858e70ca...2c01 | Files
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 95/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Trojan, Keylogger

858e70ca9281a346bf5399b181643aba478960142637460fea7b7d14d3192c01 (SHA256)


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Created at 2018-08-09 12:05:00

Filename Category Type Severity Actions
C:\Users\EEBsYm5\Desktop\858E70CA9281A346BF5399B181643ABA478960142637460FEA7B7D14D3192C01.exe Sample File Binary
Mime Type application/x-dosexec
File Size 3.86 MB
MD5 98c8467fa99efcfd1d5a5c8bac44b0a3 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 5f75a30e1da6e90cce836e6f4bf13437e76a8c6e Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 858e70ca9281a346bf5399b181643aba478960142637460fea7b7d14d3192c01 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 98304:dh0L6VqU+Bk/ZdqqaakpN1DUFyXM5KJI+OBRk4iGBfbm:V8vzpNp4yXM58EiO Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash d05a95bad4d7df799d48adc0d8989825 Copy to Clipboard
File Reputation Information
First Seen 2018-03-08 03:19 (UTC+1)
Last Seen 2018-06-26 15:00 (UTC+2)
Names Win32.Trojan.Filecoder
Families Filecoder
Classification Trojan
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x54949c
Size Of Code 0x1e1400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x203800
File Type executable
Subsystem windows_gui
Machine Type i386
Compile Timestamp 2017-12-13 05:50:14+00:00
Sections (5)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x1e12e1 0x1e1400 0x400 cnt_code, mem_execute, mem_read 6.63
.rdata 0x5e3000 0x71024 0x71200 0x1e1800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 5.13
.data 0x655000 0x140ec 0xb200 0x252a00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read, mem_write 4.99
.rsrc 0x66a000 0x158a40 0x158c00 0x25dc00 cnt_initialized_data, mem_read 6.16
.reloc 0x7c3000 0x25668 0x25800 0x3b6800 cnt_initialized_data, mem_discardable, mem_read 6.5
Imports (18)
KERNEL32.dll (201)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetOEMCP 0x0 0x5e31ec 0x250930 0x24f130 0x237
GetStringTypeW 0x0 0x5e31f0 0x250934 0x24f134 0x269
GetConsoleCP 0x0 0x5e31f4 0x250938 0x24f138 0x19a
GetConsoleMode 0x0 0x5e31f8 0x25093c 0x24f13c 0x1ac
SetFilePointerEx 0x0 0x5e31fc 0x250940 0x24f140 0x467
GetTimeZoneInformation 0x0 0x5e3200 0x250944 0x24f144 0x298
ReadConsoleW 0x0 0x5e3204 0x250948 0x24f148 0x3be
OutputDebugStringW 0x0 0x5e3208 0x25094c 0x24f14c 0x38a
GetDateFormatW 0x0 0x5e320c 0x250950 0x24f150 0x1c8
LCMapStringW 0x0 0x5e3210 0x250954 0x24f154 0x32d
IsValidLocale 0x0 0x5e3214 0x250958 0x24f158 0x30c
EnumSystemLocalesW 0x0 0x5e3218 0x25095c 0x24f15c 0x10f
WriteConsoleW 0x0 0x5e321c 0x250960 0x24f160 0x524
SetEnvironmentVariableA 0x0 0x5e3220 0x250964 0x24f164 0x456
UnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x5e3224 0x250968 0x24f168 0x4d3
FreeEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x5e3228 0x25096c 0x24f16c 0x161
UnregisterWaitEx 0x0 0x5e322c 0x250970 0x24f170 0x4db
QueryDepthSList 0x0 0x5e3230 0x250974 0x24f174 0x39e
InterlockedFlushSList 0x0 0x5e3234 0x250978 0x24f178 0x2ee
GetEnvironmentStringsW 0x0 0x5e3238 0x25097c 0x24f17c 0x1da
GetACP 0x0 0x5e323c 0x250980 0x24f180 0x168
InitializeSListHead 0x0 0x5e3240 0x250984 0x24f184 0x2e7
ReleaseSemaphore 0x0 0x5e3244 0x250988 0x24f188 0x3fe
FreeLibraryAndExitThread 0x0 0x5e3248 0x25098c 0x24f18c 0x163
UnregisterWait 0x0 0x5e324c 0x250990 0x24f190 0x4da
RegisterWaitForSingleObject 0x0 0x5e3250 0x250994 0x24f194 0x3f5
SetThreadAffinityMask 0x0 0x5e3254 0x250998 0x24f198 0x490
GetProcessAffinityMask 0x0 0x5e3258 0x25099c 0x24f19c 0x246
GetNumaHighestNodeNumber 0x0 0x5e325c 0x2509a0 0x24f1a0 0x229
DeleteTimerQueueTimer 0x0 0x5e3260 0x2509a4 0x24f1a4 0xda
ChangeTimerQueueTimer 0x0 0x5e3264 0x2509a8 0x24f1a8 0x48
CreateTimerQueueTimer 0x0 0x5e3268 0x2509ac 0x24f1ac 0xbd
GetLogicalProcessorInformation 0x0 0x5e326c 0x2509b0 0x24f1b0 0x20a
GetThreadPriority 0x0 0x5e3270 0x2509b4 0x24f1b4 0x28e
SwitchToThread 0x0 0x5e3274 0x2509b8 0x24f1b8 0x4bc
SignalObjectAndWait 0x0 0x5e3278 0x2509bc 0x24f1bc 0x4b0
WaitForSingleObjectEx 0x0 0x5e327c 0x2509c0 0x24f1c0 0x4fa
CreateTimerQueue 0x0 0x5e3280 0x2509c4 0x24f1c4 0xbc
FormatMessageA 0x0 0x5e3284 0x2509c8 0x24f1c8 0x15d
GetThreadTimes 0x0 0x5e3288 0x2509cc 0x24f1cc 0x291
