4c603d76...4e89 | Files
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 94/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Keylogger, Spyware

4c603d763a2b79e36492413ff788e1dd795bc09c67b2f4eccad5f339ebe44e89 (SHA256)


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Created at 2018-11-01 09:56:00

Filename Category Type Severity Actions
C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\AC4C\ADA6.tmp Created File Unknown
Mime Type application/x-empty
File Size 0.00 KB
MD5 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3:: Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2011-05-27 11:27 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2017-04-19 12:47 (UTC+2)
C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\Desktop\nstpeer.exe Sample File Binary
Also Known As C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\adsldraw\autoclb.exe (Created File)
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 1.11 MB
MD5 8ac61890b22ca596db61d0f74da67b5d Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 2132beb454eaffd9b970015dcaa7d73a989d53ed Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 4c603d763a2b79e36492413ff788e1dd795bc09c67b2f4eccad5f339ebe44e89 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 24576:PjgCLkNHOU+dS88agRuBvYS3EXiCOLIKmV5rw:PjgvfR/HdCmXE Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 3822da640a00d3b07c8e8dac576e47c9 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x4272a0
Size Of Code 0x49e00
Size Of Initialized Data 0xd0e00
File Type executable
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-10-31 04:11:38+00:00
Version Information (9)
LegalCopyright Copyright ©.
InternalName VendettaDepths
CompanyName Comparex
FileDescription Warnings Lag Scenarios Cdedm
Comments Warnings Lag Scenarios Cdedm
ProductName VendettaDepths
Sections (4)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x49c31 0x49e00 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.31
.rdata 0x44b000 0x15e02 0x16000 0x4a200 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 4.63
.data 0x461000 0x3b84 0x1a00 0x60200 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 4.19
.rsrc 0x465000 0xb9330 0xb9400 0x61c00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 7.66
Imports (19)
KERNEL32.dll (115)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetStringTypeW 0x0 0x44b104 0x5f338 0x5e538 0x269
RtlUnwind 0x0 0x44b108 0x5f33c 0x5e53c 0x418
GetEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x44b10c 0x5f340 0x5e540 0x1da
FreeEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x44b110 0x5f344 0x5e544 0x161
GetTickCount 0x0 0x44b114 0x5f348 0x5e548 0x293
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x44b118 0x5f34c 0x5e54c 0x3a7
SetHandleCount 0x0 0x44b11c 0x5f350 0x5e550 0x46f
LCMapStringW 0x0 0x44b120 0x5f354 0x5e554 0x32d
LoadLibraryW 0x0 0x44b124 0x5f358 0x5e558 0x33f
