539b0b5d...8505 | VMRay Analyzer Report
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 100/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Riskware, Ransomware

539b0b5d54757e8a2b754ecdc2939eb7cf9db0ed1728e0eca407500222668505 (SHA256)


Windows Exe (x86-32)

Created at 2018-09-23 19:12:00

Notifications (2/3)

Some extracted files may be missing in the report since the maximum number of extracted files was reached during the analysis. You can increase the limit in the configuration settings.

The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "1 minute" to "20 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.

The operating system was rebooted during the analysis.

Top Threat Indicators (View all 550 threat indicators)


Monitored Processes

Analysis Information

Creation Time 2018-09-23 21:12 (UTC+2)
Analysis Duration 00:05:24
Number of Monitored Processes 3
Execution Successful True
Reputation Enabled True
WHOIS Enabled True
YARA Enabled True
Termination Reason Timeout

Sample Information

ID #221011
MD5 f1927e7f90416bf39fc7991bbc57e1b3 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 2367249568ca4a34f8824a9313b03d16d1d7c0bc Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 539b0b5d54757e8a2b754ecdc2939eb7cf9db0ed1728e0eca407500222668505 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 192:yrj2/2OzcYKNEmkmTjtiIKZIF/2oQlLkMBBm4C:j/2OzcJNEmkmTjkI/92oQjBU7 Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash 930ddd1c5a61dbaa873661edbf374853 Copy to Clipboard
Filename fcr.exe
File Size 10.00 KB
File Type Windows Exe (x86-32)

Analyzer Information

Dynamic Analyzer Build Date 2018-07-24 20:08 (UTC+2)
Dynamic Analyzer Version 2.4.0
Static Analyzer Version 1.0.0
VTI Ruleset Version 3.0
YARA Built-in Ruleset Version 1.0
Analysis Report Layout Version 3
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
