75ca5c2c...7783 | Files
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 100/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Spyware

75ca5c2caf5216140f8e3e34160bdc64ce59d75fce1feeaa809ec18f01427783 (SHA256)


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Created at 2018-11-06 10:28:00

Filename Category Type Severity Actions
C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\volumesound.exe Sample File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 422.00 KB
MD5 9cc1c14059b17532c4aa410d7b0c1601 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 81f4fdeeb08c80ec96798d9aec28d986a572042c Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 75ca5c2caf5216140f8e3e34160bdc64ce59d75fce1feeaa809ec18f01427783 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 6144:2gkc4XJqHujPpYCv9zr73VVO1cVOoqOkGSZNqlYOTZ/VBLPnV5:2cqJ4gPpxx7FQ1cIQ/eQYwZD Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 63193aeec7ed00f517dabab99d33a35e Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2018-11-06 10:58 (UTC+1)
Last Seen 2018-11-06 10:58 (UTC+1)
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x422b20
Size Of Code 0x39400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x30000
File Type executable
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-11-05 02:53:55+00:00
Version Information (12)
LegalCopyright Copyright © 1995-Present
InternalName ShadwedGraphic
CompanyName SiSoftware
FileDescription Youtube Wearing Getversinex Nlx Unlike
LegalTrademarks Copyright © 1995-Present
Comments Youtube Wearing Getversinex Nlx Unlike
ProductName ShadwedGraphic
Languages English
OriginalFilename ShadwedGraphic.exe
Sections (5)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x392e9 0x39400 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.74
.rdata 0x43b000 0xa234 0xa400 0x39800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 5.44
.data 0x446000 0x4148 0x2200 0x43c00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 4.18
.rsrc 0x44b000 0x1f010 0x1f200 0x45e00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 6.96
.reloc 0x46b000 0x47f2 0x4800 0x65000 cnt_initialized_data, mem_discardable, mem_read 5.79
Imports (12)
KERNEL32.dll (124)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetStringTypeA 0x0 0x43b108 0x438a8 0x420a8 0x23d
IsValidLocale 0x0 0x43b10c 0x438ac 0x420ac 0x2dd
EnumSystemLocalesA 0x0 0x43b110 0x438b0 0x420b0 0xf8
GetLocaleInfoA 0x0 0x43b114 0x438b4 0x420b4 0x1e8
GetUserDefaultLCID 0x0 0x43b118 0x438b8 0x420b8 0x26d
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GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x43b120 0x438c0 0x420c0 0x1aa
GetTickCount 0x0 0x43b124 0x438c4 0x420c4 0x266
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x43b128 0x438c8 0x420c8 0x354
GetEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x43b12c 0x438cc 0x420cc 0x1c1
FreeEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x43b130 0x438d0 0x420d0 0x14b
GetEnvironmentStrings 0x0 0x43b134 0x438d4 0x420d4 0x1bf
FreeEnvironmentStringsA 0x0 0x43b138 0x438d8 0x420d8 0x14a
IsValidCodePage 0x0 0x43b13c 0x438dc 0x420dc 0x2db
GetOEMCP 0x0 0x43b140 0x438e0 0x420e0 0x213
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ExitProcess 0x0 0x43b14c 0x438ec 0x420ec 0x104