GetFileType 0x0 0x44b128 0x5f35c 0x5e55c 0x1f3
WriteConsoleW 0x0 0x44b12c 0x5f360 0x5e560 0x524
GetStdHandle 0x0 0x44b130 0x5f364 0x5e564 0x264
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TlsAlloc 0x0 0x44b150 0x5f384 0x5e584 0x4c5
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GetStartupInfoW 0x0 0x44b164 0x5f398 0x5e598 0x263
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SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x44b184 0x5f3b8 0x5e5b8 0x4a5
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IsBadReadPtr 0x0 0x44b190 0x5f3c4 0x5e5c4 0x2f7
HeapValidate 0x0 0x44b194 0x5f3c8 0x5e5c8 0x2d7
DecodePointer 0x0 0x44b198 0x5f3cc 0x5e5cc 0xca
EncodePointer 0x0 0x44b19c 0x5f3d0 0x5e5d0 0xea
VirtualQuery 0x0 0x44b1a0 0x5f3d4 0x5e5d4 0x4f1
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VirtualProtect 0x0 0x44b1a8 0x5f3dc 0x5e5dc 0x4ef
GetCurrentThread 0x0 0x44b1ac 0x5f3e0 0x5e5e0 0x1c4
CreateFileMappingA 0x0 0x44b1b0 0x5f3e4 0x5e5e4 0x89
MapViewOfFile 0x0 0x44b1b4 0x5f3e8 0x5e5e8 0x357
UnmapViewOfFile 0x0 0x44b1b8 0x5f3ec 0x5e5ec 0x4d6
GetModuleFileNameW 0x0 0x44b1bc 0x5f3f0 0x5e5f0 0x214
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x44b1c0 0x5f3f4 0x5e5f4 0x1c1
OutputDebugStringW 0x0 0x44b1c4 0x5f3f8 0x5e5f8 0x38a
OutputDebugStringA 0x0 0x44b1c8 0x5f3fc 0x5e5fc 0x389
OpenEventA 0x0 0x44b1cc 0x5f400 0x5e600 0x374
SetEvent 0x0 0x44b1d0 0x5f404 0x5e604 0x459
InterlockedCompareExchange 0x0 0x44b1d4 0x5f408 0x5e608 0x2e9
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0x0 0x44b1d8 0x5f40c 0x5e60c 0x304
HeapFree 0x0 0x44b1dc 0x5f410 0x5e610 0x2cf
InterlockedPopEntrySList 0x0 0x44b1e0 0x5f414 0x5e614 0x2f0
VirtualFree 0x0 0x44b1e4 0x5f418 0x5e618 0x4ec
InterlockedPushEntrySList 0x0 0x44b1e8 0x5f41c 0x5e61c 0x2f1
ExitThread 0x0 0x44b1ec 0x5f420 0x5e620 0x11a
GetConsoleCP 0x0 0x44b1f0 0x5f424 0x5e624 0x19a
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x44b1f4 0x5f428 0x5e628 0x245
lstrcmpiA 0x0 0x44b1f8 0x5f42c 0x5e62c 0x544
CreateThread 0x0 0x44b1fc 0x5f430 0x5e630 0xb5
FlushFileBuffers 0x0 0x44b200 0x5f434 0x5e634 0x157
SetLastError 0x0 0x44b204 0x5f438 0x5e638 0x473
SetStdHandle 0x0 0x44b208 0x5f43c 0x5e63c 0x487
CreateFileW 0x0 0x44b20c 0x5f440 0x5e640 0x8f
InitializeCriticalSection 0x0 0x44b210 0x5f444 0x5e644 0x2e2
GetModuleFileNameA 0x0 0x44b214 0x5f448 0x5e648 0x213
GetModuleHandleA 0x0 0x44b218 0x5f44c 0x5e64c 0x215
LoadLibraryExA 0x0 0x44b21c 0x5f450 0x5e650 0x33d
FileTimeToLocalFileTime 0x0 0x44b220 0x5f454 0x5e654 0x124
CloseHandle 0x0 0x44b224 0x5f458 0x5e658 0x52
GetVersionExA 0x0 0x44b228 0x5f45c 0x5e65c 0x2a3
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot 0x0 0x44b22c 0x5f460 0x5e660 0xbe
FindFirstVolumeMountPointA 0x0 0x44b230 0x5f464 0x5e664 0x13d
GetSystemInfo 0x0 0x44b234 0x5f468 0x5e668 0x273
DeviceIoControl 0x0 0x44b238 0x5f46c 0x5e66c 0xdd
