fb4077e5...1834 | Files
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 100/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Spyware

fb4077e5ef55027b2972e94fe54eca985dfb933702f09a640a799f31b2181834 (SHA256)


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Created at 2018-11-14 12:09:00

Filename Category Type Severity Actions
C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\clifind.log.exe Sample File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 270.50 KB
MD5 0847bc57afd3397f2a2eaecf1c714820 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 d139c7c1529b0e75864e27ce7575c7bd2c2bbfd1 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 fb4077e5ef55027b2972e94fe54eca985dfb933702f09a640a799f31b2181834 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 6144:0zG5edok6zTcMqyuCwR7w/czM+AL5EsDXfWy+J6M:0zlUTDqyuCwR7Qc4+s+y+cM Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 717ac6ebdcfdc811312441b1082957f4 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x410d2f
Size Of Code 0x25a00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x1dc00
File Type executable
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-11-14 04:04:54+00:00
Version Information (6)
LegalCopyright (C)Philip Morris International
CompanyName Philip Morris International
ProductName Shadows
FileDescription Disruption Optic Defensive Strategically
Sections (4)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x259cc 0x25a00 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.76
.rdata 0x427000 0x933c 0x9400 0x25e00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 5.4
.data 0x431000 0x5cfc 0x2200 0x2f200 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 4.08
.rsrc 0x437000 0x12444 0x12600 0x31400 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 7.88
Imports (18)
KERNEL32.dll (127)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetLocaleInfoA 0x0 0x4270bc 0x2e894 0x2d694 0x1e8
GetCPInfo 0x0 0x4270c0 0x2e898 0x2d698 0x15b
GetOEMCP 0x0 0x4270c4 0x2e89c 0x2d69c 0x213
ExitProcess 0x0 0x4270c8 0x2e8a0 0x2d6a0 0x104
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x4270cc 0x2e8a4 0x2d6a4 0x42d
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x4270d0 0x2e8a8 0x2d6a8 0x43e
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x4270d4 0x2e8ac 0x2d6ac 0x415
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x4270d8 0x2e8b0 0x2d6b0 0x2d1
GetCommandLineA 0x0 0x4270dc 0x2e8b4 0x2d6b4 0x16f
GetStartupInfoA 0x0 0x4270e0 0x2e8b8 0x2d6b8 0x239
HeapFree 0x0 0x4270e4 0x2e8bc 0x2d6bc 0x2a1
HeapReAlloc 0x0 0x4270e8 0x2e8c0 0x2d6c0 0x2a4
RtlUnwind 0x0 0x4270ec 0x2e8c4 0x2d6c4 0x392
VirtualQuery 0x0 0x4270f0 0x2e8c8 0x2d6c8 0x45c
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InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x0 0x4270f8 0x2e8d0 0x2d6d0 0x2b5
GlobalFindAtomA 0x0 0x4270fc 0x2e8d4 0x2d6d4 0x288