IsValidCodePage 0x0 0x5e328c 0x2509d0 0x24f1d0 0x30a
CreateSemaphoreW 0x0 0x5e3290 0x2509d4 0x24f1d4 0xae
InterlockedPopEntrySList 0x0 0x5e3294 0x2509d8 0x24f1d8 0x2f0
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 0x0 0x5e3298 0x2509dc 0x24f1dc 0x4a5
QueryPerformanceCounter 0x0 0x5e329c 0x2509e0 0x24f1e0 0x3a7
GetStartupInfoW 0x0 0x5e32a0 0x2509e4 0x24f1e4 0x263
GetStdHandle 0x0 0x5e32a4 0x2509e8 0x24f1e8 0x264
GetFileType 0x0 0x5e32a8 0x2509ec 0x24f1ec 0x1f3
SetStdHandle 0x0 0x5e32ac 0x2509f0 0x24f1f0 0x487
VirtualQuery 0x0 0x5e32b0 0x2509f4 0x24f1f4 0x4f1
GetSystemInfo 0x0 0x5e32b4 0x2509f8 0x24f1f8 0x273
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 0x0 0x5e32b8 0x2509fc 0x24f1fc 0x279
HeapQueryInformation 0x0 0x5e32bc 0x250a00 0x24f200 0x2d1
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 0x0 0x5e32c0 0x250a04 0x24f204 0x304
IsDebuggerPresent 0x0 0x5e32c4 0x250a08 0x24f208 0x300
ExitThread 0x0 0x5e32c8 0x250a0c 0x24f20c 0x11a
AreFileApisANSI 0x0 0x5e32cc 0x250a10 0x24f210 0x15
GetModuleHandleExW 0x0 0x5e32d0 0x250a14 0x24f214 0x217
ExitProcess 0x0 0x5e32d4 0x250a18 0x24f218 0x119
RtlUnwind 0x0 0x5e32d8 0x250a1c 0x24f21c 0x418
GetCPInfo 0x0 0x5e32dc 0x250a20 0x24f220 0x172
GetUserDefaultLCID 0x0 0x5e32e0 0x250a24 0x24f224 0x29b
FindResourceExW 0x0 0x5e32e4 0x250a28 0x24f228 0x14d
VirtualProtect 0x0 0x5e32e8 0x250a2c 0x24f22c 0x4ef
GetFileTime 0x0 0x5e32ec 0x250a30 0x24f230 0x1f2
GetFileSizeEx 0x0 0x5e32f0 0x250a34 0x24f234 0x1f1
GetFileAttributesExW 0x0 0x5e32f4 0x250a38 0x24f238 0x1e7
FileTimeToLocalFileTime 0x0 0x5e32f8 0x250a3c 0x24f23c 0x124
GetProfileIntW 0x0 0x5e32fc 0x250a40 0x24f240 0x259
SearchPathW 0x0 0x5e3300 0x250a44 0x24f244 0x41d
GetWindowsDirectoryW 0x0 0x5e3304 0x250a48 0x24f248 0x2af
GetTempPathW 0x0 0x5e3308 0x250a4c 0x24f24c 0x285
GetTempFileNameW 0x0 0x5e330c 0x250a50 0x24f250 0x283
GetStringTypeExW 0x0 0x5e3310 0x250a54 0x24f254 0x268
lstrcmpiW 0x0 0x5e3314 0x250a58 0x24f258 0x545
DuplicateHandle 0x0 0x5e3318 0x250a5c 0x24f25c 0xe8
UnlockFile 0x0 0x5e331c 0x250a60 0x24f260 0x4d4
SetEndOfFile 0x0 0x5e3320 0x250a64 0x24f264 0x453
LockFile 0x0 0x5e3324 0x250a68 0x24f268 0x352
GetVolumeInformationW 0x0 0x5e3328 0x250a6c 0x24f26c 0x2a7
GetFullPathNameW 0x0 0x5e332c 0x250a70 0x24f270 0x1fb
FindClose 0x0 0x5e3330 0x250a74 0x24f274 0x12e
GetFileAttributesW 0x0 0x5e3334 0x250a78 0x24f278 0x1ea
DeleteFileW 0x0 0x5e3338 0x250a7c 0x24f27c 0xd6
GetCurrentDirectoryW 0x0 0x5e333c 0x250a80 0x24f280 0x1bf
GlobalFlags 0x0 0x5e3340 0x250a84 0x24f284 0x2b9
GetUserDefaultUILanguage 0x0 0x5e3344 0x250a88 0x24f288 0x29e
GetSystemDefaultUILanguage 0x0 0x5e3348 0x250a8c 0x24f28c 0x26e
GetLocaleInfoW 0x0 0x5e334c 0x250a90 0x24f290 0x206
CompareStringW 0x0 0x5e3350 0x250a94 0x24f294 0x64
VerifyVersionInfoW 0x0 0x5e3354 0x250a98 0x24f298 0x4e8
VerSetConditionMask 0x0 0x5e3358 0x250a9c 0x24f29c 0x4e4
GetThreadLocale 0x0 0x5e335c 0x250aa0 0x24f2a0 0x28c
FileTimeToSystemTime 0x0 0x5e3360 0x250aa4 0x24f2a4 0x125
GlobalGetAtomNameW 0x0 0x5e3364 0x250aa8 0x24f2a8 0x2bc
LocalReAlloc 0x0 0x5e3368 0x250aac 0x24f2ac 0x34b
GlobalHandle 0x0 0x5e336c 0x250ab0 0x24f2b0 0x2bd
GlobalReAlloc 0x0 0x5e3370 0x250ab4 0x24f2b4 0x2c1
TlsFree 0x0 0x5e3374 0x250ab8 0x24f2b8 0x4c6
TlsSetValue 0x0 0x5e3378 0x250abc 0x24f2bc 0x4c8
TlsGetValue 0x0 0x5e337c 0x250ac0 0x24f2c0 0x4c7
TlsAlloc 0x0 0x5e3380 0x250ac4 0x24f2c4 0x4c5
InitializeCriticalSection 0x0 0x5e3384 0x250ac8 0x24f2c8 0x2e2
WritePrivateProfileStringW 0x0 0x5e3388 0x250acc 0x24f2cc 0x52b
GetPrivateProfileStringW 0x0 0x5e338c 0x250ad0 0x24f2d0 0x242
GetPrivateProfileIntW 0x0 0x5e3390 0x250ad4 0x24f2d4 0x23c
ResumeThread 0x0 0x5e3394 0x250ad8 0x24f2d8 0x413
SetThreadPriority 0x0 0x5e3398 0x250adc 0x24f2dc 0x499
CreateEventW 0x0 0x5e339c 0x250ae0 0x24f2e0 0x85
lstrcpyW 0x0 0x5e33a0 0x250ae4 0x24f2e4 0x548
lstrcmpA 0x0 0x5e33a4 0x250ae8 0x24f2e8 0x541
GetVersionExW 0x0 0x5e33a8 0x250aec 0x24f2ec 0x2a4
GetCurrentThread 0x0 0x5e33ac 0x250af0 0x24f2f0 0x1c4
GetCurrentProcessId 0x0 0x5e33b0 0x250af4 0x24f2f4 0x1c1
GlobalFindAtomW 0x0 0x5e33b4 0x250af8 0x24f2f8 0x2b7
GlobalAddAtomW 0x0 0x5e33b8 0x250afc 0x24f2fc 0x2b2
LoadLibraryW 0x0 0x5e33bc 0x250b00 0x24f300 0x33f
LoadLibraryA 0x0 0x5e33c0 0x250b04 0x24f304 0x33c