SetFilePointer 0x0 0x43b150 0x438f0 0x420f0 0x3df
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x43b154 0x438f4 0x420f4 0x1ad
SetLastError 0x0 0x43b158 0x438f8 0x420f8 0x3ec
TlsFree 0x0 0x43b15c 0x438fc 0x420fc 0x433
TlsSetValue 0x0 0x43b160 0x43900 0x42100 0x435
TlsAlloc 0x0 0x43b164 0x43904 0x42104 0x432
TlsGetValue 0x0 0x43b168 0x43908 0x42108 0x434
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GetStringTypeW 0x0 0x43b180 0x43920 0x42120 0x240
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HeapAlloc 0x0 0x43b188 0x43928 0x42128 0x29d
GetFileType 0x0 0x43b18c 0x4392c 0x4212c 0x1d7
GetStdHandle 0x0 0x43b190 0x43930 0x42130 0x23b
SetHandleCount 0x0 0x43b194 0x43934 0x42134 0x3e8
GetCPInfo 0x0 0x43b198 0x43938 0x42138 0x15b
LCMapStringW 0x0 0x43b19c 0x4393c 0x4213c 0x2e3
WideCharToMultiByte 0x0 0x43b1a0 0x43940 0x42140 0x47a
LCMapStringA 0x0 0x43b1a4 0x43944 0x42144 0x2e1
MultiByteToWideChar 0x0 0x43b1a8 0x43948 0x42148 0x31a
RaiseException 0x0 0x43b1ac 0x4394c 0x4214c 0x35a
RtlUnwind 0x0 0x43b1b0 0x43950 0x42150 0x392
GetStartupInfoA 0x0 0x43b1b4 0x43954 0x42154 0x239
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MoveFileA 0x0 0x43b1bc 0x4395c 0x4215c 0x311
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ExitThread 0x0 0x43b1c8 0x43968 0x42168 0x105
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x43b1cc 0x4396c 0x4216c 0x2d1
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x43b1d0 0x43970 0x42170 0x415
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x43b1d4 0x43974 0x42174 0x43e
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x43b1d8 0x43978 0x42178 0x42d
HeapFree 0x0 0x43b1dc 0x4397c 0x4217c 0x2a1
LeaveCriticalSection 0x0 0x43b1e0 0x43980 0x42180 0x2ef
EnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x43b1e4 0x43984 0x42184 0xd9
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x43b1e8 0x43988 0x42188 0xbe
InitializeCriticalSection 0x0 0x43b1ec 0x4398c 0x4218c 0x2b4
Sleep 0x0 0x43b1f0 0x43990 0x42190 0x421
InterlockedDecrement 0x0 0x43b1f4 0x43994 0x42194 0x2bc
InterlockedIncrement 0x0 0x43b1f8 0x43998 0x42198 0x2c0
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x0 0x43b1fc 0x4399c 0x4219c 0x2b5
WriteConsoleA 0x0 0x43b200 0x439a0 0x421a0 0x482
GetConsoleOutputCP 0x0 0x43b204 0x439a4 0x421a4 0x199
WriteConsoleW 0x0 0x43b208 0x439a8 0x421a8 0x48c
SetStdHandle 0x0 0x43b20c 0x439ac 0x421ac 0x3fc
LoadLibraryA 0x0 0x43b210 0x439b0 0x421b0 0x2f1
GetLocaleInfoW 0x0 0x43b214 0x439b4 0x421b4 0x1ea
CreateFileA 0x0 0x43b218 0x439b8 0x421b8 0x78
SetEndOfFile 0x0 0x43b21c 0x439bc 0x421bc 0x3cd
GetProcessHeap 0x0 0x43b220 0x439c0 0x421c0 0x223
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x43b224 0x439c4 0x421c4 0x220
GetTimeZoneInformation 0x0 0x43b228 0x439c8 0x421c8 0x26b
GetFileAttributesA 0x0 0x43b22c 0x439cc 0x421cc 0x1c9
GetDateFormatA 0x0 0x43b230 0x439d0 0x421d0 0x1ae
GetTimeFormatA 0x0 0x43b234 0x439d4 0x421d4 0x268
lstrcmpA 0x0 0x43b238 0x439d8 0x421d8 0x4a9
_lopen 0x0 0x43b23c 0x439dc 0x421dc 0x4a2
FindFirstChangeNotificationA 0x0 0x43b240 0x439e0 0x421e0 0x11b
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CreateEventW 0x0 0x43b248 0x439e8 0x421e8 0x75