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HeapCreate 0x0 0x427104 0x2e8dc 0x2d6dc 0x29f
FreeEnvironmentStringsA 0x0 0x427108 0x2e8e0 0x2d6e0 0x14a
GetEnvironmentStrings 0x0 0x42710c 0x2e8e4 0x2d6e4 0x1bf
FreeEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x427110 0x2e8e8 0x2d6e8 0x14b
GetEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x427114 0x2e8ec 0x2d6ec 0x1c1
SetHandleCount 0x0 0x427118 0x2e8f0 0x2d6f0 0x3e8
GetFileType 0x0 0x42711c 0x2e8f4 0x2d6f4 0x1d7
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x427120 0x2e8f8 0x2d6f8 0x354
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x427124 0x2e8fc 0x2d6fc 0x24f
GetConsoleCP 0x0 0x427128 0x2e900 0x2d700 0x183
GetConsoleMode 0x0 0x42712c 0x2e904 0x2d704 0x195
LCMapStringA 0x0 0x427130 0x2e908 0x2d708 0x2e1
LCMapStringW 0x0 0x427134 0x2e90c 0x2d70c 0x2e3
GetStringTypeA 0x0 0x427138 0x2e910 0x2d710 0x23d
GetStringTypeW 0x0 0x42713c 0x2e914 0x2d714 0x240
SetStdHandle 0x0 0x427140 0x2e918 0x2d718 0x3fc
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WriteConsoleW 0x0 0x42714c 0x2e924 0x2d724 0x48c
GlobalDeleteAtom 0x0 0x427150 0x2e928 0x2d728 0x287
lstrcmpW 0x0 0x427154 0x2e92c 0x2d72c 0x4aa
GetVersionExA 0x0 0x427158 0x2e930 0x2d730 0x275
VirtualFree 0x0 0x42715c 0x2e934 0x2d734 0x457
GlobalAddAtomA 0x0 0x427160 0x2e938 0x2d738 0x283
CreateFileA 0x0 0x427164 0x2e93c 0x2d73c 0x78
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x427168 0x2e940 0x2d740 0x1a9
FlushFileBuffers 0x0 0x42716c 0x2e944 0x2d744 0x141
SetFilePointer 0x0 0x427170 0x2e948 0x2d748 0x3df
WriteFile 0x0 0x427174 0x2e94c 0x2d74c 0x48d
LoadLibraryA 0x0 0x427178 0x2e950 0x2d750 0x2f1
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x42717c 0x2e954 0x2d754 0x1ad
GlobalFlags 0x0 0x427180 0x2e958 0x2d758 0x28b
InterlockedIncrement 0x0 0x427184 0x2e95c 0x2d75c 0x2c0
GetModuleHandleW 0x0 0x427188 0x2e960 0x2d760 0x1f9
CompareStringA 0x0 0x42718c 0x2e964 0x2d764 0x52
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x427190 0x2e968 0x2d768 0x1aa
TlsFree 0x0 0x427194 0x2e96c 0x2d76c 0x433
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x427198 0x2e970 0x2d770 0xbe
LocalReAlloc 0x0 0x42719c 0x2e974 0x2d774 0x300
TlsSetValue 0x0 0x4271a0 0x2e978 0x2d778 0x435
TlsAlloc 0x0 0x4271a4 0x2e97c 0x2d77c 0x432
InitializeCriticalSection 0x0 0x4271a8 0x2e980 0x2d780 0x2b4
GlobalHandle 0x0 0x4271ac 0x2e984 0x2d784 0x28f
GlobalReAlloc 0x0 0x4271b0 0x2e988 0x2d788 0x293
EnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x4271b4 0x2e98c 0x2d78c 0xd9
TlsGetValue 0x0 0x4271b8 0x2e990 0x2d790 0x434
LeaveCriticalSection 0x0 0x4271bc 0x2e994 0x2d794 0x2ef
lstrcmpA 0x0 0x4271c0 0x2e998 0x2d798 0x4a9
GlobalGetAtomNameA 0x0 0x4271c4 0x2e99c 0x2d79c 0x28d
FreeLibrary 0x0 0x4271c8 0x2e9a0 0x2d7a0 0x14c
InterlockedDecrement 0x0 0x4271cc 0x2e9a4 0x2d7a4 0x2bc
GetModuleHandleA 0x0 0x4271d0 0x2e9a8 0x2d7a8 0x1f6