lstrcmpW 0x0 0x5e33c4 0x250b08 0x24f308 0x542
GlobalDeleteAtom 0x0 0x5e33c8 0x250b0c 0x24f30c 0x2b5
LoadLibraryExW 0x0 0x5e33cc 0x250b10 0x24f310 0x33e
GetProcAddress 0x0 0x5e33d0 0x250b14 0x24f314 0x245
GetModuleHandleA 0x0 0x5e33d4 0x250b18 0x24f318 0x215
FreeResource 0x0 0x5e33d8 0x250b1c 0x24f31c 0x165
FreeLibrary 0x0 0x5e33dc 0x250b20 0x24f320 0x162
GetSystemDirectoryW 0x0 0x5e33e0 0x250b24 0x24f324 0x270
GetCurrentThreadId 0x0 0x5e33e4 0x250b28 0x24f328 0x1c5
EncodePointer 0x0 0x5e33e8 0x250b2c 0x24f32c 0xea
OutputDebugStringA 0x0 0x5e33ec 0x250b30 0x24f330 0x389
CopyFileW 0x0 0x5e33f0 0x250b34 0x24f334 0x75
MulDiv 0x0 0x5e33f4 0x250b38 0x24f338 0x366
GlobalUnlock 0x0 0x5e33f8 0x250b3c 0x24f33c 0x2c5
GlobalLock 0x0 0x5e33fc 0x250b40 0x24f340 0x2be
GlobalSize 0x0 0x5e3400 0x250b44 0x24f344 0x2c2
DeleteCriticalSection 0x0 0x5e3404 0x250b48 0x24f348 0xd1
DecodePointer 0x0 0x5e3408 0x250b4c 0x24f34c 0xca
EnterCriticalSection 0x0 0x5e340c 0x250b50 0x24f350 0xee
HeapSize 0x0 0x5e3410 0x250b54 0x24f354 0x2d4
RaiseException 0x0 0x5e3414 0x250b58 0x24f358 0x3b1
LeaveCriticalSection 0x0 0x5e3418 0x250b5c 0x24f35c 0x339
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 0x0 0x5e341c 0x250b60 0x24f360 0x2e3
GetProcessHeap 0x0 0x5e3420 0x250b64 0x24f364 0x24a
HeapFree 0x0 0x5e3424 0x250b68 0x24f368 0x2cf
HeapAlloc 0x0 0x5e3428 0x250b6c 0x24f36c 0x2cb
HeapReAlloc 0x0 0x5e342c 0x250b70 0x24f370 0x2d2
SetEvent 0x0 0x5e3430 0x250b74 0x24f374 0x459
GetComputerNameW 0x0 0x5e3434 0x250b78 0x24f378 0x18f
MoveFileExW 0x0 0x5e3438 0x250b7c 0x24f37c 0x360
GetModuleHandleW 0x0 0x5e343c 0x250b80 0x24f380 0x218
CreateThread 0x0 0x5e3440 0x250b84 0x24f384 0xb5
CreateProcessW 0x0 0x5e3444 0x250b88 0x24f388 0xa8
TerminateProcess 0x0 0x5e3448 0x250b8c 0x24f38c 0x4c0
GetExitCodeProcess 0x0 0x5e344c 0x250b90 0x24f390 0x1df
WaitForSingleObject 0x0 0x5e3450 0x250b94 0x24f394 0x4f9
LocalFree 0x0 0x5e3454 0x250b98 0x24f398 0x348
lstrcpynW 0x0 0x5e3458 0x250b9c 0x24f39c 0x54b
LocalSize 0x0 0x5e345c 0x250ba0 0x24f3a0 0x34d
lstrlenW 0x0 0x5e3460 0x250ba4 0x24f3a4 0x54e
LocalAlloc 0x0 0x5e3464 0x250ba8 0x24f3a8 0x344
FormatMessageW 0x0 0x5e3468 0x250bac 0x24f3ac 0x15e
MultiByteToWideChar 0x0 0x5e346c 0x250bb0 0x24f3b0 0x367
WideCharToMultiByte 0x0 0x5e3470 0x250bb4 0x24f3b4 0x511
CreateProcessA 0x0 0x5e3474 0x250bb8 0x24f3b8 0xa4
SetLastError 0x0 0x5e3478 0x250bbc 0x24f3bc 0x473
FlushFileBuffers 0x0 0x5e347c 0x250bc0 0x24f3c0 0x157
CreateFileA 0x0 0x5e3480 0x250bc4 0x24f3c4 0x88
DeleteFileA 0x0 0x5e3484 0x250bc8 0x24f3c8 0xd3
GetEnvironmentVariableA 0x0 0x5e3488 0x250bcc 0x24f3cc 0x1db
GetModuleFileNameA 0x0 0x5e348c 0x250bd0 0x24f3d0 0x213
GetTimeFormatW 0x0 0x5e3490 0x250bd4 0x24f3d4 0x297
GetDriveTypeA 0x0 0x5e3494 0x250bd8 0x24f3d8 0x1d2
SetErrorMode 0x0 0x5e3498 0x250bdc 0x24f3dc 0x458
GetLogicalDrives 0x0 0x5e349c 0x250be0 0x24f3e0 0x209
FindNextFileW 0x0 0x5e34a0 0x250be4 0x24f3e4 0x145
FindFirstFileW 0x0 0x5e34a4 0x250be8 0x24f3e8 0x139
VirtualFree 0x0 0x5e34a8 0x250bec 0x24f3ec 0x4ec
WriteFile 0x0 0x5e34ac 0x250bf0 0x24f3f0 0x525
ReadFile 0x0 0x5e34b0 0x250bf4 0x24f3f4 0x3c0
SetFilePointer 0x0 0x5e34b4 0x250bf8 0x24f3f8 0x466
VirtualAlloc 0x0 0x5e34b8 0x250bfc 0x24f3fc 0x4e9
MoveFileW 0x0 0x5e34bc 0x250c00 0x24f400 0x363
GetFileSize 0x0 0x5e34c0 0x250c04 0x24f404 0x1f0
CreateFileW 0x0 0x5e34c4 0x250c08 0x24f408 0x8f
Process32NextW 0x0 0x5e34c8 0x250c0c 0x24f40c 0x398
OpenProcess 0x0 0x5e34cc 0x250c10 0x24f410 0x380
Process32FirstW 0x0 0x5e34d0 0x250c14 0x24f414 0x396
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot 0x0 0x5e34d4 0x250c18 0x24f418 0xbe
Sleep 0x0 0x5e34d8 0x250c1c 0x24f41c 0x4b2
GetTickCount 0x0 0x5e34dc 0x250c20 0x24f420 0x293
GetLastError 0x0 0x5e34e0 0x250c24 0x24f424 0x202
GetModuleFileNameW 0x0 0x5e34e4 0x250c28 0x24f428 0x214
GlobalAlloc 0x0 0x5e34e8 0x250c2c 0x24f42c 0x2b3
CloseHandle 0x0 0x5e34ec 0x250c30 0x24f430 0x52
GetCurrentProcess 0x0 0x5e34f0 0x250c34 0x24f434 0x1c0
GlobalFree 0x0 0x5e34f4 0x250c38 0x24f438 0x2ba
FindResourceW 0x0 0x5e34f8 0x250c3c 0x24f43c 0x14e
LoadResource 0x0 0x5e34fc 0x250c40 0x24f440 0x341
LockResource 0x0 0x5e3500 0x250c44 0x24f444 0x354
SizeofResource 0x0 0x5e3504 0x250c48 0x24f448 0x4b1
InterlockedPushEntrySList 0x0 0x5e3508 0x250c4c 0x24f44c 0x2f1