Process32Next 0x0 0x44b23c 0x5f470 0x5e670 0x397
VirtualAlloc 0x0 0x44b240 0x5f474 0x5e674 0x4e9
FindVolumeMountPointClose 0x0 0x44b244 0x5f478 0x5e678 0x151
GetLogicalDriveStringsA 0x0 0x44b248 0x5f47c 0x5e67c 0x207
FindFirstFileA 0x0 0x44b24c 0x5f480 0x5e680 0x132
ReadFile 0x0 0x44b250 0x5f484 0x5e684 0x3c0
FileTimeToSystemTime 0x0 0x44b254 0x5f488 0x5e688 0x125
GetPriorityClass 0x0 0x44b258 0x5f48c 0x5e68c 0x23a
WriteFile 0x0 0x44b25c 0x5f490 0x5e690 0x525
FindNextVolumeMountPointA 0x0 0x44b260 0x5f494 0x5e694 0x148
GetProcessHeap 0x0 0x44b264 0x5f498 0x5e698 0x24a
Process32First 0x0 0x44b268 0x5f49c 0x5e69c 0x395
HeapAlloc 0x0 0x44b26c 0x5f4a0 0x5e6a0 0x2cb
GetFileSize 0x0 0x44b270 0x5f4a4 0x5e6a4 0x1f0
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA 0x0 0x44b274 0x5f4a8 0x5e6a8 0x2a8
CreateFileA 0x0 0x44b278 0x5f4ac 0x5e6ac 0x88
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x44b27c 0x5f4b0 0x5e6b0 0x1c5
ResumeThread 0x0 0x44b280 0x5f4b4 0x5e6b4 0x413
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x44b284 0x5f4b8 0x5e6b8 0xd1
GetLastError 0x0 0x44b288 0x5f4bc 0x5e6bc 0x202
RaiseException 0x0 0x44b28c 0x5f4c0 0x5e6c0 0x3b1
FlushInstructionCache 0x0 0x44b290 0x5f4c4 0x5e6c4 0x158
lstrlenW 0x0 0x44b294 0x5f4c8 0x5e6c8 0x54e
MultiByteToWideChar 0x0 0x44b298 0x5f4cc 0x5e6cc 0x367
IsDBCSLeadByte 0x0 0x44b29c 0x5f4d0 0x5e6d0 0x2fe
LeaveCriticalSection 0x0 0x44b2a0 0x5f4d4 0x5e6d4 0x339
SizeofResource 0x0 0x44b2a4 0x5f4d8 0x5e6d8 0x4b1
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x0 0x44b2a8 0x5f4dc 0x5e6dc 0x2e3
WideCharToMultiByte 0x0 0x44b2ac 0x5f4e0 0x5e6e0 0x511
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x44b2b0 0x5f4e4 0x5e6e4 0x1c0
FindResourceA 0x0 0x44b2b4 0x5f4e8 0x5e6e8 0x14b
InterlockedDecrement 0x0 0x44b2b8 0x5f4ec 0x5e6ec 0x2eb
InterlockedIncrement 0x0 0x44b2bc 0x5f4f0 0x5e6f0 0x2ef
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FreeLibrary 0x0 0x44b2c4 0x5f4f8 0x5e6f8 0x162
lstrlenA 0x0 0x44b2c8 0x5f4fc 0x5e6fc 0x54d
GetCommandLineA 0x0 0x44b2cc 0x5f500 0x5e700 0x186
USER32.dll (84)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
DispatchMessageA 0x0 0x44b378 0x5f5ac 0x5e7ac 0xae
GetActiveWindow 0x0 0x44b37c 0x5f5b0 0x5e7b0 0x100
LoadImageA 0x0 0x44b380 0x5f5b4 0x5e7b4 0x1ee
MapWindowPoints 0x0 0x44b384 0x5f5b8 0x5e7b8 0x209
GetSystemMetrics 0x0 0x44b388 0x5f5bc 0x5e7bc 0x17e
IsWindow 0x0 0x44b38c 0x5f5c0 0x5e7c0 0x1db
ClientToScreen 0x0 0x44b390 0x5f5c4 0x5e7c4 0x47
GetWindowDC 0x0 0x44b394 0x5f5c8 0x5e7c8 0x192
ShowWindow 0x0 0x44b398 0x5f5cc 0x5e7cc 0x2df
SetWindowPos 0x0 0x44b39c 0x5f5d0 0x5e7d0 0x2c6
DefWindowProcA 0x0 0x44b3a0 0x5f5d4 0x5e7d4 0x9b
EndDialog 0x0 0x44b3a4 0x5f5d8 0x5e7d8 0xda
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PeekMessageA 0x0 0x44b3b0 0x5f5e4 0x5e7e4 0x232
GetWindowLongA 0x0 0x44b3b4 0x5f5e8 0x5e7e8 0x195
SetCapture 0x0 0x44b3b8 0x5f5ec 0x5e7ec 0x280
