Try VMRay Platform

Downloader Injector

Threat Names

SmokeLoader Mal/HTMLGen-A

Remarks (2/2)

(0x0200000E): The overall sleep time of all monitored processes was truncated from "3 hours, 45 minutes, 30 seconds" to "44 seconds" to reveal dormant functionality.

(0x0200003A): A task was rescheduled ahead of time to reveal dormant functionality.

File Name Category Type Verdict Actions
C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\Desktop\toolspab3.exe Sample File Binary
Also Known As C:\Users\RDhJ0CNFevzX\AppData\Roaming\bcatcih (Dropped File)
MIME Type application/
File Size 281.50 KB
MD5 8c3223abe34b2be4cbc6af48963ceda1 Copy to Clipboard
SHA1 ed538d7d21f6fe3f3cc4d8fd7c93288c7e9b9651 Copy to Clipboard
SHA256 4e9aabb8abf8954eb2edc1ac5e5d80efb995b570af08dbc229930e471ae9bf08 Copy to Clipboard
SSDeep 3072:AjryFIe1Gz41IsR9Cw6saqJEqpUKyp9up6uVVggjcGkNIVqI:Ajry2sDbXJR69HC7ITsq Copy to Clipboard
ImpHash a8880d90dd309ce69e04adb371ea8632 Copy to Clipboard
PE Information
Image Base 0x400000
Entry Point 0x403410
Size Of Code 0x12400
Size Of Initialized Data 0x3be00
File Type FileType.executable
Subsystem Subsystem.windows_gui
Machine Type MachineType.i386
Compile Timestamp 2020-12-19 14:43:52+00:00
Version Information (3)
InternationalName bomgvioci.iwa
Copyright Copyrighz (C) 2021, fudkort
Sections (4)
Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Data Size Raw Data Offset Flags Entropy
.text 0x401000 0x12223 0x12400 0x400 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.67
.rdata 0x414000 0x3fb8 0x4000 0x12800 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 5.44
.data 0x418000 0x28038 0x22000 0x16800 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE 2.78
.rsrc 0x441000 0xdc88 0xde00 0x38800 IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA, IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ 6.38
Imports (1)
KERNEL32.dll (98)
API Name Ordinal IAT Address Thunk RVA Thunk Offset Hint
SetLocaleInfoA - 0x414000 0x17700 0x15f00 0x3f0
GetConsoleAliasesLengthW - 0x414004 0x17704 0x15f04 0x181
SetComputerNameExA - 0x414008 0x17708 0x15f08 0x3a2
VirtualQuery - 0x41400c 0x1770c 0x15f0c 0x45c
GetDefaultCommConfigW - 0x414010 0x17710 0x15f10 0x1b2
OpenJobObjectA - 0x414014 0x17714 0x15f14 0x32d
GetConsoleAliasA - 0x414018 0x17718 0x15f18 0x179
InterlockedDecrement - 0x41401c 0x1771c 0x15f1c 0x2bc
CompareFileTime - 0x414020 0x17720 0x15f20 0x51
GetProfileSectionA - 0x414024 0x17724 0x15f24 0x231
GetConsoleAliasesA - 0x414028 0x17728 0x15f28 0x17f
GetConsoleTitleA - 0x41402c 0x1772c 0x15f2c 0x19e
ReadConsoleW - 0x414030 0x17730 0x15f30 0x366
SetFileTime - 0x414034 0x17734 0x15f34 0x3e3
FindResourceExA - 0x414038 0x17738 0x15f38 0x137
Sleep - 0x41403c 0x1773c 0x15f3c 0x421
GetFileAttributesW - 0x414040 0x17740 0x15f40 0x1ce
GetAtomNameW - 0x414044 0x17744 0x15f44 0x156
RaiseException - 0x414048 0x17748 0x15f48 0x35a
GetLastError - 0x41404c 0x1774c 0x15f4c 0x1e6
GetLongPathNameW - 0x414050 0x17750 0x15f50 0x1f2
GetProcAddress - 0x414054 0x17754 0x15f54 0x220
VirtualAlloc - 0x414058 0x17758 0x15f58 0x454
PrepareTape - 0x41405c 0x1775c 0x15f5c 0x340
LocalAlloc - 0x414060 0x17760 0x15f60 0x2f9
DnsHostnameToComputerNameA - 0x414064 0x17764 0x15f64 0xce
GetFileType - 0x414068 0x17768 0x15f68 0x1d7
GetModuleFileNameA - 0x41406c 0x1776c 0x15f6c 0x1f4
CreateIoCompletionPort - 0x414070 0x17770 0x15f70 0x84
SetConsoleTitleW - 0x414074 0x17774 0x15f74 0x3c2
GetModuleHandleA - 0x414078 0x17778 0x15f78 0x1f6
GetStringTypeW - 0x41407c 0x1777c 0x15f7c 0x240
GetVersionExA - 0x414080 0x17780 0x15f80 0x275
ReadConsoleInputW - 0x414084 0x17784 0x15f84 0x360
EnumSystemLocalesW - 0x414088 0x17788 0x15f88 0xfa
CreateThread - 0x41408c 0x1778c 0x15f8c 0xa3
HeapAlloc - 0x414090 0x17790 0x15f90 0x29d
GetCommandLineA - 0x414094 0x17794 0x15f94 0x16f
GetStartupInfoA - 0x414098 0x17798 0x15f98 0x239
RtlUnwind - 0x41409c 0x1779c 0x15f9c 0x392