GetCommandLineW 0x0 0x5e350c 0x250c50 0x24f450 0x187
USER32.dll (223)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RealChildWindowFromPoint 0x0 0x5e35dc 0x250d20 0x24f520 0x243
CopyImage 0x0 0x5e35e0 0x250d24 0x24f524 0x54
GetMenuItemInfoW 0x0 0x5e35e4 0x250d28 0x24f528 0x154
DestroyMenu 0x0 0x5e35e8 0x250d2c 0x24f52c 0xa4
EnumDisplayMonitors 0x0 0x5e35ec 0x250d30 0x24f530 0xe6
SystemParametersInfoW 0x0 0x5e35f0 0x250d34 0x24f534 0x2ec
SetRectEmpty 0x0 0x5e35f4 0x250d38 0x24f538 0x2af
SetLayeredWindowAttributes 0x0 0x5e35f8 0x250d3c 0x24f53c 0x298
LoadCursorW 0x0 0x5e35fc 0x250d40 0x24f540 0x1eb
SetCursor 0x0 0x5e3600 0x250d44 0x24f544 0x288
ShowOwnedPopups 0x0 0x5e3604 0x250d48 0x24f548 0x2db
TranslateMessage 0x0 0x5e3608 0x250d4c 0x24f54c 0x2fc
GetMessageW 0x0 0x5e360c 0x250d50 0x24f550 0x15d
MapVirtualKeyW 0x0 0x5e3610 0x250d54 0x24f554 0x208
GetKeyNameTextW 0x0 0x5e3614 0x250d58 0x24f558 0x13c
DrawIconEx 0x0 0x5e3618 0x250d5c 0x24f55c 0xc8
IsRectEmpty 0x0 0x5e361c 0x250d60 0x24f560 0x1d4
OffsetRect 0x0 0x5e3620 0x250d64 0x24f564 0x225
InflateRect 0x0 0x5e3624 0x250d68 0x24f568 0x1b5
DrawFocusRect 0x0 0x5e3628 0x250d6c 0x24f56c 0xc4
GetSysColorBrush 0x0 0x5e362c 0x250d70 0x24f570 0x17c
SetWindowRgn 0x0 0x5e3630 0x250d74 0x24f574 0x2c7
GetSystemMetrics 0x0 0x5e3634 0x250d78 0x24f578 0x17e
DrawFrameControl 0x0 0x5e3638 0x250d7c 0x24f57c 0xc6
DrawEdge 0x0 0x5e363c 0x250d80 0x24f580 0xc3
MapDialogRect 0x0 0x5e3640 0x250d84 0x24f584 0x204
SetWindowContextHelpId 0x0 0x5e3644 0x250d88 0x24f588 0x2c1
PostQuitMessage 0x0 0x5e3648 0x250d8c 0x24f58c 0x237
SendDlgItemMessageA 0x0 0x5e364c 0x250d90 0x24f590 0x272
GetCursorPos 0x0 0x5e3650 0x250d94 0x24f594 0x120
ClientToScreen 0x0 0x5e3654 0x250d98 0x24f598 0x47
EndPaint 0x0 0x5e3658 0x250d9c 0x24f59c 0xdc
BeginPaint 0x0 0x5e365c 0x250da0 0x24f5a0 0xe
ReleaseDC 0x0 0x5e3660 0x250da4 0x24f5a4 0x265
GetWindowDC 0x0 0x5e3664 0x250da8 0x24f5a8 0x192
GetDC 0x0 0x5e3668 0x250dac 0x24f5ac 0x121
TabbedTextOutW 0x0 0x5e366c 0x250db0 0x24f5b0 0x2ee
GrayStringW 0x0 0x5e3670 0x250db4 0x24f5b4 0x1a8
DrawTextExW 0x0 0x5e3674 0x250db8 0x24f5b8 0xcf
DrawTextW 0x0 0x5e3678 0x250dbc 0x24f5bc 0xd0
GetWindowThreadProcessId 0x0 0x5e367c 0x250dc0 0x24f5c0 0x1a4
GetDesktopWindow 0x0 0x5e3680 0x250dc4 0x24f5c4 0x123
GetActiveWindow 0x0 0x5e3684 0x250dc8 0x24f5c8 0x100
GetNextDlgTabItem 0x0 0x5e3688 0x250dcc 0x24f5cc 0x162
EndDialog 0x0 0x5e368c 0x250dd0 0x24f5d0 0xda
CreateDialogIndirectParamW 0x0 0x5e3690 0x250dd4 0x24f5d4 0x61
LoadMenuW 0x0 0x5e3694 0x250dd8 0x24f5d8 0x1f7
SetMenuItemInfoW 0x0 0x5e3698 0x250ddc 0x24f5dc 0x2a2
GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions 0x0 0x5e369c 0x250de0 0x24f5e0 0x14d
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MonitorFromWindow 0x0 0x5e36c4 0x250e08 0x24f608 0x21a
WinHelpW 0x0 0x5e36c8 0x250e0c 0x24f60c 0x329
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BeginDeferWindowPos 0x0 0x5e3790 0x250ed4 0x24f6d4 0xd
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GetWindowPlacement 0x0 0x5e3798 0x250edc 0x24f6dc 0x19b
SetWindowPos 0x0 0x5e379c 0x250ee0 0x24f6e0 0x2c6
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CharUpperW 0x0 0x5e37b0 0x250ef4 0x24f6f4 0x3c
GetAsyncKeyState 0x0 0x5e37b4 0x250ef8 0x24f6f8 0x107
SetCapture 0x0 0x5e37b8 0x250efc 0x24f6fc 0x280
ReleaseCapture 0x0 0x5e37bc 0x250f00 0x24f700 0x264
SetTimer 0x0 0x5e37c0 0x250f04 0x24f704 0x2bb
KillTimer 0x0 0x5e37c4 0x250f08 0x24f708 0x1e3
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WindowFromPoint 0x0 0x5e37d4 0x250f18 0x24f718 0x32c
NotifyWinEvent 0x0 0x5e37d8 0x250f1c 0x24f71c 0x21f
CreatePopupMenu 0x0 0x5e37dc 0x250f20 0x24f720 0x6b
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SetMenuDefaultItem 0x0 0x5e37e4 0x250f28 0x24f728 0x29e
GetClassInfoExW 0x0 0x5e37e8 0x250f2c 0x24f72c 0x10d
GetClassInfoW 0x0 0x5e37ec 0x250f30 0x24f730 0x10e
LoadAcceleratorsW 0x0 0x5e37f0 0x250f34 0x24f734 0x1e5
IsMenu 0x0 0x5e37f4 0x250f38 0x24f738 0x1d2
UpdateLayeredWindow 0x0 0x5e37f8 0x250f3c 0x24f73c 0x30e
EnableScrollBar 0x0 0x5e37fc 0x250f40 0x24f740 0xd7
UnionRect 0x0 0x5e3800 0x250f44 0x24f744 0x301
MonitorFromPoint 0x0 0x5e3804 0x250f48 0x24f748 0x218
WaitMessage 0x0 0x5e3808 0x250f4c 0x24f74c 0x327
CharNextW 0x0 0x5e380c 0x250f50 0x24f750 0x31
