 0x0 0x4150b8 0x14f34 0x13d34 0x12d
RegOpenCurrentUser 0x0 0x4150bc 0x14f38 0x13d38 0x1ce
RegEnumValueA 0x0 0x4150c0 0x14f3c 0x13d3c 0x1c7
GetUserNameA 0x0 0x4150c4 0x14f40 0x13d40 0x11b
wininet.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
InternetCrackUrlA 0x0 0x4150cc 0x14f48 0x13d48 0x79
InternetCreateUrlA 0x0 0x4150d0 0x14f4c 0x13d4c 0x7b
shlwapi.dll (6)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
StrStrIA 0x0 0x4150d8 0x14f54 0x13d54 0x10d
StrRChrIA 0x0 0x4150dc 0x14f58 0x13d58 0x100
StrToIntA 0x0 0x4150e0 0x14f5c 0x13d5c 0x114
StrStrA 0x0 0x4150e4 0x14f60 0x13d60 0x10c
StrCmpNIA 0x0 0x4150e8 0x14f64 0x13d64 0xea
StrStrIW 0x0 0x4150ec 0x14f68 0x13d68 0x10e
wsock32.dll (10)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
inet_addr 0x0 0x4150f4 0x14f70 0x13d70 0x36
gethostbyname 0x0 0x4150f8 0x14f74 0x13d74 0x2a
socket 0x0 0x4150fc 0x14f78 0x13d78 0x49
connect 0x0 0x415100 0x14f7c 0x13d7c 0x27
closesocket 0x0 0x415104 0x14f80 0x13d80 0x26
send 0x0 0x415108 0x14f84 0x13d84 0x44
select 0x0 0x41510c 0x14f88 0x13d88 0x43
recv 0x0 0x415110 0x14f8c 0x13d8c 0x3e
setsockopt 0x0 0x415114 0x14f90 0x13d90 0x47
WSAStartup 0x0 0x415118 0x14f94 0x13d94 0x21
userenv.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
LoadUserProfileA 0x0 0x415120 0x14f9c 0x13d9c 0x4d
UnloadUserProfile 0x0 0x415124 0x14fa0 0x13da0 0x61
YARA Matches
Rule Name Rule Description Classification Severity Actions
pony Pony spyware Spyware
pony_stealer Pony spyware Spyware
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