CancelIoEx 0x0 0x43b24c 0x439ec 0x421ec 0x34
GlobalFree 0x0 0x43b250 0x439f0 0x421f0 0x28c
VirtualProtectEx 0x0 0x43b254 0x439f4 0x421f4 0x45b
LocalLock 0x0 0x43b258 0x439f8 0x421f8 0x2ff
VirtualAlloc 0x0 0x43b25c 0x439fc 0x421fc 0x454
GetLastError 0x0 0x43b260 0x43a00 0x42200 0x1e6
GetTempPathW 0x0 0x43b264 0x43a04 0x42204 0x25b
GetOverlappedResult 0x0 0x43b268 0x43a08 0x42208 0x214
GetSystemTime 0x0 0x43b26c 0x43a0c 0x4220c 0x24d
CreateFileW 0x0 0x43b270 0x43a10 0x42210 0x7f
ReadFile 0x0 0x43b274 0x43a14 0x42214 0x368
FindResourceExA 0x0 0x43b278 0x43a18 0x42218 0x137
AllocateUserPhysicalPages 0x0 0x43b27c 0x43a1c 0x4221c 0xf
GetUserDefaultLangID 0x0 0x43b280 0x43a20 0x42220 0x26e
WriteFile 0x0 0x43b284 0x43a24 0x42224 0x48d
GetCompressedFileSizeW 0x0 0x43b288 0x43a28 0x42228 0x174
_lclose 0x0 0x43b28c 0x43a2c 0x4222c 0x49f
FindCloseChangeNotification 0x0 0x43b290 0x43a30 0x42230 0x11a
WaitForSingleObject 0x0 0x43b294 0x43a34 0x42234 0x464
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x43b298 0x43a38 0x42238 0x1a9
_lwrite 0x0 0x43b29c 0x43a3c 0x4223c 0x4a4
LoadResource 0x0 0x43b2a0 0x43a40 0x42240 0x2f6
MapUserPhysicalPages 0x0 0x43b2a4 0x43a44 0x42244 0x308
LocalUnlock 0x0 0x43b2a8 0x43a48 0x42248 0x303
FileTimeToSystemTime 0x0 0x43b2ac 0x43a4c 0x4224c 0x110
MulDiv 0x0 0x43b2b0 0x43a50 0x42250 0x319
GetCurrentDirectoryA 0x0 0x43b2b4 0x43a54 0x42254 0x1a7
CloseHandle 0x0 0x43b2b8 0x43a58 0x42258 0x43
CreateMutexA 0x0 0x43b2bc 0x43a5c 0x4225c 0x8b
GetModuleFileNameA 0x0 0x43b2c0 0x43a60 0x42260 0x1f4
WritePrivateProfileStringA 0x0 0x43b2c4 0x43a64 0x42264 0x492
OpenMutexA 0x0 0x43b2c8 0x43a68 0x42268 0x32f
GetPrivateProfileStringA 0x0 0x43b2cc 0x43a6c 0x4226c 0x21c
GetPrivateProfileIntA 0x0 0x43b2d0 0x43a70 0x42270 0x216
CompareFileTime 0x0 0x43b2d4 0x43a74 0x42274 0x51
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GlobalAlloc 0x0 0x43b2ec 0x43a8c 0x4228c 0x285
GlobalLock 0x0 0x43b2f0 0x43a90 0x42290 0x290
VirtualFree 0x0 0x43b2f4 0x43a94 0x42294 0x457
USER32.dll (107)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
DrawMenuBar 0x0 0x43b340 0x43ae0 0x422e0 0xc1
SetScrollPos 0x0 0x43b344 0x43ae4 0x422e4 0x294
SetScrollRange 0x0 0x43b348 0x43ae8 0x422e8 0x295
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ExitWindowsEx 0x0 0x43b350 0x43af0 0x422f0 0xee
MessageBoxW 0x0 0x43b354 0x43af4 0x422f4 0x1ff
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GetWindow 0x0 0x43b364 0x43b04 0x42304 0x17d
ScreenToClient 0x0 0x43b368 0x43b08 0x42308 0x254
OffsetRect 0x0 0x43b36c 0x43b0c 0x4230c 0x20e
SetDlgItemInt 0x0 0x43b370 0x43b10 0x42310 0x275
EnableWindow 0x0 0x43b374 0x43b14 0x42314 0xd1
LoadStringA 0x0 0x43b378 0x43b18 0x42318 0x1e3
DeleteMenu 0x0 0x43b37c 0x43b1c 0x4231c 0x98
CreateMenu 0x0 0x43b380 0x43b20 0x42320 0x64
DialogBoxParamA 0x0 0x43b384 0x43b24 0x42324 0xa5
LoadCursorA 0x0 0x43b388 0x43b28 0x42328 0x1d2
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DestroyWindow 0x0 0x43b3ac 0x43b4c 0x4234c 0xa0
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GetClassNameA 0x0 0x43b3b4 0x43b54 0x42354 0x10a
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GetMenuItemCount 0x0 0x43b3bc 0x43b5c 0x4235c 0x142