CopyAcceleratorTableW 0x0 0x5e3810 0x250f54 0x24f754 0x52
InvalidateRgn 0x0 0x5e3814 0x250f58 0x24f758 0x1bf
SetRect 0x0 0x5e3818 0x250f5c 0x24f75c 0x2ae
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SetWindowsHookExW 0x0 0x5e3828 0x250f6c 0x24f76c 0x2cf
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PostThreadMessageW 0x0 0x5e3830 0x250f74 0x24f774 0x239
IsWindowVisible 0x0 0x5e3834 0x250f78 0x24f778 0x1e0
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SetForegroundWindow 0x0 0x5e383c 0x250f80 0x24f780 0x293
CallNextHookEx 0x0 0x5e3840 0x250f84 0x24f784 0x1c
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GetClientRect 0x0 0x5e3848 0x250f8c 0x24f78c 0x114
IsWindow 0x0 0x5e384c 0x250f90 0x24f790 0x1db
UnregisterClassW 0x0 0x5e3850 0x250f94 0x24f794 0x306
GetMenuStringW 0x0 0x5e3854 0x250f98 0x24f798 0x158
GetMenuState 0x0 0x5e3858 0x250f9c 0x24f79c 0x156
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AppendMenuW 0x0 0x5e386c 0x250fb0 0x24f7b0 0xa
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DrawStateW 0x0 0x5e3874 0x250fb8 0x24f7b8 0xcc
UpdateWindow 0x0 0x5e3878 0x250fbc 0x24f7bc 0x311
InvalidateRect 0x0 0x5e387c 0x250fc0 0x24f7c0 0x1be
FillRect 0x0 0x5e3880 0x250fc4 0x24f7c4 0xf6
GetClassNameW 0x0 0x5e3884 0x250fc8 0x24f7c8 0x112
LoadBitmapW 0x0 0x5e3888 0x250fcc 0x24f7cc 0x1e7
RegisterWindowMessageW 0x0 0x5e388c 0x250fd0 0x24f7d0 0x263
GetMessagePos 0x0 0x5e3890 0x250fd4 0x24f7d4 0x15b
GetMessageTime 0x0 0x5e3894 0x250fd8 0x24f7d8 0x15c
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DefWindowProcW 0x0 0x5e389c 0x250fe0 0x24f7e0 0x9c
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SetParent 0x0 0x5e38a8 0x250fec 0x24f7ec 0x2a6
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EmptyClipboard 0x0 0x5e38b8 0x250ffc 0x24f7fc 0xd5
DestroyIcon 0x0 0x5e38bc 0x251000 0x24f800 0xa3
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SetCursorPos 0x0 0x5e38c4 0x251008 0x24f808 0x28a
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DestroyAcceleratorTable 0x0 0x5e38e0 0x251024 0x24f824 0xa0
SetClassLongW 0x0 0x5e38e4 0x251028 0x24f828 0x284
GetUpdateRect 0x0 0x5e38e8 0x25102c 0x24f82c 0x187
ToUnicodeEx 0x0 0x5e38ec 0x251030 0x24f830 0x2f4
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GetKeyboardState 0x0 0x5e38fc 0x251040 0x24f840 0x142
CreateMenu 0x0 0x5e3900 0x251044 0x24f844 0x6a
GetComboBoxInfo 0x0 0x5e3904 0x251048 0x24f848 0x11c
TranslateMDISysAccel 0x0 0x5e3908 0x25104c 0x24f84c 0x2fb
DefMDIChildProcW 0x0 0x5e390c 0x251050 0x24f850 0x99
DefFrameProcW 0x0 0x5e3910 0x251054 0x24f854 0x97
DrawMenuBar 0x0 0x5e3914 0x251058 0x24f858 0xc9
MapVirtualKeyExW 0x0 0x5e3918 0x25105c 0x24f85c 0x207
IsCharLowerW 0x0 0x5e391c 0x251060 0x24f860 0x1c6
IsClipboardFormatAvailable 0x0 0x5e3920 0x251064 0x24f864 0x1ca
SubtractRect 0x0 0x5e3924 0x251068 0x24f868 0x2e6
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HideCaret 0x0 0x5e392c 0x251070 0x24f870 0x1a9
FrameRect 0x0 0x5e3930 0x251074 0x24f874 0xfd
ReuseDDElParam 0x0 0x5e3934 0x251078 0x24f878 0x26c
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InsertMenuItemW 0x0 0x5e393c 0x251080 0x24f880 0x1b9
TranslateAcceleratorW 0x0 0x5e3940 0x251084 0x24f884 0x2fa
CharUpperBuffW 0x0 0x5e3944 0x251088 0x24f888 0x3b
RegisterClipboardFormatW 0x0 0x5e3948 0x25108c 0x24f88c 0x250
CreateAcceleratorTableW 0x0 0x5e394c 0x251090 0x24f890 0x58
CopyRect 0x0 0x5e3950 0x251094 0x24f894 0x55
DestroyCursor 0x0 0x5e3954 0x251098 0x24f898 0xa2
GDI32.dll (98)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RectVisible 0x0 0x5e3050 0x250794 0x24ef94 0x25e
RestoreDC 0x0 0x5e3054 0x250798 0x24ef98 0x269
SaveDC 0x0 0x5e3058 0x25079c 0x24ef9c 0x270
SelectClipRgn 0x0 0x5e305c 0x2507a0 0x24efa0 0x275
ExtSelectClipRgn 0x0 0x5e3060 0x2507a4 0x24efa4 0x136
SelectObject 0x0 0x5e3064 0x2507a8 0x24efa8 0x277
SelectPalette 0x0 0x5e3068 0x2507ac 0x24efac 0x278
SetBkMode 0x0 0x5e306c 0x2507b0 0x24efb0 0x27f
SetMapMode 0x0 0x5e3070 0x2507b4 0x24efb4 0x294
SetLayout 0x0 0x5e3074 0x2507b8 0x24efb8 0x291
GetLayout 0x0 0x5e3078 0x2507bc 0x24efbc 0x1ed
SetPolyFillMode 0x0 0x5e307c 0x2507c0 0x24efc0 0x29e
SetROP2 0x0 0x5e3080 0x2507c4 0x24efc4 0x29f
SetTextAlign 0x0 0x5e3084 0x2507c8 0x24efc8 0x2a4