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x4271d4 0x2e9ac 0x2d7ac 0x220
GlobalFree 0x0 0x4271d8 0x2e9b0 0x2d7b0 0x28c
GlobalLock 0x0 0x4271dc 0x2e9b4 0x2d7b4 0x290
GlobalUnlock 0x0 0x4271e0 0x2e9b8 0x2d7b8 0x297
LocalFree 0x0 0x4271e4 0x2e9bc 0x2d7bc 0x2fd
SetLastError 0x0 0x4271e8 0x2e9c0 0x2d7c0 0x3ec
MultiByteToWideChar 0x0 0x4271ec 0x2e9c4 0x2d7c4 0x31a
lstrlenA 0x0 0x4271f0 0x2e9c8 0x2d7c8 0x4b5
lstrcpyA 0x0 0x4271f4 0x2e9cc 0x2d7cc 0x4af
GetSystemTime 0x0 0x4271f8 0x2e9d0 0x2d7d0 0x24d
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot 0x0 0x4271fc 0x2e9d4 0x2d7d4 0xac
FindNextFileW 0x0 0x427200 0x2e9d8 0x2d7d8 0x130
CreatePipe 0x0 0x427204 0x2e9dc 0x2d7dc 0x91
DeviceIoControl 0x0 0x427208 0x2e9e0 0x2d7e0 0xca
GetProfileStringA 0x0 0x42720c 0x2e9e4 0x2d7e4 0x233
CreateEventW 0x0 0x427210 0x2e9e8 0x2d7e8 0x75
LocalAlloc 0x0 0x427214 0x2e9ec 0x2d7ec 0x2f9
FindClose 0x0 0x427218 0x2e9f0 0x2d7f0 0x119
GetDiskFreeSpaceW 0x0 0x42721c 0x2e9f4 0x2d7f4 0x1b7
VirtualAlloc 0x0 0x427220 0x2e9f8 0x2d7f8 0x454
GetLastError 0x0 0x427224 0x2e9fc 0x2d7fc 0x1e6
GetStdHandle 0x0 0x427228 0x2ea00 0x2d800 0x23b
lstrlenW 0x0 0x42722c 0x2ea04 0x2d804 0x4b6
GetOverlappedResult 0x0 0x427230 0x2ea08 0x2d808 0x214
CreateFileW 0x0 0x427234 0x2ea0c 0x2d80c 0x7f
GetModuleFileNameW 0x0 0x427238 0x2ea10 0x2d810 0x1f5
ReadFile 0x0 0x42723c 0x2ea14 0x2d814 0x368
Thread32Next 0x0 0x427240 0x2ea18 0x2d818 0x431
FileTimeToSystemTime 0x0 0x427244 0x2ea1c 0x2d81c 0x110
Sleep 0x0 0x427248 0x2ea20 0x2d820 0x421
Thread32First 0x0 0x42724c 0x2ea24 0x2d824 0x430
GlobalAlloc 0x0 0x427250 0x2ea28 0x2d828 0x285
OpenProcess 0x0 0x427254 0x2ea2c 0x2d82c 0x333
GetVolumePathNameW 0x0 0x427258 0x2ea30 0x2d830 0x27d
GetProcessHeap 0x0 0x42725c 0x2ea34 0x2d834 0x223
GetLogicalDrives 0x0 0x427260 0x2ea38 0x2d838 0x1ed
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize 0x0 0x427264 0x2ea3c 0x2d83c 0x3bf
SetHandleInformation 0x0 0x427268 0x2ea40 0x2d840 0x3e9
GetVolumeInformationByHandleW 0x0 0x42726c 0x2ea44 0x2d844 0x278
HeapAlloc 0x0 0x427270 0x2ea48 0x2d848 0x29d
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime 0x0 0x427274 0x2ea4c 0x2d84c 0x42b
SetErrorMode 0x0 0x427278 0x2ea50 0x2d850 0x3d2
GetDriveTypeW 0x0 0x42727c 0x2ea54 0x2d854 0x1bb
FindFirstFileW 0x0 0x427280 0x2ea58 0x2d858 0x124
DeleteFileA 0x0 0x427284 0x2ea5c 0x2d85c 0xc0
CloseHandle 0x0 0x427288 0x2ea60 0x2d860 0x43
GetModuleFileNameA 0x0 0x42728c 0x2ea64 0x2d864 0x1f4
LockResource 0x0 0x427290 0x2ea68 0x2d868 0x307
CopyFileA 0x0 0x427294 0x2ea6c 0x2d86c 0x60
RaiseException 0x0 0x427298 0x2ea70 0x2d870 0x35a
SizeofResource 0x0 0x42729c 0x2ea74 0x2d874 0x420
WideCharToMultiByte 0x0 0x4272a0 0x2ea78 0x2d878 0x47a
GetTickCount 0x0 0x4272a4 0x2ea7c 0x2d87c 0x266
CreateProcessW 0x0 0x4272a8 0x2ea80 0x2d880 0x97
LoadResource 0x0 0x4272ac 0x2ea84 0x2d884 0x2f6
GetACP 0x0 0x4272b0 0x2ea88 0x2d888 0x152