DrawEdge 0x0 0x44b3bc 0x5f5f0 0x5e7f0 0xc3
UnregisterClassA 0x0 0x44b3c0 0x5f5f4 0x5e7f4 0x305
SetWindowLongA 0x0 0x44b3c4 0x5f5f8 0x5e7f8 0x2c3
TranslateMessage 0x0 0x44b3c8 0x5f5fc 0x5e7fc 0x2fc
IsDialogMessageA 0x0 0x44b3cc 0x5f600 0x5e800 0x1cc
GetMonitorInfoA 0x0 0x44b3d0 0x5f604 0x5e804 0x15e
GetWindow 0x0 0x44b3d4 0x5f608 0x5e808 0x18e
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CharNextA 0x0 0x44b3e0 0x5f614 0x5e814 0x2f
GetParent 0x0 0x44b3e4 0x5f618 0x5e818 0x164
PostQuitMessage 0x0 0x44b3e8 0x5f61c 0x5e81c 0x237
CreateDialogParamA 0x0 0x44b3ec 0x5f620 0x5e820 0x62
GetWindowRect 0x0 0x44b3f0 0x5f624 0x5e824 0x19c
GetMessageA 0x0 0x44b3f4 0x5f628 0x5e828 0x159
DestroyWindow 0x0 0x44b3f8 0x5f62c 0x5e82c 0xa6
DispatchMessageW 0x0 0x44b3fc 0x5f630 0x5e830 0xaf
RegisterClassA 0x0 0x44b400 0x5f634 0x5e834 0x24b
DefWindowProcW 0x0 0x44b404 0x5f638 0x5e838 0x9c
SetWindowTextW 0x0 0x44b408 0x5f63c 0x5e83c 0x2cb
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AdjustWindowRect 0x0 0x44b414 0x5f648 0x5e848 0x2
CallWindowProcA 0x0 0x44b418 0x5f64c 0x5e84c 0x1d
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SetRectEmpty 0x0 0x44b420 0x5f654 0x5e854 0x2af
PtInRect 0x0 0x44b424 0x5f658 0x5e858 0x240
SetDlgItemTextA 0x0 0x44b428 0x5f65c 0x5e85c 0x28f
SetWindowTextA 0x0 0x44b42c 0x5f660 0x5e860 0x2ca
OffsetRect 0x0 0x44b430 0x5f664 0x5e864 0x225
ReleaseCapture 0x0 0x44b434 0x5f668 0x5e868 0x264
CopyRect 0x0 0x44b438 0x5f66c 0x5e86c 0x55
EndPaint 0x0 0x44b43c 0x5f670 0x5e870 0xdc
SetCursor 0x0 0x44b440 0x5f674 0x5e874 0x288
GetWindowTextLengthW 0x0 0x44b444 0x5f678 0x5e878 0x1a2
HideCaret 0x0 0x44b448 0x5f67c 0x5e87c 0x1a9
InsertMenuItemA 0x0 0x44b44c 0x5f680 0x5e880 0x1b8
GetMessageW 0x0 0x44b450 0x5f684 0x5e884 0x15d
RegisterClassExA 0x0 0x44b454 0x5f688 0x5e888 0x24c
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DdeAccessData 0x0 0x44b460 0x5f694 0x5e894 0x74
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LoadIconA 0x0 0x44b46c 0x5f6a0 0x5e8a0 0x1ec
wsprintfA 0x0 0x44b470 0x5f6a4 0x5e8a4 0x332
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TrackPopupMenuEx 0x0 0x44b484 0x5f6b8 0x5e8b8 0x2f7
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MessageBoxA 0x0 0x44b490 0x5f6c4 0x5e8c4 0x20e
GetWindowTextW 0x0 0x44b494 0x5f6c8 0x5e8c8 0x1a3
CreateWindowExA 0x0 0x44b498 0x5f6cc 0x5e8cc 0x6d
ReleaseDC 0x0 0x44b49c 0x5f6d0 0x5e8d0 0x265
SetClassLongA 0x0 0x44b4a0 0x5f6d4 0x5e8d4 0x283
GetSysColor 0x0 0x44b4a4 0x5f6d8 0x5e8d8 0x17b
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CheckDlgButton 0x0 0x44b4ac 0x5f6e0 0x5e8e0 0x3e
GetSysColorBrush 0x0 0x44b4b0 0x5f6e4 0x5e8e4 0x17c
IsDlgButtonChecked 0x0 0x44b4b4 0x5f6e8 0x5e8e8 0x1ce
GetClassInfoA 0x0 0x44b4b8 0x5f6ec 0x5e8ec 0x10b
PostMessageA 0x0 0x44b4bc 0x5f6f0 0x5e8f0 0x235
CreateWindowExW 0x0 0x44b4c0 0x5f6f4 0x5e8f4 0x6e
SystemParametersInfoA 0x0 0x44b4c4 0x5f6f8 0x5e8f8 0x2eb