MoveToEx 0x0 0x5e3088 0x2507cc 0x24efcc 0x23a
TextOutW 0x0 0x5e308c 0x2507d0 0x24efd0 0x2b9
ExtTextOutW 0x0 0x5e3090 0x2507d4 0x24efd4 0x138
SetViewportExtEx 0x0 0x5e3094 0x2507d8 0x24efd8 0x2a8
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SetWindowOrgEx 0x0 0x5e30a0 0x2507e4 0x24efe4 0x2ad
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OffsetWindowOrgEx 0x0 0x5e30a8 0x2507ec 0x24efec 0x23f
ScaleViewportExtEx 0x0 0x5e30ac 0x2507f0 0x24eff0 0x271
ScaleWindowExtEx 0x0 0x5e30b0 0x2507f4 0x24eff4 0x272
CombineRgn 0x0 0x5e30b4 0x2507f8 0x24eff8 0x22
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CreateRectRgnIndirect 0x0 0x5e30bc 0x250800 0x24f000 0x50
Ellipse 0x0 0x5e30c0 0x250804 0x24f004 0xed
GetBkColor 0x0 0x5e30c4 0x250808 0x24f008 0x1a9
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PatBlt 0x0 0x5e30d0 0x250814 0x24f014 0x246
CreatePolygonRgn 0x0 0x5e30d4 0x250818 0x24f018 0x4e
Polygon 0x0 0x5e30d8 0x25081c 0x24f01c 0x256
Polyline 0x0 0x5e30dc 0x250820 0x24f020 0x257
CreateCompatibleBitmap 0x0 0x5e30e0 0x250824 0x24f024 0x2f
CreateDIBitmap 0x0 0x5e30e4 0x250828 0x24f028 0x36
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EnumFontFamiliesW 0x0 0x5e30ec 0x250830 0x24f030 0x126
GetTextCharsetInfo 0x0 0x5e30f0 0x250834 0x24f034 0x217
GetMapMode 0x0 0x5e30f4 0x250838 0x24f038 0x1f0
SetRectRgn 0x0 0x5e30f8 0x25083c 0x24f03c 0x2a0
DPtoLP 0x0 0x5e30fc 0x250840 0x24f040 0xa4
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CreateDIBSection 0x0 0x5e3104 0x250848 0x24f048 0x35
GetRgnBox 0x0 0x5e3108 0x25084c 0x24f04c 0x20c
PtVisible 0x0 0x5e310c 0x250850 0x24f050 0x25a
SetPixel 0x0 0x5e3110 0x250854 0x24f054 0x29b
StretchBlt 0x0 0x5e3114 0x250858 0x24f058 0x2b3
SetDIBColorTable 0x0 0x5e3118 0x25085c 0x24f05c 0x287
Rectangle 0x0 0x5e311c 0x250860 0x24f060 0x25f
OffsetRgn 0x0 0x5e3120 0x250864 0x24f064 0x23d
RoundRect 0x0 0x5e3124 0x250868 0x24f068 0x26a
CreatePalette 0x0 0x5e3128 0x25086c 0x24f06c 0x49
GetPaletteEntries 0x0 0x5e312c 0x250870 0x24f070 0x200
GetNearestPaletteIndex 0x0 0x5e3130 0x250874 0x24f074 0x1f7
GetSystemPaletteEntries 0x0 0x5e3134 0x250878 0x24f078 0x212
ExtFloodFill 0x0 0x5e3138 0x25087c 0x24f07c 0x135
SetPaletteEntries 0x0 0x5e313c 0x250880 0x24f080 0x29a
EnumFontFamiliesExW 0x0 0x5e3140 0x250884 0x24f084 0x125
FillRgn 0x0 0x5e3144 0x250888 0x24f088 0x142
FrameRgn 0x0 0x5e3148 0x25088c 0x24f08c 0x147
GetBoundsRect 0x0 0x5e314c 0x250890 0x24f090 0x1ab
PtInRegion 0x0 0x5e3150 0x250894 0x24f094 0x259
GetViewportOrgEx 0x0 0x5e3154 0x250898 0x24f098 0x229
LPtoDP 0x0 0x5e3158 0x25089c 0x24f09c 0x234
GetWindowOrgEx 0x0 0x5e315c 0x2508a0 0x24f0a0 0x22c
SetPixelV 0x0 0x5e3160 0x2508a4 0x24f0a4 0x29d
GetTextFaceW 0x0 0x5e3164 0x2508a8 0x24f0a8 0x224
LineTo 0x0 0x5e3168 0x2508ac 0x24f0ac 0x236
IntersectClipRect 0x0 0x5e316c 0x2508b0 0x24f0b0 0x230
GetWindowExtEx 0x0 0x5e3170 0x2508b4 0x24f0b4 0x22b
GetViewportExtEx 0x0 0x5e3174 0x2508b8 0x24f0b8 0x228
GetPixel 0x0 0x5e3178 0x2508bc 0x24f0bc 0x204
GetObjectType 0x0 0x5e317c 0x2508c0 0x24f0c0 0x1fc
GetClipBox 0x0 0x5e3180 0x2508c4 0x24f0c4 0x1c0
ExcludeClipRect 0x0 0x5e3184 0x2508c8 0x24f0c8 0x131
Escape 0x0 0x5e3188 0x2508cc 0x24f0cc 0x12e
CreateRectRgn 0x0 0x5e318c 0x2508d0 0x24f0d0 0x4f
CreatePatternBrush 0x0 0x5e3190 0x2508d4 0x24f0d4 0x4a
CreatePen 0x0 0x5e3194 0x2508d8 0x24f0d8 0x4b
CreateHatchBrush 0x0 0x5e3198 0x2508dc 0x24f0dc 0x43
CreateCompatibleDC 0x0 0x5e319c 0x2508e0 0x24f0e0 0x30
BitBlt 0x0 0x5e31a0 0x2508e4 0x24f0e4 0x13
CreateBitmap 0x0 0x5e31a4 0x2508e8 0x24f0e8 0x29
SetTextColor 0x0 0x5e31a8 0x2508ec 0x24f0ec 0x2a6
SetBkColor 0x0 0x5e31ac 0x2508f0 0x24f0f0 0x27e
GetObjectW 0x0 0x5e31b0 0x2508f4 0x24f0f4 0x1fd
GetStockObject 0x0 0x5e31b4 0x2508f8 0x24f0f8 0x20d
DeleteObject 0x0 0x5e31b8 0x2508fc 0x24f0fc 0xe6
CreateSolidBrush 0x0 0x5e31bc 0x250900 0x24f100 0x54
GetDeviceCaps 0x0 0x5e31c0 0x250904 0x24f104 0x1cb
CreateDCW 0x0 0x5e31c4 0x250908 0x24f108 0x32
RealizePalette 0x0 0x5e31c8 0x25090c 0x24f10c 0x25c
DeleteDC 0x0 0x5e31cc 0x250910 0x24f110 0xe3
CopyMetaFileW 0x0 0x5e31d0 0x250914 0x24f114 0x28
GetTextMetricsW 0x0 0x5e31d4 0x250918 0x24f118 0x226
MSIMG32.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
TransparentBlt 0x0 0x5e3524 0x250c68 0x24f468 0x3
AlphaBlend 0x0 0x5e3528 0x250c6c 0x24f46c 0x0