FindResourceA 0x0 0x4272b4 0x2ea8c 0x2d88c 0x136
USER32.dll (109)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CopyRect 0x0 0x42731c 0x2eaf4 0x2d8f4 0x4f
DefWindowProcA 0x0 0x427320 0x2eaf8 0x2d8f8 0x95
CallWindowProcA 0x0 0x427324 0x2eafc 0x2d8fc 0x1c
GetMenu 0x0 0x427328 0x2eb00 0x2d900 0x13c
SystemParametersInfoA 0x0 0x42732c 0x2eb04 0x2d904 0x2c4
IsIconic 0x0 0x427330 0x2eb08 0x2d908 0x1bd
GetWindowPlacement 0x0 0x427334 0x2eb0c 0x2d90c 0x187
GrayStringA 0x0 0x427338 0x2eb10 0x2d910 0x193
DrawTextExA 0x0 0x42733c 0x2eb14 0x2d914 0xc6
DrawTextA 0x0 0x427340 0x2eb18 0x2d918 0xc5
TabbedTextOutA 0x0 0x427344 0x2eb1c 0x2d91c 0x2c6
SetWindowsHookExA 0x0 0x427348 0x2eb20 0x2d920 0x2af
CallNextHookEx 0x0 0x42734c 0x2eb24 0x2d924 0x1b
DispatchMessageA 0x0 0x427350 0x2eb28 0x2d928 0xa8
GetKeyState 0x0 0x427354 0x2eb2c 0x2d92c 0x131
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ClientToScreen 0x0 0x42736c 0x2eb44 0x2d944 0x45
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DestroyWindow 0x0 0x427398 0x2eb70 0x2d970 0xa0
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EndPaint 0x0 0x4273b0 0x2eb88 0x2d988 0xd5
SetActiveWindow 0x0 0x4273b4 0x2eb8c 0x2d98c 0x266
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SetForegroundWindow 0x0 0x4273bc 0x2eb94 0x2d994 0x27a
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CharNextA 0x0 0x4273d0 0x2eba8 0x2d9a8 0x2d
CreateMenu 0x0 0x4273d4 0x2ebac 0x2d9ac 0x64
ExitWindowsEx 0x0 0x4273d8 0x2ebb0 0x2d9b0 0xee
SetFocus 0x0 0x4273dc 0x2ebb4 0x2d9b4 0x279
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BeginPaint 0x0 0x4273e4 0x2ebbc 0x2d9bc 0xe
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MoveWindow 0x0 0x4273ec 0x2ebc4 0x2d9c4 0x205
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MessageBoxA 0x0 0x427414 0x2ebec 0x2d9ec 0x1f8
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SetScrollPos 0x0 0x42741c 0x2ebf4 0x2d9f4 0x294
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DrawMenuBar 0x0 0x427444 0x2ec1c 0x2da1c 0xc1
AdjustWindowRectEx 0x0 0x427448 0x2ec20 0x2da20 0x3
GetClassInfoA 0x0 0x42744c 0x2ec24 0x2da24 0x104
GetClassInfoExA 0x0 0x427450 0x2ec28 0x2da28 0x105
AppendMenuA 0x0 0x427454 0x2ec2c 0x2da2c 0x9
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PostMessageA 0x0 0x42745c 0x2ec34 0x2da34 0x21e
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MapWindowPoints 0x0 0x427464 0x2ec3c 0x2da3c 0x1f3
GetMessagePos 0x0 0x427468 0x2ec40 0x2da40 0x14c
GetLastActivePopup 0x0 0x42746c 0x2ec44 0x2da44 0x138
GetMessageTime 0x0 0x427470 0x2ec48 0x2da48 0x14d
GetDlgItemTextA 0x0 0x427474 0x2ec4c 0x2da4c 0x121
LoadCursorA 0x0 0x427478 0x2ec50 0x2da50 0x1d2
DestroyMenu 0x0 0x42747c 0x2ec54 0x2da54 0x9e
DialogBoxIndirectParamA 0x0 0x427480 0x2ec58 0x2da58 0xa2
UpdateWindow 0x0 0x427484 0x2ec5c 0x2da5c 0x2e9
EnableWindow 0x0 0x427488 0x2ec60 0x2da60 0xd1