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PostQuitMessage 0x0 0x43b3c4 0x43b64 0x42364 0x220
TrackPopupMenu 0x0 0x43b3c8 0x43b68 0x42368 0x2cf
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SetForegroundWindow 0x0 0x43b3d0 0x43b70 0x42370 0x27a
IsDialogMessageA 0x0 0x43b3d4 0x43b74 0x42374 0x1b8
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LoadAcceleratorsA 0x0 0x43b3ec 0x43b8c 0x4238c 0x1ce
SetMenu 0x0 0x43b3f0 0x43b90 0x42390 0x27f
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CheckDlgButton 0x0 0x43b410 0x43bb0 0x423b0 0x3c
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SetTimer 0x0 0x43b41c 0x43bbc 0x423bc 0x29e
GetWindowRect 0x0 0x43b420 0x43bc0 0x423c0 0x188
KillTimer 0x0 0x43b424 0x43bc4 0x423c4 0x1cd
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GetClientRect 0x0 0x43b42c 0x43bcc 0x423cc 0x10d
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SetCapture 0x0 0x43b458 0x43bf8 0x423f8 0x267
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IsClipboardFormatAvailable 0x0 0x43b464 0x43c04 0x42404 0x1b6
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EmptyClipboard 0x0 0x43b490 0x43c30 0x42430 0xce
DefWindowProcA 0x0 0x43b494 0x43c34 0x42434 0x95
DestroyCaret 0x0 0x43b498 0x43c38 0x42438 0x9b
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GetCursorPos 0x0 0x43b4a0 0x43c40 0x42440 0x119
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CreateCaret 0x0 0x43b4a8 0x43c48 0x42448 0x53
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SystemParametersInfoA 0x0 0x43b4b0 0x43c50 0x42450 0x2c4
ReleaseCapture 0x0 0x43b4b4 0x43c54 0x42454 0x24b
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SetScrollInfo 0x0 0x43b4c0 0x43c60 0x42460 0x293
GetParent 0x0 0x43b4c4 0x43c64 0x42464 0x155
SetWindowTextA 0x0 0x43b4c8 0x43c68 0x42468 0x2ab
SetDlgItemTextA 0x0 0x43b4cc 0x43c6c 0x4246c 0x276
SetCursor 0x0 0x43b4d0 0x43c70 0x42470 0x270
SendDlgItemMessageA 0x0 0x43b4d4 0x43c74 0x42474 0x259
SendMessageA 0x0 0x43b4d8 0x43c78 0x42478 0x25e
GetDC 0x0 0x43b4dc 0x43c7c 0x4247c 0x11a
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ReleaseDC 0x0 0x43b4e4 0x43c84 0x42484 0x24c
GetDlgItem 0x0 0x43b4e8 0x43c88 0x42488 0x11f
GDI32.dll (31)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RoundRect 0x0 0x43b088 0x43828 0x42028 0x251
EndDoc 0x0 0x43b08c 0x4382c 0x4202c 0xdb
CreateSolidBrush 0x0 0x43b090 0x43830 0x42030 0x52
TextOutA 0x0 0x43b094 0x43834 0x42034 0x29f
SelectClipRgn 0x0 0x43b098 0x43838 0x42038 0x25c
SetBkColor 0x0 0x43b09c 0x4383c 0x4203c 0x265
CreateCompatibleDC 0x0 0x43b0a0 0x43840 0x42040 0x2e
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DeleteDC 0x0 0x43b0a8 0x43848 0x42048 0xcd
SetViewportOrgEx 0x0 0x43b0ac 0x4384c 0x4204c 0x290
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Rectangle 0x0 0x43b0b8 0x43858 0x42058 0x246
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SetTextColor 0x0 0x43b0cc 0x4386c 0x4206c 0x28d
StartPage 0x0 0x43b0d0 0x43870 0x42070 0x299
LineTo 0x0 0x43b0d4 0x43874 0x42074 0x21d
GetTextExtentPoint32A 0x0 0x43b0d8 0x43878 0x42078 0x204
EndPage 0x0 0x43b0dc 0x4387c 0x4207c 0xdd
MoveToEx 0x0 0x43b0e0 0x43880 0x42080 0x221
EnumFontFamiliesExA 0x0 0x43b0e4 0x43884 0x42084 0x10f