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
OpenPrinterW 0x0 0x5e399c 0x2510e0 0x24f8e0 0x90
DocumentPropertiesW 0x0 0x5e39a0 0x2510e4 0x24f8e4 0x4e
ClosePrinter 0x0 0x5e39a4 0x2510e8 0x24f8e8 0x1d
ADVAPI32.dll (17)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
RegEnumKeyExW 0x0 0x5e3000 0x250744 0x24ef44 0x24f
RegEnumValueW 0x0 0x5e3004 0x250748 0x24ef48 0x252
RegQueryValueW 0x0 0x5e3008 0x25074c 0x24ef4c 0x26f
RegEnumKeyW 0x0 0x5e300c 0x250750 0x24ef50 0x250
RegSetValueExW 0x0 0x5e3010 0x250754 0x24ef54 0x27e
RegDeleteValueW 0x0 0x5e3014 0x250758 0x24ef58 0x248
RegDeleteKeyW 0x0 0x5e3018 0x25075c 0x24ef5c 0x244
RegCreateKeyExW 0x0 0x5e301c 0x250760 0x24ef60 0x239
RegQueryValueExW 0x0 0x5e3020 0x250764 0x24ef64 0x26e
RegOpenKeyExW 0x0 0x5e3024 0x250768 0x24ef68 0x261
RegCloseKey 0x0 0x5e3028 0x25076c 0x24ef6c 0x230
DeleteService 0x0 0x5e302c 0x250770 0x24ef70 0xda
ControlService 0x0 0x5e3030 0x250774 0x24ef74 0x5c
QueryServiceStatusEx 0x0 0x5e3034 0x250778 0x24ef78 0x229
OpenServiceW 0x0 0x5e3038 0x25077c 0x24ef7c 0x1fb
CloseServiceHandle 0x0 0x5e303c 0x250780 0x24ef80 0x57
OpenSCManagerW 0x0 0x5e3040 0x250784 0x24ef84 0x1f9
SHELL32.dll (12)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
CommandLineToArgvW 0x0 0x5e357c 0x250cc0 0x24f4c0 0x6
ShellExecuteExW 0x0 0x5e3580 0x250cc4 0x24f4c4 0x121
ShellExecuteW 0x0 0x5e3584 0x250cc8 0x24f4c8 0x122
SHGetMalloc 0x0 0x5e3588 0x250ccc 0x24f4cc 0xcf
SHGetPathFromIDListW 0x0 0x5e358c 0x250cd0 0x24f4d0 0xd7
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation 0x0 0x5e3590 0x250cd4 0x24f4d4 0xdf
SHBrowseForFolderW 0x0 0x5e3594 0x250cd8 0x24f4d8 0x7b
SHGetDesktopFolder 0x0 0x5e3598 0x250cdc 0x24f4dc 0xb6
DragFinish 0x0 0x5e359c 0x250ce0 0x24f4e0 0x1b
DragQueryFileW 0x0 0x5e35a0 0x250ce4 0x24f4e4 0x1f
SHGetFileInfoW 0x0 0x5e35a4 0x250ce8 0x24f4e8 0xbd
SHAppBarMessage 0x0 0x5e35a8 0x250cec 0x24f4ec 0x72
COMCTL32.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
InitCommonControlsEx 0x0 0x5e3048 0x25078c 0x24ef8c 0x7b
SHLWAPI.dll (10)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PathFindExtensionW 0x0 0x5e35b0 0x250cf4 0x24f4f4 0x47
PathFileExistsA 0x0 0x5e35b4 0x250cf8 0x24f4f8 0x44
StrTrimW 0x0 0x5e35b8 0x250cfc 0x24f4fc 0x150
PathAppendW 0x0 0x5e35bc 0x250d00 0x24f500 0x34
PathFileExistsW 0x0 0x5e35c0 0x250d04 0x24f504 0x45
PathRemoveFileSpecW 0x0 0x5e35c4 0x250d08 0x24f508 0x8b
PathIsUNCW 0x0 0x5e35c8 0x250d0c 0x24f50c 0x71
StrFormatKBSizeW 0x0 0x5e35cc 0x250d10 0x24f510 0x12d
PathStripToRootW 0x0 0x5e35d0 0x250d14 0x24f514 0x97
PathFindFileNameW 0x0 0x5e35d4 0x250d18 0x24f518 0x49
UxTheme.dll (12)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GetWindowTheme 0x0 0x5e395c 0x2510a0 0x24f8a0 0x3b
GetThemeSysColor 0x0 0x5e3960 0x2510a4 0x24f8a4 0x32
IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent 0x0 0x5e3964 0x2510a8 0x24f8a8 0x40
GetThemePartSize 0x0 0x5e3968 0x2510ac 0x24f8ac 0x2b
IsAppThemed 0x0 0x5e396c 0x2510b0 0x24f8b0 0x3d
OpenThemeData 0x0 0x5e3970 0x2510b4 0x24f8b4 0x43
CloseThemeData 0x0 0x5e3974 0x2510b8 0x24f8b8 0x9
DrawThemeBackground 0x0 0x5e3978 0x2510bc 0x24f8bc 0xa
GetThemeColor 0x0 0x5e397c 0x2510c0 0x24f8c0 0x22
GetCurrentThemeName 0x0 0x5e3980 0x2510c4 0x24f8c4 0x1b
DrawThemeParentBackground 0x0 0x5e3984 0x2510c8 0x24f8c8 0xe
DrawThemeText 0x0 0x5e3988 0x2510cc 0x24f8cc 0x10
ole32.dll (34)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
DoDragDrop 0x0 0x5e3a08 0x25114c 0x24f94c 0x8c
CoFreeUnusedLibraries 0x0 0x5e3a0c 0x251150 0x24f950 0x1d
OleInitialize 0x0 0x5e3a10 0x251154 0x24f954 0x132
OleUninitialize 0x0 0x5e3a14 0x251158 0x24f958 0x149
OleGetClipboard 0x0 0x5e3a18 0x25115c 0x24f95c 0x12f
CoLockObjectExternal 0x0 0x5e3a1c 0x251160 0x24f960 0x47
RegisterDragDrop 0x0 0x5e3a20 0x251164 0x24f964 0x157
RevokeDragDrop 0x0 0x5e3a24 0x251168 0x24f968 0x159
OleLockRunning 0x0 0x5e3a28 0x25116c 0x24f96c 0x138
CoInitializeEx 0x0 0x5e3a2c 0x251170 0x24f970 0x3f
OleCreateMenuDescriptor 0x0 0x5e3a30 0x251174 0x24f974 0x127
OleDestroyMenuDescriptor 0x0 0x5e3a34 0x251178 0x24f978 0x129
OleTranslateAccelerator 0x0 0x5e3a38 0x25117c 0x24f97c 0x148
IsAccelerator 0x0 0x5e3a3c 0x251180 0x24f980 0xce
CoRevokeClassObject 0x0 0x5e3a40 0x251184 0x24f984 0x5f