BeginDeferWindowPos 0x0 0x42748c 0x2ec64 0x2da64 0xd
DeferWindowPos 0x0 0x427490 0x2ec68 0x2da68 0x97
PostQuitMessage 0x0 0x427494 0x2ec6c 0x2da6c 0x220
SetMenuItemBitmaps 0x0 0x427498 0x2ec70 0x2da70 0x283
GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions 0x0 0x42749c 0x2ec74 0x2da74 0x13e
ModifyMenuA 0x0 0x4274a0 0x2ec78 0x2da78 0x200
EnableMenuItem 0x0 0x4274a4 0x2ec7c 0x2da7c 0xcf
CheckMenuItem 0x0 0x4274a8 0x2ec80 0x2da80 0x3d
RegisterWindowMessageA 0x0 0x4274ac 0x2ec84 0x2da84 0x249
WinHelpA 0x0 0x4274b0 0x2ec88 0x2da88 0x2ff
GetCapture 0x0 0x4274b4 0x2ec8c 0x2da8c 0x101
GetClassLongA 0x0 0x4274b8 0x2ec90 0x2da90 0x108
SetPropA 0x0 0x4274bc 0x2ec94 0x2da94 0x28f
GetPropA 0x0 0x4274c0 0x2ec98 0x2da98 0x15b
RemovePropA 0x0 0x4274c4 0x2ec9c 0x2da9c 0x24f
GetForegroundWindow 0x0 0x4274c8 0x2eca0 0x2daa0 0x125
GetTopWindow 0x0 0x4274cc 0x2eca4 0x2daa4 0x175
GDI32.dll (31)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PtVisible 0x0 0x42701c 0x2e7f4 0x2d5f4 0x241
RectVisible 0x0 0x427020 0x2e7f8 0x2d5f8 0x245
TextOutA 0x0 0x427024 0x2e7fc 0x2d5fc 0x29f
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Escape 0x0 0x42702c 0x2e804 0x2d604 0x119
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SetViewportExtEx 0x0 0x427034 0x2e80c 0x2d60c 0x28f
ScaleViewportExtEx 0x0 0x427038 0x2e810 0x2d610 0x258
SetWindowExtEx 0x0 0x42703c 0x2e814 0x2d614 0x293
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GetClipBox 0x0 0x427044 0x2e81c 0x2d61c 0x1aa
DeleteDC 0x0 0x427048 0x2e820 0x2d620 0xcd
CreateBitmap 0x0 0x42704c 0x2e824 0x2d624 0x28
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SetTextColor 0x0 0x427054 0x2e82c 0x2d62c 0x28d
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SaveDC 0x0 0x427060 0x2e838 0x2d638 0x257
SetBkMode 0x0 0x427064 0x2e83c 0x2d63c 0x266
DeleteObject 0x0 0x427068 0x2e840 0x2d640 0xd0
GetDeviceCaps 0x0 0x42706c 0x2e844 0x2d644 0x1b5
GetTextMetricsW 0x0 0x427070 0x2e848 0x2d648 0x20d
GetTextExtentPoint32A 0x0 0x427074 0x2e84c 0x2d64c 0x204
SetViewportOrgEx 0x0 0x427078 0x2e850 0x2d650 0x290
SwapBuffers 0x0 0x42707c 0x2e854 0x2d654 0x29e
SelectObject 0x0 0x427080 0x2e858 0x2d658 0x25e
SelectClipRgn 0x0 0x427084 0x2e85c 0x2d65c 0x25c
CombineRgn 0x0 0x427088 0x2e860 0x2d660 0x21
GetTextMetricsA 0x0 0x42708c 0x2e864 0x2d664 0x20c
GetStockObject 0x0 0x427090 0x2e868 0x2d668 0x1f4
CreatePalette 0x0 0x427094 0x2e86c 0x2d66c 0x47
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
OpenPrinterW 0x0 0x4274fc 0x2ecd4 0x2dad4 0x8f
DocumentPropertiesA 0x0 0x427500 0x2ecd8 0x2dad8 0x4d
ConnectToPrinterDlg 0x0 0x427504 0x2ecdc 0x2dadc 0x22
OpenPrinterA 0x0 0x427508 0x2ece0 0x2dae0 0x8e
ClosePrinter 0x0 0x42750c 0x2ece4 0x2dae4 0x1d
ADVAPI32.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CryptReleaseContext 0x0 0x427000 0x2e7d8 0x2d5d8 0xc7
CryptGenKey 0x0 0x427004 0x2e7dc 0x2d5dc 0xbc