GetStockObject 0x0 0x43b0e8 0x43888 0x42088 0x1f4
GetObjectA 0x0 0x43b0ec 0x4388c 0x4208c 0x1e2
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StartDocA 0x0 0x43b0fc 0x4389c 0x4209c 0x296
CreatePen 0x0 0x43b100 0x438a0 0x420a0 0x49
COMDLG32.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetOpenFileNameA 0x0 0x43b074 0x43814 0x42014 0xb
GetSaveFileNameA 0x0 0x43b078 0x43818 0x42018 0xd
PrintDlgA 0x0 0x43b07c 0x4381c 0x4201c 0x12
ChooseColorA 0x0 0x43b080 0x43820 0x42020 0x0
ADVAPI32.dll (14)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RegSetValueExA 0x0 0x43b000 0x437a0 0x41fa0 0x277
RegCreateKeyA 0x0 0x43b004 0x437a4 0x41fa4 0x231
AdjustTokenPrivileges 0x0 0x43b008 0x437a8 0x41fa8 0x1e
CryptGenKey 0x0 0x43b00c 0x437ac 0x41fac 0xbc
CryptGenRandom 0x0 0x43b010 0x437b0 0x41fb0 0xbd
CryptAcquireContextA 0x0 0x43b014 0x437b4 0x41fb4 0xac
LookupPrivilegeValueA 0x0 0x43b018 0x437b8 0x41fb8 0x190
CryptReleaseContext 0x0 0x43b01c 0x437bc 0x41fbc 0xc7
OpenProcessToken 0x0 0x43b020 0x437c0 0x41fc0 0x1f1
RegCloseKey 0x0 0x43b024 0x437c4 0x41fc4 0x22a
RegOpenKeyA 0x0 0x43b028 0x437c8 0x41fc8 0x259
RegDeleteValueA 0x0 0x43b02c 0x437cc 0x41fcc 0x241
RegOpenKeyExA 0x0 0x43b030 0x437d0 0x41fd0 0x25a
RegQueryValueExA 0x0 0x43b034 0x437d4 0x41fd4 0x267
SHELL32.dll (8)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SHGetFolderPathA 0x0 0x43b314 0x43ab4 0x422b4 0xbc
DragFinish 0x0 0x43b318 0x43ab8 0x422b8 0x1c
ShellExecuteExA 0x0 0x43b31c 0x43abc 0x422bc 0x116
ExtractAssociatedIconA 0x0 0x43b320 0x43ac0 0x422c0 0x24
SHGetMalloc 0x0 0x43b324 0x43ac4 0x422c4 0xc9
SHGetPathFromIDListA 0x0 0x43b328 0x43ac8 0x422c8 0xcf
ShellExecuteA 0x0 0x43b32c 0x43acc 0x422cc 0x114
DragQueryFileA 0x0 0x43b330 0x43ad0 0x422d0 0x1e
COMCTL32.dll (11)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PropertySheetA 0x0 0x43b044 0x437e4 0x41fe4 0x83
(by ordinal) 0x11 0x43b048 0x437e8 0x41fe8 -
(by ordinal) 0x6 0x43b04c 0x437ec 0x41fec -
ImageList_Create 0x0 0x43b050 0x437f0 0x41ff0 0x53
ImageList_EndDrag 0x0 0x43b054 0x437f4 0x41ff4 0x5d
ImageList_DragMove 0x0 0x43b058 0x437f8 0x41ff8 0x57
ImageList_BeginDrag 0x0 0x43b05c 0x437fc 0x41ffc 0x50
ImageList_DragLeave 0x0 0x43b060 0x43800 0x42000 0x56
ImageList_AddMasked 0x0 0x43b064 0x43804 0x42004 0x4f
ImageList_DragEnter 0x0 0x43b068 0x43808 0x42008 0x55
ImageList_DragShowNolock 0x0 0x43b06c 0x4380c 0x4200c 0x58
WININET.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PrivacyGetZonePreferenceW 0x0 0x43b4f0 0x43c90 0x42490 0xc6
ReadUrlCacheEntryStream 0x0 0x43b4f4 0x43c94 0x42494 0xc8
PrivacySetZonePreferenceW 0x0 0x43b4f8 0x43c98 0x42498 0xc7
MPR.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
WNetGetUserW 0x0 0x43b2fc 0x43a9c 0x4229c 0x3a
AVIFIL32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
AVIStreamStart 0x0 0x43b03c 0x437dc 0x41fdc 0x37
SHLWAPI.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PathFindFileNameA 0x0 0x43b338 0x43ad8 0x422d8 0x48
RPCRT4.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
UuidToStringA 0x0 0x43b304 0x43aa4 0x422a4 0x1fb
UuidCreate 0x0 0x43b308 0x43aa8 0x422a8 0x1f3
RpcServerInqDefaultPrincNameW 0x0 0x43b30c 0x43aac 0x422ac 0x1b0
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