CoRegisterMessageFilter 0x0 0x5e3a44 0x251188 0x24f988 0x56
OleIsCurrentClipboard 0x0 0x5e3a48 0x25118c 0x24f98c 0x134
OleFlushClipboard 0x0 0x5e3a4c 0x251190 0x24f990 0x12d
CreateStreamOnHGlobal 0x0 0x5e3a50 0x251194 0x24f994 0x86
CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal 0x0 0x5e3a54 0x251198 0x24f998 0x80
StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes 0x0 0x5e3a58 0x25119c 0x24f99c 0x175
StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes 0x0 0x5e3a5c 0x2511a0 0x24f9a0 0x168
CoGetClassObject 0x0 0x5e3a60 0x2511a4 0x24f9a4 0x26
CoDisconnectObject 0x0 0x5e3a64 0x2511a8 0x24f9a8 0x16
CoInitialize 0x0 0x5e3a68 0x2511ac 0x24f9ac 0x3e
CoCreateInstance 0x0 0x5e3a6c 0x2511b0 0x24f9b0 0x10
CLSIDFromProgID 0x0 0x5e3a70 0x2511b4 0x24f9b4 0x6
CLSIDFromString 0x0 0x5e3a74 0x2511b8 0x24f9b8 0x8
CoCreateGuid 0x0 0x5e3a78 0x2511bc 0x24f9bc 0xf
CoUninitialize 0x0 0x5e3a7c 0x2511c0 0x24f9c0 0x6c
ReleaseStgMedium 0x0 0x5e3a80 0x2511c4 0x24f9c4 0x158
OleDuplicateData 0x0 0x5e3a84 0x2511c8 0x24f9c8 0x12c
CoTaskMemFree 0x0 0x5e3a88 0x2511cc 0x24f9cc 0x68
CoTaskMemAlloc 0x0 0x5e3a8c 0x2511d0 0x24f9d0 0x67
OLEAUT32.dll (14)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SysStringLen 0x7 0x5e3540 0x250c84 0x24f484 -
SystemTimeToVariantTime 0xb8 0x5e3544 0x250c88 0x24f488 -
VariantTimeToSystemTime 0xb9 0x5e3548 0x250c8c 0x24f48c -
SafeArrayDestroy 0x10 0x5e354c 0x250c90 0x24f490 -
VariantChangeType 0xc 0x5e3550 0x250c94 0x24f494 -
VariantCopy 0xa 0x5e3554 0x250c98 0x24f498 -
VarBstrFromDate 0x72 0x5e3558 0x250c9c 0x24f49c -
OleCreateFontIndirect 0x1a4 0x5e355c 0x250ca0 0x24f4a0 -
VariantClear 0x9 0x5e3560 0x250ca4 0x24f4a4 -
VariantInit 0x8 0x5e3564 0x250ca8 0x24f4a8 -
SysAllocStringLen 0x4 0x5e3568 0x250cac 0x24f4ac -
LoadTypeLib 0xa1 0x5e356c 0x250cb0 0x24f4b0 -
SysAllocString 0x2 0x5e3570 0x250cb4 0x24f4b4 -
SysFreeString 0x6 0x5e3574 0x250cb8 0x24f4b8 -
oledlg.dll (1)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
OleUIBusyW 0x0 0x5e3a94 0x2511d8 0x24f9d8 0x3
gdiplus.dll (22)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
GdipDrawImageRectI 0x0 0x5e39ac 0x2510f0 0x24f8f0 0xb8
GdipSetInterpolationMode 0x0 0x5e39b0 0x2510f4 0x24f8f4 0x218
GdipCreateFromHDC 0x0 0x5e39b4 0x2510f8 0x24f8f8 0x5b
GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP 0x0 0x5e39b8 0x2510fc 0x24f8fc 0x4d
GdipDrawImageI 0x0 0x5e39bc 0x251100 0x24f900 0xb0
GdipDeleteGraphics 0x0 0x5e39c0 0x251104 0x24f904 0x90
GdipBitmapUnlockBits 0x0 0x5e39c4 0x251108 0x24f908 0x2e
GdipBitmapLockBits 0x0 0x5e39c8 0x25110c 0x24f90c 0x2b
GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0 0x0 0x5e39cc 0x251110 0x24f910 0x50
GdipCreateBitmapFromStream 0x0 0x5e39d0 0x251114 0x24f914 0x51
GdipGetImagePaletteSize 0x0 0x5e39d4 0x251118 0x24f918 0x126
GdipGetImagePalette 0x0 0x5e39d8 0x25111c 0x24f91c 0x125
GdipGetImagePixelFormat 0x0 0x5e39dc 0x251120 0x24f920 0x127
GdipGetImageHeight 0x0 0x5e39e0 0x251124 0x24f924 0x122
GdipGetImageWidth 0x0 0x5e39e4 0x251128 0x24f928 0x12c
GdipGetImageGraphicsContext 0x0 0x5e39e8 0x25112c 0x24f92c 0x121
GdipDisposeImage 0x0 0x5e39ec 0x251130 0x24f930 0x98
GdipCloneImage 0x0 0x5e39f0 0x251134 0x24f934 0x36
GdiplusStartup 0x0 0x5e39f4 0x251138 0x24f938 0x275
GdipFree 0x0 0x5e39f8 0x25113c 0x24f93c 0xed
GdipAlloc 0x0 0x5e39fc 0x251140 0x24f940 0x21
GdiplusShutdown 0x0 0x5e3a00 0x251144 0x24f944 0x274
WINMM.dll (2)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
PlaySoundW 0x0 0x5e3990 0x2510d4 0x24f8d4 0x9
timeGetTime 0x0 0x5e3994 0x2510d8 0x24f8d8 0x94
MPR.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
WNetEnumResourceW 0x0 0x5e3514 0x250c58 0x24f458 0x1c
WNetCloseEnum 0x0 0x5e3518 0x250c5c 0x24f45c 0x10
WNetOpenEnumW 0x0 0x5e351c 0x250c60 0x24f460 0x3d
OLEACC.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
AccessibleObjectFromWindow 0x0 0x5e3530 0x250c74 0x24f474 0x3
LresultFromObject 0x0 0x5e3534 0x250c78 0x24f478 0x14
CreateStdAccessibleObject 0x0 0x5e3538 0x250c7c 0x24f47c 0x4
IMM32.dll (3)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
ImmGetContext 0x0 0x5e31dc 0x250920 0x24f120 0x38
ImmGetOpenStatus 0x0 0x5e31e0 0x250924 0x24f124 0x4a
ImmReleaseContext 0x0 0x5e31e4 0x250928 0x24f128 0x68
Icons (6)
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