CryptGenRandom 0x0 0x427008 0x2e7e0 0x2d5e0 0xbd
CryptAcquireContextA 0x0 0x42700c 0x2e7e4 0x2d5e4 0xac
SHELL32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
DragQueryFileA 0x0 0x427300 0x2ead8 0x2d8d8 0x1e
COMCTL32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
ImageList_GetIconSize 0x0 0x427014 0x2e7ec 0x2d5ec 0x62
SHLWAPI.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PathRemoveFileSpecW 0x0 0x427308 0x2eae0 0x2d8e0 0x8b
PathUnExpandEnvStringsA 0x0 0x42730c 0x2eae4 0x2d8e4 0x98
ColorRGBToHLS 0x0 0x427310 0x2eae8 0x2d8e8 0xd
PathIsUNCServerA 0x0 0x427314 0x2eaec 0x2d8ec 0x6d
ole32.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CoInitialize 0x0 0x427514 0x2ecec 0x2daec 0x3d
CoLockObjectExternal 0x0 0x427518 0x2ecf0 0x2daf0 0x46
RevokeDragDrop 0x0 0x42751c 0x2ecf4 0x2daf4 0x11b
OLEAUT32.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
VariantChangeType 0xc 0x4272d0 0x2eaa8 0x2d8a8 -
VariantClear 0x9 0x4272d4 0x2eaac 0x2d8ac -
VariantInit 0x8 0x4272d8 0x2eab0 0x2d8b0 -
WININET.dll (5)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
FtpOpenFileA 0x0 0x4274e4 0x2ecbc 0x2dabc 0x33
InternetOpenA 0x0 0x4274e8 0x2ecc0 0x2dac0 0x96
InternetGetLastResponseInfoA 0x0 0x4274ec 0x2ecc4 0x2dac4 0x89
InternetConnectA 0x0 0x4274f0 0x2ecc8 0x2dac8 0x70
DeleteUrlCacheEntry 0x0 0x4274f4 0x2eccc 0x2dacc 0xb
VERSION.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetFileVersionInfoW 0x0 0x4274d4 0x2ecac 0x2daac 0x5
VerQueryValueA 0x0 0x4274d8 0x2ecb0 0x2dab0 0xc
GetFileVersionInfoSizeW 0x0 0x4274dc 0x2ecb4 0x2dab4 0x4
urlmon.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
URLDownloadToFileA 0x0 0x427524 0x2ecfc 0x2dafc 0x65
MSACM32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
acmDriverDetailsA 0x0 0x4272bc 0x2ea94 0x2d894 0x4
RPCRT4.dll (5)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RpcMgmtSetServerStackSize 0x0 0x4272e8 0x2eac0 0x2d8c0 0x198
RpcMgmtSetComTimeout 0x0 0x4272ec 0x2eac4 0x2d8c4 0x197
UuidCreate 0x0 0x4272f0 0x2eac8 0x2d8c8 0x1f3
UuidToStringA 0x0 0x4272f4 0x2eacc 0x2d8cc 0x1fb
RpcMgmtStatsVectorFree 0x0 0x4272f8 0x2ead0 0x2d8d0 0x199
OPENGL32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
wglGetCurrentDC 0x0 0x4272e0 0x2eab8 0x2d8b8 0x15f
IMM32.dll (7)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
ImmGetContext 0x0 0x42709c 0x2e874 0x2d674 0x38
ImmDestroyContext 0x0 0x4270a0 0x2e878 0x2d678 0x20
ImmReleaseContext 0x0 0x4270a4 0x2e87c 0x2d67c 0x68
ImmSetConversionStatus 0x0 0x4270a8 0x2e880 0x2d680 0x75
ImmAssociateContext 0x0 0x4270ac 0x2e884 0x2d684 0x18
ImmGetConversionStatus 0x0 0x4270b0 0x2e888 0x2d688 0x3b
ImmCreateContext 0x0 0x4270b4 0x2e88c 0x2d68c 0x1d
OLEACC.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
LresultFromObject 0x0 0x4272c4 0x2ea9c 0x2d89c 0x14
CreateStdAccessibleObject 0x0 0x4272c8 0x2eaa0 0x2d8a0 0x4
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
