2bb60b1a...8321 | IOCs
Try VMRay Analyzer
VTI SCORE: 94/100
Dynamic Analysis Report
Classification: Trojan, Wiper, Ransomware

2bb60b1a8a0a1ee7c5eb44306f6007891ff95c39b851f74ec609481e0dd08321 (SHA256)

Cerber Ransomware Source.exe

Windows Exe (x86-32)

Created at 2018-11-16 14:17:00

Notifications (2/2)

Some extracted files may be missing in the report since the maximum number of extracted files was reached during the analysis. You can increase the limit in the configuration settings.

The maximum number of reputation file hash requests (20 per analysis) was exceeded. As a result, the reputation status could not be queried for all file hashes. In order to get the reputation status for all file hashes, please increase the 'Max File Hash Requests' setting in the system configurations.


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This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".


This feature requires an online-connection to the VMRay backend.

An offline version with limited functionality is also provided.
The offline version is supported only in Mozilla Firefoxwith deactivated setting "security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy".