GDI32.dll (33)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
Ellipse 0x0 0x44b06c 0x5f2a0 0x5e4a0 0xed
SaveDC 0x0 0x44b070 0x5f2a4 0x5e4a4 0x270
GetObjectType 0x0 0x44b074 0x5f2a8 0x5e4a8 0x1fc
SetPixelV 0x0 0x44b078 0x5f2ac 0x5e4ac 0x29d
CreatePen 0x0 0x44b07c 0x5f2b0 0x5e4b0 0x4b
RestoreDC 0x0 0x44b080 0x5f2b4 0x5e4b4 0x269
CreateSolidBrush 0x0 0x44b084 0x5f2b8 0x5e4b8 0x54
GetBrushOrgEx 0x0 0x44b088 0x5f2bc 0x5e4bc 0x1ad
BitBlt 0x0 0x44b08c 0x5f2c0 0x5e4c0 0x13
CancelDC 0x0 0x44b090 0x5f2c4 0x5e4c4 0x17
GetTextExtentPoint32A 0x0 0x44b094 0x5f2c8 0x5e4c8 0x21d
SetTextColor 0x0 0x44b098 0x5f2cc 0x5e4cc 0x2a6
DeleteDC 0x0 0x44b09c 0x5f2d0 0x5e4d0 0xe3
CreateDIBSection 0x0 0x44b0a0 0x5f2d4 0x5e4d4 0x35
GetDeviceCaps 0x0 0x44b0a4 0x5f2d8 0x5e4d8 0x1cb
CreateFontIndirectA 0x0 0x44b0a8 0x5f2dc 0x5e4dc 0x3d
SetBrushOrgEx 0x0 0x44b0ac 0x5f2e0 0x5e4e0 0x282
SetBkColor 0x0 0x44b0b0 0x5f2e4 0x5e4e4 0x27e
CreatePalette 0x0 0x44b0b4 0x5f2e8 0x5e4e8 0x49
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DeleteObject 0x0 0x44b0bc 0x5f2f0 0x5e4f0 0xe6
SelectObject 0x0 0x44b0c0 0x5f2f4 0x5e4f4 0x277
CreateCompatibleDC 0x0 0x44b0c4 0x5f2f8 0x5e4f8 0x30
DPtoLP 0x0 0x44b0c8 0x5f2fc 0x5e4fc 0xa4
SetMapMode 0x0 0x44b0cc 0x5f300 0x5e500 0x294
CreateCompatibleBitmap 0x0 0x44b0d0 0x5f304 0x5e504 0x2f
GetMapMode 0x0 0x44b0d4 0x5f308 0x5e508 0x1f0
ExtTextOutW 0x0 0x44b0d8 0x5f30c 0x5e50c 0x138
CreatePatternBrush 0x0 0x44b0dc 0x5f310 0x5e510 0x4a
SetTextAlign 0x0 0x44b0e0 0x5f314 0x5e514 0x2a4
GetObjectA 0x0 0x44b0e4 0x5f318 0x5e518 0x1fb
GetStockObject 0x0 0x44b0e8 0x5f31c 0x5e51c 0x20d
Rectangle 0x0 0x44b0ec 0x5f320 0x5e520 0x25f
COMDLG32.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetOpenFileNameA 0x0 0x44b060 0x5f294 0x5e494 0xb
GetSaveFileNameA 0x0 0x44b064 0x5f298 0x5e498 0xd
ADVAPI32.dll (18)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
OpenEventLogA 0x0 0x44b008 0x5f23c 0x5e43c 0x1f5
CryptGenKey 0x0 0x44b00c 0x5f240 0x5e440 0xc0
CryptGenRandom 0x0 0x44b010 0x5f244 0x5e444 0xc1
GetNumberOfEventLogRecords 0x0 0x44b014 0x5f248 0x5e448 0x143
GetOldestEventLogRecord 0x0 0x44b018 0x5f24c 0x5e44c 0x144
CryptReleaseContext 0x0 0x44b01c 0x5f250 0x5e450 0xcb
RevertToSelf 0x0 0x44b020 0x5f254 0x5e454 0x290
RegDeleteValueA 0x0 0x44b024 0x5f258 0x5e458 0x247
RegOpenKeyExA 0x0 0x44b028 0x5f25c 0x5e45c 0x260
RegCreateKeyExA 0x0 0x44b02c 0x5f260 0x5e460 0x238
RegEnumKeyExA 0x0 0x44b030 0x5f264 0x5e464 0x24e
RegDeleteKeyA 0x0 0x44b034 0x5f268 0x5e468 0x23d
RegQueryInfoKeyW 0x0 0x44b038 0x5f26c 0x5e46c 0x268
RegSetValueExA 0x0 0x44b03c 0x5f270 0x5e470 0x27d
SetThreadToken 0x0 0x44b040 0x5f274 0x5e474 0x2c1
RegCloseKey 0x0 0x44b044 0x5f278 0x5e478 0x230
CryptAcquireContextA 0x0 0x44b048 0x5f27c 0x5e47c 0xb0
OpenThreadToken 0x0 0x44b04c 0x5f280 0x5e480 0x1fc
SHELL32.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SHGetPathFromIDListA 0x0 0x44b368 0x5f59c 0x5e79c 0xd5