TerminateProcess - 0x4140a0 0x177a0 0x15fa0 0x42d
GetCurrentProcess - 0x4140a4 0x177a4 0x15fa4 0x1a9
UnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x4140a8 0x177a8 0x15fa8 0x43e
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter - 0x4140ac 0x177ac 0x15fac 0x415
IsDebuggerPresent - 0x4140b0 0x177b0 0x15fb0 0x2d1
HeapFree - 0x4140b4 0x177b4 0x15fb4 0x2a1
DeleteCriticalSection - 0x4140b8 0x177b8 0x15fb8 0xbe
LeaveCriticalSection - 0x4140bc 0x177bc 0x15fbc 0x2ef
EnterCriticalSection - 0x4140c0 0x177c0 0x15fc0 0xd9
VirtualFree - 0x4140c4 0x177c4 0x15fc4 0x457
HeapReAlloc - 0x4140c8 0x177c8 0x15fc8 0x2a4
HeapCreate - 0x4140cc 0x177cc 0x15fcc 0x29f
GetModuleHandleW - 0x4140d0 0x177d0 0x15fd0 0x1f9
ExitProcess - 0x4140d4 0x177d4 0x15fd4 0x104
WriteFile - 0x4140d8 0x177d8 0x15fd8 0x48d
GetStdHandle - 0x4140dc 0x177dc 0x15fdc 0x23b
SetHandleCount - 0x4140e0 0x177e0 0x15fe0 0x3e8
SetFilePointer - 0x4140e4 0x177e4 0x15fe4 0x3df
TlsGetValue - 0x4140e8 0x177e8 0x15fe8 0x434
TlsAlloc - 0x4140ec 0x177ec 0x15fec 0x432
TlsSetValue - 0x4140f0 0x177f0 0x15ff0 0x435
TlsFree - 0x4140f4 0x177f4 0x15ff4 0x433
InterlockedIncrement - 0x4140f8 0x177f8 0x15ff8 0x2c0
SetLastError - 0x4140fc 0x177fc 0x15ffc 0x3ec
GetCurrentThreadId - 0x414100 0x17800 0x16000 0x1ad
CloseHandle - 0x414104 0x17804 0x16004 0x43
FreeEnvironmentStringsA - 0x414108 0x17808 0x16008 0x14a
GetEnvironmentStrings - 0x41410c 0x1780c 0x1600c 0x1bf
FreeEnvironmentStringsW - 0x414110 0x17810 0x16010 0x14b
WideCharToMultiByte - 0x414114 0x17814 0x16014 0x47a
GetEnvironmentStringsW - 0x414118 0x17818 0x16018 0x1c1
QueryPerformanceCounter - 0x41411c 0x1781c 0x1601c 0x354
GetTickCount - 0x414120 0x17820 0x16020 0x266
GetCurrentProcessId - 0x414124 0x17824 0x16024 0x1aa
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime - 0x414128 0x17828 0x16028 0x24f
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount - 0x41412c 0x1782c 0x1602c 0x2b5
LoadLibraryA - 0x414130 0x17830 0x16030 0x2f1
GetCPInfo - 0x414134 0x17834 0x16034 0x15b
GetACP - 0x414138 0x17838 0x16038 0x152
GetOEMCP - 0x41413c 0x1783c 0x1603c 0x213
IsValidCodePage - 0x414140 0x17840 0x16040 0x2db
CreateFileA - 0x414144 0x17844 0x16044 0x78
SetStdHandle - 0x414148 0x17848 0x16048 0x3fc
GetConsoleCP - 0x41414c 0x1784c 0x1604c 0x183
GetConsoleMode - 0x414150 0x17850 0x16050 0x195
FlushFileBuffers - 0x414154 0x17854 0x16054 0x141
HeapSize - 0x414158 0x17858 0x16058 0x2a6
GetLocaleInfoA - 0x41415c 0x1785c 0x1605c 0x1e8
LCMapStringA - 0x414160 0x17860 0x16060 0x2e1
MultiByteToWideChar - 0x414164 0x17864 0x16064 0x31a
LCMapStringW - 0x414168 0x17868 0x16068 0x2e3
GetStringTypeA - 0x41416c 0x1786c 0x1606c 0x23d
SetEndOfFile - 0x414170 0x17870 0x16070 0x3cd
GetProcessHeap - 0x414174 0x17874 0x16074 0x223
ReadFile - 0x414178 0x17878 0x16078 0x368
WriteConsoleA - 0x41417c 0x1787c 0x1607c 0x482
GetConsoleOutputCP - 0x414180 0x17880 0x16080 0x199
WriteConsoleW - 0x414184 0x17884 0x16084 0x48c
Memory Dumps (9)
Name Process ID Start VA End VA Dump Reason PE Rebuild Bitness Entry Point YARA Actions
toolspab3.exe 1 0x00400000 0x0044EFFF Relevant Image False 32-bit 0x00403305 False
buffer 1 0x00030000 0x00037FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00030000 False
buffer 1 0x001C0000 0x001C8FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x001C0000 False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF First Execution False 32-bit 0x00402F47 False
toolspab3.exe 1 0x00400000 0x0044EFFF Process Termination False 32-bit - False
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Content Changed False 32-bit 0x0040283D False
buffer 2 0x01D40000 0x01D55FFF Marked Executable False 32-bit - True
buffer 2 0x001D0000 0x001D5FFF Process Termination False 32-bit - True
buffer 2 0x00400000 0x00408FFF Process Termination False 32-bit - False
Function Logfile

This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