SHBrowseForFolderA 0x0 0x44b36c 0x5f5a0 0x5e7a0 0x7a
SHGetMalloc 0x0 0x44b370 0x5f5a4 0x5e7a4 0xcf
ole32.dll (7)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CLSIDFromProgID 0x0 0x44b538 0x5f76c 0x5e96c 0x6
CoTaskMemAlloc 0x0 0x44b53c 0x5f770 0x5e970 0x67
CoTaskMemFree 0x0 0x44b540 0x5f774 0x5e974 0x68
CoInitialize 0x0 0x44b544 0x5f778 0x5e978 0x3e
CoTaskMemRealloc 0x0 0x44b548 0x5f77c 0x5e97c 0x69
CoUninitialize 0x0 0x44b54c 0x5f780 0x5e980 0x6c
CoCreateInstance 0x0 0x44b550 0x5f784 0x5e984 0x10
OLEAUT32.dll (5)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SysAllocStringLen 0x4 0x44b310 0x5f544 0x5e744 -
VariantInit 0x8 0x44b314 0x5f548 0x5e748 -
SysAllocString 0x2 0x44b318 0x5f54c 0x5e74c -
SysFreeString 0x6 0x44b31c 0x5f550 0x5e750 -
VarUI4FromStr 0x115 0x44b320 0x5f554 0x5e754 -
ODBC32.dll (14)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
(by ordinal) 0xb 0x44b2d4 0x5f508 0x5e708 -
(by ordinal) 0x9 0x44b2d8 0x5f50c 0x5e70c -
(by ordinal) 0xd 0x44b2dc 0x5f510 0x5e710 -
(by ordinal) 0x1a 0x44b2e0 0x5f514 0x5e714 -
(by ordinal) 0x27 0x44b2e4 0x5f518 0x5e718 -
(by ordinal) 0x48 0x44b2e8 0x5f51c 0x5e71c -
(by ordinal) 0x1f 0x44b2ec 0x5f520 0x5e720 -
(by ordinal) 0x18 0x44b2f0 0x5f524 0x5e724 -
(by ordinal) 0x29 0x44b2f4 0x5f528 0x5e728 -
(by ordinal) 0x2b 0x44b2f8 0x5f52c 0x5e72c -
(by ordinal) 0x13 0x44b2fc 0x5f530 0x5e730 -
(by ordinal) 0x88 0x44b300 0x5f534 0x5e734 -
(by ordinal) 0x4b 0x44b304 0x5f538 0x5e738 -
(by ordinal) 0xc 0x44b308 0x5f53c 0x5e73c -
COMCTL32.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
ImageList_GetIconSize 0x0 0x44b054 0x5f288 0x5e488 0x63
InitCommonControlsEx 0x0 0x44b058 0x5f28c 0x5e48c 0x7b
OPENGL32.dll (15)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
glShadeModel 0x0 0x44b328 0x5f55c 0x5e75c 0x104
glVertex3f 0x0 0x44b32c 0x5f560 0x5e760 0x147
glBegin 0x0 0x44b330 0x5f564 0x5e764 0xa
glViewport 0x0 0x44b334 0x5f568 0x5e768 0x156
glLightfv 0x0 0x44b338 0x5f56c 0x5e76c 0x9e
glEnable 0x0 0x44b33c 0x5f570 0x5e770 0x4f
glColor3f 0x0 0x44b340 0x5f574 0x5e774 0x1b
glLoadIdentity 0x0 0x44b344 0x5f578 0x5e778 0xa4
glMatrixMode 0x0 0x44b348 0x5f57c 0x5e77c 0xb5
glVertex2d 0x0 0x44b34c 0x5f580 0x5e780 0x13d
glEnd 0x0 0x44b350 0x5f584 0x5e784 0x51
glPointSize 0x0 0x44b354 0x5f588 0x5e788 0xce
glClear 0x0 0x44b358 0x5f58c 0x5e78c 0x10
glClearColor 0x0 0x44b35c 0x5f590 0x5e790 0x12
glOrtho 0x0 0x44b360 0x5f594 0x5e794 0xc4
GLU32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
gluLookAt 0x0 0x44b0f4 0x5f328 0x5e528 0x15
WININET.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
InternetOpenA 0x0 0x44b4cc 0x5f700 0x5e900 0x97
InternetConnectA 0x0 0x44b4d0 0x5f704 0x5e904 0x71
WINMM.dll (4)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
waveOutOpen 0x0 0x44b4d8 0x5f70c 0x5e90c 0xb4
waveInAddBuffer 0x0 0x44b4dc 0x5f710 0x5e910 0x97
waveInOpen 0x0 0x44b4e0 0x5f714 0x5e914 0xa1
waveInPrepareHeader 0x0 0x44b4e4 0x5f718 0x5e918 0xa2
ACTIVEDS.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
(by ordinal) 0x3 0x44b000 0x5f234 0x5e434 -
pdh.dll (5)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PdhCollectQueryData 0x0 0x44b558 0x5f78c 0x5e98c 0x10
PdhOpenQueryA 0x0 0x44b55c 0x5f790 0x5e990 0x53
PdhCloseQuery 0x0 0x44b560 0x5f794 0x5e994 0xf
PdhAddCounterW 0x0 0x44b564 0x5f798 0x5e998 0x3
PdhGetFormattedCounterValue 0x0 0x44b568 0x5f79c 0x5e99c 0x3f
gdiplus.dll (18)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GdipDisposeImage 0x0 0x44b4ec 0x5f720 0x5e920 0x98
GdipAlloc 0x0 0x44b4f0 0x5f724 0x5e924 0x21
GdipCreateSolidFill 0x0 0x44b4f4 0x5f728 0x5e928 0x82
GdipDeleteFontFamily 0x0 0x44b4f8 0x5f72c 0x5e92c 0x8f
GdipFlush 0x0 0x44b4fc 0x5f730 0x5e930 0xec
GdipCreateFont 0x0 0x44b500 0x5f734 0x5e934 0x56
GdipCreateFromHDC2 0x0 0x44b504 0x5f738 0x5e938 0x5c
GdipDeleteFont 0x0 0x44b508 0x5f73c 0x5e93c 0x8e
GdipCloneBrush 0x0 0x44b50c 0x5f740 0x5e940 0x32
GdipFree 0x0 0x44b510 0x5f744 0x5e944 0xed
GdipDeleteBrush 0x0 0x44b514 0x5f748 0x5e948 0x8a
GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP 0x0 0x44b518 0x5f74c 0x5e94c 0x4d
GdipDrawString 0x0 0x44b51c 0x5f750 0x5e950 0xc8
GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName 0x0 0x44b520 0x5f754 0x5e954 0x57
GdipSaveImageToFile 0x0 0x44b524 0x5f758 0x5e958 0x1f0
GdipCloneImage 0x0 0x44b528 0x5f75c 0x5e95c 0x36
GdiplusStartup 0x0 0x44b52c 0x5f760 0x5e960 0x275
GdipDeleteGraphics 0x0 0x44b530 0x5f764 0x5e964 0x90
IMM32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
ImmAssociateContext 0x0 0x44b0fc 0x5f330 0x5e530 0x18
urlmon.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
ObtainUserAgentString 0x0 0x44b570 0x5f7a4 0x5e9a4 0x54
Icons (1)
C:\Users\CIIHMN~1\AppData\Local\Temp\AC4C\ADA6.bat Created File Text
Mime Type text/plain
File Size 0.11 KB
MD5 6afb328a2dcc48343e0f9121f3cc8f23 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 a6e1f8ef590b1ec7d1b4fbd49cb687ccf2a2956f Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 d09d895a8e60365092c3c0343815a77442caab9ac5b827a05fa8c874e882c180 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3:ZMvMZLK6OWRNfeUeDGWmngU64vHXMJATkUExMv1GWl+n:yUrRheiWkvvHXMJ2d/sWIn Copy to Clipboard
C:\Users\CIiHmnxMn6Ps\AppData\Roaming\adsldraw\autoclb.exe Created File Stream
Mime Type application/octet-stream
File Size 1.11 MB
MD5 cac6528c8599238058c70902d8699e11 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 4b562bb710833310a5619f2f4486d01880265fc1 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 c88ddb4bc057412ffe3421a2de51dfc035b90467cb1720d9939dc8f5f467b60f Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 24576:sjgCLkNHOU+dS88agRuBvYS3EXiCOLIKmV5rw:sjgvfR/HdCmXE Copy to Clipboard
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
